/** * Jobs Plugin for Bukkit * Copyright (C) 2011 Zak Ford * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ package com.gamingmesh.jobs; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.WeakHashMap; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.block.Block; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.entity.Entity; import org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin; import org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.CMILib.ActionBarTitleMessages; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.CMILib.ItemManager; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.CMILib.RawMessage; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.CMILib.VersionChecker; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.Gui.GuiManager; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.MyPet.MyPetManager; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.MythicMobs.MythicMobInterface; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.MythicMobs.MythicMobs2; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.MythicMobs.MythicMobs4; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.Placeholders.NewPlaceholderAPIHook; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.Placeholders.Placeholder; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.Placeholders.PlaceholderAPIHook; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.Signs.SignUtil; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.WorldGuard.WorldGuardManager; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.api.JobsExpGainEvent; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.commands.JobsCommands; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.config.BlockProtectionManager; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.config.BossBarManager; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.config.ConfigManager; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.config.ExploreManager; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.config.GeneralConfigManager; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.config.LanguageManager; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.config.NameTranslatorManager; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.config.RestrictedAreaManager; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.config.RestrictedBlockManager; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.config.ScheduleManager; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.config.ShopManager; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.config.TitleManager; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.config.YmlMaker; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.container.ActionInfo; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.container.ActionType; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.container.ArchivedJobs; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.container.BlockProtection; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.container.Boost; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.container.CurrencyType; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.container.DBAction; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.container.FastPayment; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.container.Job; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.container.JobInfo; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.container.JobProgression; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.container.JobsPlayer; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.container.Log; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.container.PlayerInfo; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.container.PlayerPoints; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.container.QuestProgression; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.dao.JobsClassLoader; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.dao.JobsDAO; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.dao.JobsDAOData; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.dao.JobsManager; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.economy.BufferedEconomy; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.economy.BufferedPayment; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.economy.Economy; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.economy.PaymentData; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.McMMO.McMMO1_X_listener; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.McMMO.McMMO2_X_listener; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.McMMO.McMMOManager; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.i18n.Language; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.listeners.JobsListener; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.listeners.JobsPaymentListener; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.listeners.PistonProtectionListener; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.selection.SelectionManager; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.stuff.CMIScoreboardManager; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.stuff.Debug; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.stuff.FurnaceBrewingHandling; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.stuff.Loging; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.stuff.PageInfo; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.stuff.TabComplete; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.tasks.BufferedPaymentThread; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.tasks.DatabaseSaveThread; public class Jobs extends JavaPlugin { private static String version = ""; private static PlayerManager pManager = null; private static JobsCommands cManager = null; private static Language lManager = null; private static LanguageManager lmManager = null; private static SignUtil signManager = null; private CMIScoreboardManager CMIScoreboardManager = null; private static ScheduleManager scheduleManager = null; private static NameTranslatorManager NameTranslatorManager = null; private static GuiManager GUIManager = null; private static ExploreManager exploreManager = null; private static TitleManager titleManager = null; private static RestrictedBlockManager RBManager = null; private static RestrictedAreaManager RAManager = null; private static BossBarManager BBManager = null; private static ShopManager shopManager = null; private static Loging loging = null; private static BlockProtectionManager BpManager = null; private static JobsManager DBManager = null; private static PistonProtectionListener PistonProtectionListener = null; private static McMMOManager McMMOManager = null; private static MythicMobInterface MythicManager = null; private static MyPetManager myPetManager = null; private static WorldGuardManager worldGuardManager = null; private static ConfigManager configManager = null; private static GeneralConfigManager GconfigManager = null; private static Reflections reflections = null; private static Logger pLogger = null; private static JobsClassLoader classLoader = null; private static JobsDAO dao = null; private static List jobs = null; private static Job noneJob = null; private static WeakHashMap usedSlots = new WeakHashMap<>(); public static WeakHashMap actionbartoggle = new WeakHashMap<>(); public static WeakHashMap BossBartoggle = new WeakHashMap<>(); // public static WeakHashMap GlobalBoost = new WeakHashMap(); private static BufferedEconomy economy = null; private static PermissionHandler permissionHandler = null; private static PermissionManager permissionManager = null; // private static ItemManager itemManager; public static BufferedPaymentThread paymentThread = null; private static DatabaseSaveThread saveTask = null; public static HashMap FastPayment = new HashMap<>(); private static NMS nms = null; private static ActionBarTitleMessages actionbar = null; protected static VersionChecker versionCheckManager = null; protected static SelectionManager smanager = null; private void setMcMMOlistener() { try { Class.forName("com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.SuperAbilityType"); getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new McMMO2_X_listener(this), this); } catch (Throwable e) { getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new McMMO1_X_listener(this), this); } } /** * Gets the McMMO Listener * * @return McMMO Listener * @deprecated Use the getMcMMOManager() */ @Deprecated public static McMMOManager getMcMMOlistener() { if (McMMOManager == null) McMMOManager = new McMMOManager(); return McMMOManager; } public static McMMOManager getMcMMOManager() { if (McMMOManager == null) McMMOManager = new McMMOManager(); return McMMOManager; } public void setPistonProtectionListener() { PistonProtectionListener = new PistonProtectionListener(); } public static PistonProtectionListener getPistonProtectionListener() { return PistonProtectionListener; } public void setMyPetManager() { myPetManager = new MyPetManager(); } public static MyPetManager getMyPetManager() { return myPetManager; } private Placeholder Placeholder; private boolean PlaceholderAPIEnabled = false; public Placeholder getPlaceholderAPIManager() { if (Placeholder == null) Placeholder = new Placeholder(this); return Placeholder; } private boolean setupPlaceHolderAPI() { if (!getServer().getPluginManager().isPluginEnabled("PlaceholderAPI")) return false; if (getVersionCheckManager().convertVersion(getServer().getPluginManager() .getPlugin("PlaceholderAPI").getDescription().getVersion()) >= getVersionCheckManager().convertVersion("2.10.0")) { if ((new NewPlaceholderAPIHook(this)).register()) consoleMsg("&e[Jobs] PlaceholderAPI hooked."); } else { if ((new PlaceholderAPIHook(this)).hook()) consoleMsg("&e[Jobs] PlaceholderAPI hooked. This is a deprecated version. In the PlaceholderAPI" + " new version has removed the extension and we using the latest."); } return true; } public static WorldGuardManager getWorldGuardManager() { return worldGuardManager; } public void setMythicManager() { try { Class.forName("net.elseland.xikage.MythicMobs.API.MythicMobsAPI"); MythicManager = new MythicMobs2(this); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { try { Class.forName("io.lumine.xikage.mythicmobs.api.bukkit.BukkitAPIHelper"); MythicManager = new MythicMobs4(this); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { } } if (MythicManager != null) consoleMsg("&e[Jobs] MythicMobs detected."); } private boolean setWorldGuard() { Plugin plugin = getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("WorldGuard"); if (plugin != null) { worldGuardManager = new WorldGuardManager(); consoleMsg("&e[Jobs] WorldGuard detected."); return true; } return false; } public static MythicMobInterface getMythicManager() { return MythicManager; } public void setLoging() { loging = new Loging(); } public static Loging getLoging() { return loging; } public void setBpManager() { BpManager = new BlockProtectionManager(); } public static BlockProtectionManager getBpManager() { return BpManager; } public static Reflections getReflections() { if (reflections == null) reflections = new Reflections(); return reflections; } public static void setDBManager() { DBManager = new JobsManager(instance); } public static JobsManager getDBManager() { if (DBManager == null) DBManager = new JobsManager(instance); return DBManager; } public static void setShopManager() { shopManager = new ShopManager(); } public static ShopManager getShopManager() { return shopManager; } public void setConfigManager() { configManager = new ConfigManager(); } public static ConfigManager getConfigManager() { return configManager; } public void setGCManager() { GconfigManager = new GeneralConfigManager(this); } public static GeneralConfigManager getGCManager() { return GconfigManager; } public void setActionBar() { actionbar = new ActionBarTitleMessages(); } public static ActionBarTitleMessages getActionBar() { if (actionbar == null) actionbar = new ActionBarTitleMessages(); return actionbar; } public static void setNms(NMS nms) { Jobs.nms = nms; } public static NMS getNms() { return nms; } /** * Returns player manager * @return the player manager */ public static PlayerManager getPlayerManager() { if (pManager == null) pManager = new PlayerManager(); return pManager; } public static void setRestrictedBlockManager() { RBManager = new RestrictedBlockManager(); } public static RestrictedBlockManager getRestrictedBlockManager() { return RBManager; } public static void setRestrictedAreaManager() { RAManager = new RestrictedAreaManager(); } public static RestrictedAreaManager getRestrictedAreaManager() { return RAManager; } public static void setTitleManager() { titleManager = new TitleManager(); } public static TitleManager gettitleManager() { return titleManager; } public void setBBManager() { BBManager = new BossBarManager(this); } public static BossBarManager getBBManager() { return BBManager; } public static WeakHashMap getActionbarToggleList() { return actionbartoggle; } public static WeakHashMap getBossBarToggleList() { return BossBartoggle; } /** * Returns schedule manager * @return the schedule manager */ public static ScheduleManager getScheduleManager() { return scheduleManager; } public static void setScheduleManager(Jobs plugin) { scheduleManager = new ScheduleManager(plugin); } public static NameTranslatorManager getNameTranslatorManager() { return NameTranslatorManager; } public static void setNameTranslatorManager() { NameTranslatorManager = new NameTranslatorManager(); } public static GuiManager getGUIManager() { return GUIManager; } public void setGUIManager() { GUIManager = new GuiManager(); } public static JobsCommands getCommandManager() { return cManager; } public void setCommandManager() { cManager = new JobsCommands(this); } public static ExploreManager getExplore() { return exploreManager; } public void setExplore() { exploreManager = new ExploreManager(); } /** * Returns scoreboard manager * @return the scoreboard manager */ public CMIScoreboardManager getCMIScoreboardManager() { if (CMIScoreboardManager == null) CMIScoreboardManager = new CMIScoreboardManager(this); return CMIScoreboardManager; } protected static Jobs instance; public static Jobs getInstance() { return instance; } /** * Returns sign manager * @return the sign manager */ public static SignUtil getSignUtil() { return signManager; } public static void setSignUtil(Jobs plugin) { signManager = new SignUtil(plugin); } /** * Returns language manager * @return the language manager */ public static Language getLanguage() { return lManager; } public void setLanguage() { lManager = new Language(this); } public static LanguageManager getLanguageManager() { return lmManager; } public static void setLanguageManager() { lmManager = new LanguageManager(); } /** * Sets the plugin logger */ public void setPluginLogger(Logger pLogger) { Jobs.pLogger = pLogger; } /** * Retrieves the plugin logger * @return the plugin logger */ public static Logger getPluginLogger() { return pLogger; } public static File getFolder() { File folder = Jobs.getInstance().getDataFolder(); if (!folder.exists()) folder.mkdirs(); return folder; } /** * Sets the Data Access Object * @param dao - the DAO */ public static void setDAO(JobsDAO dao) { Jobs.dao = dao; } /** * Get the Data Access Object * @return the DAO */ public static JobsDAO getJobsDAO() { return dao; } /** * Sets the list of jobs * @param jobs - list of jobs */ public static void setJobs(List jobs) { Jobs.jobs = jobs; } /** * Retrieves the list of active jobs * @return list of jobs */ public static List getJobs() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(jobs); } /** * Sets the none job * @param noneJob - the none job */ public static void setNoneJob(Job noneJob) { Jobs.noneJob = noneJob; } /** * Retrieves the "none" job * @return the none job */ public static Job getNoneJob() { return noneJob; } /** * Function to return the job information that matches the jobName given * @param jobName - the ame of the job given * @return the job that matches the name */ public static Job getJob(String jobName) { for (Job job : jobs) { if (job.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(jobName)) return job; } return null; } /** * Executes startup * @throws IOException */ public void startup() { try { reload(); } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } loadAllPlayersData(); // add all online players for (Player online : Bukkit.getServer().getOnlinePlayers()) { getPlayerManager().playerJoin(online); } } public static void loadAllPlayersData() { long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Cloning to avoid issues HashMap temp = new HashMap<>(getPlayerManager().getPlayersInfoUUIDMap()); HashMap> playersJobs = dao.getAllJobs(); HashMap playersPoints = dao.getAllPoints(); HashMap> playersLogs = dao.getAllLogs(); HashMap playersArchives = dao.getAllArchivedJobs(); HashMap playersLimits = dao.loadPlayerLimits(); Iterator> it = temp.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Entry one = it.next(); try { int id = one.getValue().getID(); JobsPlayer jPlayer = getPlayerManager().getJobsPlayerOffline( one.getValue(), playersJobs.get(id), playersPoints.get(id), playersLogs.get(id), playersArchives.get(id), playersLimits.get(id)); if (jPlayer == null) continue; getPlayerManager().addPlayerToCache(jPlayer); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } dao.getMap().clear(); if (getPlayerManager().getPlayersCache().size() != 0) consoleMsg("&e[Jobs] Preloaded " + getPlayerManager().getPlayersCache().size() + " players data in " + ((int) (((System.currentTimeMillis() - time) / 1000d) * 100) / 100D)); } /** * Reloads all data * @throws IOException */ public static void reload() throws IOException { if (saveTask != null) { saveTask.shutdown(); saveTask = null; } if (paymentThread != null) { paymentThread.shutdown(); paymentThread = null; } smanager = new SelectionManager(); if (dao != null) { dao.closeConnections(); } GconfigManager.reload(); lManager.reload(); configManager.reload(); FurnaceBrewingHandling.load(); usedSlots.clear(); for (Job job : jobs) { usedSlots.put(job, dao.getSlotsTaken(job)); } getPlayerManager().reload(); permissionHandler.registerPermissions(); // set the system to auto save if (GconfigManager.getSavePeriod() > 0) { saveTask = new DatabaseSaveThread(GconfigManager.getSavePeriod()); saveTask.start(); } // schedule payouts to buffered payments paymentThread = new BufferedPaymentThread(GconfigManager.getEconomyBatchDelay()); paymentThread.start(); dao.loadPlayerData(); // Schedule scheduleManager.load(); scheduleManager.start(); permissionManager = new PermissionManager(); } /** * Executes clean shutdown */ public static void shutdown() { if (saveTask != null) saveTask.shutdown(); if (paymentThread != null) paymentThread.shutdown(); getPlayerManager().saveAll(); if (dao != null) { dao.closeConnections(); } } /** * Executes close connections */ public static void ChangeDatabase() { getDBManager().switchDataBase(); getPlayerManager().reload(); } /** * Function to get the number of slots used on the server for this job * @param job - the job * @return the number of slots */ public static int getUsedSlots(Job job) { if (usedSlots.containsKey(job)) return usedSlots.get(job); return 0; } /** * Function to increase the number of used slots for a job * @param job - the job someone is taking */ public static void takeSlot(Job job) { if (usedSlots.containsKey(job)) usedSlots.put(job, usedSlots.get(job) + 1); } /** * Function to decrease the number of used slots for a job * @param job - the job someone is leaving */ public static void leaveSlot(Job job) { if (usedSlots.containsKey(job)) usedSlots.put(job, usedSlots.get(job) - 1); } /** * Returns the jobs classloader * @return the classloader */ public static JobsClassLoader getJobsClassloader() { return classLoader; } public void setJobsClassloader() { classLoader = new JobsClassLoader(this); } /** * Sets the permission handler * @param permissionHandler - the permission handler */ public void setPermissionHandler(PermissionHandler permissionHandler) { Jobs.permissionHandler = permissionHandler; } /** * Gets the permission handler * @return the permission handler */ public static PermissionHandler getPermissionHandler() { return permissionHandler; } public static PermissionManager getPermissionManager() { return permissionManager; } // public static ItemManager getItemManager() { // return itemManager; // } /** * Sets the economy handler * @param eco - the economy handler */ public static void setEconomy(Jobs plugin, Economy eco) { economy = new BufferedEconomy(plugin, eco); } /** * Gets the economy handler * @return the economy handler */ public static BufferedEconomy getEconomy() { return economy; } /** * Gets the version check manager * @return the version check manager */ public static VersionChecker getVersionCheckManager() { return versionCheckManager; } @Override public void onEnable() { instance = this; setEnabled(true); if (instance == null) { System.out.println("Plugin instance is null. Plugin will be disabled."); System.out.println("Try restart your server completely. If this not work contact the developers."); setEnabled(false); return; } versionCheckManager = new VersionChecker(this); ItemManager.load(); version = versionCheckManager.getVersion().getShortVersion(); // itemManager = new ItemManager(this); try { Class nmsClass; nmsClass = Class.forName("com.gamingmesh.jobs.nmsUtil." + version); if (NMS.class.isAssignableFrom(nmsClass)) { setNms((NMS) nmsClass.getConstructor().newInstance()); } else { System.out.println("Something went wrong, please note down version and contact author, version: " + version); setEnabled(false); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException | NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) { System.out.println("Your server version is not compatible with this plugins version! Plugin will be disabled: " + version); setEnabled(false); e.printStackTrace(); return; } try { if (setupPlaceHolderAPI()) { consoleMsg("&ePlaceholderAPI was found - Enabling capabilities."); PlaceholderAPIEnabled = true; } } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { YmlMaker jobConfig = new YmlMaker(this, "jobConfig.yml"); jobConfig.saveDefaultConfig(); YmlMaker jobSchedule = new YmlMaker(this, "schedule.yml"); jobSchedule.saveDefaultConfig(); YmlMaker jobShopItems = new YmlMaker(this, "shopItems.yml"); jobShopItems.saveDefaultConfig(); YmlMaker restrictedBlocks = new YmlMaker(this, "restrictedBlocks.yml"); restrictedBlocks.saveDefaultConfig(); setPermissionHandler(new PermissionHandler(this)); setPluginLogger(getLogger()); setJobsClassloader(); setDBManager(); setLanguage(); setGUIManager(); setExplore(); setBBManager(); setLoging(); setGCManager(); setConfigManager(); setCommandManager(); setBpManager(); setActionBar(); getCommand("jobs").setExecutor(cManager); this.getCommand("jobs").setTabCompleter(new TabComplete()); startup(); if (GconfigManager.SignsEnabled) { YmlMaker jobSigns = new YmlMaker(this, "Signs.yml"); jobSigns.saveDefaultConfig(); } // register the listeners getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new JobsListener(this), this); getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new JobsPaymentListener(this), this); if (getMcMMOManager().CheckmcMMO()) setMcMMOlistener(); setMyPetManager(); setWorldGuard(); setMythicManager(); if (MythicManager != null && MythicManager.Check() && GconfigManager.MythicMobsEnabled) MythicManager.registerListener(); setPistonProtectionListener(); if (GconfigManager.useBlockProtection) getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(PistonProtectionListener, this); // register economy Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(this, new HookEconomyTask(this)); // all loaded properly. dao.loadBlockProtection(); exploreManager.load(); consoleMsg("&e[Jobs] Plugin has been enabled successfully."); cManager.fillCommands(); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("There was some issues when starting plugin. Please contact dev about this. Plugin will be disabled."); setEnabled(false); } } @Override public void onDisable() { if (instance == null) return; try { GUIManager.CloseInventories(); shopManager.CloseInventories(); dao.saveExplore(); dao.saveBlockProtection(); FurnaceBrewingHandling.save(); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } shutdown(); consoleMsg("&e[Jobs] &2Plugin has been disabled successfully."); setEnabled(false); } private static void checkDailyQuests(JobsPlayer jPlayer, Job job, ActionInfo info) { if (!job.getQuests().isEmpty()) { List q = jPlayer.getQuestProgressions(job, info.getType()); for (QuestProgression one : q) { if (one != null) one.processQuest(jPlayer, info); } } } /** * Performed an action * * Give correct experience and income * @param jPlayer - the player * @param info - the action */ public static void action(JobsPlayer jPlayer, ActionInfo info) { action(jPlayer, info, null, null, null); } public static void action(JobsPlayer jPlayer, ActionInfo info, Block block) { action(jPlayer, info, block, null, null); } public static void action(JobsPlayer jPlayer, ActionInfo info, Entity ent) { action(jPlayer, info, null, ent, null); } public static void action(JobsPlayer jPlayer, ActionInfo info, Entity ent, LivingEntity victim) { action(jPlayer, info, null, ent, victim); } public static void action(JobsPlayer jPlayer, ActionInfo info, Block block, Entity ent, LivingEntity victim) { if (jPlayer == null) return; List progression = jPlayer.getJobProgression(); int numjobs = progression.size(); // no job if (!isBpOk(jPlayer, info, block, true)) return; if (numjobs == 0) { if (noneJob == null) return; JobInfo jobinfo = noneJob.getJobInfo(info, 1); checkDailyQuests(jPlayer, noneJob, info); if (jobinfo == null) return; Double income = jobinfo.getIncome(1, numjobs); Double pointAmount = jobinfo.getPoints(1, numjobs); if (income == 0D && pointAmount == 0D) return; Boost boost = getPlayerManager().getFinalBonus(jPlayer, noneJob); // Calculate income if (income != 0D) { income = income + (income * boost.getFinal(CurrencyType.MONEY)); if (GconfigManager.useMinimumOveralPayment && income > 0) { double maxLimit = income * GconfigManager.MinimumOveralPaymentLimit; if (income < maxLimit) income = maxLimit; } } // Calculate points if (pointAmount != 0D) { pointAmount = pointAmount + (pointAmount * boost.getFinal(CurrencyType.POINTS)); if (GconfigManager.useMinimumOveralPoints && pointAmount > 0) { double maxLimit = pointAmount * GconfigManager.MinimumOveralPaymentLimit; if (pointAmount < maxLimit) pointAmount = maxLimit; } } if (!jPlayer.isUnderLimit(CurrencyType.MONEY, income)) { if (GconfigManager.useMaxPaymentCurve) { double percentOver = jPlayer.percentOverLimit(CurrencyType.MONEY); float factor = GconfigManager.maxPaymentCurveFactor; double percentLoss = 100 / ((1 / factor * percentOver * percentOver) + 1); income = income - (income * percentLoss / 100); } else income = 0D; if (GconfigManager.getLimit(CurrencyType.MONEY).getStopWith().contains(CurrencyType.POINTS)) pointAmount = 0D; } if (!jPlayer.isUnderLimit(CurrencyType.POINTS, pointAmount)) { pointAmount = 0D; if (GconfigManager.getLimit(CurrencyType.POINTS).getStopWith().contains(CurrencyType.MONEY)) income = 0D; } if (income == 0D && pointAmount == 0D) return; if (info.getType() == ActionType.BREAK && block != null) BpManager.remove(block); if (pointAmount != 0D) jPlayer.setSaved(false); economy.pay(jPlayer, income, pointAmount, 0.0); if (GconfigManager.LoggingUse) { HashMap amounts = new HashMap<>(); amounts.put(CurrencyType.MONEY, income); loging.recordToLog(jPlayer, info, amounts); } } else { for (JobProgression prog : progression) { int level = prog.getLevel(); JobInfo jobinfo = prog.getJob().getJobInfo(info, level); checkDailyQuests(jPlayer, prog.getJob(), info); if (jobinfo == null) continue; Double income = jobinfo.getIncome(level, numjobs); Double pointAmount = jobinfo.getPoints(level, numjobs); Double expAmount = jobinfo.getExperience(level, numjobs); if (income == 0D && pointAmount == 0D && expAmount == 0D) continue; if (GconfigManager.addXpPlayer()) { Player player = jPlayer.getPlayer(); if (player != null) { /* * Minecraft experience is calculated in whole numbers only. * Calculate the fraction of an experience point and perform a dice roll. * That way jobs that give fractions of experience points will slowly give * experience in the aggregate */ int expInt = expAmount.intValue(); double remainder = expAmount.doubleValue() - expInt; if (Math.abs(remainder) > Math.random()) { if (expAmount.doubleValue() < 0) expInt--; else expInt++; } if (expInt < 0 && getPlayerExperience(player) < -expInt) { player.setLevel(0); player.setTotalExperience(0); player.setExp(0); } else player.giveExp(expInt); } } Boost boost = getPlayerManager().getFinalBonus(jPlayer, prog.getJob(), ent, victim); // Calculate income if (income != 0D) { income = boost.getFinalAmount(CurrencyType.MONEY, income); if (GconfigManager.useMinimumOveralPayment && income > 0) { double maxLimit = income * GconfigManager.MinimumOveralPaymentLimit; if (income < maxLimit) income = maxLimit; } } // Calculate points if (pointAmount != 0D) { pointAmount = boost.getFinalAmount(CurrencyType.POINTS, pointAmount); if (GconfigManager.useMinimumOveralPoints && pointAmount > 0) { double maxLimit = pointAmount * GconfigManager.MinimumOveralPaymentLimit; if (pointAmount < maxLimit) pointAmount = maxLimit; } } // Calculate exp expAmount = boost.getFinalAmount(CurrencyType.EXP, expAmount); if (GconfigManager.useMinimumOveralPayment && expAmount > 0) { double maxLimit = expAmount * GconfigManager.MinimumOveralPaymentLimit; if (expAmount < maxLimit) expAmount = maxLimit; } if (!jPlayer.isUnderLimit(CurrencyType.MONEY, income)) { income = 0D; if (GconfigManager.getLimit(CurrencyType.MONEY).getStopWith().contains(CurrencyType.EXP)) expAmount = 0D; if (GconfigManager.getLimit(CurrencyType.MONEY).getStopWith().contains(CurrencyType.POINTS)) pointAmount = 0D; } if (!jPlayer.isUnderLimit(CurrencyType.EXP, expAmount)) { expAmount = 0D; if (GconfigManager.getLimit(CurrencyType.EXP).getStopWith().contains(CurrencyType.MONEY)) income = 0D; if (GconfigManager.getLimit(CurrencyType.EXP).getStopWith().contains(CurrencyType.POINTS)) pointAmount = 0D; } if (!jPlayer.isUnderLimit(CurrencyType.POINTS, pointAmount)) { pointAmount = 0D; if (GconfigManager.getLimit(CurrencyType.POINTS).getStopWith().contains(CurrencyType.MONEY)) income = 0D; if (GconfigManager.getLimit(CurrencyType.POINTS).getStopWith().contains(CurrencyType.EXP)) expAmount = 0D; } if (income == 0D && pointAmount == 0D && expAmount == 0D) continue; try { if (expAmount != 0D && GconfigManager.BossBarEnabled) if (GconfigManager.BossBarShowOnEachAction) BBManager.ShowJobProgression(jPlayer, prog); else jPlayer.getUpdateBossBarFor().add(prog.getJob().getName()); } catch (Throwable e) { consoleMsg("&c[Jobs] Some issues with boss bar feature accured, try disabling it to avoid it."); } // JobsPayment event JobsExpGainEvent JobsExpGainEvent = new JobsExpGainEvent(jPlayer.getPlayer(), prog.getJob(), expAmount); Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(JobsExpGainEvent); // If event is canceled, don't do anything if (JobsExpGainEvent.isCancelled()) expAmount = 0D; else expAmount = JobsExpGainEvent.getExp(); FastPayment.clear(); FastPayment.put(jPlayer.getPlayerUUID(), new FastPayment(jPlayer, info, new BufferedPayment(jPlayer.getPlayer(), income, pointAmount, expAmount), prog .getJob())); economy.pay(jPlayer, income, pointAmount, expAmount); int oldLevel = prog.getLevel(); if (GconfigManager.LoggingUse) { HashMap amounts = new HashMap<>(); amounts.put(CurrencyType.MONEY, income); amounts.put(CurrencyType.EXP, expAmount); amounts.put(CurrencyType.POINTS, pointAmount); loging.recordToLog(jPlayer, info, amounts); } if (prog.addExperience(expAmount)) getPlayerManager().performLevelUp(jPlayer, prog.getJob(), oldLevel); } //need to update bp if (block != null) { BlockProtection bp = BpManager.getBp(block.getLocation()); if (bp != null) bp.setPaid(true); } } } private static boolean isBpOk(JobsPlayer player, ActionInfo info, Block block, boolean inform) { if (block == null || !GconfigManager.useBlockProtection) return true; if (info.getType() == ActionType.BREAK) { if (block.hasMetadata("JobsExploit")) { //player.sendMessage("This block is protected using Rukes' system!"); return false; } BlockProtection bp = BpManager.getBp(block.getLocation()); if (bp != null) { Long time = bp.getTime(); Integer cd = BpManager.getBlockDelayTime(block); if (time == -1L) { BpManager.add(block, cd); return false; } if ((time < System.currentTimeMillis()) && (bp.getAction() != DBAction.DELETE)) { BpManager.remove(block); return true; } if (time > System.currentTimeMillis() || bp.isPaid() && bp.getAction() != DBAction.DELETE) { int sec = Math.round((time - System.currentTimeMillis()) / 1000L); if (inform) { if (player.canGetPaid(info)) actionbar.send(player.getPlayer(), lManager.getMessage("message.blocktimer", "[time]", sec)); } return false; } BpManager.add(block, cd); if ((cd == null || cd == 0) && GconfigManager.useGlobalTimer) { BpManager.add(block, GconfigManager.globalblocktimer); } } else if (GconfigManager.useGlobalTimer) { BpManager.add(block, GconfigManager.globalblocktimer); } } else if (info.getType() == ActionType.PLACE) { BlockProtection bp = BpManager.getBp(block.getLocation()); if (bp != null) { Long time = bp.getTime(); Integer cd = BpManager.getBlockDelayTime(block); if (time != -1L) { if (time < System.currentTimeMillis() && bp.getAction() != DBAction.DELETE) { BpManager.add(block, cd); return true; } if (time > System.currentTimeMillis() || bp.isPaid() && bp.getAction() != DBAction.DELETE) { int sec = Math.round((time - System.currentTimeMillis()) / 1000L); if (inform) { if (player.canGetPaid(info)) actionbar.send(player.getPlayer(), lManager.getMessage("message.blocktimer", "[time]", sec)); } BpManager.add(block, cd); return false; } } else if (bp.isPaid().booleanValue() && bp.getTime() == -1L && cd != null && cd == -1) { BpManager.add(block, cd); return false; } else BpManager.add(block, cd); } else BpManager.add(block, BpManager.getBlockDelayTime(block)); } return true; } private static int getPlayerExperience(Player player) { int bukkitExp = (ExpToLevel(player.getLevel()) + Math.round(deltaLevelToExp(player.getLevel()) * player.getExp())); return bukkitExp; } // total xp calculation based by lvl private static int ExpToLevel(int level) { if (version.equals("1_7")) { if (level <= 16) return 17 * level; else if (level <= 31) return ((3 * level * level) / 2) - ((59 * level) / 2) + 360; else return ((7 * level * level) / 2) - ((303 * level) / 2) + 2220; } if (level <= 16) return (level * level) + (6 * level); else if (level <= 31) return (int) ((2.5 * level * level) - (40.5 * level) + 360); else return (int) ((4.5 * level * level) - (162.5 * level) + 2220); } // xp calculation for one current lvl private static int deltaLevelToExp(int level) { if (version.equals("1_7")) { if (level <= 16) return 17; else if (level <= 31) return 3 * level - 31; else return 7 * level - 155; } if (level <= 16) return 2 * level + 7; else if (level <= 31) return 5 * level - 38; else return 9 * level - 158; } public static void perform(JobsPlayer jPlayer, ActionInfo info, BufferedPayment payment, Job job) { // JobsPayment event JobsExpGainEvent JobsExpGainEvent = new JobsExpGainEvent(payment.getOfflinePlayer(), job, payment.getExp()); Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(JobsExpGainEvent); // If event is canceled, don't do anything if (JobsExpGainEvent.isCancelled()) return; if (!jPlayer.isUnderLimit(CurrencyType.MONEY, payment.getAmount())) return; if (!jPlayer.isUnderLimit(CurrencyType.EXP, payment.getExp())) return; if (!jPlayer.isUnderLimit(CurrencyType.POINTS, payment.getPoints())) return; economy.pay(jPlayer, payment.getAmount(), payment.getPoints(), payment.getExp()); JobProgression prog = jPlayer.getJobProgression(job); int oldLevel = prog.getLevel(); if (GconfigManager.LoggingUse) { HashMap amounts = new HashMap<>(); amounts.put(CurrencyType.MONEY, payment.getAmount()); amounts.put(CurrencyType.EXP, payment.getExp()); amounts.put(CurrencyType.POINTS, payment.getPoints()); loging.recordToLog(jPlayer, info, amounts); } if (prog.addExperience(payment.getExp())) getPlayerManager().performLevelUp(jPlayer, prog.getJob(), oldLevel); } public static void consoleMsg(String msg) { Bukkit.getServer().getConsoleSender().sendMessage(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', msg)); } public static SelectionManager getSelectionManager() { return smanager; } public static boolean hasPermission(Object sender, String perm, boolean rawEnable) { if (!(sender instanceof Player)) return true; if (((Player) sender).hasPermission(perm)) return true; if (!rawEnable) { ((Player) sender).sendMessage(lManager.getMessage("general.error.permission")); return false; } RawMessage rm = new RawMessage(); rm.add(lManager.getMessage("general.error.permission"), "&2" + perm); rm.show((Player) sender); return false; } public void ShowPagination(CommandSender sender, PageInfo pi, String cmd) { ShowPagination(sender, pi.getTotalPages(), pi.getCurrentPage(), cmd, null); } public void ShowPagination(CommandSender sender, PageInfo pi, String cmd, String pagePref) { ShowPagination(sender, pi.getTotalPages(), pi.getCurrentPage(), cmd, pagePref); } public void ShowPagination(CommandSender sender, int pageCount, int CurrentPage, String cmd) { ShowPagination(sender, pageCount, CurrentPage, cmd, null); } public void ShowPagination(CommandSender sender, int pageCount, int CurrentPage, String cmd, String pagePref) { if (!(sender instanceof Player)) return; if (!cmd.startsWith("/")) cmd = "/" + cmd; if (pageCount == 1) return; String pagePrefix = pagePref == null ? "" : pagePref; int NextPage = CurrentPage + 1; NextPage = CurrentPage < pageCount ? NextPage : CurrentPage; int Prevpage = CurrentPage - 1; Prevpage = CurrentPage > 1 ? Prevpage : CurrentPage; RawMessage rm = new RawMessage(); rm.add((CurrentPage > 1 ? lManager.getMessage("command.help.output.prevPage") : lManager.getMessage("command.help.output.prevPageOff")), CurrentPage > 1 ? "<<<" : null, CurrentPage > 1 ? cmd + " " + pagePrefix + Prevpage : null); rm.add(lManager.getMessage("command.help.output.pageCount", "[current]", CurrentPage, "[total]", pageCount)); rm.add(pageCount > CurrentPage ? lManager.getMessage("command.help.output.nextPage") : lManager.getMessage("command.help.output.nextPageOff"), pageCount > CurrentPage ? ">>>" : null, pageCount > CurrentPage ? cmd + " " + pagePrefix + NextPage : null); if (pageCount != 0) rm.show(sender); } public boolean isPlaceholderAPIEnabled() { return PlaceholderAPIEnabled; } }