/** * Jobs Plugin for Bukkit * Copyright (C) 2011 Zak Ford * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ package com.gamingmesh.jobs.container; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.Jobs; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.config.ConfigManager; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.resources.jfep.Parser; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.stuff.ChatColor; public class Job { // job info private EnumMap> jobInfo = new EnumMap>(ActionType.class); // permissions private List jobPermissions; // commands private List jobCommands; // conditions private List jobConditions; // items private List jobItems; // limited items private List jobLimitedItems; // job name private String jobName; // job short name (for use in multiple jobs) private String jobShortName; // short description of the job private String description; // job chat colour private ChatColor jobColour; // job leveling equation private Parser maxExpEquation; // display method private DisplayMethod displayMethod; // max level private int maxLevel; // vip max level private int vipmaxLevel = 0; // max number of people allowed with this job on the server. private Integer maxSlots; // Commands to be performed on player job join private List CmdOnJoin = new ArrayList(); // Commands to be performed on player job leave private List CmdOnLeave = new ArrayList(); // Item for GUI private ItemStack GUIitem; private int totalPlayers = -1; private double bonus = 0.0; private double ExpBoost = 1.0; private double MoneyBoost = 1.0; /** * Constructor * @param jobName - the name of the job * @param jobShortName - the shortened version of the name of the job. * @param description - a short description of the job. * @param jobColour - the colour of the job title as displayed in chat. * @param maxExpEquation - the equation by which the exp needed to level up is calculated * @param displayMethod - the display method for this job. * @param maxLevel - the maximum level allowed (null for no max level) * @param vipmaxLevel - the maximum vip level allowed (null for no max level) * @param maxSlots - the maximum number of people allowed to have this job at one time (null for no limits) * @param jobPermissions - permissions gained for having the job * @param jobCommands - commands to perform on levelup * @param jobItems - items with boost * @param jobLimitedItems - limited items by lvl * @param CmdOnJoin - commands performed on player join * @param CmdOnLeave - commands performed on player leave * @param jobConditions - jobs conditions */ public Job(String jobName, String jobShortName, String description, ChatColor jobColour, Parser maxExpEquation, DisplayMethod displayMethod, int maxLevel, int vipmaxLevel, Integer maxSlots, List jobPermissions, List jobCommands, List jobConditions, List jobItems, List jobLimitedItems, List CmdOnJoin, List CmdOnLeave, ItemStack GUIitem) { this.jobName = jobName; this.jobShortName = jobShortName; this.description = description; this.jobColour = jobColour; this.maxExpEquation = maxExpEquation; this.displayMethod = displayMethod; this.maxLevel = maxLevel; this.vipmaxLevel = vipmaxLevel; this.maxSlots = maxSlots; this.jobPermissions = jobPermissions; this.jobCommands = jobCommands; this.jobConditions = jobConditions; this.jobItems = jobItems; this.jobLimitedItems = jobLimitedItems; this.CmdOnJoin = CmdOnJoin; this.CmdOnLeave = CmdOnLeave; this.GUIitem = GUIitem; } public void setMoneyBoost(double amount) { this.MoneyBoost = amount; } public double getMoneyBoost() { return this.MoneyBoost; } public void setExpBoost(double amount) { this.ExpBoost = amount; } public double getExpBoost() { return this.ExpBoost; } public int getTotalPlayers() { if (this.totalPlayers == -1) { this.totalPlayers = Jobs.getJobsDAO().getTotalPlayerAmountByJobName(this.jobName); updateBonus(); } return this.totalPlayers; } public void updateTotalPlayers() { this.totalPlayers = Jobs.getJobsDAO().getTotalPlayerAmountByJobName(this.jobName); updateBonus(); } public void updateBonus() { if (!ConfigManager.getJobsConfiguration().useDynamicPayment) return; Parser eq = ConfigManager.getJobsConfiguration().DynamicPaymentEquation; eq.setVariable("totalworkers", Jobs.getJobsDAO().getTotalPlayers()); eq.setVariable("totaljobs", Jobs.getJobs().size()); eq.setVariable("jobstotalplayers", getTotalPlayers()); double now = eq.getValue(); if (now > ConfigManager.getJobsConfiguration().DynamicPaymentMaxBonus) now = ConfigManager.getJobsConfiguration().DynamicPaymentMaxBonus; if (now < ConfigManager.getJobsConfiguration().DynamicPaymentMaxPenalty * -1) now = ConfigManager.getJobsConfiguration().DynamicPaymentMaxPenalty * -1; this.bonus = now; } public double getBonus() { if (this.bonus == 0.0) updateBonus(); return this.bonus; } public List getCmdOnJoin() { return this.CmdOnJoin; } public List getCmdOnLeave() { return this.CmdOnLeave; } public ItemStack getGuiItem() { return this.GUIitem; } /** * Sets job info for action type * @param type - The action type * @param info - the job info */ public void setJobInfo(ActionType type, List info) { jobInfo.put(type, info); } /** * Gets the job info for the particular type * @param type - The action type * @return Job info list */ public List getJobInfo(ActionType type) { return Collections.unmodifiableList(jobInfo.get(type)); } /** * Gets the job info list * @return Job info list */ public EnumMap> getJobInfoList() { return jobInfo; } /** * Function to get the income for an action * @param action - The action info * @param level - players job level * @param numjobs - number of jobs for the player * @return the income received for performing action */ public Double getIncome(ActionInfo action, int level, int numjobs) { List jobInfo = getJobInfo(action.getType()); for (JobInfo info : jobInfo) { if (info.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(action.getName()) || info.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(action.getNameWithSub())) { if (!info.isInLevelRange(level)) return 0D; return info.getIncome(level, numjobs); } } return null; } /** * Function to get the income for an action * @param action - The action info * @param level - players job level * @param numjobs - number of jobs for the player * @return the income received for performing action */ public Double getExperience(ActionInfo action, int level, int numjobs) { List jobInfo = getJobInfo(action.getType()); for (JobInfo info : jobInfo) { if (info.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(action.getName()) || info.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(action.getNameWithSub())){ if (!info.isInLevelRange(level)) return 0D; return info.getExperience(level, numjobs); } } return null; } /** * Get the job name * @return the job name */ public String getName() { return jobName; } /** * Get the shortened version of the jobName * @return the shortened version of the jobName */ public String getShortName() { return jobShortName; } /** * Gets the description * @return description */ public String getDescription() { return description; } /** * Get the Color of the job for chat * @return the Color of the job for chat */ public ChatColor getChatColor() { return jobColour; } /** * Get the MaxExpEquation of the job * @return the MaxExpEquation of the job */ public Parser getMaxExpEquation() { return maxExpEquation; } /** * Function to return the appropriate max exp for this level * @param level - current level * @return the correct max exp for this level */ public double getMaxExp(Map param) { for (Map.Entry temp : param.entrySet()) { maxExpEquation.setVariable(temp.getKey(), temp.getValue()); } return maxExpEquation.getValue(); } /** * Function to get the display method * @return the display method */ public DisplayMethod getDisplayMethod() { return displayMethod; } /** * Function to return the maximum level * @return the max level * @return null - no max level */ public int getMaxLevel() { return maxLevel; } /** * Function to return the maximum level * @return the max level * @return null - no max level */ public int getVipMaxLevel() { return vipmaxLevel; } /** * Function to return the maximum slots * @return the max slots * @return null - no max slots */ public Integer getMaxSlots() { return maxSlots; } /** * Get the permission nodes for this job * @return Permissions for this job */ public List getPermissions() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(jobPermissions); } /** * Get the command nodes for this job * @return Commands for this job */ public List getCommands() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(jobCommands); } /** * Get the conditions for this job * @return Conditions for this job */ public List getConditions() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(jobConditions); } /** * Get the item nodes for this job * @return Items for this job */ public List getItems() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(jobItems); } /** * Get the limited item nodes for this job * @return Limited items for this job */ public List getLimitedItems() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(jobLimitedItems); } }