economy: error: nomoney: AtsipraĊĦome, nacionalinis bankas nebeturi pinigu! command: boost: help: info: Boosts Exp/money gain for all players args: '[jobname] [rate]' output: allreset: All exp/money boost turned off jobsboostreset: Boost for %jobname% was turned off nothingtoreset: Nothing to reset boostalladded: Boost of %boost% added for all jobs! boostadded: Boost of &e%boost% &aadded for &e%jobname%! infostats: '&c-----> &aExp/money rate x%boost% enabled&c <-------' limit: help: info: Shows payment limits for jobs args: '' output: lefttime: '&eLikes laikas iki nusiresetinimo: &2%hour% &evalandos &2%min% &emin &2%sec% &esek' moneylimit: '&ePinigu limitas: &2%money%&e/&2%totalmoney%' reachedlimit: '&4You have reached money limit in given time!' reachedlimit2: '&eYou can check your limit with &2/jobs limit &ecommand' notenabled: '&eMoney limit is not enabled' admin: error: There was an error in the command. success: Your command has been performed. error: job: The job you have selected does not exist! permission: You do not have permission to do that! help: output: info: Rasyk &2/jobs [cmd] ? &edel detalesnes informacijos. usage: 'Naudojimas: %usage%' stats: help: info: Parodyti visu i kuriuos esate isidarbine darbu informacija. args: '[playername]' error: nojob: Prasome isidarbinti visu pirma. output: 'lvl%joblevel% %jobname% : %jobxp%/%jobmaxxp% xp' archive: help: info: Shows all jobs saved in archive by user. args: '[playername]' error: nojob: There is no jobs saved. output: lvl %joblevel% (%getbackjoblevel%) %jobname% info: help: title: '&2*** &eDarbas&2 ***' info: Parodo kiek gali uzdirbti is kiekvieno darbo uz tamtikra veikla. args: '[jobname] [action]' output: break: info: Sudauzyti none: '%jobname% does not get money for breaking blocks.' place: info: Padeti none: '%jobname% does not get money for placing blocks.' kill: info: Uzmusti none: '%jobname% does not get money for killing monsters.' fish: info: Suzvejoti none: '%jobname% does not get money from fishing.' craft: info: Pagaminti none: '%jobname% does not get money from crafting.' smelt: info: Islidyti none: '%jobname% does not get money from smelting.' brew: info: Isvirti none: '%jobname% does not get money from brewing.' enchant: info: Patobulinti none: '%jobname% does not get money from enchanting.' repair: info: Sutaisyti none: '%jobname% does not get money from repairing.' breed: info: Veisti none: '%jobname% does not get money from breeding.' tame: info: Prijaukinti none: '%jobname% does not get money from taming.' playerinfo: help: info: Parodo kiek kitas zaidejas uzdirba is tam tikru darbu. args: '[playername] [jobname] [action]' join: help: info: Isidarbinti i pasirinkta darba. args: '[jobname]' error: alreadyin: Jus jau esate isidarbines i %jobname%. fullslots: Tu negali isidarbinti %jobname%, turi maksimalu darbu skaiciu. maxjobs: Tu jau istojai i maksimaliai leistinus darbus. success: Tu istojai i %jobname%. leave: help: info: Iseiti is pasirinkto darbo. args: '[jobname]' success: Tu isejai is %jobname%. leaveall: help: info: Iseiti is visu darbu. error: nojobs: Tu negali iseiti is darbo kol nesi isidarbines! success: Tu isejai is visu darbu. browse: help: info: Darbu sarasas i kuriuos gali istoti. error: nojobs: Nera darbu output: header: 'Tu gali isidarbinti i situos darbus:' footer: Del daugiau informacijos rasyk /jobs info [JobName] fire: help: info: Fire the player from the job. args: '[playername] [jobname]' error: nojob: Player does not have the job %jobname%. output: target: Tu buvai atleistas is %jobname%. fireall: help: info: Fire player from all their jobs. args: '[playername]' error: nojobs: Player does not have any jobs to be fired from! output: target: Tu buvai atleistas is visu darbu. employ: help: info: Employ the player to the job. args: '[playername] [jobname]' error: alreadyin: Player is already in the job %jobname%. output: target: Tu buvai idarbintas i %jobname%. top: help: info: Parodo top 10 zaidejus pagal darbo pavadinima. args: '[jobname]' error: nojob: Nebuvo rastas joks darbas su tokiu pavadinimu. output: topline: '&aTop&e 10 &azaidejai pagal &e%jobname% &adarba' list: '&e%number%&a. &e%playername% &alvl &e%level% &awith&e %exp% &aexp' transfer: help: info: Transfer a player's job from an old job to a new job. args: '[playername] [oldjob] [newjob]' output: target: Tu buvai perkeltas is %oldjobname% i %newjobname%. promote: help: info: Promote the player X levels in a job. args: '[playername] [jobname] [levels]' output: target: Tu gavai %levelsgained% lygiu %jobname% darbe. demote: help: info: Demote the player X levels in a job. args: '[playername] [jobname] [levels]' output: target: You have been demoted %levelslost% levels in %jobname%. grantxp: help: info: Grant the player X experience in a job. args: '[playername] [jobname] [xp]' output: target: You have been granted %xpgained% experience in %jobname%. removexp: help: info: Remove X experience from the player in a job. args: '[playername] [jobname] [xp]' output: target: You have lost %xplost% experience in %jobname%. reload: help: info: Reload configurations. toggle: help: info: Perjungia mokejimu rodima veiksmu lenteleje. output: paid: '&aTau buvo sumoketa: &2[amount]' 'on': '&aIjungta: &aTaip' 'off': '&aIjungta: &4Ne' message: skillup: broadcast: '%playername% has been promoted to a %titlename% %jobname%.' nobroadcast: Sveikiname, buvote paaukstintas iki %titlename% %jobname%. levelup: broadcast: '%playername% is now a level %joblevel% %jobname%.' nobroadcast: Tu pasiekiai %joblevel% lygi %jobname% darbe. crafting: fullinventory: Your inventory is full!