/** * Jobs Plugin for Bukkit * Copyright (C) 2011 Zak Ford * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ package com.gamingmesh.jobs.dao; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.Jobs; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.JobsPlugin; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.config.ConfigManager; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.container.Convert; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.container.Job; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.container.JobProgression; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.container.JobsPlayer; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.container.Log; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.container.LogAmounts; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.container.TopList; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.stuff.ChatColor; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.stuff.Loging; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.stuff.OfflinePlayerList; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.stuff.TimeManage; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.stuff.UUIDUtil; /** * Data Access Object interface for the Jobs plugin * * Interface that holds all methods that a DAO needs to have * @author Alex * */ public abstract class JobsDAO { private JobsConnectionPool pool; private String prefix; protected JobsDAO(String driverName, String url, String username, String password, String prefix) { this.prefix = prefix; try { pool = new JobsConnectionPool(driverName, url, username, password); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public final synchronized void setUp() throws SQLException { setupConfig(); int version = getSchemaVersion(); if (version == 0) { Jobs.getPluginLogger().severe("Could not initialize database! Could not determine schema version!"); return; } try { if (version <= 1) checkUpdate1(); else if (version <= 2) checkUpdate2(); checkUpdate4(); checkUpdate5(); if (version <= 5) checkUpdate6(); if (version <= 6) checkUpdate7(); version = 7; } finally { updateSchemaVersion(version); } } protected abstract void setupConfig() throws SQLException; protected abstract void checkUpdate1() throws SQLException; protected abstract void checkUpdate2() throws SQLException; protected abstract void checkUpdate4() throws SQLException; protected abstract void checkUpdate5() throws SQLException; protected abstract void checkUpdate6() throws SQLException; protected abstract void checkUpdate7() throws SQLException; /** * Gets the database prefix * @return the prefix */ protected String getPrefix() { return prefix; } /** * Get all jobs the player is part of. * @param playerUUID - the player being searched for * @return list of all of the names of the jobs the players are part of. */ public synchronized List getAllJobs(OfflinePlayer player) { ArrayList jobs = new ArrayList(); JobsConnection conn = getConnection(); if (conn == null) return jobs; try { PreparedStatement prest = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT `player_uuid`, `job`, `level`, `experience` FROM `" + prefix + "jobs` WHERE `player_uuid` = ?;"); prest.setString(1, player.getUniqueId().toString()); ResultSet res = prest.executeQuery(); while (res.next()) { jobs.add(new JobsDAOData(player.getUniqueId(), res.getString(2), res.getInt(3), res.getInt(4))); } prest.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return jobs; } /** * Get player count for a job. * @param JobName - the job name * @return amount of player currently working. */ public synchronized int getTotalPlayerAmountByJobName(String JobName) { JobsConnection conn = getConnection(); if (conn == null) return 0; int count = 0; try { PreparedStatement prest = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `" + prefix + "jobs` WHERE `job` = ?;"); prest.setString(1, JobName); ResultSet res = prest.executeQuery(); while (res.next()) { count = res.getInt(1); } prest.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return count; } /** * Get player count for a job. * @return total amount of player currently working. */ public synchronized int getTotalPlayers() { JobsConnection conn = getConnection(); if (conn == null) return 0; int count = 0; try { PreparedStatement prest = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `" + prefix + "jobs`;"); ResultSet res = prest.executeQuery(); while (res.next()) { count = res.getInt(1); } res.close(); prest.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return count; } /** * Get all jobs the player is part of. * @param userName - the player being searched for * @return list of all of the names of the jobs the players are part of. */ public synchronized List getAllJobsOffline(String userName) { ArrayList jobs = new ArrayList(); JobsConnection conn = getConnection(); if (conn == null) return jobs; try { PreparedStatement prest = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT `player_uuid`, `job`, `level`, `experience` FROM `" + prefix + "jobs` WHERE `username` LIKE ?;"); prest.setString(1, userName); ResultSet res = prest.executeQuery(); while (res.next()) { jobs.add(new JobsDAOData(UUIDUtil.fromBytes(res.getBytes(1)), res.getString(2), res.getInt(3), res.getInt(4))); } prest.close(); res.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return jobs; } /** * Join a job (create player-job entry from storage) * @param player - player that wishes to join the job * @param job - job that the player wishes to join */ public synchronized void joinJob(JobsPlayer jPlayer, Job job) { JobsConnection conn = getConnection(); if (conn == null) return; try { int level = 1; int exp = 0; if (checkArchive(jPlayer, job).size() > 0) { List info = checkArchive(jPlayer, job); level = info.get(0); deleteArchive(jPlayer, job); } PreparedStatement prest = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO `" + prefix + "jobs` (`player_uuid`, `username`, `job`, `level`, `experience`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);"); prest.setString(1, jPlayer.getPlayerUUID().toString()); prest.setString(2, jPlayer.getUserName()); prest.setString(3, job.getName()); prest.setInt(4, level); prest.setInt(5, exp); prest.execute(); prest.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Join a job (create player-job entry from storage) * @param player - player that wishes to join the job * @param job - job that the player wishes to join * @throws SQLException */ public List convertDatabase(Player Player, String table) throws SQLException { JobsConnection conn = getConnection(); if (conn == null) return null; List list = new ArrayList(); try { PreparedStatement prest = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM `" + prefix + table + "`"); ResultSet res = prest.executeQuery(); while (res.next()) { list.add(new Convert(res.getInt("id"), res.getString("username"), UUIDUtil.fromBytes(res.getBytes("player_uuid")), res.getString("job"), res.getInt( "level"), res.getInt("experience"))); } res.close(); prest.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { conn.closeConnection(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return list; } public void continueConvertions(List list, String table) throws SQLException { JobsConnection conns = this.getConnection(); if (conns == null) return; PreparedStatement insert = null; int i = list.size(); try { Statement statement = conns.createStatement(); if (ConfigManager.getJobsConfiguration().storageMethod.equalsIgnoreCase("sqlite")) { statement.executeUpdate("TRUNCATE `" + getPrefix() + table + "`"); } else { statement.executeUpdate("DELETE from `" + getPrefix() + table + "`"); } insert = conns.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO `" + getPrefix() + table + "` (`username`,`player_uuid`, `job`, `level`, `experience`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);"); conns.setAutoCommit(false); while (i > 0) { i--; Convert convertData = list.get(i); insert.setString(1, convertData.GetName()); insert.setString(2, convertData.GetUuid().toString()); insert.setString(3, convertData.GetJobName()); insert.setInt(4, convertData.GetLevel()); insert.setInt(5, convertData.GetExp()); insert.addBatch(); } insert.executeBatch(); conns.commit(); conns.setAutoCommit(true); statement.close(); } finally { if (insert != null) { try { insert.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } } } /** * Quit a job (delete player-job entry from storage) * @param player - player that wishes to quit the job * @param job - job that the player wishes to quit */ public synchronized void quitJob(JobsPlayer jPlayer, Job job) { JobsConnection conn = getConnection(); if (conn == null) return; try { PreparedStatement prest = conn.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM `" + prefix + "jobs` WHERE `player_uuid` = ? AND `job` = ?;"); prest.setString(1, jPlayer.getPlayerUUID().toString()); prest.setString(2, job.getName()); prest.execute(); prest.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Record job to archive * @param player - player that wishes to quit the job * @param job - job that the player wishes to quit */ public void recordToArchive(JobsPlayer jPlayer, Job job) { JobsConnection conn = getConnection(); if (conn == null) return; try { int level = 1; int exp = 0; for (JobProgression progression : jPlayer.getJobProgression()) { if (progression.getJob().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(job.getName())) { level = progression.getLevel(); exp = (int) progression.getExperience(); } } PreparedStatement prest = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO `" + prefix + "archive` (`player_uuid`, `username`, `job`, `level`, `experience`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);"); prest.setString(1, jPlayer.getPlayerUUID().toString()); prest.setString(2, jPlayer.getUserName()); prest.setString(3, job.getName()); prest.setInt(4, level); prest.setInt(5, exp); prest.execute(); prest.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Check job in archive * @param player - player that wishes to quit the job * @param job - job that the player wishes to quit */ public synchronized List checkArchive(JobsPlayer jPlayer, Job job) { JobsConnection conn = getConnection(); if (conn == null) return null; try { List info = new ArrayList(); PreparedStatement prest = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT `level`, `experience` FROM `" + prefix + "archive` WHERE `player_uuid` = ? AND `job` = ?;"); prest.setString(1, jPlayer.getPlayerUUID().toString()); prest.setString(2, job.getName()); ResultSet res = prest.executeQuery(); if (res.next()) { int level = (int) ((res.getInt(1) - (res.getInt(1) * (ConfigManager.getJobsConfiguration().levelLossPercentage / 100.0)))); if (level < 1) level = 1; int maxLevel = 0; if (jPlayer.havePermission("jobs." + job.getName() + ".vipmaxlevel") && job.getVipMaxLevel() != 0) maxLevel = job.getVipMaxLevel(); else maxLevel = job.getMaxLevel(); if (ConfigManager.getJobsConfiguration().fixAtMaxLevel && res.getInt(1) == maxLevel) level = res.getInt(1); info.add(level); info.add(res.getInt(2)); } res.close(); prest.close(); return info; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public List getGlobalTopList() { return getGlobalTopList(0); } /** * Get all jobs from archive by player * @param player - targeted player * @return info - information about jobs */ public List getGlobalTopList(int start) { JobsConnection conn = getConnection(); List names = new ArrayList(); if (conn == null) return null; try { PreparedStatement prest = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT username, player_uuid, COUNT(*) AS amount, sum(level) AS totallvl FROM `" + prefix + "jobs` GROUP BY username ORDER BY totallvl DESC LIMIT " + start + ",20;"); ResultSet res = prest.executeQuery(); while (res.next()) { TopList top = new TopList(res.getString("username"), res.getInt("totallvl"), 0, UUID.fromString(res.getString("player_uuid"))); names.add(top); } res.close(); prest.close(); return names; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return names; } /** * Get all jobs from archive by player * @param player - targeted player * @return info - information about jobs */ public synchronized List getJobsFromArchive(JobsPlayer jPlayer) { JobsConnection conn = getConnection(); if (conn == null) return null; try { List info = new ArrayList(); PreparedStatement prest = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT `job`, `level`, `experience` FROM `" + prefix + "archive` WHERE `player_uuid` = ?;"); prest.setString(1, jPlayer.getPlayerUUID().toString()); ResultSet res = prest.executeQuery(); while (res.next()) { int level = (int) ((res.getInt(2) - (res.getInt(2) * (ConfigManager.getJobsConfiguration().levelLossPercentage / 100.0)))); if (level < 1) level = 1; int maxLevel = 0; if (jPlayer.havePermission("jobs." + Jobs.getJob(res.getString(1)).getName() + ".vipmaxlevel")) maxLevel = Jobs.getJob(res.getString(1)).getVipMaxLevel(); else maxLevel = Jobs.getJob(res.getString(1)).getMaxLevel(); if (ConfigManager.getJobsConfiguration().fixAtMaxLevel && res.getInt(2) == maxLevel) level = res.getInt(2); info.add(res.getString(1) + ":" + res.getInt(2) + ":" + level + ":" + res.getInt(3)); } res.close(); prest.close(); return info; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public void fixName(final CommandSender sender) { Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(JobsPlugin.instance, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { JobsConnection conn = getConnection(); if (conn == null) return; try { PreparedStatement prest = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT `player_uuid`, `username` FROM `" + prefix + "jobs` WHERE `username` IS NULL;"); ResultSet res = prest.executeQuery(); HashMap convert = new HashMap(); int failed = 0; while (res.next()) { String uuidString = res.getString("player_uuid"); if (uuidString == null) continue; UUID uuid = UUID.fromString(uuidString); if (uuid == null) continue; OfflinePlayer player = OfflinePlayerList.getPlayer(uuid); if (player == null) player = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(uuid); if (player == null) continue; if (player.getName() == null) { failed++; continue; } convert.put(uuidString, player.getName()); } res.close(); prest.close(); prest = conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE `" + prefix + "jobs` SET `username` = ? WHERE `player_uuid` = ?;"); for (Entry oneEntry : convert.entrySet()) { prest.setString(1, oneEntry.getValue()); prest.setString(2, oneEntry.getKey()); prest.execute(); } if (prest != null) prest.close(); sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "[Jobs] Converted " + ChatColor.YELLOW + convert.size() + ChatColor.GOLD + " user names and failed " + ChatColor.YELLOW + failed + ChatColor.GOLD + " to do so, most likely user data no longer exists in your player data folder"); return; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return; } }); return; } /** * Delete job from archive * @param player - player that wishes to quit the job * @param job - job that the player wishes to quit */ public synchronized void deleteArchive(JobsPlayer jPlayer, Job job) { JobsConnection conn = getConnection(); if (conn == null) return; try { PreparedStatement prest = conn.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM `" + prefix + "archive` WHERE `player_uuid` = ? AND `job` = ?;"); prest.setString(1, jPlayer.getPlayerUUID().toString()); prest.setString(2, job.getName()); prest.execute(); prest.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Save player-job information * @param jobInfo - the information getting saved */ public synchronized void save(JobsPlayer player) { JobsConnection conn = getConnection(); if (conn == null) return; try { PreparedStatement prest = conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE `" + prefix + "jobs` SET `level` = ?, `experience` = ? WHERE `player_uuid` = ? AND `job` = ?;"); for (JobProgression progression : player.getJobProgression()) { prest.setInt(1, progression.getLevel()); prest.setInt(2, (int) progression.getExperience()); prest.setString(3, player.getPlayerUUID().toString()); prest.setString(4, progression.getJob().getName()); prest.execute(); } prest.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Save player-job information * @param jobInfo - the information getting saved */ public synchronized void saveLog(JobsPlayer player) { JobsConnection conn = getConnection(); if (conn == null) return; try { PreparedStatement prest = conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE `" + prefix + "log` SET `count` = ?, `money` = ?, `exp` = ? WHERE `player_uuid` = ? AND `time` = ? AND `action` = ? AND `itemname` = ?;"); for (Log log : player.getLog()) { for (Entry one : log.getAmountList().entrySet()) { if (one.getValue().isNewEntry()) continue; prest.setInt(1, one.getValue().getCount()); prest.setDouble(2, one.getValue().getMoney()); prest.setDouble(3, one.getValue().getExp()); prest.setString(4, player.getPlayerUUID().toString()); prest.setInt(5, log.getDate()); prest.setString(6, log.getActionType()); prest.setString(7, one.getKey()); prest.execute(); } } prest = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO `" + prefix + "log` (`player_uuid`, `username`, `time`, `action`, `itemname`, `count`, `money`, `exp`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);"); for (Log log : player.getLog()) { for (Entry one : log.getAmountList().entrySet()) { if (!one.getValue().isNewEntry()) continue; one.getValue().setNewEntry(false); prest.setString(1, player.getPlayerUUID().toString()); prest.setString(2, player.getUserName()); prest.setInt(3, log.getDate()); prest.setString(4, log.getActionType()); prest.setString(5, one.getKey()); prest.setInt(6, one.getValue().getCount()); prest.setDouble(7, one.getValue().getMoney()); prest.setDouble(8, one.getValue().getExp()); prest.execute(); } } prest.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Save player-job information * @param jobInfo - the information getting saved */ public void loadLog(JobsPlayer player) { JobsConnection conn = getConnection(); if (conn == null) return; try { int time = TimeManage.timeInInt(); PreparedStatement prest = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT `player_uuid`, `username`, `time`, `action`, `itemname`, `count`, `money`, `exp` FROM `" + prefix + "log` WHERE `player_uuid` = ? AND `time` = ? ;"); prest.setString(1, player.getPlayerUUID().toString()); prest.setInt(2, time); ResultSet res = prest.executeQuery(); while (res.next()) { Loging.loadToLog(player, res.getString("action"), res.getString("itemname"), res.getInt("count"), res.getDouble("money"), res.getDouble("exp")); } res.close(); prest.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Save player-job information * @param jobInfo - the information getting saved * @return */ public List getLognameList(int fromtime, int untiltime) { JobsConnection conn = getConnection(); if (conn == null) return null; try { List nameList = new ArrayList(); PreparedStatement prest = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT `username` FROM `" + prefix + "log` WHERE `time` >= ? AND `time` <= ? ;"); prest.setInt(1, fromtime); prest.setInt(2, untiltime); ResultSet res = prest.executeQuery(); while (res.next()) { if (!nameList.contains(res.getString("username"))) nameList.add(res.getString("username")); } res.close(); prest.close(); return nameList; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /** * Show top list * @param toplist - toplist by jobs name * @return */ public synchronized ArrayList toplist(String jobsname, int limit) { ArrayList jobs = new ArrayList(); JobsConnection conn = getConnection(); if (conn == null) return jobs; try { PreparedStatement prest = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT `username`, `level`, `experience`,`player_uuid` FROM `" + prefix + "jobs` WHERE `job` LIKE ? ORDER BY `level` DESC, LOWER(username) ASC LIMIT " + limit + ", 15;"); prest.setString(1, jobsname); ResultSet res = prest.executeQuery(); while (res.next()) { String name = res.getString(1); if (name == null) continue; Player player = Bukkit.getPlayer(name); if (player != null) { JobsPlayer jobsinfo = Jobs.getPlayerManager().getJobsPlayer(player); Job job = Jobs.getJob(jobsname); if (job != null) { JobProgression prog = jobsinfo.getJobProgression(job); jobs.add(new TopList(player.getName(), prog.getLevel(), (int) prog.getExperience(), player.getUniqueId())); } } else jobs.add(new TopList(res.getString(1), res.getInt(2), res.getInt(3), UUID.fromString(res.getString(4)))); } res.close(); prest.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return jobs; } /** * Get the number of players that have a particular job * @param job - the job * @return the number of players that have a particular job */ public synchronized int getSlotsTaken(Job job) { int slot = 0; JobsConnection conn = getConnection(); if (conn == null) return slot; try { PreparedStatement prest = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `" + prefix + "jobs` WHERE `job` = ?;"); prest.setString(1, job.getName()); ResultSet res = prest.executeQuery(); if (res.next()) { slot = res.getInt(1); } res.close(); prest.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return slot; } /** * Gets the current schema version * @return schema version number */ protected int getSchemaVersion() { JobsConnection conn = getConnection(); if (conn == null) return 0; PreparedStatement prest = null; try { prest = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT `value` FROM `" + prefix + "config` WHERE `key` = ?;"); prest.setString(1, "version"); ResultSet res = prest.executeQuery(); if (res.next()) { return Integer.valueOf(res.getString(1)); } res.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (prest != null) { try { prest.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } } return 0; } /** * Updates schema to version number * @param version */ protected void updateSchemaVersion(int version) { updateSchemaConfig("version", Integer.toString(version)); } /** * Updates configuration value * @param key - the configuration key * @param value - the configuration value */ private void updateSchemaConfig(String key, String value) { JobsConnection conn = getConnection(); if (conn == null) return; PreparedStatement prest = null; try { prest = conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE `" + prefix + "config` SET `value` = ? WHERE `key` = ?;"); prest.setString(1, value); prest.setString(2, key); prest.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (prest != null) { try { prest.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } } } /** * Executes an SQL query * @param sql - The SQL * @throws SQLException */ public void executeSQL(String sql) throws SQLException { JobsConnection conn = getConnection(); Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); try { stmt.execute(sql); } finally { try { stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } } /** * Get a database connection * @return JobsConnection object * @throws SQLException */ protected JobsConnection getConnection() { try { return pool.getConnection(); } catch (SQLException e) { Jobs.getPluginLogger().severe("Unable to connect to the database: " + e.getMessage()); return null; } } /** * Close all active database handles */ public synchronized void closeConnections() { pool.closeConnection(); } }