package; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration; import; import; public class LanguageManager { private Jobs plugin; public LanguageManager(Jobs plugin) { this.plugin = plugin; } List languages = new ArrayList(); public List getLanguages() { return languages; } /** * Method to load the language file configuration * * loads from Jobs/locale/messages_en.yml */ synchronized void load() { // Just copying default language files, except en, that one will be generated languages = new ArrayList(); languages.add("cs"); languages.add("cz"); languages.add("de"); languages.add("es"); languages.add("fr"); languages.add("lt"); languages.add("ru"); languages.add("tr"); for (String lang : languages) { YmlMaker langFile = new YmlMaker(plugin, "locale" + File.separator + "messages_" + lang + ".yml"); langFile.saveDefaultConfig(); } languages.add("en"); File customLocaleFile = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "locale" + File.separator + "messages_" + Jobs.getGCManager().localeString + ".yml"); if (!customLocaleFile.exists() && !Jobs.getGCManager().localeString.equalsIgnoreCase("en")) languages.add(Jobs.getGCManager().localeString); for (String lang : languages) { File f = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "locale" + File.separator + "messages_" + lang + ".yml"); // Fail safe if file get corrupted and being created with corrupted data, we need to recreate it if ((f.length() / 1024) > 1024) { f.delete(); f = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "locale" + File.separator + "messages_" + lang + ".yml"); } YamlConfiguration config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(f); CommentedYamlConfiguration writer = new CommentedYamlConfiguration(); LocaleReader c = new LocaleReader(config, writer); c.getC().options().copyDefaults(true); Jobs.getGCManager().commandArgs.clear(); c.get("economy.error.nomoney", "&cSorry, no money left in national bank!"); c.get("limitedItem.error.levelup", "&cYou need to levelup in [jobname] to use this item!"); c.get("", "&7*********************** &6%playername% &7***********************"); c.get("", "&7*******************************************************"); c.get("", "&e%days% &6days "); c.get("", "&e%hours% &6hours "); c.get("", "&e%mins% &6min "); c.get("", "&e%secs% &6sec "); c.get("general.admin.error", "&cThere was an error in the command."); c.get("general.admin.success", "&eYour command has been performed."); c.get("general.error.noHelpPage", "&cThere is no help page by this number!"); c.get("general.error.notNumber", "&ePlease use numbers!"); c.get("general.error.job", "&cThe job you have selected does not exist!"); c.get("general.error.permission", "&cYou do not have permission to do that!"); c.get("general.error.noinfo", "&cNo information found!"); c.get("general.error.noinfoByPlayer", "&cNo information found by [%playername%] player name!"); c.get("general.error.ingame", "&cYou can use this command only in game!"); c.get("general.error.fromconsole", "&cYou can use this command only from console!"); c.get("general.error.worldisdisabled", "&cYou cant use command in this world!"); c.get("", "Boosts Money gain for all players"); c.get("", "[jobname] [rate]"); Jobs.getGCManager().commandArgs.put("moneyboost", Arrays.asList("[jobname]", "[rate]")); c.get("command.moneyboost.output.allreset", "All money boost turned off"); c.get("command.moneyboost.output.jobsboostreset", "Money boost for %jobname% was turned off"); c.get("command.moneyboost.output.nothingtoreset", "Nothing to reset"); c.get("command.moneyboost.output.boostalladded", "Money boost of %boost% added for all jobs!"); c.get("command.moneyboost.output.boostadded", "Money boost of &e%boost% &aadded for &e%jobname%!"); c.get("command.moneyboost.output.infostats", "&c-----> &aMoney rate x%boost% enabled&c <-------"); c.get("", "Boosts points gain for all players"); c.get("", "[jobname] [rate]"); Jobs.getGCManager().commandArgs.put("pointboost", Arrays.asList("[jobname]", "[rate]")); c.get("command.pointboost.output.allreset", "All points boost turned off"); c.get("command.pointboost.output.jobsboostreset", "Points boost for %jobname% was turned off"); c.get("command.pointboost.output.nothingtoreset", "Nothing to reset"); c.get("command.pointboost.output.boostalladded", "Points boost of %boost% added for all jobs!"); c.get("command.pointboost.output.boostadded", "Points boost of &e%boost% &aadded for &e%jobname%!"); c.get("command.pointboost.output.infostats", "&c-----> &aPoints rate x%boost% enabled&c <-------"); c.get("", "Boosts Exp gain for all players"); c.get("", "[jobname] [rate]"); Jobs.getGCManager().commandArgs.put("expboost", Arrays.asList("[jobname]", "[rate]")); c.get("command.expboost.output.allreset", "All exp boost turned off"); c.get("command.expboost.output.jobsboostreset", "Exp boost for %jobname% was turned off"); c.get("command.expboost.output.nothingtoreset", "Nothing to reset"); c.get("command.expboost.output.boostalladded", "Exp boost of %boost% added for all jobs!"); c.get("command.expboost.output.boostadded", "Exp boost of &e%boost% &aadded for &e%jobname%!"); c.get("command.expboost.output.infostats", "&c-----> &aExp rate x%boost% enabled&c <-------"); c.get("", "Show job bonuses"); c.get("", "[jobname]"); Jobs.getGCManager().commandArgs.put("bonus", Arrays.asList("[jobname]")); c.get("command.bonus.output.topline", "&7**************** &2[money] &6[points] &e[exp] &7****************"); c.get("command.bonus.output.permission", " &ePerm bonus: %money% %points% %exp%"); c.get("command.bonus.output.item", " &eItem bonus: %money% %points% %exp%"); c.get("", " &eGlobal bonus: %money% %points% %exp%"); c.get("command.bonus.output.dynamic", " &eDynamic bonus: %money% %points% %exp%"); c.get("command.bonus.output.nearspawner", " &eSpawner bonus: %money% %points% %exp%"); c.get("command.bonus.output.petpay", " &ePetPay bonus: %money% %points% %exp%"); c.get("command.bonus.output.area", " &eArea bonus: %money% %points% %exp%"); c.get("command.bonus.output.mcmmo", " &eMcMMO bonus: %money% %points% %exp%"); c.get("", " &eFinal bonus: %money% %points% %exp%"); c.get("command.bonus.output.finalExplanation", " &eDoes not include Petpay and Near spawner bonus/penalty"); c.get("", "Converts data base system from one system to another. if you currently running sqlite, this will convert to Mysql and vise versa."); c.get("", ""); c.get("", "Shows payment limits for jobs"); c.get("", ""); c.get("command.limit.output.moneytime", "&eTime left until money limit resets: &2%time%"); c.get("command.limit.output.moneyLimit", "&eMoney limit: &2%current%&e/&2%total%"); c.get("command.limit.output.exptime", "&eTime left until Exp limit resets: &2%time%"); c.get("command.limit.output.expLimit", "&eExp limit: &2%current%&e/&2%total%"); c.get("command.limit.output.pointstime", "&eTime left until Point limit resets: &2%time%"); c.get("command.limit.output.pointsLimit", "&ePoint limit: &2%current%&e/&2%total%"); c.get("command.limit.output.reachedmoneylimit", "&4You have reached money limit in given time!"); c.get("command.limit.output.reachedmoneylimit2", "&eYou can check your limit with &2/jobs limit &ecommand"); c.get("command.limit.output.reachedexplimit", "&4You have reached exp limit in given time!"); c.get("command.limit.output.reachedexplimit2", "&eYou can check your limit with &2/jobs limit &ecommand"); c.get("command.limit.output.reachedpointslimit", "&4You have reached exp limit in given time!"); c.get("command.limit.output.reachedpointslimit2", "&eYou can check your limit with &2/jobs limit &ecommand"); c.get("command.limit.output.notenabled", "&eMoney limit is not enabled"); c.get("", "Resets players payment limits"); c.get("", "[playername]"); c.get("command.resetlimit.output.reseted", "&ePayment limits have been reset for: &2%playername%"); c.get("", "Type /jobs [cmd] ? for more information about a command."); c.get("", "Usage: %usage%"); c.get("", "&e-------&e ======= &6Jobs &e======= &e-------"); c.get("", "&e-----&e ====== Page &6[1] &eof &6[2] &e====== &e-----"); c.get("", "&e--- <<<<< &6Prev page &e|"); c.get("", "&e|&6 Next Page &e>>>> ---"); c.get("", "Shows how much points player have."); c.get("", "[playername]"); Jobs.getGCManager().commandArgs.put("points", Arrays.asList("[playername]")); c.get("command.points.currentpoints", " &eCurrent point amount: &6%currentpoints%"); c.get("command.points.totalpoints", " &eTotal amount of collected points until now: &6%totalpoints%"); c.get("", "Edit players points."); c.get("", "[set/add/take] [playername] [amount]"); Jobs.getGCManager().commandArgs.put("editpoints", Arrays.asList("set%%add%%take", "[playername]")); c.get("command.editpoints.output.set", "&ePlayers (&6%playername%&e) points was set to &6%amount%"); c.get("command.editpoints.output.add", "&ePlayer (&6%playername%&e) got aditinal &6%amount% &epoints. Now he has &6%total%"); c.get("command.editpoints.output.take", "&ePlayer (&6%playername%&e) lost &6%amount% &epoints. Now he has &6%total%"); c.get("", "Shows block information you looking at."); c.get("", ""); c.get("", " &eBlock name: &6%blockname%"); c.get("", " &eBlock id: &6%blockid%"); c.get("", " &eBlock data: &6%blockdata%"); c.get("command.blockinfo.output.usage", " &eUsage: &6%first% &eor &6%second%"); c.get("", "Shows item information you holding."); c.get("", ""); c.get("", " &eItem name: &6%itemname%"); c.get("", " &eItem id: &6%itemid%"); c.get("", " &eItem data: &6%itemdata%"); c.get("command.iteminfo.output.usage", " &eUsage: &6%first% &eor &6%second%"); c.get("", "Shows all possible entities can be used with plugin."); c.get("", ""); c.get("", "Show the level you are in each job you are part of."); c.get("", "[playername]"); Jobs.getGCManager().commandArgs.put("stats", Arrays.asList("[playername]")); c.get("command.stats.error.nojob", "Please join a job first."); c.get("command.stats.output", " lvl%joblevel% %jobname% : %jobxp%/%jobmaxxp% xp"); c.get("", "Opens special jobs shop."); c.get("", ""); c.get("", "&e------- &8Jobs shop &e-------"); c.get("", "&eYou have: &6%currentpoints%"); c.get("", "&ePrice: &6%price%"); c.get("", "&eRequired jobs:"); c.get("", " &6%jobsname%&e: &e%level% lvl"); c.get("", "&6Required total level: &e%totalLevel%"); c.get("", "&cCan't open this page"); c.get("", "&cYou don't have required permissions for this item!"); c.get("", "&cNo permissions to buy this item"); c.get("", "&cYou don't have required job (&6%jobname%&e) with required (&6%joblevel%&e) level"); c.get("", "&cYou don't have enough points"); c.get("", "&cTotal jobs level is too low (%totalLevel%)"); c.get("", "&eYou have paid &6%amount% &efor this item"); c.get("", " &6%jobsname%&e: &e%level% lvl"); c.get("", "Shows all jobs saved in archive by user."); c.get("", "[playername]"); Jobs.getGCManager().commandArgs.put("archive", Arrays.asList("[playername]")); c.get("command.archive.error.nojob", "There is no jobs saved."); c.get("command.archive.output", "lvl %joblevel% (%getbackjoblevel%) %jobname%"); c.get("", "Gives item by jobs name and item category name. Player name is optional"); c.get("", "[playername] [jobname] [itemname]"); Jobs.getGCManager().commandArgs.put("give", Arrays.asList("[playername]", "[jobname]", "[jobitemname]")); c.get("command.give.output.notonline", "&4Player [%playername%] is not online!"); c.get("command.give.output.noitem", "&4Cant find any item by given name!"); c.get("", "&2*** &eJobs&2 ***"); c.get("", "Show how much each job is getting paid and for what."); c.get("", "&eThis job have &c[penalty]% &epenalty because of too many players working in it."); c.get("", "&eThis job have &2[bonus]% &ebonus because not enough players working in it."); c.get("", "[jobname] [action]"); Jobs.getGCManager().commandArgs.put("info", Arrays.asList("[jobname]", "[action]")); c.get("", "&eValid actions are: &f%actions%"); c.get("", " - &emax level:&f "); c.get("", "&7%material%"); c.get("", " &a(&e%levelFrom% &a- &e%levelUntil% &alevels)"); c.get("", " &a(from &e%levelFrom% &alevel)"); c.get("", " &a(until &e%levelUntil% &alevel)"); c.get("", " &2%money%\u0024"); c.get("", " &6%points%points"); c.get("", " &e%exp%xp"); c.get("", "&ePick your job!"); c.get("", "&e[jobname] info!"); c.get("", "&eValid actions are:"); c.get("", "&eLeft Click for more info"); c.get("", "&eRight click to join job"); c.get("", "&eLeft slots:&f "); c.get("", "&2&nAlready working"); c.get("", "&eMax level:&f "); c.get("", "&e<<< Back"); c.get("", "Break"); c.get("", "%jobname% does not get money for breaking blocks."); c.get("", "TNTBreak"); c.get("", "%jobname% does not get money for breaking blocks with tnt."); c.get("", "Place"); c.get("", "%jobname% does not get money for placing blocks."); c.get("", "Kill"); c.get("", "%jobname% does not get money for killing monsters."); c.get("", "MMKill"); c.get("", "%jobname% does not get money for killing Mythic monsters."); c.get("", "Fish"); c.get("", "%jobname% does not get money from fishing."); c.get("", "Craft"); c.get("", "%jobname% does not get money from crafting."); c.get("", "Smelt"); c.get("", "%jobname% does not get money from smelting."); c.get("", "Brew"); c.get("", "%jobname% does not get money from brewing."); c.get("", "Eat"); c.get("", "%jobname% does not get money from eating food."); c.get("", "Dye"); c.get("", "%jobname% does not get money from dyeing."); c.get("", "Enchant"); c.get("", "%jobname% does not get money from enchanting."); c.get("", "Repair"); c.get("", "%jobname% does not get money from repairing."); c.get("", "Breed"); c.get("", "%jobname% does not get money from breeding."); c.get("", "Tame"); c.get("", "%jobname% does not get money from taming."); c.get("", "Milk"); c.get("", "%jobname% does not get money from milking cows."); c.get("", "Shear"); c.get("", "%jobname% does not get money from shearing sheeps."); c.get("", "Explore"); c.get("", "%jobname% does not get money from exploring."); c.get("", "Custom kill"); c.get("", "%jobname% does not get money from custom player kills."); c.get("", "Show how much each job is getting paid and for what on another player."); c.get("", "[playername] [jobname] [action]"); Jobs.getGCManager().commandArgs.put("playerinfo", Arrays.asList("[playername]", "[jobname]", "[action]")); c.get("", "Join the selected job."); c.get("", "[jobname]"); Jobs.getGCManager().commandArgs.put("join", Arrays.asList("[jobname]")); c.get("command.join.error.alreadyin", "You are already in the job %jobname%."); c.get("command.join.error.fullslots", "You cannot join the job %jobname%, there are no slots available."); c.get("command.join.error.maxjobs", "You have already joined too many jobs."); c.get("command.join.success", "You have joined the job %jobname%."); c.get("", "Leave the selected job."); c.get("", "[oldplayerjob]"); Jobs.getGCManager().commandArgs.put("leave", Arrays.asList("[oldplayerjob]")); c.get("command.leave.success", "You have left the job %jobname%."); c.get("", "Leave all your jobs."); c.get("command.leaveall.error.nojobs", "You do not have any jobs to leave!"); c.get("command.leaveall.success", "You have left all your jobs."); c.get("", "List the jobs available to you."); c.get("command.browse.error.nojobs", "There are no jobs you can join."); c.get("command.browse.output.header", "You are allowed to join the following jobs:"); c.get("command.browse.output.footer", "For more information type in /jobs info [JobName]"); c.get("command.browse.output.totalWorkers", " &7Workers: &e[amount]"); c.get("command.browse.output.penalty", " &4Penalty: &c[amount]%"); c.get("command.browse.output.bonus", " &2Bonus: &a[amount]%"); c.get("", "Fire the player from the job."); c.get("", "[playername] [jobname]"); Jobs.getGCManager().commandArgs.put("fire", Arrays.asList("[playername]", "[oldjob]")); c.get("", "Player does not have the job %jobname%."); c.get("", "You have been fired from %jobname%."); c.get("", "Fire player from all their jobs."); c.get("", "[playername]"); Jobs.getGCManager().commandArgs.put("fireall", Arrays.asList("[playername]")); c.get("command.fireall.error.nojobs", "Player does not have any jobs to be fired from!"); c.get("", "You have been fired from all your jobs."); c.get("", "Employ the player to the job."); c.get("", "[playername] [jobname]"); Jobs.getGCManager().commandArgs.put("employ", Arrays.asList("[playername]", "[jobname]")); c.get("command.employ.error.alreadyin", "Player is already in the job %jobname%."); c.get("", "You have been employed as a %jobname%."); c.get("", "Shows top 15 players by jobs name."); c.get("", "[jobname]"); Jobs.getGCManager().commandArgs.put("top", Arrays.asList("[jobname]")); c.get("", "Cant find any job with this name."); c.get("", "&aTop&e 15 &aplayers by &e%jobname% &ajob"); c.get("", "&e%number%&a. &e%playername% &alvl &e%level% &awith&e %exp% &aexp"); c.get("", "&e<<<<< Prev page &2|"); c.get("", "&2|&e Next Page >>>>"); c.get("", "&2Show from &e[from] &2until &e[until] &2top list"); c.get("", "Shows top 15 players by global jobs level."); c.get("", ""); c.get("command.gtop.error.nojob", "Cant find any information."); c.get("command.gtop.output.topline", "&aTop&e 15 &aplayers by global job level"); c.get("command.gtop.output.list", "&e%number%&a. &e%playername% &alvl &e%level% &awith&e %exp% &aexp"); c.get("command.gtop.output.prev", "&e<<<<< Prev page &2|"); c.get("", "&2|&e Next Page >>>>"); c.get("", "&2Show from &e[from] &2until &e[until] &2global top list"); c.get("", "Modify restricted areas."); c.get("", "add/remove/info/list"); c.get("", "&eUsage: &6/Jobs area add [areaName] [bonus]"); c.get("", "&eUsage: &6/Jobs area remove [areaName]"); c.get("command.area.output.addedNew", "&eAdded new restricted area with &6%bonus% &ebonus"); c.get("command.area.output.removed", "&eRemoved restricted area &6%name%"); c.get("command.area.output.list", "&e%number%&a. &e%areaname% &e%worldname% (&a%x1%:%y1%:%z1%/&e%x2%:%y2%:%z2%) &6%bonus%"); c.get("command.area.output.noAreas", "&eThere is no saved restricted areas"); c.get("command.area.output.noAreasByLoc", "&eThere is no restricted areas in this location"); c.get("command.area.output.areaList", "&eRestricted areas by your location: &6%list%"); c.get("command.area.output.selected1", "&eSelected first point: &6%x%:%y%:%z%"); c.get("command.area.output.selected2", "&eSelected second point: &6%x%:%y%:%z%"); c.get("", "&eSelect 2 points with selection tool (%tool%)"); c.get("command.area.output.exist", "&eRestriction area by this name already exist"); c.get("command.area.output.dontExist", "&eRestriction area by this name don't exist"); c.get("", "Shows statistics."); c.get("", "[playername]"); Jobs.getGCManager().commandArgs.put("log", Arrays.asList("[playername]")); c.get("command.log.output.topline", "&7************************* &6%playername% &7*************************"); c.get("command.log.output.list", "&7* &6%number%. &3%action%: &6%item% &eqty: %qty% &6money: %money% &eexp: %exp%"); c.get("command.log.output.bottomline", "&7***********************************************************"); c.get("command.log.output.prev", "&e<<<<< Prev page &2|"); c.get("", "&2|&e Next Page >>>>"); c.get("command.log.output.nodata", "&cData not found"); c.get("", "Shows global statistics."); c.get("", ""); c.get("command.glog.output.topline", "&7*********************** &6Global statistics &7***********************"); c.get("command.glog.output.list", "&7* &6%number%. &3%username% &e%action%: &6%item% &eqty: %qty% &6money: %money% &eexp: %exp%"); c.get("command.glog.output.bottomline", "&7**************************************************************"); c.get("command.glog.output.nodata", "&cData not found"); c.get("", "Transfer a player's job from an old job to a new job."); c.get("", "[playername] [oldjob] [newjob]"); Jobs.getGCManager().commandArgs.put("transfer", Arrays.asList("[playername]", "[oldjob]", "[jobname]")); c.get("", "You have been transferred from %oldjobname% to %newjobname%."); c.get("", "Promote the player X levels in a job."); c.get("", "[playername] [jobname] [levels]"); Jobs.getGCManager().commandArgs.put("promote", Arrays.asList("[playername]", "[jobname]", "[levels]")); c.get("", "You have been promoted %levelsgained% levels in %jobname%."); c.get("", "Change the player exp for job."); c.get("", "[playername] [jobname] [set/add/take] [amount]"); Jobs.getGCManager().commandArgs.put("exp", Arrays.asList("[playername]", "[jobname]", "take%%set%%add")); c.get("", "&eYour exp was changed for %jobname% &eand now you at &6%level%lvl &eand with &6%exp%exp."); c.get("", "Demote the player X levels in a job."); c.get("", "[playername] [jobname] [levels]"); Jobs.getGCManager().commandArgs.put("demote", Arrays.asList("[playername]", "[jobname]", "[levels]")); c.get("", "You have been demoted %levelslost% levels in %jobname%."); c.get("", "Grant the player X experience in a job."); c.get("", "[playername] [jobname] [xp]"); Jobs.getGCManager().commandArgs.put("grantxp", Arrays.asList("[playername]", "[jobname]", "[xp]")); c.get("", "You have been granted %xpgained% experience in %jobname%."); c.get("", "Remove X experience from the player in a job."); c.get("", "[playername] [jobname] [xp]"); Jobs.getGCManager().commandArgs.put("removexp", Arrays.asList("[playername]", "[jobname]", "[xp]")); c.get("", "You have lost %xplost% experience in %jobname%."); c.get("", "Manualy updates sign by its name"); c.get("", "[jobname]"); Jobs.getGCManager().commandArgs.put("signupdate", Arrays.asList("[jobname]")); c.get("", "Shows Block protection arround you in 10 block radius"); c.get("", ""); c.get("command.bp.output.found", "&eFound &6%amount% &eprotected blocks around you"); c.get("command.bp.output.notFound", "&eNo protected blocks found around you"); c.get("", "Reload configurations."); c.get("", "Toggles payment output on action bar or bossbar."); c.get("", "[actionbar/bossbar]"); c.get("command.toggle.output.turnedoff", "&4This feature are turned off!"); c.get("command.toggle.output.paid.main", "&aYou got:"); c.get("", "&e[amount] money"); c.get("command.toggle.output.paid.exp", "&7[exp] exp"); c.get("command.toggle.output.paid.points", "&6[points] points"); c.get("command.toggle.output.on", "&aToggled: &aON"); c.get("", "&aToggled: &4OFF"); Jobs.getGCManager().commandArgs.put("toggle", Arrays.asList("ActionBar%%BossBar")); c.get("message.skillup.broadcast", "%playername% has been promoted to a %titlename% %jobname%."); c.get("message.skillup.nobroadcast", "Congratulations, you have been promoted to a %titlename% %jobname%."); c.get("message.levelup.broadcast", "%playername% is now a level %joblevel% %jobname%."); c.get("message.levelup.nobroadcast", "You are now a level %joblevel% %jobname%."); c.get("message.cowtimer", "&eYou still need to wait &6%time% &esec to get paid for this job."); c.get("message.blocktimer", "&eYou need to wait: &3[time] &esec more to get paid for this!"); c.get("message.placeblocktimer", "&eYou cant place block faster than &6[time] &esec interval in same place!"); c.get("message.taxes", "&3[amount] &eserver taxes where transfered to this account"); c.get("message.boostStarted", "&eJobs boost time have been started!"); c.get("message.boostStoped", "&eJobs boost time have been ended!"); c.get("message.crafting.fullinventory", "Your inventory is full!"); c.get("signs.List", "&0[number].&8[player]&7:&4[level]"); c.get("signs.SpecialList.1.1", "&b** &8First &b**"); c.get("signs.SpecialList.1.2", "&9[player]"); c.get("signs.SpecialList.1.3", "&8[level] level"); c.get("signs.SpecialList.1.4", "&b************"); c.get("signs.SpecialList.2.1", "&b** &8Second &b**"); c.get("signs.SpecialList.2.2", "&9[player]"); c.get("signs.SpecialList.2.3", "&8[level] level"); c.get("signs.SpecialList.2.4", "&b************"); c.get("signs.SpecialList.3.1", "&b** &8Third &b**"); c.get("signs.SpecialList.3.2", "&9[player]"); c.get("signs.SpecialList.3.3", "&8[level] level"); c.get("signs.SpecialList.3.4", "&b************"); c.get("signs.cantcreate", "&4You can't create this sign!"); c.get("signs.cantdestroy", "&4You can't destroy this sign!"); c.get("signs.topline", "&0[Jobs]"); c.get("signs.secondline.join", "&0Join"); c.get("signs.secondline.leave", "&0Leave"); c.get("signs.secondline.toggle", "&0Toggle"); c.get("", "&0Top"); c.get("signs.secondline.browse", "&0Browse"); c.get("signs.secondline.stats", "&0Stats"); c.get("signs.secondline.limit", "&0Limit"); c.get("", "&0Info"); c.get("signs.secondline.archive", "&0Archive"); //c.get("scoreboard.clear", "&eIf you want to remove scoreboard, type &2/jobs top clear"); c.get("scoreboard.topline", "&2Top &e%jobname%"); c.get("scoreboard.gtopline", "&2Global top list"); c.get("scoreboard.line", "&2%number%. &e%playername% (&6%level%&e)"); Jobs.getGCManager().keys = new ArrayList(c.getC().getConfigurationSection("signs.secondline").getKeys(false)); // Write back config try { c.getW().save(f); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }