/** * Jobs Plugin for Bukkit * Copyright (C) 2011 Zak Ford * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ package com.gamingmesh.jobs.container; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.Jobs; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.dao.JobsDAO; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.economy.PaymentData; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.resources.jfep.Parser; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.stuff.ChatColor; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.stuff.Perm; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.stuff.TimeManage; public class JobsPlayer { // the player the object belongs to private String userName; // progression of the player in each job public UUID playerUUID; public ArrayList progression = new ArrayList(); private PaymentData paymentLimits = null; private HashMap> boostCounter = new HashMap>(); // display honorific private String honorific; // player save status private volatile boolean isSaved = true; // player online status private volatile boolean isOnline = false; private OfflinePlayer OffPlayer = null; private Player player = null; private HashMap limits = new HashMap(); private int userid = -1; List barMap = new ArrayList(); List updateBossBarFor = new ArrayList(); // save lock // public final Object saveLock = new Object(); // log private List logList = new ArrayList(); private Long seen = System.currentTimeMillis(); private HashMap permissionsCache = null; private Long lastPermissionUpdate = -1L; public JobsPlayer(String userName, OfflinePlayer player) { this.userName = userName; this.OffPlayer = player; this.player = Bukkit.getPlayer(userName); } public int getTotalLevels() { int i = 0; for (JobProgression job : progression) { i += job.getLevel(); } return i; } public PaymentData getPaymentLimit() { if (paymentLimits == null) { paymentLimits = Jobs.getJobsDAO().getPlayersLimits(this); } if (paymentLimits == null) paymentLimits = new PaymentData(); return paymentLimits; } public boolean isUnderLimit(CurrencyType type, Double amount) { Player player = this.getPlayer(); if (player == null) return true; if (amount == 0) return true; CurrencyLimit limit = Jobs.getGCManager().getLimit(type); if (!limit.isEnabled()) return true; PaymentData data = getPaymentLimit(); Integer value = this.limits.get(type); if (data.IsReachedLimit(type, value == null ? 0 : value)) { if (player.isOnline() && !data.isInformed() && !data.isReseted()) { player.sendMessage(Jobs.getLanguage().getMessage("command.limit.output.reached" + type.getName().toLowerCase() + "limit")); player.sendMessage(Jobs.getLanguage().getMessage("command.limit.output.reached" + type.getName().toLowerCase() + "limit2")); data.setInformed(); } if (data.IsAnnounceTime(limit.getAnnouncmentDelay()) && player.isOnline()) { Jobs.getActionBar().send(player, Jobs.getLanguage().getMessage("command.limit.output." + type.getName().toLowerCase() + "time", "%time%", TimeManage.to24hourShort(data.GetLeftTime(type)))); } if (data.isReseted()) data.setReseted(false); return false; } data.AddAmount(type, amount); return true; } public void setPlayer(Player p) { this.player = p; } public void loadLogFromDao() { Jobs.getJobsDAO().loadLog(this); } public synchronized List getUpdateBossBarFor() { return this.updateBossBarFor; } public synchronized void clearUpdateBossBarFor() { this.updateBossBarFor.clear(); } public synchronized List getBossBarInfo() { return this.barMap; } public synchronized void hideBossBars() { for (BossBarInfo one : this.barMap) { one.getBar().setVisible(false); } } public List getLog() { return this.logList; } public void setUserId(int id) { this.userid = id; } public int getUserId() { return this.userid; } /** * Get the player * @return the player */ public Player getPlayer() { if (this.playerUUID != null){ Player p = Bukkit.getPlayer(this.playerUUID); if (p != null){ this.player = p; this.OffPlayer = p; this.userName = player.getName(); } } return this.player; } /** * Get the Boost * @return the Boost */ public double getBoost(String JobName, CurrencyType type) { return getBoost(JobName, type, false); } public double getBoost(String JobName, CurrencyType type, boolean force) { double Boost = 0D; if (!this.isOnline()) return Boost; long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (this.boostCounter.containsKey(JobName)) { ArrayList counterList = boostCounter.get(JobName); for (BoostCounter counter : counterList) { if (counter.getType() != type) continue; if (force || time - counter.getTime() > 1000 * 60) { Boost = getPlayerBoostNew(JobName, type); counter.setBoost(Boost); counter.setTime(time); return Boost; } return counter.getBoost(); } Boost = getPlayerBoostNew(JobName, type); counterList.add(new BoostCounter(type, Boost, time)); return Boost; } Boost = getPlayerBoostNew(JobName, type); ArrayList counterList = new ArrayList(); counterList.add(new BoostCounter(type, Boost, time)); boostCounter.put(JobName, counterList); return Boost; } private Double getPlayerBoostNew(String JobName, CurrencyType type) { Double Boost = null; Double v1 = Jobs.getPermissionManager().getMaxPermission(this, "jobs.boost." + JobName + "." + type.getName().toLowerCase(), true); Boost = v1; v1 = Jobs.getPermissionManager().getMaxPermission(this, "jobs.boost." + JobName + ".all"); if (Boost == null || v1 != null && v1 > Boost) Boost = v1; v1 = Jobs.getPermissionManager().getMaxPermission(this, "jobs.boost.all.all"); if (Boost == null || v1 != null && v1 > Boost) Boost = v1; v1 = Jobs.getPermissionManager().getMaxPermission(this, "jobs.boost.all." + type.getName().toLowerCase()); if (Boost == null || v1 != null && v1 > Boost) Boost = v1; return Boost == null ? 0D : Boost; } // New method is in use // private Double getPlayerBoost(String JobName, CurrencyType type) { // double Boost = 0D; // if (Perm.hasPermission(player, "jobs.boost." + JobName + "." + type.getName().toLowerCase()) || // Perm.hasPermission(player, "jobs.boost." + JobName + ".all") || // Perm.hasPermission(player, "jobs.boost.all.all") || // Perm.hasPermission(player, "jobs.boost.all." + type.getName().toLowerCase())) { // Boost = Jobs.getGCManager().Boost.get(type); // } // return Boost; // } /** * Reloads max experience for this job. */ public void reloadMaxExperience() { for (JobProgression prog : progression) { prog.reloadMaxExperience(); } } /** * Reloads limit for this player. */ public void reload(CurrencyType type) { int TotalLevel = 0; for (JobProgression prog : progression) { TotalLevel += prog.getLevel(); } Parser eq = Jobs.getGCManager().currencyLimitUse.get(type).getMaxEquation(); eq.setVariable("totallevel", TotalLevel); limits.put(type, (int) eq.getValue()); setSaved(false); } public void reloadLimits() { for (CurrencyType type : CurrencyType.values()) { reload(type); } } public int getLimit(CurrencyType type) { return this.limits.get(type); } public void resetPaymentLimit() { if (paymentLimits == null) getPaymentLimit(); if (paymentLimits != null) paymentLimits.resetLimits(); setSaved(false); } /** * Get the list of job progressions * @return the list of job progressions */ public List getJobProgression() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(progression); } /** * Check if have permission * @return true if have */ public boolean havePermission(String perm) { if (this.player == null) this.player = Bukkit.getPlayer(this.getPlayerUUID()); if (this.player != null) return Perm.hasPermission(player, perm); return false; } /** * Get the job progression with the certain job * @return the job progression */ public JobProgression getJobProgression(Job job) { for (JobProgression prog : progression) { if (prog.getJob().isSame(job)) return prog; } return null; } /** * get the userName * @return the userName */ public String getUserName() { if (player != null) userName = player.getName(); if (userName == null && OffPlayer != null) userName = OffPlayer.getName(); return userName; } /** * get the playerUUID * @return the playerUUID */ public UUID getPlayerUUID() { if (this.playerUUID == null && player != null) this.playerUUID = player.getUniqueId(); if (this.playerUUID == null && this.OffPlayer != null) this.playerUUID = OffPlayer.getUniqueId(); return this.playerUUID; } public void setPlayerUUID(UUID uuid) { playerUUID = uuid; } public String getDisplayHonorific() { if (honorific == null) reloadHonorific(); return honorific; } /** * Player joins a job * @param job - the job joined */ public boolean joinJob(Job job) { // synchronized (saveLock) { if (!isInJob(job)) { int level = 1; int exp = 0; if (Jobs.getJobsDAO().checkArchive(this, job).size() > 0) { List info = Jobs.getJobsDAO().checkArchive(this, job); level = info.get(0); //exp = info.get(1); Jobs.getJobsDAO().deleteArchive(this, job); } progression.add(new JobProgression(job, this, level, exp)); reloadMaxExperience(); reloadLimits(); reloadHonorific(); Jobs.getPermissionHandler().recalculatePermissions(this); return true; } return false; // } } /** * Player leaves a job * @param job - the job left */ public boolean leaveJob(Job job) { // synchronized (saveLock) { JobProgression prog = getJobProgression(job); if (prog != null) { progression.remove(prog); reloadMaxExperience(); reloadLimits(); reloadHonorific(); Jobs.getPermissionHandler().recalculatePermissions(this); return true; } return false; // } } /** * Leave all jobs * @return on success */ public boolean leaveAllJobs() { // synchronized (saveLock) { progression.clear(); reloadHonorific(); Jobs.getPermissionHandler().recalculatePermissions(this); return true; // } } /** * Promotes player in job * @param job - the job being promoted * @param levels - number of levels to promote */ public void promoteJob(Job job, int levels) { // synchronized (saveLock) { JobProgression prog = getJobProgression(job); if (prog == null) return; if (levels <= 0) return; int newLevel = prog.getLevel() + levels; int maxLevel = job.getMaxLevel(); if (this.havePermission("jobs." + job.getName() + ".vipmaxlevel") && job.getVipMaxLevel() != 0) maxLevel = job.getVipMaxLevel(); if (maxLevel > 0 && newLevel > maxLevel) { newLevel = maxLevel; } setLevel(job, newLevel); // } } /** * Demotes player in job * @param job - the job being deomoted * @param levels - number of levels to demote */ public void demoteJob(Job job, int levels) { // synchronized (saveLock) { JobProgression prog = getJobProgression(job); if (prog == null) return; if (levels <= 0) return; int newLevel = prog.getLevel() - levels; if (newLevel < 1) { newLevel = 1; } setLevel(job, newLevel); // } } /** * Sets player to a specific level * @param job - the job * @param level - the level */ private void setLevel(Job job, int level) { // synchronized (saveLock) { JobProgression prog = getJobProgression(job); if (prog == null) return; if (level != prog.getLevel()) { prog.setLevel(level); reloadHonorific(); Jobs.getPermissionHandler().recalculatePermissions(this); } // } } /** * Player leaves a job * @param oldjob - the old job * @param newjob - the new job */ public boolean transferJob(Job oldjob, Job newjob) { // synchronized (saveLock) { if (!isInJob(newjob)) { for (JobProgression prog : progression) { if (!prog.getJob().isSame(oldjob)) continue; prog.setJob(newjob); int maxLevel = 0; if (this.havePermission("jobs." + newjob.getName() + ".vipmaxlevel")) maxLevel = newjob.getVipMaxLevel(); else maxLevel = newjob.getMaxLevel(); if (newjob.getMaxLevel() > 0 && prog.getLevel() > maxLevel) { prog.setLevel(maxLevel); } reloadMaxExperience(); reloadLimits(); reloadHonorific(); Jobs.getPermissionHandler().recalculatePermissions(this); return true; } } return false; // } } /** * Checks if the player is in this job. * @param job - the job * @return true - they are in the job * @return false - they are not in the job */ public boolean isInJob(Job job) { for (JobProgression prog : progression) { if (prog.getJob().isSame(job)) return true; } return false; } /** * Function that reloads your honorific */ public void reloadHonorific() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); int numJobs = progression.size(); boolean gotTitle = false; if (numJobs > 0) { for (JobProgression prog : progression) { DisplayMethod method = prog.getJob().getDisplayMethod(); if (method.equals(DisplayMethod.NONE)) continue; if (gotTitle) { builder.append(Jobs.getGCManager().getModifyChatSeparator()); gotTitle = false; } Title title = Jobs.gettitleManager().getTitle(prog.getLevel(), prog.getJob().getName()); if (numJobs == 1) { if (method.equals(DisplayMethod.FULL) || method.equals(DisplayMethod.TITLE)) { if (title != null) { String honorificpart = title.getChatColor() + title.getName() + ChatColor.WHITE; if (honorificpart.contains("{level}")) honorificpart = honorificpart.replace("{level}", String.valueOf(prog.getLevel())); builder.append(honorificpart); gotTitle = true; } } if (method.equals(DisplayMethod.FULL) || method.equals(DisplayMethod.JOB)) { if (gotTitle) { builder.append(" "); } String honorificpart = prog.getJob().getChatColor() + prog.getJob().getName() + ChatColor.WHITE; if (honorificpart.contains("{level}")) honorificpart = honorificpart.replace("{level}", String.valueOf(prog.getLevel())); builder.append(honorificpart); gotTitle = true; } } if (numJobs > 1 && (method.equals(DisplayMethod.FULL) || method.equals(DisplayMethod.TITLE)) || method.equals(DisplayMethod.SHORT_FULL) || method.equals( DisplayMethod.SHORT_TITLE)) { // add title to honorific if (title != null) { String honorificpart = title.getChatColor() + title.getShortName() + ChatColor.WHITE; if (honorificpart.contains("{level}")) honorificpart = honorificpart.replace("{level}", String.valueOf(prog.getLevel())); builder.append(honorificpart); gotTitle = true; } } if (numJobs > 1 && (method.equals(DisplayMethod.FULL) || method.equals(DisplayMethod.JOB)) || method.equals(DisplayMethod.SHORT_FULL) || method.equals( DisplayMethod.SHORT_JOB)) { String honorificpart = prog.getJob().getChatColor() + prog.getJob().getShortName() + ChatColor.WHITE; if (honorificpart.contains("{level}")) honorificpart = honorificpart.replace("{level}", String.valueOf(prog.getLevel())); builder.append(honorificpart); gotTitle = true; } } } else { Job nonejob = Jobs.getNoneJob(); if (nonejob != null) { DisplayMethod metod = nonejob.getDisplayMethod(); if (metod.equals(DisplayMethod.FULL) || metod.equals(DisplayMethod.TITLE)) { String honorificpart = Jobs.getNoneJob().getChatColor() + Jobs.getNoneJob().getName() + ChatColor.WHITE; if (honorificpart.contains("{level}")) honorificpart = honorificpart.replace("{level}", ""); builder.append(honorificpart); } if (metod.equals(DisplayMethod.SHORT_FULL) || metod.equals(DisplayMethod.SHORT_TITLE) || metod.equals(DisplayMethod.SHORT_JOB)) { String honorificpart = Jobs.getNoneJob().getChatColor() + Jobs.getNoneJob().getShortName() + ChatColor.WHITE; if (honorificpart.contains("{level}")) honorificpart = honorificpart.replace("{level}", ""); builder.append(honorificpart); } } } honorific = builder.toString().trim(); if (honorific.length() > 0) honorific = Jobs.getGCManager().getModifyChatPrefix() + honorific + Jobs.getGCManager().getModifyChatSuffix(); } /** * Performs player save * @param dao */ public void save() { // synchronized (saveLock) { if (!isSaved()) { JobsDAO dao = Jobs.getJobsDAO(); dao.save(this); dao.saveLog(this); dao.savePoints(this); dao.recordPlayersLimits(this); dao.updateSeen(this); setSaved(true); if (this.getPlayer() == null || !this.getPlayer().isOnline()){ Jobs.getPlayerManager().addPlayerToCache(this); Jobs.getPlayerManager().removePlayer(this.getPlayer()); } } // } } /** * Perform connect */ public void onConnect() { isOnline = true; } /** * Perform disconnect * */ public void onDisconnect() { // Jobs.getJobsDAO().savePoints(this); clearBossMaps(); isOnline = false; Jobs.getPlayerManager().addPlayerToCache(this); } public void clearBossMaps() { for (BossBarInfo one : barMap) { one.cancel(); } barMap.clear(); } /** * Whether or not player is online * @return true if online, otherwise false */ public boolean isOnline() { if (this.getPlayer() != null) return this.getPlayer().isOnline(); return isOnline; } public boolean isSaved() { return isSaved; } public void setSaved(boolean value) { isSaved = value; } public Long getSeen() { return seen; } public void setSeen(Long seen) { this.seen = seen; } public HashMap getPermissionsCache() { return permissionsCache; } public void setPermissionsCache(HashMap permissionsCache) { this.permissionsCache = permissionsCache; } public void setPermissionsCache(String permission, Boolean state) { this.permissionsCache.put(permission, state); } public Long getLastPermissionUpdate() { return lastPermissionUpdate; } public void setLastPermissionUpdate(Long lastPermissionUpdate) { this.lastPermissionUpdate = lastPermissionUpdate; } }