name: Jobs description: Jobs Plugin for the BukkitAPI main: version: 3.7.1 author: phrstbrn softdepend: [Vault, iConomy, MythicMobs, McMMO] commands: jobs: description: Jobs usage: /jobs permissions: jobs.*: description: Grants access to all Jobs commands children: jobs.admin: true jobs.autojoin.*: default: false jobs.admin: description: Grants permissions as an admin default: false children: jobs.use: true jobs.command.*: true jobs.use: description: Grants ability to use this plugin default: true jobs.command.*: description: Grants player access to all commands default: false children: jobs.command.browse: true jobs.command.stats: true jobs.command.admin.stats: true jobs.command.admin.archive: true jobs.command.archive: true jobs.command.join: true jobs.command.leave: true jobs.command.leaveall: true true jobs.command.playerinfo: true true jobs.command.fireall: true jobs.command.employ: true jobs.command.promote: true jobs.command.demote: true jobs.command.grantxp: true jobs.command.removexp: true jobs.command.transfer: true jobs.command.reload: true true true jobs.command.gtop: true jobs.command.toggle: true jobs.command.limit: true jobs.command.give: true jobs.command.signs: true jobs.command.fixnames: true jobs.command.signupdate: true jobs.command.moneyboost: true jobs.command.expboost: true jobs.command.browse: description: Grants access to the browse command default: true description: Grants access to the top command default: true jobs.command.gtop: description: Grants access to the gtop command default: true jobs.command.stats: description: Grants access to the stats command default: true jobs.command.archive: description: Grants access to the archive command default: true jobs.command.admin.archive: description: Grants access to the archive command on other players default: true jobs.command.admin.stats: description: Grants access to the stats command on other players default: true jobs.command.join: description: Grants access to the join command default: true jobs.command.leave: description: Grants access to the leave command default: true jobs.command.leaveall: description: Grants access to the leaveall command default: true description: Grants access to the info command default: true jobs.command.playerinfo: description: Grants access to the playerinfo command default: op description: Grants access to the fire command default: op jobs.command.fireall: description: Grants access to the fireall command default: op jobs.command.employ: description: Grants access to the employ command default: op jobs.command.promote: description: Grants access to the promote command default: op jobs.command.demote: description: Grants access to the demote command default: op jobs.command.grantxp: description: Grants access to the grantxp command default: op jobs.command.removexp: description: Grants access to the removexp command default: op jobs.command.transfer: description: Grants access to the transfer command default: op jobs.command.reload: description: Grants access to the reload command default: op jobs.command.signupdate: description: Grants access to the reload command default: op jobs.command.give: description: Grants access to the give command default: op jobs.command.expboost: description: Grants access to the expboost command default: op jobs.command.moneyboost: description: Grants access to the moneyboost command default: op description: Grants access to the help command default: true jobs.command.toggle: description: Grants access to the toggle command default: true jobs.command.limit: description: Grants access to the limit command default: true jobs.command.fixnames: description: Grants access to the fixnames command default: true jobs.command.log: description: Grants access to the log command default: true description: Grants access to the shop command default: true jobs.command.points: description: Grants access to the points command default: true jobs.command.log.others: description: Grants access to the log command default: op jobs.command.glog: description: Grants access to the glog command default: op jobs.command.bonus: description: Grants access to the bonus command default: true jobs.command.points: description: Grants access to the points command default: true