/** * Jobs Plugin for Bukkit * Copyright (C) 2011 Zak Ford * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ package com.gamingmesh.jobs.config; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection; import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration; import org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment; import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.Jobs; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.container.ActionType; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.container.DisplayMethod; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.container.Job; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.container.JobCommands; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.container.JobConditions; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.container.JobInfo; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.container.JobItems; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.container.JobLimitedItems; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.container.JobPermission; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.resources.jfep.Parser; import com.gamingmesh.jobs.stuff.ChatColor; public class ConfigManager { private Jobs plugin; public ConfigManager(Jobs plugin) { this.plugin = plugin; } public void reload() throws IOException { // job settings loadJobSettings(); } /** * Method to load the jobs configuration * * loads from Jobs/jobConfig.yml * @throws IOException */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private void loadJobSettings() throws IOException { File f = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "jobConfig.yml"); InputStreamReader s = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(f), "UTF-8"); ArrayList jobs = new ArrayList(); Jobs.setJobs(jobs); Jobs.setNoneJob(null); if (!f.exists()) { try { f.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException e) { Jobs.getPluginLogger().severe("Unable to create jobConfig.yml! No jobs were loaded!"); s.close(); return; } } YamlConfiguration conf = new YamlConfiguration(); conf.options().pathSeparator('/'); try { conf.load(s); s.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Bukkit.getServer().getLogger().severe("==================== Jobs ===================="); Bukkit.getServer().getLogger().severe("Unable to load jobConfig.yml!"); Bukkit.getServer().getLogger().severe("Check your config for formatting issues!"); Bukkit.getServer().getLogger().severe("No jobs were loaded!"); Bukkit.getServer().getLogger().severe("Error: " + e.getMessage()); Bukkit.getServer().getLogger().severe("=============================================="); return; } finally { s.close(); } //conf.options().header(new StringBuilder().append("Jobs configuration.").append(System.getProperty("line.separator")).append(System.getProperty("line.separator")).append("Stores information about each job.").append(System.getProperty("line.separator")).append(System.getProperty("line.separator")).append("For example configurations, visit http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/jobs-reborn/.").append(System.getProperty("line.separator")).toString()); ConfigurationSection jobsSection = conf.getConfigurationSection("Jobs"); //if (jobsSection == null) { // jobsSection = conf.createSection("Jobs"); //} for (String jobKey : jobsSection.getKeys(false)) { // Ignoring example job if (jobKey.equalsIgnoreCase("exampleJob")) continue; ConfigurationSection jobSection = jobsSection.getConfigurationSection(jobKey); String jobName = jobSection.getString("fullname"); // Translating unicode jobName = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJava(jobName); if (jobName == null) { Jobs.getPluginLogger().warning("Job " + jobKey + " has an invalid fullname property. Skipping job!"); continue; } int maxLevel = jobSection.getInt("max-level", 0); if (maxLevel < 0) maxLevel = 0; int vipmaxLevel = jobSection.getInt("vip-max-level", 0); if (vipmaxLevel < 0) vipmaxLevel = 0; Integer maxSlots = jobSection.getInt("slots", 0); if (maxSlots.intValue() <= 0) { maxSlots = null; } String jobShortName = jobSection.getString("shortname"); if (jobShortName == null) { Jobs.getPluginLogger().warning("Job " + jobKey + " is missing the shortname property. Skipping job!"); continue; } String description = org.bukkit.ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', jobSection.getString("description", "")); ChatColor color = ChatColor.WHITE; if (jobSection.contains("ChatColour")) { color = ChatColor.matchColor(jobSection.getString("ChatColour", "")); if (color == null) { color = ChatColor.WHITE; Jobs.getPluginLogger().warning("Job " + jobKey + " has an invalid ChatColour property. Defaulting to WHITE!"); } } DisplayMethod displayMethod = DisplayMethod.matchMethod(jobSection.getString("chat-display", "")); if (displayMethod == null) { Jobs.getPluginLogger().warning("Job " + jobKey + " has an invalid chat-display property. Defaulting to None!"); displayMethod = DisplayMethod.NONE; } Parser maxExpEquation; String maxExpEquationInput = jobSection.getString("leveling-progression-equation"); try { maxExpEquation = new Parser(maxExpEquationInput); // test equation maxExpEquation.setVariable("numjobs", 1); maxExpEquation.setVariable("joblevel", 1); maxExpEquation.getValue(); } catch (Exception e) { Jobs.getPluginLogger().warning("Job " + jobKey + " has an invalid leveling-progression-equation property. Skipping job!"); continue; } Parser incomeEquation = new Parser("0"); if (jobSection.isString("income-progression-equation")) { String incomeEquationInput = jobSection.getString("income-progression-equation"); try { incomeEquation = new Parser(incomeEquationInput); // test equation incomeEquation.setVariable("numjobs", 1); incomeEquation.setVariable("joblevel", 1); incomeEquation.setVariable("baseincome", 1); incomeEquation.getValue(); } catch (Exception e) { Jobs.getPluginLogger().warning("Job " + jobKey + " has an invalid income-progression-equation property. Skipping job!"); continue; } } Parser expEquation; String expEquationInput = jobSection.getString("experience-progression-equation"); try { expEquation = new Parser(expEquationInput); // test equation expEquation.setVariable("numjobs", 1); expEquation.setVariable("joblevel", 1); expEquation.setVariable("baseexperience", 1); expEquation.getValue(); } catch (Exception e) { Jobs.getPluginLogger().warning("Job " + jobKey + " has an invalid experience-progression-equation property. Skipping job!"); continue; } Parser pointsEquation = new Parser("0"); if (jobSection.isString("points-progression-equation")) { String pointsEquationInput = jobSection.getString("points-progression-equation"); try { pointsEquation = new Parser(pointsEquationInput); // test equation pointsEquation.setVariable("numjobs", 1); pointsEquation.setVariable("joblevel", 1); pointsEquation.setVariable("basepoints", 1); pointsEquation.getValue(); } catch (Exception e) { Jobs.getPluginLogger().warning("Job " + jobKey + " has an invalid points-progression-equation property. Skipping job!"); continue; } } // Gui item ItemStack GUIitem = new ItemStack(Material.getMaterial(35), 1, (byte) 13); if (jobSection.contains("Gui")) { ConfigurationSection guiSection = jobSection.getConfigurationSection("Gui"); if (guiSection.contains("Id") && guiSection.contains("Data") && guiSection.isInt("Id") && guiSection.isInt("Data")) { GUIitem = new ItemStack(Material.getMaterial(guiSection.getInt("Id")), 1, (byte) guiSection.getInt("Data")); } else Jobs.getPluginLogger().warning("Job " + jobKey + " has an invalid Gui property. Please fix this if you want to use it!"); } // Permissions ArrayList jobPermissions = new ArrayList(); ConfigurationSection permissionsSection = jobSection.getConfigurationSection("permissions"); if (permissionsSection != null) { for (String permissionKey : permissionsSection.getKeys(false)) { ConfigurationSection permissionSection = permissionsSection.getConfigurationSection(permissionKey); String node = permissionKey.toLowerCase(); if (permissionSection == null) { Jobs.getPluginLogger().warning("Job " + jobKey + " has an invalid permission key" + permissionKey + "!"); continue; } boolean value = permissionSection.getBoolean("value", true); int levelRequirement = permissionSection.getInt("level", 0); jobPermissions.add(new JobPermission(node, value, levelRequirement)); } } // Conditions ArrayList jobConditions = new ArrayList(); ConfigurationSection conditionsSection = jobSection.getConfigurationSection("conditions"); if (conditionsSection != null) { for (String ConditionKey : conditionsSection.getKeys(false)) { ConfigurationSection permissionSection = conditionsSection.getConfigurationSection(ConditionKey); String node = ConditionKey.toLowerCase(); if (permissionSection == null) { Jobs.getPluginLogger().warning("Job " + jobKey + " has an invalid condition key " + ConditionKey + "!"); continue; } if (!permissionSection.contains("requires") || !permissionSection.contains("perform")) { Jobs.getPluginLogger().warning("Job " + jobKey + " has an invalid condition requirement " + ConditionKey + "!"); continue; } List requires = permissionSection.getStringList("requires"); List perform = permissionSection.getStringList("perform"); jobConditions.add(new JobConditions(node, requires, perform)); } } // Command on leave List JobsCommandOnLeave = new ArrayList(); if (jobSection.isList("cmd-on-leave")) { JobsCommandOnLeave = jobSection.getStringList("cmd-on-leave"); } // Command on join List JobsCommandOnJoin = new ArrayList(); if (jobSection.isList("cmd-on-join")) { JobsCommandOnJoin = jobSection.getStringList("cmd-on-join"); } // Commands ArrayList jobCommand = new ArrayList(); ConfigurationSection commandsSection = jobSection.getConfigurationSection("commands"); if (commandsSection != null) { for (String commandKey : commandsSection.getKeys(false)) { ConfigurationSection commandSection = commandsSection.getConfigurationSection(commandKey); String node = commandKey.toLowerCase(); if (commandSection == null) { Jobs.getPluginLogger().warning("Job " + jobKey + " has an invalid command key" + commandKey + "!"); continue; } String command = commandSection.getString("command"); int levelFrom = commandSection.getInt("levelFrom"); int levelUntil = commandSection.getInt("levelUntil"); jobCommand.add(new JobCommands(node, command, levelFrom, levelUntil)); } } // Items ArrayList jobItems = new ArrayList(); ConfigurationSection itemsSection = jobSection.getConfigurationSection("items"); if (itemsSection != null) { for (String itemKey : itemsSection.getKeys(false)) { ConfigurationSection itemSection = itemsSection.getConfigurationSection(itemKey); String node = itemKey.toLowerCase(); if (itemSection == null) { Jobs.getPluginLogger().warning("Job " + jobKey + " has an invalid item key " + itemKey + "!"); continue; } int id = itemSection.getInt("id"); String name = null; if (itemSection.isString("name")) name = itemSection.getString("name"); List lore = new ArrayList(); if (itemSection.getStringList("lore") != null) for (String eachLine : itemSection.getStringList("lore")) { lore.add(org.bukkit.ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', eachLine)); } HashMap enchants = new HashMap(); if (itemSection.getStringList("enchants") != null) for (String eachLine : itemSection.getStringList("enchants")) { if (!eachLine.contains("=")) continue; Enchantment ench = Enchantment.getByName(eachLine.split("=")[0]); Integer level = -1; try { level = Integer.parseInt(eachLine.split("=")[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { continue; } if (ench != null && level != -1) enchants.put(ench, level); } Double moneyBoost = 1D; if (itemSection.isDouble("moneyBoost")) moneyBoost = itemSection.getDouble("moneyBoost"); Double pointBoost = 1D; if (itemSection.isDouble("pointBoost")) pointBoost = itemSection.getDouble("pointBoost"); Double expBoost = 1D; if (itemSection.isDouble("expBoost")) expBoost = itemSection.getDouble("expBoost"); jobItems.add(new JobItems(node, id, 0, 1, name, lore, enchants, moneyBoost, pointBoost, expBoost)); } } // Limited Items ArrayList jobLimitedItems = new ArrayList(); ConfigurationSection LimitedItemsSection = jobSection.getConfigurationSection("limitedItems"); if (LimitedItemsSection != null) { for (String itemKey : LimitedItemsSection.getKeys(false)) { ConfigurationSection itemSection = LimitedItemsSection.getConfigurationSection(itemKey); String node = itemKey.toLowerCase(); if (itemSection == null) { Jobs.getPluginLogger().warning("Job " + jobKey + " has an invalid item key " + itemKey + "!"); continue; } int id = itemSection.getInt("id"); String name = null; if (itemSection.isString("name")) name = itemSection.getString("name"); List lore = new ArrayList(); if (itemSection.getStringList("lore") != null) for (String eachLine : itemSection.getStringList("lore")) { lore.add(org.bukkit.ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', eachLine)); } HashMap enchants = new HashMap(); if (itemSection.getStringList("enchants") != null) for (String eachLine : itemSection.getStringList("enchants")) { if (!eachLine.contains("=")) continue; Enchantment ench = Enchantment.getByName(eachLine.split("=")[0]); Integer level = -1; try { level = Integer.parseInt(eachLine.split("=")[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { continue; } if (ench != null && level != -1) enchants.put(ench, level); } int level = itemSection.getInt("level"); jobLimitedItems.add(new JobLimitedItems(node, id, name, lore, enchants, level)); } } Job job = new Job(jobName, jobShortName, description, color, maxExpEquation, displayMethod, maxLevel, vipmaxLevel, maxSlots, jobPermissions, jobCommand, jobConditions, jobItems, jobLimitedItems, JobsCommandOnJoin, JobsCommandOnLeave, GUIitem); for (ActionType actionType : ActionType.values()) { ConfigurationSection typeSection = jobSection.getConfigurationSection(actionType.getName()); ArrayList jobInfo = new ArrayList(); if (typeSection != null) { for (String key : typeSection.getKeys(false)) { ConfigurationSection section = typeSection.getConfigurationSection(key); String myKey = key; String type = null; String subType = ""; String meta = ""; int id = 0; if (myKey.contains("-")) { // uses subType subType = ":" + myKey.split("-")[1]; meta = myKey.split("-")[1]; myKey = myKey.split("-")[0]; } Material material = Material.matchMaterial(myKey); if (material == null) material = Material.getMaterial(myKey.replace(" ", "_").toUpperCase()); if (material == null) { // try integer method Integer matId = null; try { matId = Integer.valueOf(myKey); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } if (matId != null) { material = Material.getMaterial(matId); if (material != null) { Jobs.getPluginLogger().warning("Job " + jobKey + " " + actionType.getName() + " is using ID: " + key + "!"); Jobs.getPluginLogger().warning("Please use the Material name instead: " + material.toString() + "!"); } } } if (actionType == ActionType.EXPLORE) material = null; if (material != null) { // Break and Place actions MUST be blocks if (actionType == ActionType.BREAK || actionType == ActionType.PLACE) { if (!material.isBlock()) { Jobs.getPluginLogger().warning("Job " + jobKey + " has an invalid " + actionType.getName() + " type property: " + key + "! Material must be a block!"); continue; } } // START HACK /* * Historically, GLOWING_REDSTONE_ORE would ONLY work as REDSTONE_ORE, and putting * GLOWING_REDSTONE_ORE in the configuration would not work. Unfortunately, this is * completely backwards and wrong. * * To maintain backwards compatibility, all instances of REDSTONE_ORE should normalize * to GLOWING_REDSTONE_ORE, and warn the user to change their configuration. In the * future this hack may be removed and anybody using REDSTONE_ORE will have their * configurations broken. */ if (material == Material.REDSTONE_ORE && actionType == ActionType.BREAK) { Jobs.getPluginLogger().warning("Job " + jobKey + " is using REDSTONE_ORE instead of GLOWING_REDSTONE_ORE."); Jobs.getPluginLogger().warning("Automatically changing block to GLOWING_REDSTONE_ORE. Please update your configuration."); Jobs.getPluginLogger().warning("In vanilla minecraft, REDSTONE_ORE changes to GLOWING_REDSTONE_ORE when interacted with."); Jobs.getPluginLogger().warning("In the future, Jobs using REDSTONE_ORE instead of GLOWING_REDSTONE_ORE may fail to work correctly."); material = Material.GLOWING_REDSTONE_ORE; } // END HACK type = material.toString(); id = material.getId(); } else if (actionType == ActionType.KILL || actionType == ActionType.TAME || actionType == ActionType.BREED || actionType == ActionType.MILK) { // check entities EntityType entity = EntityType.fromName(key); if (entity == null) { try { entity = EntityType.valueOf(key.toUpperCase()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } if (entity != null && entity.isAlive()) { type = entity.toString(); id = entity.getTypeId(); // using breeder finder if (actionType == ActionType.BREED) Jobs.getGCManager().setBreederFinder(true); } switch (key.toLowerCase()) { case "skeletonwither": type = "SkeletonWither"; id = 51; meta = "1"; break; case "skeletonstray": type = "SkeletonStray"; id = 51; meta = "2"; break; case "zombievillager": type = "ZombieVillager"; id = 54; meta = "1"; break; case "zombiehusk": type = "ZombieHusk"; id = 54; meta = "2"; break; case "horseskeleton": type = "HorseSkeleton"; id = 100; meta = "1"; break; case "horsezombie": type = "HorseZombie"; id = 100; meta = "2"; break; case "guardianelder": type = "GuardianElder"; id = 68; meta = "1"; break; } } else if (actionType == ActionType.ENCHANT) { Enchantment enchant = Enchantment.getByName(myKey); if (enchant != null) id = enchant.getId(); type = myKey; } else if (actionType == ActionType.CUSTOMKILL || actionType == ActionType.SHEAR || actionType == ActionType.MMKILL) { type = myKey; } else if (actionType == ActionType.EXPLORE) { type = myKey; int amount = 10; try { amount = Integer.valueOf(myKey); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Jobs.getPluginLogger().warning("Job " + jobKey + " has an invalid " + actionType.getName() + " type property: " + key + "!"); continue; } Jobs.getExplore().setExploreEnabled(); Jobs.getExplore().setPlayerAmount(amount + 1); } if (type == null) { Jobs.getPluginLogger().warning("Job " + jobKey + " has an invalid " + actionType.getName() + " type property: " + key + "!"); continue; } if (actionType == ActionType.TNTBREAK) Jobs.getGCManager().setTntFinder(true); double income = section.getDouble("income", 0.0); double points = section.getDouble("points", 0.0); double experience = section.getDouble("experience", 0.0); int fromlevel = 1; if (section.isInt("from-level")) fromlevel = section.getInt("from-level"); int untilLevel = -1; if (section.isInt("until-level")) { untilLevel = section.getInt("until-level"); if (untilLevel < fromlevel) { Jobs.getPluginLogger().warning("Job " + jobKey + " has an invalid until-level in " + actionType.getName() + " for type property: " + key + "! It will be not set."); untilLevel = -1; } } jobInfo.add(new JobInfo(actionType, id, meta, type + subType, income, incomeEquation, experience, expEquation, pointsEquation, points, fromlevel, untilLevel)); } } job.setJobInfo(actionType, jobInfo); } if (jobKey.equalsIgnoreCase("none")) { Jobs.setNoneJob(job); } else { jobs.add(job); } } Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "[Jobs] Loaded " + Jobs.getJobs().size() + " jobs!"); if (!Jobs.getExplore().isExploreEnabled()) { Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "[Jobs] Explorer jobs manager are not enabled!"); } else Bukkit.getConsoleSender().sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "[Jobs] Explorer job manager registered!"); //try { // conf.save(f); //} catch (IOException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); //} } }