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* Jobs Plugin for Bukkit
* Copyright (C) 2011 Zak Ford <zak.j.ford@gmail.com>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package com.gamingmesh.jobs;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
import com.gamingmesh.jobs.config.ConfigManager;
import com.gamingmesh.jobs.container.ActionInfo;
import com.gamingmesh.jobs.container.Job;
import com.gamingmesh.jobs.container.JobItems;
import com.gamingmesh.jobs.container.JobProgression;
import com.gamingmesh.jobs.container.JobsPlayer;
import com.gamingmesh.jobs.dao.JobsDAO;
import com.gamingmesh.jobs.economy.BufferedEconomy;
import com.gamingmesh.jobs.economy.Economy;
import com.gamingmesh.jobs.economy.PaymentData;
import com.gamingmesh.jobs.i18n.Language;
import com.gamingmesh.jobs.stuff.ActionBar;
import com.gamingmesh.jobs.stuff.JobsClassLoader;
import com.gamingmesh.jobs.stuff.Loging;
import com.gamingmesh.jobs.tasks.BufferedPaymentThread;
import com.gamingmesh.jobs.tasks.DatabaseSaveThread;
public class Jobs {
public static Jobs instance = new Jobs();
private static PlayerManager pManager = new PlayerManager();
private static Logger pLogger;
private static File dataFolder;
private static JobsClassLoader classLoader = new JobsClassLoader(instance);
private static JobsDAO dao = null;
private static List<Job> jobs = null;
private static Job noneJob = null;
private static WeakHashMap<Job, Integer> usedSlots = new WeakHashMap<Job, Integer>();
public static WeakHashMap<String, Boolean> actionbartoggle = new WeakHashMap<String, Boolean>();
// public static WeakHashMap<String, Double> GlobalBoost = new WeakHashMap<String, Double>();
private static BufferedEconomy economy;
private static PermissionHandler permissionHandler;
public static BufferedPaymentThread paymentThread = null;
private static DatabaseSaveThread saveTask = null;
public final static HashMap<String, PaymentData> paymentLimit = new HashMap<String, PaymentData>();
public final static HashMap<String, PaymentData> ExpLimit = new HashMap<String, PaymentData>();
private Jobs() {
* Returns player manager
* @return the player manager
public static PlayerManager getPlayerManager() {
return pManager;
* Sets the plugin logger
public static void setPluginLogger(Logger logger) {
pLogger = logger;
* Retrieves the plugin logger
* @return the plugin logger
public static Logger getPluginLogger() {
return pLogger;
* Sets the data folder
* @param dir - the data folder
public static void setDataFolder(File dir) {
dataFolder = dir;
* Retrieves the data folder
* @return data folder
public static File getDataFolder() {
return dataFolder;
* Sets the Data Access Object
* @param dao - the DAO
public static void setDAO(JobsDAO value) {
dao = value;
* Get the Data Access Object
* @return the DAO
public static JobsDAO getJobsDAO() {
return dao;
* Sets the list of jobs
* @param jobs - list of jobs
public static void setJobs(List<Job> list) {
jobs = list;
* Retrieves the list of active jobs
* @return list of jobs
public static List<Job> getJobs() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(jobs);
* Sets the none job
* @param noneJob - the none job
public static void setNoneJob(Job job) {
noneJob = job;
* Retrieves the "none" job
* @return the none job
public static Job getNoneJob() {
return noneJob;
* Function to return the job information that matches the jobName given
* @param jobName - the ame of the job given
* @return the job that matches the name
public static Job getJob(String jobName) {
for (Job job : jobs) {
if (job.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(jobName))
return job;
return null;
* Executes startup
* @throws IOException
public static void startup() throws IOException {
// add all online players
for (Player online : Bukkit.getServer().getOnlinePlayers()) {
* Reloads all data
* @throws IOException
public static void reload() throws IOException {
if (saveTask != null) {
saveTask = null;
if (paymentThread != null) {
paymentThread = null;
if (dao != null) {
for (Job job : jobs) {
usedSlots.put(job, getJobsDAO().getSlotsTaken(job));
// set the system to auto save
if (ConfigManager.getJobsConfiguration().getSavePeriod() > 0) {
saveTask = new DatabaseSaveThread(ConfigManager.getJobsConfiguration().getSavePeriod());
// schedule payouts to buffered payments
paymentThread = new BufferedPaymentThread(ConfigManager.getJobsConfiguration().getEconomyBatchDelay());
* Executes clean shutdown
public static void shutdown() {
if (saveTask != null)
if (paymentThread != null)
if (dao != null) {
* Executes close connections
public static void ChangeDatabase() {
if (dao != null) {
if (ConfigManager.getJobsConfiguration().storageMethod.equals("mysql"))
* Function to get the number of slots used on the server for this job
* @param job - the job
* @return the number of slots
public static int getUsedSlots(Job job) {
return usedSlots.get(job);
* Function to increase the number of used slots for a job
* @param job - the job someone is taking
public static void takeSlot(Job job) {
usedSlots.put(job, usedSlots.get(job) + 1);
* Function to decrease the number of used slots for a job
* @param job - the job someone is leaving
public static void leaveSlot(Job job) {
usedSlots.put(job, usedSlots.get(job) - 1);
* Returns the jobs classloader
* @return the classloader
public static JobsClassLoader getJobsClassloader() {
return classLoader;
* Sets the permission handler
* @param h - the permission handler
public static void setPermissionHandler(PermissionHandler h) {
permissionHandler = h;
* Gets the permission handler
* @return the permission handler
public static PermissionHandler getPermissionHandler() {
return permissionHandler;
* Sets the economy handler
* @param eco - the economy handler
public static void setEconomy(JobsPlugin plugin, Economy eco) {
economy = new BufferedEconomy(plugin, eco);
* Gets the economy handler
* @return the economy handler
public static BufferedEconomy getEconomy() {
return economy;
public static boolean isUnderMoneyLimit(OfflinePlayer player, Double amount) {
if (player == null)
return true;
String playername = player.getName();
if (!ConfigManager.getJobsConfiguration().EconomyLimitUse)
return true;
if (!paymentLimit.containsKey(playername)) {
PaymentData data = new PaymentData(System.currentTimeMillis(), amount, 0.0, 0L, false);
paymentLimit.put(playername, data);
} else {
PaymentData data = paymentLimit.get(playername);
JobsPlayer JPlayer = Jobs.getPlayerManager().getJobsPlayerOffline(player);
if (data.IsReachedMoneyLimit(ConfigManager.getJobsConfiguration().EconomyLimitTimeLimit, JPlayer.getMoneyLimit())) {
if (player.isOnline() && !data.Informed && !data.isReseted()) {
((Player) player).sendMessage(Language.getMessage("command.limit.output.reachedlimit"));
((Player) player).sendMessage(Language.getMessage("command.limit.output.reachedlimit2"));
if (data.IsAnnounceTime(ConfigManager.getJobsConfiguration().EconomyLimitAnnouncmentDelay) && player.isOnline()) {
String message = Language.getMessage("command.limit.output.lefttime").replace("%hour%", String.valueOf(data.GetLeftHour(ConfigManager
message = message.replace("%min%", String.valueOf(data.GetLeftMin(ConfigManager.getJobsConfiguration().EconomyLimitTimeLimit)));
message = message.replace("%sec%", String.valueOf(data.GetLeftsec(ConfigManager.getJobsConfiguration().EconomyLimitTimeLimit)));
ActionBar.send(((Player) player), ChatColor.RED + message);
if (data.isReseted())
return false;
} else
paymentLimit.put(playername, data);
return true;
public static boolean isUnderExpLimit(final OfflinePlayer player, Double amount) {
if (player == null)
return false;
String playername = player.getName();
if (!ConfigManager.getJobsConfiguration().EconomyExpLimitUse)
return true;
if (!ExpLimit.containsKey(playername)) {
PaymentData data = new PaymentData(System.currentTimeMillis(), 0.0, amount, 0L, false);
ExpLimit.put(playername, data);
} else {
PaymentData data = ExpLimit.get(playername);
JobsPlayer JPlayer = Jobs.getPlayerManager().getJobsPlayerOffline(player);
if (data.IsReachedExpLimit(ConfigManager.getJobsConfiguration().EconomyExpTimeLimit, JPlayer.getExpLimit())) {
if (player.isOnline() && !data.Informed && !data.isReseted()) {
((Player) player).sendMessage(Language.getMessage("command.limit.output.reachedExplimit"));
((Player) player).sendMessage(Language.getMessage("command.limit.output.reachedExplimit2"));
if (data.IsAnnounceTime(ConfigManager.getJobsConfiguration().EconomyLimitAnnouncmentExpDelay) && player.isOnline()) {
String message = Language.getMessage("command.limit.output.lefttime").replace("%hour%", String.valueOf(data.GetLeftHour(ConfigManager
message = message.replace("%min%", String.valueOf(data.GetLeftMin(ConfigManager.getJobsConfiguration().EconomyExpTimeLimit)));
message = message.replace("%sec%", String.valueOf(data.GetLeftsec(ConfigManager.getJobsConfiguration().EconomyExpTimeLimit)));
ActionBar.send(((Player) player), ChatColor.RED + message);
if (data.isReseted())
return false;
} else
ExpLimit.put(playername, data);
return true;
* Performed an action
* Give correct experience and income
* @param jPlayer - the player
* @param action - the action
* @param multiplier - the payment/xp multiplier
public static void action(JobsPlayer jPlayer, ActionInfo info, double multiplier, ItemStack item, ItemStack[] armor) {
if (jPlayer == null)
List<JobProgression> progression = jPlayer.getJobProgression();
int numjobs = progression.size();
// no job
if (numjobs == 0) {
Job jobNone = Jobs.getNoneJob();
Player dude = Bukkit.getServer().getPlayer(jPlayer.getPlayerUUID());
if (jobNone != null) {
Double income = jobNone.getIncome(info, 1, numjobs);
if (income != null) {
Double amount = income + ((income * multiplier) - income) + ((income * 1.0) - income) + ((income * Jobs.getNoneJob().getMoneyBoost()) - income);
if (ConfigManager.getJobsConfiguration().useDynamicPayment) {
double moneyBonus = (income * (jobNone.getBonus() / 100));
amount += moneyBonus;
if (!isUnderMoneyLimit(dude, amount))
Jobs.getEconomy().pay(jPlayer, amount, 0.0);
if (ConfigManager.getJobsConfiguration().LoggingUse)
Loging.recordToLog(jPlayer, info, amount, 0);
} else {
for (JobProgression prog : progression) {
int level = prog.getLevel();
Double income = prog.getJob().getIncome(info, level, numjobs);
if (income != null) {
Double exp = prog.getJob().getExperience(info, level, numjobs);
if (ConfigManager.getJobsConfiguration().addXpPlayer()) {
Player player = Bukkit.getServer().getPlayer(jPlayer.getPlayerUUID());
if (player != null) {
* Minecraft experience is calculated in whole numbers only.
* Calculate the fraction of an experience point and perform a dice roll.
* That way jobs that give fractions of experience points will slowly give
* experience in the aggregate
int expInt = exp.intValue();
double remainder = exp.doubleValue() - expInt;
if (Math.abs(remainder) > Math.random()) {
if (exp.doubleValue() < 0) {
} else {
// Item boost check
Double itemMoneyBoost = 0.0;
Double itemExpBoost = 0.0;
if (item != null)
if (item.hasItemMeta()) {
ItemMeta meta = item.getItemMeta();
if (meta.hasDisplayName() && meta.hasLore())
for (JobItems oneItem : prog.getJob().getItems()) {
if (oneItem.getId() != item.getTypeId())
if (!ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', oneItem.getName()).equalsIgnoreCase(meta.getDisplayName()))
if (!oneItem.getLore().equals(meta.getLore()))
itemMoneyBoost = ((income * oneItem.getMoneyBoost()) - income);
itemExpBoost = ((exp * oneItem.getExpBoost()) - exp);
// Armor boost check
Double armorMoneyBoost = 0.0;
Double armorExpBoost = 0.0;
if (armor != null)
for (ItemStack OneArmor : armor) {
if (OneArmor == null)
if (!OneArmor.hasItemMeta())
ItemMeta meta = OneArmor.getItemMeta();
if (!meta.hasDisplayName() || !meta.hasLore())
for (JobItems oneItem : prog.getJob().getItems()) {
if (oneItem.getId() != OneArmor.getTypeId())
if (!ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', oneItem.getName()).equalsIgnoreCase(meta.getDisplayName()))
if (!oneItem.getLore().equals(meta.getLore()))
armorMoneyBoost += ((income * oneItem.getMoneyBoost()) - income);
armorExpBoost += ((exp * oneItem.getExpBoost()) - exp);
OfflinePlayer dude = jPlayer.getPlayer();
// Calculate income
Double amount = income + ((income * multiplier) - income) + ((income * prog.getJob().getMoneyBoost()) - income) + ((income * prog.getMoneyBoost())
- income) + itemMoneyBoost + armorMoneyBoost;
if (ConfigManager.getJobsConfiguration().useDynamicPayment) {
double moneyBonus = (income * (prog.getJob().getBonus() / 100));
amount += moneyBonus;
// Calculate exp
double expAmount = exp + ((exp * multiplier) - exp) + ((exp * prog.getJob().getExpBoost()) - exp) + ((exp * prog.getExpBoost()) - exp) + itemExpBoost
+ armorExpBoost;
if (ConfigManager.getJobsConfiguration().useDynamicPayment) {
double expBonus = (exp * (prog.getJob().getBonus() / 100));
expAmount += expBonus;
if (!isUnderMoneyLimit(dude, amount)) {
amount = 0.0000000001;
if (ConfigManager.getJobsConfiguration().EconomyExpStop)
expAmount = 0.0;
if (!isUnderExpLimit(dude, expAmount)) {
expAmount = 0.0;
if (ConfigManager.getJobsConfiguration().EconomyMoneyStop)
expAmount = 0.0000000001;
if (amount == 0.0000000001 && expAmount == 0.0)
Jobs.getEconomy().pay(jPlayer, amount, expAmount);
int oldLevel = prog.getLevel();
if (ConfigManager.getJobsConfiguration().LoggingUse)
Loging.recordToLog(jPlayer, info, amount, expAmount);
if (prog.addExperience(expAmount))
Jobs.getPlayerManager().performLevelUp(jPlayer, prog.getJob(), oldLevel);