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# This is a YML file. Be careful when editing. Check your edits in a YAML checker like #
# the one at http://yaml-online-parser.appspot.com #
2018-01-03 04:37:19 +01:00
parameters: "<player>"
description: "calculate the island level for player"
parameters: <player> <handicap>
description: "set the island handicap, usually the level of the starter island"
changed: "&a Initial island handicap changed from [number] to [new_number]."
invalid-level: "&c Invalid handicap. Use an integer."
description: "show how many islands are in the queue for scanning"
islands-in-queue: "&a Islands in queue: [number]"
2018-01-03 04:37:19 +01:00
description: "show the top ten list"
unknown-world: "&c Unknown world!"
2018-12-23 21:05:55 +01:00
display: "&f[rank]. &a[name] &7- &b[level]"
2019-11-17 04:19:03 +01:00
description: "remove player from Top Ten"
parameters: "<player>"
2023-11-18 23:41:18 +01:00
description: "show stats on islands on this server"
title: "Server Island Stats"
world: "&a [name]"
no-data: "&c No data to process."
average-level: "Average Island Level: [number]"
median-level: "Median Island Level: [number]"
mode-level: "Mode Island Level: [number]"
highest-level: "Highest Island Level: [number]"
lowest-level: "Lowest Island Level: [number]"
distribution: "Island Level Distribution:"
islands: "islands"
2018-01-03 04:37:19 +01:00
parameters: "[player]"
description: "calculate your island level or show the level of [player]"
2020-07-05 03:13:02 +02:00
calculating: "&a Calculating level..."
estimated-wait: "&a Estimated wait: [number] seconds"
in-queue: "&a You are number [number] in the queue"
island-level-is: "&a Island level is &b[level]"
required-points-to-next-level: "&aLevel progress: &6[progress]&b/&e[levelcost]&a points"
deaths: "&c([number] deaths)"
cooldown: "&c You must wait &b[time] &c seconds until you can do that again"
in-progress: "&6 Island level calculation is in progress..."
time-out: "&c The level calculation took too long. Please try again later."
2018-01-03 04:37:19 +01:00
description: "show the Top Ten"
gui-title: "&a Top Ten"
gui-heading: "&6[name]: &B[rank]"
island-level: "&b Level [level]"
warp-to: "&A Warping to [name]'s island"
2020-07-05 03:13:02 +02:00
above-sea-level-blocks: "Above Sea Level Blocks"
spawners: "Spawners"
underwater-blocks: "Underwater Blocks"
all-blocks: "All Blocks"
no-island: "&c No island!"
names-island: "[name]'s island"
syntax: "[name] x [number]"
hint: "&c Run level to see the block report"
parameters: "[hand|<material>]"
description: "shows the value of blocks. Add 'hand' at the end to display value for item in hand."
top: "&0&l Top Islands"
detail-panel: "&0&l [name]'s island"
value-panel: "&0&l Block Values"
empty: '&f&l [name]. place'
name: '&f&l [name]'
description: |-
# Text that is replacing [name] if island do not have a name
owners-island: "[player]'s Island"
# Text for [owner] in description.
owner: "&7&l Owner: &r&b [player]"
# Title before listing members for [members] in description
members-title: "&7&l Members:"
# List each member under the title for [members] in description
member: "&b - [player]"
# Name of unknown player.
unknown: "unknown"
# Section for parsing [place]
place: "&7&o [number]. &r&7 place"
# Section for parsing [level]
level: "&7 Level: &o [number]"
name: "&f&l [number] x [material]"
description: |-
id: "&7 Block id: &e [id]"
value: "&7 Block value: &e [number]"
limit: "&7 Block limit: &e [number]"
count: "&7 Number of blocks: &e [number]"
calculated: "&7 Calculated value: &e [number]"
name: "&f&l All Blocks"
description: |-
&7 Display all blocks
&7 on island.
name: "&f&l Blocks Above Sea Level"
description: |-
&7 Display only blocks
&7 that are above sea
&7 level.
name: "&f&l Blocks Under Sea level"
description: |-
&7 Display only blocks
&7 that are bellow sea
&7 level.
name: "&f&l Spawners"
description: |-
&7 Display only spawners.
name: "&f&l Sort by Name"
description: |-
&7 Sort all blocks by name.
name: "&f&l Sort by Value"
description: |-
&7 Sort all blocks by their value.
name: "&f&l Sort by Count"
description: |-
&7 Sort all blocks by their amount.
name: "&f&l [material]"
description: |-
id: "&7 Block id: &e [id]"
value: "&7 Block value: &e [number]"
underwater: "&7 Bellow sea level: &e [number]"
limit: "&7 Block limit: &e [number]"
# Button that is used in multi-page GUIs which allows to return to previous page.
name: "&f&l Previous Page"
description: |-
&7 Switch to [number] page
# Button that is used in multi-page GUIs which allows to go to next page.
name: "&f&l Next Page"
description: |-
&7 Switch to [number] page
name: "&f&l Search"
description: |-
&7 Search for a specific
&7 value.
search: "&b Value: [value]"
click-to-view: "&e Click &7 to view."
click-to-previous: "&e Click &7 to view previous page."
click-to-next: "&e Click &7 to view next page."
click-to-select: "&e Click &7 to select."
left-click-to-cycle-up: "&e Left Click &7 to cycle up."
right-click-to-cycle-down: "&e Right Click &7 to cycle down."
left-click-to-change: "&e Left Click &7 to edit."
right-click-to-clear: "&e Right Click &7 to clear."
click-to-asc: "&e Click &7 to sort in increasing order."
click-to-desc: "&e Click &7 to sort in decreasing order."
click-to-warp: "&e Click &7 to warp."
click-to-visit: "&e Click &7 to visit."
right-click-to-visit: "&e Right Click &7 to visit."
# Prefix for messages that are send from server.
prefix: "&l&6 [BentoBox]: &r"
no-data: "&c Run level to see the block report."
# String that allows to cancel conversation. (can be only one)
cancel-string: "cancel"
# List of strings that allows to exit conversation. (separated with ,)
exit-string: "cancel, exit, quit"
# Message that asks for search value input.
write-search: "&e Please enter a search value. (Write 'cancel' to exit)"
# Message that appears after updating search value.
search-updated: "&a Search value updated."
# Message that is sent to user when conversation is cancelled.
cancelled: "&c Conversation cancelled!"
# Message that is sent to user when given material does not have any value.
no-value: "&c That item has no value."
# Message that is sent to user when requested material does not exist.
unknown-item: "&c The '[material]' does not exist in game."
# Messages that is sent to user when requesting value for a specific material.
value: "&7 The value of '[material]' is: &e[value]"
value-underwater: "&7 The value of '[material]' below sea-level: &e[value]"
# Message that is sent to user when he does not hold any items in hand.
empty-hand: "&c There are no blocks in your hand"