Permissions are given automatically to players as listed below for BSkyBlock, AcidIsland and CaveBlock. If your permissions plugin strips permissions then you may have to allocate these manually. Note that if a player doesn't have the `intopten` permission, they will not be listed in the top ten.
* Death penalty - How many block values a player will lose per death. Default value of 100 means that for every death, the player will lose 1 level (if levelcost is 100)
* Sum Team Deaths - if true, all the team member deaths are summed. If false, only the leader's deaths counts.
* Max deaths - If player dies more than this, it doesn't count anymore.
* Reset deaths on island reset
* Reset deaths on team join
### Limits
This section lists the limits for any particular block. Blocks over this amount are not counted. This limit applies to all game modes and is not world-specific.
Format is MATERIAL: value
### Block values
This section lists the value of a block in all game modes (worlds). To specific world-specific values, use the next section. Value must be an integer. Any blocks not listed will have a value of 0. AIR is always zero.
Format is MATERIAL: value.
### World-specific block values
List any blocks that have a different value in a specific world. If a block is not listed, the default value will be used from the blocks section.
Prefix with world name. The values will apply to the associated nether and the end if they exist. Example:
ICE: 0
In this example, AcidIsland will use the same values as BSkyBlock for all blocks except for sand, sandstone and ice.