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# Config file for Level add-on Version ${version}
# Game Mode Addons
# Level will hook into these game mode addons. Don't forget to set any world-specific
# block values below!
- AcidIsland
- BSkyBlock
- CaveBlock
#- SkyGrid
#- AOneBlock
# Performance settings
# Level is very processor-intensive, so these settings may need to be tweaked to optimize for your server
# Delay between each task that loads chunks for calculating levels
# Increasing this will slow down level calculations but reduce average load
task-delay: 1
# Number of chunks that will be processed per task
chunks: 10
# Calculate island level on login
# This silently calculates the player's island level when they login
# This applies to all islands the player has on the server, e.g., BSkyBlock, AcidIsland
login: false
# Include nether island in level calculations.
# Warning: Enabling this mid-game will give players with an island a jump in
# island level. New islands will be correctly zeroed.
nether: false
# Include end island in level calculations
# Warning: Enabling this mid-game will give players with an island a jump in
# island level. New islands will be correctly zeroed.
end: false
# Underwater block multiplier
# If blocks are below sea-level, they can have a higher value. e.g. 2x
# Promotes under-water development if there is a sea. Value can be fractional.
underwater: 1.0
# Value of one island level. Default 100. Minimum value is 1.
levelcost: 100
# Island level calculation formula
# blocks - the sum total of all block values, less any death penalty
# level_cost - in a linear equation, the value of one level
# This formula can include +,=,*,/,sqrt,^,sin,cos,tan. Result will always be rounded to a long integer
# for example, an alternative non-linear option could be: 3 * sqrt(blocks / level_cost)
level-calc: blocks / level_cost
# Cooldown between level requests in seconds
levelwait: 60
# Death penalty
# How many block values a player will lose per death.
# Default value of 100 means that for every death, the player will lose 1 level (if levelcost is 100)
# Set to zero to not use this feature
deathpenalty: 100
# Sum team deaths - if true, all the teams deaths are summed
# If false, only the leader's deaths counts
sumteamdeaths: false
# For other death related settings, see the GameModeAddon's config.yml settings.
# Shorthand island level
# Shows large level values rounded down, e.g., 10,345 -> 10k
shorthand: false