package me.libraryaddict.disguise.utilities; import lombok.Getter; import me.libraryaddict.disguise.LibsDisguises; import me.libraryaddict.disguise.utilities.plugin.BisectHosting; import me.libraryaddict.disguise.utilities.plugin.PluginInformation; import me.libraryaddict.disguise.utilities.reflection.ReflectionManager; import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration; import org.bukkit.util.FileUtil; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import; /** * Created by libraryaddict on 2/06/2017. */ public class LibsPremium { private static Boolean thisPluginIsPaidFor; /** * Information of the actively running plugin */ private static PluginInformation pluginInformation; /** * Information of the plugin used to activate premium, if exists */ private static PluginInformation paidInformation; @Getter private static boolean bisectHosted; public static PluginInformation getPluginInformation() { return pluginInformation; } public static PluginInformation getPaidInformation() { return paidInformation; } /** * @return Account ID if downloaded through SpigotMC */ public static String getUserID() { return "%%__USER__%%"; } /** * @return Resource ID if downloaded through SpigotMC */ public static String getResourceID() { return "%%__RESOURCE__%%"; } /** * @return Download ID if downloaded through SpigotMC */ public static String getDownloadID() { return "%%__NONCE__%%"; } /** * @param userID * @return true if userID does not contain __USER__ */ private static Boolean isPremium(String resourceID, String userID) { return !userID.contains("__USER__") && resourceID.equals("32453"); } /** * Returns true if this plugin is premium */ public static Boolean isPremium() { return thisPluginIsPaidFor == null ? isPremium(getResourceID(), getUserID()) : thisPluginIsPaidFor; } /** * Checks if the premiumVersion can work on the current version */ private static boolean isValidVersion(String currentVersion, String premiumVersion) { currentVersion = currentVersion.replaceAll("(v)|(-SNAPSHOT)", ""); // Premium version must be using an accepted versioning system if (!premiumVersion.matches("[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)+")) { return false; } if (premiumVersion.startsWith("9.")) { return false; } // If current version is not a number version, then the premium version cannot be checked if (!currentVersion.matches("[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)+")) { // Return true as the rest of the version check cannot be used return true; } // Split by decimal points String[] currentSplit = currentVersion.split("\\."); String[] premSplit = premiumVersion.split("\\."); // Comparing major versions // Current version must be the same, or lower than premium version return Integer.parseInt(currentSplit[0]) <= Integer.parseInt(premSplit[0]); // Snapshot must be of current version //return premiumVersion.equals(currentVersion); } public static PluginInformation getInformation(File file) throws Exception { try (URLClassLoader cl = new URLClassLoader(new URL[]{file.toURI().toURL()})) { Class c = cl.loadClass(LibsPremium.class.getName()); // Fetch the plugin.yml from the jar file YamlConfiguration config = ReflectionManager.getPluginYAMLEx(file); // No checks for null config as the correct error will be thrown on access String userId = (String) c.getMethod("getUserID").invoke(null); String downloadId = (String) c.getMethod("getDownloadID").invoke(null); String resourceId = (String) c.getMethod("getResourceID").invoke(null); Boolean premium = isPremium(resourceId, userId); String pluginBuildDate = "??/??/????"; // If plugin.yml contains a build-date if (config.contains("build-date")) { pluginBuildDate = config.getString("build-date"); } String pluginBuildNumber = "???"; // If plugin.yml contains a jenkins build number if (config.contains("build-number")) { pluginBuildNumber = config.getString("build-number"); // If build number is composed of purely numbers, prepend with # for readability if (pluginBuildNumber.matches("[0-9]+")) { pluginBuildNumber = "#" + pluginBuildNumber; } } String pluginVersion = config.getString("version"); return new PluginInformation(file.length(), userId, resourceId, downloadId, premium, pluginVersion, pluginBuildNumber, pluginBuildDate); } } private static void doSecondaryCheck(String version) { File[] files = new File("plugins/LibsDisguises/").listFiles(); boolean foundJar = false; if (files == null) { return; } for (File file : files) { if (!file.isFile()) { continue; } if (!file.getName().endsWith(".jar")) { continue; } foundJar = true; PluginInformation plugin; try { plugin = getInformation(file); } catch (ClassNotFoundException | NoClassDefFoundError ex) { DisguiseUtilities.getLogger().warning("Found an unrecognized jar in the LibsDisguises folder (" + file.getName() + ") - It may need replacing with a newer jar from SpigotMC"); continue; } catch (Exception ex) { DisguiseUtilities.getLogger().warning("Error while trying to handle the file " + file.getName()); ex.printStackTrace(); continue; } // Format into a string // v5.2.6, build #40, created 16/02/2019 String fileInfo = String.format("v%s, build %s, created %s", plugin.getVersion(), plugin.getBuildNumber(), plugin.getBuildDate()); if (plugin.isPremium()) { if (!isValidVersion(version, plugin.getVersion()) || plugin.getUserID() == null || plugin.getDownloadID() == null || plugin.getUserID().equals("666666")) { DisguiseUtilities.getLogger().warning("You have an old Lib's Disguises jar (" + file.getName() + " " + fileInfo + ") in the LibsDisguises folder! For security purposes, please replace this with a" + " new " + "version from SpigotMC -"); continue; } paidInformation = plugin; thisPluginIsPaidFor = true; // Found a premium Lib's Disguises jar (v5.2.6, build #40, created 16/02/2019) DisguiseUtilities.getLogger().info("Found a premium Lib's Disguises jar (" + fileInfo + ")"); DisguiseUtilities.getLogger().info("Registered to: " + getSanitizedUser(plugin.getUserID())); // >.> if (plugin.getBuildNumber() == null || !plugin.getBuildNumber().matches("#[0-9]+") || Integer.parseInt(plugin.getBuildNumber().substring(1)) < 300) { file.delete(); continue; } break; } else { // You have a non-premium Lib's Disguises jar (LibsDisguises.jar v5.2.6, build #40, created // 16/02/2019) in the LibsDisguises folder! DisguiseUtilities.getLogger() .warning("You have a non-premium Lib's Disguises jar (" + file.getName() + " " + fileInfo + ") in the LibsDisguises folder!"); DisguiseUtilities.getLogger() .warning("Please place the premium jar downloaded from https://www.spigotmc" + ".org/resources/libs-disguises.32453/ " + "in here!"); } } if (!isPremium()) { if (bisectHosted = new BisectHosting().isBisectHosted("LibsDisguises")) { DisguiseUtilities.getLogger().info("Hosted by BisectHosting! Premium enabled!"); paidInformation = new PluginInformation(0, "0", "32453", "0", true, "0", "#0", "0"); thisPluginIsPaidFor = true; } else { DisguiseUtilities.getLogger().warning("If you own the plugin, place the premium jar downloaded from https://www.spigotmc" + ".org/resources/libs-disguises.32453/ in plugins/LibsDisguises/"); } } } private static String getSanitizedUser(String userID) { if (userID == null) { return "N/A"; } if (!userID.matches("[0-9]+")) { return String.format("... %s? Am I reading this right?", userID); } int total = 0; for (char c : userID.toCharArray()) { total += Character.getNumericValue(c); } return String.format("%s (%s)", userID, total); } public static void check(String version, File file) { thisPluginIsPaidFor = isPremium(); try { pluginInformation = getInformation(file); } catch (Exception e) { String pluginBuildDate = "??/??/????"; YamlConfiguration config = new YamlConfiguration(); try { try (InputStream stream = LibsDisguises.getInstance().getResource("plugin.yml")) { config.loadFromString(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)).lines().collect(Collectors.joining("\n"))); } // If plugin.yml contains a build-date if (config.contains("build-date")) { pluginBuildDate = config.getString("build-date"); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } String buildNo = LibsDisguises.getInstance().getBuildNo(); if (buildNo != null && buildNo.matches("[0-9]+")) { buildNo = "#" + buildNo; } pluginInformation = new PluginInformation(LibsDisguises.getInstance().getFile().length(), getUserID(), getResourceID(), getDownloadID(), isPremium(getResourceID(), getUserID()), version, buildNo, pluginBuildDate); } if (!isPremium() || !LibsDisguises.getInstance().isReleaseBuild()) { doSecondaryCheck(version); } else { DisguiseUtilities.getLogger().info("Registered to: " + getSanitizedUser(getUserID())); boolean foundBetter = false; // Lets not do any sanity checks since it won't affect legit users for (File f : LibsDisguises.getInstance().getDataFolder().listFiles()) { if (f.isDirectory() || !f.getName().endsWith(".jar")) { continue; } try { PluginInformation info = getInformation(f); if (info.getBuildNumber() == null || !info.getBuildNumber().matches("#[0-9]+")) { f.delete(); DisguiseUtilities.getLogger().info("Ew, I don't recognize " + f.getName()); continue; } else if (Integer.parseInt(info.getBuildNumber().replace("#", "")) < Integer.parseInt(LibsDisguises.getInstance().getBuildNo().replace("#", ""))) { f.delete(); DisguiseUtilities.getLogger().info("Ew, " + f.getName() + " is so old"); continue; } if (!info.isLegit()) { f.delete(); DisguiseUtilities.getLogger().info("Ew, I saw something nasty in " + f.getName()); continue; } foundBetter = true; break; } catch (ClassNotFoundException | NoClassDefFoundError e) { DisguiseUtilities.getLogger().info("Ew, error about invalid Libs Disguises jar. Deleting " + f.getName()); f.delete(); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (!foundBetter) { File f = LibsDisguises.getInstance().getFile(); FileUtil.copy(f, new File(LibsDisguises.getInstance().getDataFolder(), f.getName())); DisguiseUtilities.getLogger().info("Copied " + f.getName() + " to the plugin folder! You can use dev builds with premium enabled!"); } } if (isPremium()) { boolean prem = getPaidInformation() == null ? getPluginInformation().isLegit() : getPaidInformation().isLegit(); DisguiseUtilities.getLogger().info("Premium enabled, thank you for supporting Lib's Disguises!" + (!prem ? "!" : "")); } } }