2024-12-11 13:51:34 +13:00

92 lines
4.1 KiB

// Code copied from
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
specialSource ''
// Spigot server code remapping:
// These dependencies and mappings are installed into the local Maven repository when BuildTools builds the Spigot dependencies.
def gradleCache = new File(System.getProperty("user.home"), '.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1')
def findInGradleCache = { group, module, version, fileName ->
def baseDir = new File(gradleCache, "${group}/${module}/${version}")
if (!baseDir.exists()) {
throw new Exception("Failed to resolve ${baseDir} when trying to load ${fileName}. Cache missing. If resolved using local maven repo, be advised that this script expects a cache from remote, which is stored via gradle.");
def result = baseDir.listFiles()?.findAll { it.isDirectory() }?.collectMany({ it.listFiles().flatten() })?.find { == fileName }?.path
if (result == null) {
throw new Exception("Failed to resolve ${baseDir}/<cache key>/${fileName}");
return result;
def specialSource = buildscript.configurations.specialSource.resolvedConfiguration.getFirstLevelModuleDependencies().find {
it.moduleGroup == '' && it.moduleName == 'SpecialSource'
// Converts from Mojang's mappings to Minecraft's obfuscated mappings.
ext.remapMojangToObfuscated = { inputFile, outputFile, craftbukkitVersion ->
def remappedMojang = findInGradleCache("org.spigotmc", "spigot", craftbukkitVersion, "spigot-${craftbukkitVersion}-remapped-mojang.jar")
def mojangMappings = findInGradleCache("org.spigotmc", "minecraft-server", craftbukkitVersion, "minecraft-server-${craftbukkitVersion}-maps-mojang.txt")
println '> remapMojangToObfuscated'
println ' Input: ' + inputFile.path
println ' Output: ' + outputFile.path
println ' CraftBukkit version: ' + craftbukkitVersion
def classpathSeparator =['path.separator']
exec {
commandLine 'java',
'-cp', "${specialSource}${classpathSeparator}${remappedMojang}".replace('{craftbukkitVersion}', craftbukkitVersion),
'-i', inputFile.path,
'-o', outputFile.path,
'-m', mojangMappings,
// Converts from Minecraft's obfuscated mappings to Spigot's mappings.
ext.remapObfuscatedToSpigot = { inputFile, outputFile, craftbukkitVersion ->
def spigotMappings = findInGradleCache("org.spigotmc", "minecraft-server", craftbukkitVersion, "minecraft-server-${craftbukkitVersion}-maps-spigot.csrg")
def remappedObf = findInGradleCache("org.spigotmc", "spigot", craftbukkitVersion, "spigot-${craftbukkitVersion}-remapped-obf.jar")
println '> remapObfuscatedToSpigot'
println ' Input: ' + inputFile.path
println ' Output: ' + outputFile.path
println ' CraftBukkit version: ' + craftbukkitVersion
def classpathSeparator =['path.separator']
exec {
commandLine 'java',
'-cp', "${specialSource}${classpathSeparator}${remappedObf}".replace('{craftbukkitVersion}', craftbukkitVersion),
'-i', inputFile.path,
'-o', outputFile.path,
'-m', spigotMappings
// Converts from Mojang's mappings to Spigot's mappings.
ext.remapMojangToSpigot = { inputFile, intermediateFile, outputFile, craftbukkitVersion ->
println '> remapMojangToSpigot'
println ' Input: ' + inputFile.path
println ' Intermediate: ' + intermediateFile.path
println ' Output: ' + outputFile.path
println ' CraftBukkit version: ' + craftbukkitVersion
remapMojangToObfuscated(inputFile, intermediateFile, craftbukkitVersion)
remapObfuscatedToSpigot(intermediateFile, outputFile, craftbukkitVersion)