package bentobox.addon.limits.listeners; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.entity.Entity; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler; import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority; import org.bukkit.event.Listener; import org.bukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent; import org.bukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason; import org.bukkit.event.hanging.HangingPlaceEvent; import org.bukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleCreateEvent; import bentobox.addon.limits.Limits; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User; import world.bentobox.bentobox.database.objects.Island; import world.bentobox.bentobox.util.Util; public class EntityLimitListener implements Listener { private final Limits addon; /** * Handles entity and natural limitations * @param addon - Limits object */ public EntityLimitListener(Limits addon) { this.addon = addon; } /** * Handles minecart placing * @param e - event */ @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOW, ignoreCancelled = true) public void onMinecart(VehicleCreateEvent e) { // Return if not in a known world if (!addon.getPlugin().getIWM().inWorld(e.getVehicle().getWorld())) { return; } if (addon.getSettings().getLimits().containsKey(e.getVehicle().getType())) { // If someone in that area has the bypass permission, allow the spawning for (Entity entity : e.getVehicle().getLocation().getWorld().getNearbyEntities(e.getVehicle().getLocation(), 5, 5, 5)) { if (entity instanceof Player) { Player player = (Player)entity; boolean bypass = (player.isOp() || player.hasPermission(addon.getPlugin().getIWM().getPermissionPrefix(e.getVehicle().getWorld()) + "mod.bypass")); // Check island addon.getIslands().getProtectedIslandAt(e.getVehicle().getLocation()).ifPresent(island -> { // Ignore spawn if (island.isSpawn()) { return; } // Check if the player is at the limit if (atLimit(island, bypass, e.getVehicle())) { e.setCancelled(true); for (Entity ent : e.getVehicle().getLocation().getWorld().getNearbyEntities(e.getVehicle().getLocation(), 5, 5, 5)) { if (ent instanceof Player) { ((Player) ent).updateInventory(); User.getInstance(ent).sendMessage("entity-limits.hit-limit", "[entity]", Util.prettifyText(e.getVehicle().getType().toString()) ,"[number]", String.valueOf(addon.getSettings().getLimits().get(e.getVehicle().getType()))); } } } }); } } } } @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOW, ignoreCancelled = true) public void onCreatureSpawn(final CreatureSpawnEvent e) { // Return if not in a known world if (!addon.getPlugin().getIWM().inWorld(e.getLocation())) { return; } if (!addon.getSettings().getLimits().containsKey(e.getEntityType())) { // Unknown entity limit or unlimited return; } boolean bypass = false; // Check why it was spawned switch (e.getSpawnReason()) { // These reasons are due to a player being involved (usually) so there may be a bypass case BREEDING: case BUILD_IRONGOLEM: case BUILD_SNOWMAN: case BUILD_WITHER: case CURED: case EGG: case SPAWNER_EGG: bypass = checkByPass(e.getLocation()); break; default: // Other natural reasons break; } // Tag the entity with the island spawn location checkLimit(e, bypass); } private boolean checkByPass(Location l) { // If someone in that area has the bypass permission, allow the spawning for (Entity entity : l.getWorld().getNearbyEntities(l, 5, 5, 5)) { if (entity instanceof Player) { Player player = (Player)entity; if (player.isOp() || player.hasPermission(addon.getPlugin().getIWM().getPermissionPrefix(l.getWorld()) + "mod.bypass")) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * handles paintings and item frames * @param e - event */ @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR, ignoreCancelled = true) public void onBlock(HangingPlaceEvent e) { Player player = e.getPlayer(); boolean bypass = player.isOp() || player.hasPermission(addon.getPlugin().getIWM().getPermissionPrefix(e.getEntity().getWorld()) + "mod.bypass"); addon.getIslands().getIslandAt(e.getEntity().getLocation()).ifPresent(island -> { // Check if entity can be hung if (!island.isSpawn() && atLimit(island, bypass, e.getEntity())) { // Not allowed e.setCancelled(true); User.getInstance(player).sendMessage("block-limits.hit-limit", "[material]", Util.prettifyText(e.getEntity().getType().toString()), "[number]", String.valueOf(addon.getSettings().getLimits().getOrDefault(e.getEntity().getType(), -1))); } }); } private void checkLimit(CreatureSpawnEvent e, boolean bypass) { addon.getIslands().getIslandAt(e.getLocation()).ifPresent(island -> { // Check if creature is allowed to spawn or not if (!island.isSpawn() && atLimit(island, bypass, e.getEntity())) { // Not allowed e.setCancelled(true); // If the reason is anything but because of a spawner then tell players within range if (!e.getSpawnReason().equals(SpawnReason.SPAWNER) && !e.getSpawnReason().equals(SpawnReason.NATURAL) && !e.getSpawnReason().equals(SpawnReason.INFECTION) && !e.getSpawnReason().equals(SpawnReason.NETHER_PORTAL) && !e.getSpawnReason().equals(SpawnReason.REINFORCEMENTS) && !e.getSpawnReason().equals(SpawnReason.SLIME_SPLIT)) { for (Entity ent : e.getLocation().getWorld().getNearbyEntities(e.getLocation(), 5, 5, 5)) { if (ent instanceof Player) { User.getInstance(ent).sendMessage("entity-limits.hit-limit", "[entity]", Util.prettifyText(e.getEntityType().toString()), "[number]", String.valueOf(addon.getSettings().getLimits().get(e.getEntityType()))); } } } } }); } /** * Checks if new entities can be added to island * @param island - island * @param bypass - true if this is being done by a player with authorization to bypass limits * @param ent - the entity * @return true if at the limit, false if not */ private boolean atLimit(Island island, boolean bypass, Entity ent) { long count = ent.getWorld().getEntities().stream() .filter(e -> e.getType().equals(ent.getType())) .filter(e -> island.inIslandSpace(e.getLocation())).count(); return addon.getSettings().getLimits().containsKey(ent.getType()) && count >= addon.getSettings().getLimits().get(ent.getType()); } }