package world.bentobox.limits.calculators; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.Chunk; import org.bukkit.ChunkSnapshot; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.Tag; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.World.Environment; import; import; import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask; import world.bentobox.bentobox.BentoBox; import world.bentobox.bentobox.database.objects.Island; import world.bentobox.bentobox.util.Pair; import world.bentobox.bentobox.util.Util; import world.bentobox.limits.Limits; import world.bentobox.limits.calculators.Results.Result; import world.bentobox.limits.listeners.BlockLimitsListener; import world.bentobox.limits.objects.IslandBlockCount; /** * Counter for limits * @author tastybento * */ public class RecountCalculator { public static final long MAX_AMOUNT = 10000; private static final int CHUNKS_TO_SCAN = 100; private static final int CALCULATION_TIMEOUT = 5; // Minutes private final Limits addon; private final Queue> chunksToCheck; private final Island island; private final CompletableFuture r; private final Results results; private final Map worlds = new EnumMap<>(Environment.class); private final List stackedBlocks = new ArrayList<>(); private BukkitTask finishTask; private final BlockLimitsListener bll; private final World world; private IslandBlockCount ibc; /** * Constructor to get the level for an island * @param addon - addon * @param island - the island to scan * @param r - completable result that will be completed when the calculation is complete */ public RecountCalculator(Limits addon, Island island, CompletableFuture r) { this.addon = addon; this.bll = addon.getBlockLimitListener(); this.island = island; this.ibc = bll.getIsland(Objects.requireNonNull(island).getUniqueId()); this.r = r; results = new Results(); chunksToCheck = getChunksToScan(island); // Set up the worlds = Objects.requireNonNull(Util.getWorld(island.getWorld())); worlds.put(Environment.NORMAL, world); boolean isNether = addon.getPlugin().getIWM().isNetherGenerate(world) && addon.getPlugin().getIWM().isNetherIslands(world); boolean isEnd = addon.getPlugin().getIWM().isEndGenerate(world) && addon.getPlugin().getIWM().isEndIslands(world); // Nether if (isNether) { World nether = addon.getPlugin().getIWM().getNetherWorld(island.getWorld()); if (nether != null) { worlds.put(Environment.NETHER, nether); } } // End if (isEnd) { World end = addon.getPlugin().getIWM().getEndWorld(island.getWorld()); if (end != null) { worlds.put(Environment.THE_END, end); } } } private void checkBlock(BlockData b) { Material md = bll.fixMaterial(b); // md is limited if (bll.getMaterialLimits(world, island.getUniqueId()).containsKey(md)) { results.mdCount.add(md); } } /** * Get a set of all the chunks in island * @param island - island * @return - set of pairs of x,z coordinates to check */ private Queue> getChunksToScan(Island island) { Queue> chunkQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(); for (int x = island.getMinProtectedX(); x < (island.getMinProtectedX() + island.getProtectionRange() * 2 + 16); x += 16) { for (int z = island.getMinProtectedZ(); z < (island.getMinProtectedZ() + island.getProtectionRange() * 2 + 16); z += 16) { chunkQueue.add(new Pair<>(x >> 4, z >> 4)); } } return chunkQueue; } /** * @return the island */ public Island getIsland() { return island; } /** * Get the completable result for this calculation * @return the r */ public CompletableFuture getR() { return r; } /** * @return the results */ public Results getResults() { return results; } /** * Get a chunk async * @param env - the environment * @param x - chunk x coordinate * @param z - chunk z coordinate * @return a future chunk or future null if there is no chunk to load, e.g., there is no island nether */ private CompletableFuture> getWorldChunk(Environment env, Queue> pairList) { if (worlds.containsKey(env)) { CompletableFuture> r2 = new CompletableFuture<>(); List chunkList = new ArrayList<>(); World world = worlds.get(env); // Get the chunk, and then coincidentally check the RoseStacker loadChunks(r2, world, pairList, chunkList); return r2; } return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(Collections.emptyList()); } private void loadChunks(CompletableFuture> r2, World world, Queue> pairList, List chunkList) { if (pairList.isEmpty()) { r2.complete(chunkList); return; } Pair p = pairList.poll(); Util.getChunkAtAsync(world, p.x, p.z, world.getEnvironment().equals(Environment.NETHER)).thenAccept(chunk -> { if (chunk != null) { chunkList.add(chunk); // roseStackerCheck(chunk); } loadChunks(r2, world, pairList, chunkList); // Iteration }); } /* private void roseStackerCheck(Chunk chunk) { if (addon.isRoseStackersEnabled()) { RoseStackerAPI.getInstance().getStackedBlocks(Collections.singletonList(chunk)).forEach(e -> { // Blocks below sea level can be scored differently boolean belowSeaLevel = seaHeight > 0 && e.getLocation().getY() <= seaHeight; // Check block once because the base block will be counted in the chunk snapshot for (int _x = 0; _x < e.getStackSize() - 1; _x++) { checkBlock(e.getBlock().getType(), belowSeaLevel); } }); } } */ /** * Count the blocks on the island * @param chunk chunk to scan */ private void scanAsync(Chunk chunk) { ChunkSnapshot chunkSnapshot = chunk.getChunkSnapshot(); for (int x = 0; x< 16; x++) { // Check if the block coordinate is inside the protection zone and if not, don't count it if (chunkSnapshot.getX() * 16 + x < island.getMinProtectedX() || chunkSnapshot.getX() * 16 + x >= island.getMinProtectedX() + island.getProtectionRange() * 2) { continue; } for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++) { // Check if the block coordinate is inside the protection zone and if not, don't count it if (chunkSnapshot.getZ() * 16 + z < island.getMinProtectedZ() || chunkSnapshot.getZ() * 16 + z >= island.getMinProtectedZ() + island.getProtectionRange() * 2) { continue; } // Only count to the highest block in the world for some optimization for (int y = chunk.getWorld().getMinHeight(); y < chunk.getWorld().getMaxHeight(); y++) { BlockData blockData = chunkSnapshot.getBlockData(x, y, z); // Slabs can be doubled, so check them twice if (Tag.SLABS.isTagged(blockData.getMaterial())) { Slab slab = (Slab)blockData; if (slab.getType().equals(Slab.Type.DOUBLE)) { checkBlock(blockData); } } // Hook for Wild Stackers (Blocks Only) - this has to use the real chunk /* if (addon.isStackersEnabled() && blockData.getMaterial() == Material.CAULDRON) { stackedBlocks.add(new Location(chunk.getWorld(), x + chunkSnapshot.getX() * 16,y,z + chunkSnapshot.getZ() * 16)); } */ // Add the value of the block's material checkBlock(blockData); } } } } /** * Scan the chunk chests and count the blocks * @param chunks - the chunk to scan * @return future that completes when the scan is done and supplies a boolean that will be true if the scan was successful, false if not */ private CompletableFuture scanChunk(List chunks) { // If the chunk hasn't been generated, return if (chunks == null || chunks.isEmpty()) { return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(false); } // Count blocks in chunk CompletableFuture result = new CompletableFuture<>(); Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(BentoBox.getInstance(), () -> { chunks.forEach(chunk -> scanAsync(chunk)); Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(addon.getPlugin(),() -> result.complete(true)); }); return result; } /** * Scan the next chunk on the island * @return completable boolean future that will be true if more chunks are left to be scanned, and false if not */ public CompletableFuture scanNextChunk() { if (chunksToCheck.isEmpty()) { addon.logError("Unexpected: no chunks to scan!"); // This should not be needed, but just in case return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(false); } // Retrieve and remove from the queue Queue> pairList = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(); int i = 0; while (!chunksToCheck.isEmpty() && i++ < CHUNKS_TO_SCAN) { pairList.add(chunksToCheck.poll()); } Queue> endPairList = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(pairList); Queue> netherPairList = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(pairList); // Set up the result CompletableFuture result = new CompletableFuture<>(); // Get chunks and scan // Get chunks and scan getWorldChunk(Environment.THE_END, endPairList).thenAccept(endChunks -> scanChunk(endChunks).thenAccept(b -> getWorldChunk(Environment.NETHER, netherPairList).thenAccept(netherChunks -> scanChunk(netherChunks).thenAccept(b2 -> getWorldChunk(Environment.NORMAL, pairList).thenAccept(normalChunks -> scanChunk(normalChunks).thenAccept(b3 -> // Complete the result now that all chunks have been scanned result.complete(!chunksToCheck.isEmpty())))) ) ) ); return result; } /** * Finalizes the calculations and makes the report */ public void tidyUp() { // Finalize calculations if (ibc == null) { ibc = new IslandBlockCount(island.getUniqueId(), addon.getPlugin().getIWM().getAddon(world).map(a -> a.getDescription().getName()).orElse("default")); } ibc.getBlockCounts().clear(); results.getMdCount().forEach(ibc::add); bll.setIsland(island.getUniqueId(), ibc); //Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(addon.getPlugin(), () -> sender.sendMessage("admin.limits.calc.finished")); // All done. } public void scanIsland(Pipeliner pipeliner) { // Scan the next chunk scanNextChunk().thenAccept(r -> { if (!Bukkit.isPrimaryThread()) { addon.getPlugin().logError("scanChunk not on Primary Thread!"); } // Timeout check if (System.currentTimeMillis() - pipeliner.getInProcessQueue().get(this) > CALCULATION_TIMEOUT * 60000) { // Done pipeliner.getInProcessQueue().remove(this); getR().complete(new Results(Result.TIMEOUT)); addon.logError("Level calculation timed out after " + CALCULATION_TIMEOUT + "m for island: " + getIsland()); return; } if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(r) && !pipeliner.getTask().isCancelled()) { // scanNextChunk returns true if there are more chunks to scan scanIsland(pipeliner); } else { // Done pipeliner.getInProcessQueue().remove(this); // Chunk finished // This was the last chunk handleStackedBlocks(); long checkTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); finishTask = Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskTimer(addon.getPlugin(), () -> { // Check every half second if all the chests and stacks have been cleared if ((stackedBlocks.isEmpty()) || System.currentTimeMillis() - checkTime > MAX_AMOUNT) { this.tidyUp(); this.getR().complete(getResults()); finishTask.cancel(); } }, 0, 10L); } }); } private void handleStackedBlocks() { // Deal with any stacked blocks /* Iterator it = stackedBlocks.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Location v =; Util.getChunkAtAsync(v).thenAccept(c -> { Block cauldronBlock = v.getBlock(); boolean belowSeaLevel = seaHeight > 0 && v.getBlockY() <= seaHeight; if (WildStackerAPI.getWildStacker().getSystemManager().isStackedBarrel(cauldronBlock)) { StackedBarrel barrel = WildStackerAPI.getStackedBarrel(cauldronBlock); int barrelAmt = WildStackerAPI.getBarrelAmount(cauldronBlock); for (int _x = 0; _x < barrelAmt; _x++) { checkBlock(barrel.getType(), belowSeaLevel); } } it.remove(); }); } */ } }