package world.bentobox.limits; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.World; import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.addons.Addon; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.addons.GameModeAddon; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User; import world.bentobox.bentobox.database.objects.Island; import world.bentobox.limits.commands.AdminCommand; import world.bentobox.limits.commands.PlayerCommand; import world.bentobox.limits.listeners.BlockLimitsListener; import world.bentobox.limits.listeners.EntityLimitListener; import world.bentobox.limits.listeners.JoinListener; import world.bentobox.limits.objects.IslandBlockCount; /** * Addon to BentoBox that monitors and enforces limits * @author tastybento * */ public class Limits extends Addon { private Settings settings; private List gameModes; private BlockLimitsListener blockLimitListener; private JoinListener joinListener; @Override public void onDisable(){ if (blockLimitListener != null) {; } } @Override public void onEnable() { // Load the plugin's config saveDefaultConfig(); // Load settings settings = new Settings(this); // Register worlds from GameModes gameModes = getPlugin().getAddonsManager().getGameModeAddons().stream() .filter(gm -> settings.getGameModes().contains(gm.getDescription().getName())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); gameModes.forEach(gm -> { // Register commands gm.getAdminCommand().ifPresent(a -> new AdminCommand(this, a)); gm.getPlayerCommand().ifPresent(a -> new PlayerCommand(this, a)); registerPlaceholders(gm); log("Limits will apply to " + gm.getDescription().getName()); } ); // Register listener blockLimitListener = new BlockLimitsListener(this); registerListener(blockLimitListener); joinListener = new JoinListener(this); registerListener(joinListener); registerListener(new EntityLimitListener(this)); // Done } /** * @return the settings */ public Settings getSettings() { return settings; } /** * @return the gameModes */ public List getGameModes() { return gameModes; } /** * @return the blockLimitListener */ public BlockLimitsListener getBlockLimitListener() { return blockLimitListener; } /** * Checks if this world is covered by the activated game modes * @param world - world * @return true or false */ public boolean inGameModeWorld(World world) { return -> gm.inWorld(world)); } /** * Get the name of the game mode for this world * @param world - world * @return game mode name or empty string if none */ public String getGameModeName(World world) { return -> gm.inWorld(world)).findFirst().map(gm -> gm.getDescription().getName()).orElse(""); } /** * Get the name of the game mode for this world * @param world - world * @return game mode name or empty string if none */ public String getGameModePermPrefix(World world) { return -> gm.inWorld(world)).findFirst().map(GameModeAddon::getPermissionPrefix).orElse(""); } /** * Check if any of the game modes covered have this name * @param gameMode - name of game mode * @return true or false */ public boolean isCoveredGameMode(String gameMode) { return -> gm.getDescription().getName().equals(gameMode)); } /** * @return the joinListener */ public JoinListener getJoinListener() { return joinListener; } private void registerPlaceholders(GameModeAddon gm) { if (getPlugin().getPlaceholdersManager() == null) return; .filter(Material::isBlock) .forEach(m -> registerCountAndLimitPlaceholders(m, gm)); } /** * Registers placeholders for the count and limit of the material * in the format of %Limits_(gamemode prefix)_island_(lowercase material name)_count% * and %Limits_(gamemode prefix)_island_(lowercase material name)_limit% * * Example: registerCountAndLimitPlaceholders("HOPPER", gm); * Placeholders: * "Limits_bskyblock_island_hopper_count" * "Limits_bskyblock_island_hopper_limit" * * @param m material * @param gm game mode */ private void registerCountAndLimitPlaceholders(Material m, GameModeAddon gm) { getPlugin().getPlaceholdersManager().registerPlaceholder(this, gm.getDescription().getName().toLowerCase() + "_island_" + m.toString().toLowerCase() + "_count", user -> String.valueOf(getCount(user, m, gm))); getPlugin().getPlaceholdersManager().registerPlaceholder(this, gm.getDescription().getName().toLowerCase() + "_island_" + m.toString().toLowerCase() + "_limit", user -> getLimit(user, m, gm)); } /** * @param user - Used to identify the island the user belongs to * @param m - The material we are trying to count on the island * @param gm Game Mode Addon * @return Number of blocks of the specified material on the given user's island */ private int getCount(@Nullable User user, Material m, GameModeAddon gm) { Island is = gm.getIslands().getIsland(gm.getOverWorld(), user); if (is == null) { return 0; } @Nullable IslandBlockCount ibc = getBlockLimitListener().getIsland(is.getUniqueId()); if (ibc == null) { return 0; } return ibc.getBlockCount(m); } /** * @param user - Used to identify the island the user belongs to * @param m - The material whose limit we are querying * @param gm Game Mode Addon * @return The limit of the specified material on the given user's island */ private String getLimit(@Nullable User user, Material m, GameModeAddon gm) { Island is = gm.getIslands().getIsland(gm.getOverWorld(), user); if (is == null) { return "Limit not set"; } @Nullable IslandBlockCount ibc = getBlockLimitListener().getIsland(is.getUniqueId()); if (ibc == null) { return "Limit not set"; } int limit = ibc.getBlockLimit(m); return limit == -1 ? "Limit not set" : String.valueOf(limit); } }