# Limits Add-on for BentoBox to limit island blocks and entities in GameModes like BSkyBlock and AcidIsland. This add-on will work in any game mode world. ## How to use 1. Place the Limits addon jar in the addons folder of the BentoBox plugin 2. Restart the server 3. The addon will create a data folder and inside the folder will be a config.yml 4. Edit the config.yml how you want. 5. Restart the server if you make a change ## Commands There is a user command and an admin command called "limits". Admins can check the limits of a specific island owner. Both show a GUI panel with the limits and the current count. ## Setup - Config.yml The config.yml has the following sections: * blocklimits * worlds * entitylimits ### blocklimits This section lists the maximum number of blocks allowed for each block material. Do not use non-block materials because they will not work. The limits apply to all game worlds. ### worlds This section lists block limits for specific worlds. You must name the world specifically, e.g. AcidIsland_world and then list the materials and the limit. ### entitylimits Coming soon! ## Permissions Island owners can have exclusive permissions that override the default or world settings. The format is: Format is `GAME-MODE-NAME.island.limit.MATERIAL.LIMIT` example: `bskyblock.island.limit.hopper.10` Permissions activate when the player logs in. Usage permissions are (put the gamemode name, e.g. acidisland at the front): ``` GAMEMODE_NAME.limits.player.limits: description: Player can use limits command default: true GAMEMODE_NAME.limits.admin.limits: description: Player can use admin limits command default: op ```