_Features checked on 19th Aug 2016. If you find any inaccuracies, please do let me know. I tried to be as fair as possible, and copy all major features from the respective plugin pages._
* **Wildcard permissions** - users/groups can be given wildcard permissions (e.g. "minecraft.command.*"), even when plugins haven't implemented their own wildcards.
* **Per-world permissions/groups** - define user/group permissions that only apply on certain worlds (on BungeeCord, a connected Bukkit/Spigot instance is treated as a world)
* **Tracks / paths / ladders** - users can be promoted/demoted along multiple group tracks
* **Full support for UUIDs, even in Offline Mode** - users can change their usernames without losing permissions. In offline mode, a single user has the same internal UUID across a network.
* **Permission data stored within MySQL in a json format** - easily integrate the LuckPerms backend into your other projects
* **Well documented** - API methods have comprehensive Java docs, it's clear what each method does.