2021-10-04 18:04:17 -03:00

160 lines
6.7 KiB

prefix: "&7[&2&lChess&7] "
configReloaded: "&aConfig Reloaded!"
noPermissions: "&cYou don't have permissions."
commandCreateErrorUse: "&cYou need to use &7/chess create <arena>"
arenaAlreadyExists: "&cThat arena already exists."
arenaCreated: "&aArena created! Use &7/chess build %arena% &ato automatically construct the arena in your position."
arenaDoesNotExists: "&cThat arena doesn't exists."
commandBuildErrorUse: "&cYou need to use &7/chess build <arena>"
arenaBuilt: "&aThe arena was built correctly!"
commandSetSpawnErrorUse: "&cYou need to use &7/chess setspawn <arena>"
spawnSet: "&aSpawn set for arena &e%arena%&a."
mainLobbyDefined: "&aMain Lobby defined correctly."
commandJoinErrorUse: "&cYou need to use &7/chess join <arena>"
playerJoin: "&7%player% &ehas joined the game (&b%current_players%&8/&b2&e)"
playerLeave: "&7%player% &ehas left the game (&b%current_players%&8/&b2&e)"
arenaStartingMessage: "&eThe game starts in &7%time% &eseconds!"
gameStartingCancelled: "&7There are not enough players to start the game."
gameStarted: "&aGame started!"
blackPiecesInfo: "&eYou are the &0&lBLACK &epieces."
whitePiecesInfo: "&eYou are the &f&lWHITE &epieces."
- "&e&m "
- "&6%player% &ewon the game with &9%points% Points&e!"
- "&e&m "
- "&e&m "
- "&e There was a tie!"
- "&e&m "
arenaDisabledError: "&cThe arena is disabled."
alreadyInArena: "&cYou are already in an arena."
arenaAlreadyStarted: "&cThe arena already started."
arenaIsFull: "&cThe arena is full."
notInAGame: "&cYou are not in a game."
commandEnableErrorUse: "&cYou need to use: &7/chess enable <arena>"
arenaAlreadyEnabled: "&cThe arena is already enabled."
enableArenaBuildError: "&cYou need to build the arena first by using &7/chess build <arena>"
enableArenaSpawnError: "&cYou need to set the arena spawn first by using &7/chess setspawn <arena>"
arenaEnabled: "&aArena &e%arena% &aenabled."
commandDisableErrorUse: "&cYou need to use: &7/chess disable <arena>"
arenaAlreadyDisabled: "&cThe arena is already disabled."
arenaDisabled: "&aArena &e%arena% &adisabled."
noMainLobby: "&cBefore creating an arena you need to set the Main Lobby with: &7/chess setmainlobby"
commandDeleteErrorUse: "&cYou need to use: &7/chess delete <arena>"
arenaDeleted: "&aArena &e%arena% &adeleted."
notYourTurn: "&cIs not your turn!"
notYourPiece: "&cThat is not your piece!"
pieceSelected: "&7&l%piece% &eselected."
piecePawn: "&aPawn"
pieceRook: "&aRook"
pieceKnight: "&aKnight"
pieceBishop: "&aBishop"
pieceQueen: "&aQueen"
pieceKing: "&aKing"
changeTurn: "&6➤ &eIt's &a%player% &eTurn."
pieceMove: "&6➤ &a%player% &emoved &a%piece% &eto &7[%coords%]&e."
pieceCaptured: "&6➤ &a%player% &emoved &a%piece% &eto &7[%coords%] &eand captured &c%player2%'s %player2_piece%&e."
castling: "&6➤ &a%player% &ecastled his King to &7[%coords%]&e."
promotion: "&6➤ &a%player% &epromoted his Pawn to &a%piece%&e."
check: "&6➤ &a%player%'s &cKing is in check!"
checkmate: "&6➤ &a%player%'s &cKing is in checkmate!"
actionbarPlayerTurn: "&9It's &e%player% &9Turn. &8(&6%time%&8)"
actionbarYourTurn: "&9It's your Turn. &8(&6%time%&8)"
gameScoreboardTitle: "&bMineChess"
- "&1"
- "&cStatus:"
- "&e%status%"
- "&2"
- "&a&l%player_1% &cPoints: &a%player_1_points%"
- "&a&l%player_2% &cPoints: &a%player_2_points%"
- "&3"
- "&cmc.server.com"
statusWaiting: "&eWAITING"
statusStarting: "&eSTARTING IN &a%time%"
statusIngame: "&eENDS IN &a%time%"
statusFinishing: "&eFINISHING IN &a%time%"
gameScoreboardWaitingPlayer: "Player"
pawnPromotionInventoryTitle: "&cPawn Promotion"
promoteItemName: "&ePromote to: &a%piece%"
- "&8[&2Chess&8]"
- "&9%arena%"
- "%status%"
- "&a%current_players%&8/&a%max_players%"
signStatusWaiting: "&1WAITING"
signStatusStarting: "&6STARTING"
signStatusIngame: "&cINGAME"
signStatusDisabled: "&8DISABLED"
signStatusFinishing: "&4FINISHING"
titleKingInCheck: "&a%player%'s &cKing is in check!"
titleKingInCheckmate: "&a%player%'s &cKing is in checkmate!"
commandSpectateErrorUse: "&cYou need to use &7/chess spectate <arena>/<player>"
commandSpectateAllError: "&cThe arena doesn't exists or that player is not playing on it."
arenaMustHaveStarted: "&cThe arena must have started to spectate it!"
errorPlayerNotExists: "&7Player &e%player% &7doesn't have any stored stats."
- "&9&lStats of &e%player%"
- "&7Wins: &e%wins%"
- "&7Ties: &e%ties%"
- "&7Loses: &e%loses%"
- "&7Time Played: &d%time%"
noArenasAvailable: "&cThere are no arenas available."
errorClearInventory: "&c&lERROR! &7To join an arena clear your inventory first."
arena_starting_cooldown: 10
arena_ending_phase_cooldown: 10
arena_time: 1200
piece_holograms_enabled: true
teleport_last_location: false
empty_inventory_to_join: false
click_distance: 15
enabled: true
time: 60
action_when_time_runs_out: move
leave_item_enabled: true
name: "&7[&c&lLeave&7]"
- "&7Right Click to leave the game."
item: NAME_TAG
name: "&7[&a&lSelect and Move&7]"
- "&eLeft Click &7to select a piece."
- "&eRight Click &7to move a selected piece."
- "/chess leave"
- "/help"
per_arena_chat: true
soundCapturePiece: "BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING;10;2"
soundLosePiece: "BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING;10;0.1"
soundMovePiece: "BLOCK_STONE_STEP;10;1"
soundCastling: "BLOCK_PISTON_EXTEND;10;1.5"
soundSelectPiece: "UI_BUTTON_CLICK;10;1"
soundPromotion: "ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP;10;2"
soundCheck: "ENTITY_BLAZE_DEATH;10;0.5"
pointsPawn: 1
pointsRook: 3
pointsKnight: 3
pointsBishop: 3
pointsQueen: 10
pointsKing: 20
- "msg %player% &aHere, take a reward!"
- "eco give %player% %random_5*points-10*points%"
- "msg %player% &aYou've lost! Here, take this compensation reward."
- "eco give %player% %random_2*points-3*points%"
minimum_time_for_rewards: 240
rewards_executed_after_teleport: true
enabled: false
host: localhost
port: 3306
username: root
password: root
database: database