# Title to be showen for the opened inventory for everyone except the owner of the backpack. Can contain {OwnerName} (which will be replaced with the players name).
BackpackTitleOther:"&b{OwnerName}'s Backpack"
# The title of the inventory for the owner of the backpack.
# Don't change the players table if you have backpacks stored in your database already! Player id's might wont match anymore resulting data inconsitency.
# Settings controlling the cache behavior of the plugin. You may can optimize it a little bit depending on your player count, ram or cpu bottelnecks.
# The strategie used to uncache offlien players. Options
# interval (offline players get uncached every x seconds)
# intervalChecked (like interval, but also ensures that the player is already offline for atleast the interval time, add's a cpu overhead)
# ondisconnect (player instantly gets uncahed as sone as he disconnects, may adds overhead if other plugins try to access the player data when they go offline, also it may be problematic for players with unstabel connections)
# ondisconnectdelayed (player gets uncached x seconds after he went offline, adds overhead on disconnect, you shouldn't use this with a lot of players joining and leaving.)
# Used for the interval based uncaching algorithems. Also used as delay for ondisconnectdelayed. Value in seconds. Default: 600 = 10 minutes
# This setting controlles whether players can put shulkerboxes into their backpacks.
# This setting allows to disable shulkerboxes alltogether. Players won't be able to craft or use them.
# This settings controlles how existing shulkerboxes are handeled if they are disabled.
# Every existing shunkbox will be removed when a player tries to interact with it. The content will be lost.
# Every existing shunkbox will be destroyed when a player tries to interact with it. The content will be droped to the ground.