From d40921c0830a942b1d7168938073e68509e9094b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: xiongguiyun <> Date: Sun, 6 Nov 2022 12:30:53 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] Create zh_CN --- 地雷包/资源/朗/zh_CN | 113 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 113 insertions(+) create mode 100644 地雷包/资源/朗/zh_CN diff --git a/地雷包/资源/朗/zh_CN b/地雷包/资源/朗/zh_CN new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4c64f55 --- /dev/null +++ b/地雷包/资源/朗/zh_CN @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +Version: 19 +# To simplify the customisation and translation process please check out the editor: +Language: + NotFromConsole: "&c命令无法从控制台使用。" + Ingame: + NoPermission: "&c你没有权限这么做。" + WorldDisabled: "&c这个世界是不允许使用背包的。" + NaN: "[\"\",{\"text\":\"输入的值不是数字!\",\"color\":\"red\"}]" + OwnBackpackClose: "背包关闭!" + OwnBackpackClose_SendMethod: "action_bar" + # Parameter: {OwnerName}, {OwnerDisplayName} + PlayerBackpackClose: "{OwnerName}的背包关闭!" + PlayerBackpackClose_SendMethod: "action_bar" + InvalidBackpack: "无效的背包。" + NotAllowedInBackpack: "&c{ItemName} 不允许放在背包里。" + NotAllowedInBackpack_SendMethod: "action_bar" + DontRemoveShortcut: "&c你不能从你的物品栏中删除背包快捷方式!" + DontRemoveShortcut_SendMethod: "action_bar" + Open: + # Parameter: {TimeLeft} time in seconds till the backpack can be reopened, {TimeSpanLeft} time formatted as string till the backpack can be reopened + Cooldown: "[{\"text\":\"请等待 \",\"color\":\"dark_green\"},{\"text\":\"{TimeSpanLeft}\",\"hoverEvent\":{\"action\":\"show_text\",\"value\":\"{TimeLeft} 秒\"}},{\"text\":\" 才能重新打开背包。\"}]" + # Parameter: {CurrentGameMode}, {AllowedGameModes} + WrongGameMode: "在当前游戏模式下,你不允许打开背包。" + Clean: + BackpackCleaned: "背包已清空" + BackpackCleanedBy: "您的背包 {DisplayName} 已被清空&r." + BackpackCleanedOther: "{DisplayName}的&r 背包已经清除。" + Sort: + Sorted: "整理背包" + Help: + Header: "&6### Minepacks 指令 ###" + Footer: "&6#############################" + Reload: + Reloading: "&3重载Minepacks中……" + Reloaded: "&aMinepacks重载成功!" + Update: + CheckingForUpdates: "&3检查更新中…" + Updated: "[\"\",{\"text\":\"插件已更新,将在下次重启时加载.\",\"color\":\"yellow\"}]" + NoUpdate: "[\"\",{\"text\":\"没有更新的插件.\",\"color\":\"gold\"}]" + UpdateFail: "[\"\",{\"text\":\"在查找更新时出现了问题!请检查控制台!\",\"color\":\"red\"}]" + # You can change this message if you like to, but don't cry if the link isn't linking to the plugin anymore! + UpdateAvailable: "[{\"text\":\"有一个可用的更新! 请浏览 \\\"\",\"color\":\"green\"},{\"text\":\"${project.url}\",\"color\":\"yellow\",\"underlined\":true,\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"open_url\",\"value\":\"${project.url}\"}},{\"text\":\"\\\" 去下载!\"}]" + Backup: + Created: "背包备份成功。" + NoBackpack: "玩家没有背包或者背包是空的。" + Restore: + BackupsPerPage: "10" + Headline: "[\"\",{\"text\":\"备份\",\"color\":\"yellow\"},{\"text\":\" - \",\"color\":\"white\"},{\"text\":\"页面 {CurrentPage}/{MaxPage}\",\"color\":\"gold\"}]" + Footer: "[{\"text\":\"<<< 上一页 <<<\",\"color\":\"gray\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/{MainCommand} {SubCommand} {CurrentPage}--\"},\"hoverEvent\":{\"action\":\"show_text\",\"value\":\"/{MainCommand} {SubCommand} {CurrentPage}--\"}},{\"text\":\" 当前页面 {CurrentPage}/{MaxPage} \",\"color\":\"gold\"},{\"text\":\">>> 下一页 >>>\",\"color\":\"gray\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/{MainCommand} {SubCommand} {CurrentPage}++\"},\"hoverEvent\":{\"action\":\"show_text\",\"value\":\"/{MainCommand} {SubCommand} {CurrentPage}++\"}}]" + BackupEntry: "[\"\",{\"text\":\"{BackupIdentifier}\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"suggest_command\",\"value\":\"/{MainCommand} {SubCommand} {BackupIdentifier}\"},\"hoverEvent\":{\"action\":\"show_text\",\"value\":\"User: {BackupPlayerName} ({BackupPlayerUUID})\\nCreated: {BackupDate}\"}}]" + NoValidBackup: "没有找到匹配{BackupIdentifier}的备份" + NoUserToRestoreToFound: "没有有效用户可将备份恢复到已找到的位置" + # No Json!!! + ParameterBackupName: "backup_name" + # No Json!!! + DateFormat: "yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss" + Restored: "备份已成功恢复。" + InventoryClear: + UnknownPlayer: "&c找不到玩家 {Name}!" + Cleared: "背包东西清空。" + ClearedOther: "{DisplayName}的&r 背包东西已经清空。" + ClearedOtherTarget: "你的背包东西已经清空了 {DisplayName}&r." + Commands: + HelpFormat: "[\"\",{\"text\":\"/{MainCommand} {SubCommand} {Parameters}\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"suggest_command\",\"value\":\"/{MainCommand} {SubCommand}\"}},{\"text\":\" - \",\"color\":\"white\"},{\"text\":\"{Description}\",\"color\":\"aqua\"}]" + PlayerNameVariable: "player_name" + Description: + Backpack: "打开你的背包。" + Sort: "整理你的背包。" + Clean: "清空你的背包。" + CleanOthers: "清空其他玩家的背包。" + OpenOthers: "这是另一个玩家的背包。" + Reload: "重新加载插件的配置。" + Update: "检查新的插件更新。" + Version: "打印关于插件及其依赖项的版本详细信息。" + Backup: "创建玩家背包的备份。" + BackupEveryone: "创建当前在线的所有人的备份。" + Restore: "恢复备份。" + RestoreList: "列出所有可用的备份。" + Help: "显示所有可用命令及其描述。" + Migrate: "将使用的数据库从一种类型迁移到另一种类型。" +LanguageName: "简体中文" +Author: "Liou_Yang" +Command: + Backpack: + - backpack + - bp + Open: + - open + Sort: + - sort + Clean: + - clean + - clear + - empty + Reload: + - reload + - restart + Update: + - update + Backup: + - backup + Restore: + - restore + ListBackups: + - listbackups + Version: + - version + Help: + - help + InventoryClear: + - clear + - inventoryclear + - clean