Language: NotFromConsole: "&cCommand not useable from console." Ingame: NoPermission: "&cYou don't have the Permission to do that." OwnBackpackClose: "Backpack closed!" #Parameter: {OwnerName}, {OwnerDisplayName} PlayerBackpackClose: "{OwnerName}'s backpack closed!" InvalidBackpack: "Invalid backpack." BackpackCleaned: "Backpack cleaned." #Parameter> {TimeLeft} time in seconds till he can reopen his backpack Cooldown: "&2Please wait {TimeLeft} seconds till you reopen your backpack." Shulkerboxes: NotAllowedInBackpack: "&cShulkerboxes are not allowed in the backpack." Commands: Description: Backpack: "Opens your backpack." Clean: "Cleans your backpack." CleanOther: "Cleans the backpack of other players." View: "Shows the backpack of other player." # Language file version. Don't touch it! Version: 10