Language: Console: Enabled: MinePacks has been enabled! Disabled: MinePacks has been disabled. NotFromConsole: Command not useable from console. LangUpdated: Language File has been updated. UpdateUUIDs: Start updating database to UUIDs ... UpdatedUUIDs: 'Updated %s accounts to UUIDs.' MinecraftVersionNotCompatible: "Your minecraft version (MC %1$s) is currently not compatible with this plugins version (%2$s). Please check for updates!" Ingame: NoPermission: You don't have the Permission to do that. OwnBackPackClose: 'Backpack closed!' PlayerBackPackClose: "%s's backpack closed!" InvalidBackpack: Invalid backpack. BackpackCleaned: Backpack cleaned. Cooldown: "Please wait till you reopen your backpack." WrongGameMode: "You are not allowed to open your backpack in your current game-mode." Description: Backpack: Opens your backpack. Clean: Cleans your backpack. CleanOther: Cleans the backpack of other players. View: Shows the backpack of other player. # Language file version. Don't touch it! Version: 5