# To simplify the customisation and the translation process please check out the editor: http://ptp.pcgamingfreaks.at Language: NotFromConsole: "&cCommand not usable from console." Ingame: NoPermission: "&cYou don't have the permission to do that." WorldDisabled: "&cThe use of the backpack is not allowed in this world." NaN: "[\"\",{\"text\":\"The entered value is not a number!\",\"color\":\"red\"}]" OwnBackpackClose: "Backpack closed!" OwnBackpackClose_SendMethod: "action_bar" #Parameter: {OwnerName}, {OwnerDisplayName} PlayerBackpackClose: "{OwnerName}'s backpack closed!" PlayerBackpackClose_SendMethod: "action_bar" InvalidBackpack: "Invalid backpack." NotAllowedInBackpack: "&c{ItemName} is not allowed in the backpack." Open: #Parameter: {TimeLeft} time in seconds till he can reopen his backpack, {TimeSpanLeft} Cooldown: "&2Please wait {TimeSpanLeft} seconds till you reopen your backpack." #Parameter: {CurrentGameMode}, {AllowedGameModes} WrongGameMode: "You are not allowed to open your backpack in your current game-mode." Clean: BackpackCleaned: "Backpack cleaned." Help: Header: "&6### Minepacks Commands ###" Footer: "&6#############################" Reload: Reloading: "&1Reloading ..." Reloaded: "&1Reloaded!" Update: CheckingForUpdates: "&1Checking for updates ..." Updated: "[\"\",{\"text\":\"Plugin updated, will be loaded on next restart/reload.\",\"color\":\"yellow\"}]" NoUpdate: "[\"\",{\"text\":\"No plugin update available.\",\"color\":\"gold\"}]" UpdateFail: "[\"\",{\"text\":\"There was a problem looking for updates! Please check the console!\",\"color\":\"red\"}]" # You can change this message if you like to, but don't cry if the link isn't linking to the plugin anymore! UpdateAvailable: "[{\"text\":\"There is an update available! Please go to \\\"\",\"color\":\"green\"},{\"text\":\"https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/19286/\",\"color\":\"yellow\",\"underlined\":true,\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"open_url\",\"value\":\"https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/19286/\"}},{\"text\":\"\\\" to download it!\"}]" Backup: Created: "The backpack has been backed up successful." NoBackpack: "The player doesn't have a backpack or his backpack is empty." Restore: BackupsPerPage: 10 Headline: "[\"\",{\"text\":\"Backups\",\"color\":\"yellow\"},{\"text\":\" - \",\"color\":\"white\"},{\"text\":\"showing page {CurrentPage}/{MaxPage}\",\"color\":\"gold\"}]" Footer: "[{\"text\":\"<<< Previous <<<\",\"color\":\"gray\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/{MainCommand} {SubCommand} {CurrentPage}--\"},\"hoverEvent\":{\"action\":\"show_text\",\"value\":\"/{MainCommand} {SubCommand} {CurrentPage}--\"}},{\"text\":\" Showing page {CurrentPage}/{MaxPage} \",\"color\":\"gold\"},{\"text\":\">>> Next >>>\",\"color\":\"gray\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/{MainCommand} {SubCommand} {CurrentPage}++\"},\"hoverEvent\":{\"action\":\"show_text\",\"value\":\"/{MainCommand} {SubCommand} {CurrentPage}++\"}}]" BackupEntry: "[\"\",{\"text\":\"{BackupIdentifier}\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"suggest_command\",\"value\":\"/{MainCommand} {SubCommand} {BackupIdentifier}\"},\"hoverEvent\":{\"action\":\"show_text\",\"value\":\"User: {BackupPlayerName} ({BackupPlayerUUID})\\nCreated: {BackupDate}\"}}]" NoValidBackup: "No backup matching {BackupIdentifier} found" NoUserToRestoreToFound: "No valid user to restore backup to found" # No Json!!! ParameterBackupName: "backup_name" # No Json!!! DateFormat: "yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss" Restored: "Backup has been successful restored." Commands: HelpFormat: "[\"\",{\"text\":\"/{MainCommand} {SubCommand} {Parameters}\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"suggest_command\",\"value\":\"/{MainCommand} {SubCommand}\"}},{\"text\":\" - \",\"color\":\"white\"},{\"text\":\"{Description}\",\"color\":\"aqua\"}]" PlayerNameVariable: "player_name" Description: Backpack: "Opens your backpack." Clean: "Cleans your backpack." CleanOthers: "Cleans the backpack of another players." OpenOthers: "Shows the backpack of another player." Reload: "Reloads the config of the plugin." Update: "Checks for new plugin updates." Version: "Prints the version details about the plugin and it's dependencies." Backup: "Creates a backup of a players backpack." Restore: "Restores a backup." RestoreList: "Lists all available backups." Help: "Shows all available commands and their description." Migrate: "Migrates the used database from one type to another." Command: Backpack: - backpack - bp Open: - open Clean: - clean - clear - empty Reload: - reload - restart Update: - update Backup: - backup Restore: - restore ListBackups: - listbackups Version: - version Help: - help # Will be shown in the console during startup LanguageName: "english" Author: "GeorgH93" # Language file version. Don't touch it! Version: 16