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2022-03-20 01:47:57 +01:00
package net.minestom.server.tag;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectOpenHashMap;
import net.minestom.server.utils.PropertyUtils;
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import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.UnknownNullability;
import org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.nbt.NBT;
import org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.nbt.NBTCompound;
import org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.nbt.NBTCompoundLike;
import org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.nbt.NBTType;
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import org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.nbt.mutable.MutableNBTCompound;
import java.lang.invoke.VarHandle;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
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import java.util.function.UnaryOperator;
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final class TagHandlerImpl implements TagHandler {
private static final boolean CACHE_ENABLE = PropertyUtils.getBoolean("minestom.tag-handler-cache", true);
private final TagHandlerImpl parent;
private volatile SPMCMap entries;
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private Cache cache;
TagHandlerImpl(TagHandlerImpl parent) {
this.parent = parent;
this.entries = new SPMCMap(this);
this.cache = null;
TagHandlerImpl() {
static TagHandlerImpl fromCompound(NBTCompoundLike compoundLike) {
final NBTCompound compound = compoundLike.toCompound();
TagHandlerImpl handler = new TagHandlerImpl(null);
TagNbtSeparator.separate(compound, entry -> handler.setTag(entry.tag(), entry.value()));
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return handler;
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public <T> @UnknownNullability T getTag(@NotNull Tag<T> tag) {
return read(entries, tag, this::asCompound);
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public <T> void setTag(@NotNull Tag<T> tag, @Nullable T value) {
TagHandlerImpl local = this;
final Tag.PathEntry[] paths = tag.path;
final boolean present = value != null;
final int tagIndex = tag.index;
final boolean isView = tag.isView();
synchronized (this) {
if (paths != null) {
if ((local = traversePathWrite(this, paths, present)) == null)
return; // Tried to remove an absent tag. Do nothing
SPMCMap entries = local.entries;
if (present) {
if (!isView) {
Entry previous = entries.get(tagIndex);
if (previous != null && previous.tag().shareValue(tag)) {
} else {
entries.put(tagIndex, valueToEntry(local, tag, value));
} else {
local.updateContent((NBTCompound) tag.entry.write(value));
} else {
// Remove recursively
if (!isView) {
if (entries.remove(tagIndex) == null) return;
} else {
if (paths != null) {
TagHandlerImpl tmp = local;
int i = paths.length;
do {
if (!tmp.entries.isEmpty()) break;
tmp = tmp.parent;
} while (i > 0);
assert !local.entries.rehashed;
private <T> Entry<?> valueToEntry(TagHandlerImpl parent, Tag<T> tag, @NotNull T value) {
if (value instanceof NBT nbt) {
if (nbt instanceof NBTCompound compound) {
var handler = new TagHandlerImpl(parent);
return new PathEntry(tag.getKey(), handler);
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} else {
final var nbtEntry = TagNbtSeparator.separateSingle(tag.getKey(), nbt);
return new TagEntry<>(nbtEntry.tag(), nbtEntry.value());
} else {
final UnaryOperator<T> copy = tag.copy;
if (copy != null) value = copy.apply(value);
return new TagEntry<>(tag, value);
public synchronized <T> void updateTag(@NotNull Tag<T> tag, @NotNull UnaryOperator<@UnknownNullability T> value) {
setTag(tag, value.apply(getTag(tag)));
public synchronized <T> @UnknownNullability T updateAndGetTag(@NotNull Tag<T> tag, @NotNull UnaryOperator<@UnknownNullability T> value) {
final T next = value.apply(getTag(tag));
setTag(tag, next);
return next;
public synchronized <T> @UnknownNullability T getAndUpdateTag(@NotNull Tag<T> tag, @NotNull UnaryOperator<@UnknownNullability T> value) {
final T prev = getTag(tag);
setTag(tag, value.apply(prev));
return prev;
public @NotNull TagReadable readableCopy() {
return updatedCache();
public @NotNull TagHandler copy() {
return fromCompound(asCompound());
public void updateContent(@NotNull NBTCompoundLike compound) {
final TagHandlerImpl converted = fromCompound(compound);
synchronized (this) {
this.cache = converted.cache;
this.entries = new SPMCMap(this, converted.entries);
public @NotNull NBTCompound asCompound() {
return updatedCache().compound;
private static TagHandlerImpl traversePathWrite(TagHandlerImpl root, Tag.PathEntry[] paths,
boolean present) {
TagHandlerImpl local = root;
for (Tag.PathEntry path : paths) {
final int pathIndex = path.index();
final Entry<?> entry = local.entries.get(pathIndex);
if (entry instanceof PathEntry pathEntry) {
// Existing path, continue navigating
assert pathEntry.value.parent == local : "Path parent is invalid: " + pathEntry.value.parent + " != " + local;
local = pathEntry.value;
} else {
if (!present) return null;
// Empty path, create a new handler.
// Slow path is taken if the entry comes from a Structure tag, requiring conversion from NBT
TagHandlerImpl tmp = local;
local = new TagHandlerImpl(tmp);
if (entry != null && entry.nbt() instanceof NBTCompound compound) {
tmp.entries.put(pathIndex, new PathEntry(path.name(), local));
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return local;
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private synchronized Cache updatedCache() {
Cache cache;
if (!CACHE_ENABLE || (cache = this.cache) == null) {
final SPMCMap entries = this.entries;
if (!entries.isEmpty()) {
MutableNBTCompound tmp = new MutableNBTCompound();
for (Entry<?> entry : entries.values()) {
if (entry != null) tmp.put(entry.tag().getKey(), entry.nbt());
cache = new Cache(entries.clone(), tmp.toCompound());
} else cache = Cache.EMPTY;
this.cache = cache;
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return cache;
private static <T> T read(Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<Entry<?>> entries, Tag<T> tag,
Supplier<NBTCompound> rootCompoundSupplier) {
final Tag.PathEntry[] paths = tag.path;
TagHandlerImpl pathHandler = null;
if (paths != null) {
if ((pathHandler = traversePathRead(paths, entries)) == null)
return tag.createDefault(); // Must be a path-able entry, but not present
entries = pathHandler.entries;
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if (tag.isView()) {
return tag.read(pathHandler != null ?
pathHandler.asCompound() : rootCompoundSupplier.get());
final Entry<?> entry;
if ((entry = entries.get(tag.index)) == null) {
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return tag.createDefault();
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if (entry.tag().shareValue(tag)) {
// The tag used to write the entry is compatible with the one used to get
// return the value directly
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//noinspection unchecked
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return (T) entry.value();
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// Value must be parsed from nbt if the tag is different
final NBT nbt = entry.nbt();
final Serializers.Entry<T, NBT> serializerEntry = tag.entry;
final NBTType<NBT> type = serializerEntry.nbtType();
return type == null || type == nbt.getID() ? serializerEntry.read(nbt) : tag.createDefault();
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private static TagHandlerImpl traversePathRead(Tag.PathEntry[] paths,
Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<Entry<?>> entries) {
assert paths != null && paths.length > 0;
TagHandlerImpl result = null;
for (var path : paths) {
final Entry<?> entry;
if ((entry = entries.get(path.index())) == null)
return null;
if (entry instanceof PathEntry pathEntry) {
result = pathEntry.value;
} else if (entry.nbt() instanceof NBTCompound compound) {
// Slow path forcing a conversion of the structure to NBTCompound
// TODO should the handler be cached inside the entry?
result = fromCompound(compound);
} else {
// Entry is not path-able
return null;
assert result != null;
entries = result.entries;
assert result != null;
return result;
private record Cache(Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<Entry<?>> entries, NBTCompound compound) implements TagReadable {
static final Cache EMPTY = new Cache(new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>(), NBTCompound.EMPTY);
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public <T> @UnknownNullability T getTag(@NotNull Tag<T> tag) {
return read(entries, tag, () -> compound);
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private sealed interface Entry<T>
permits TagEntry, PathEntry {
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Tag<T> tag();
T value();
NBT nbt();
void updateValue(T value);
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private static final class TagEntry<T> implements Entry<T> {
private final Tag<T> tag;
volatile T value;
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volatile NBT nbt;
TagEntry(Tag<T> tag, T value) {
this.tag = tag;
this.value = value;
public Tag<T> tag() {
return tag;
public T value() {
return value;
public NBT nbt() {
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NBT nbt = this.nbt;
if (nbt == null) this.nbt = nbt = tag.entry.write(value);
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return nbt;
public void updateValue(T value) {
this.value = value;
this.nbt = null;
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private record PathEntry(Tag<TagHandlerImpl> tag,
TagHandlerImpl value) implements Entry<TagHandlerImpl> {
PathEntry(String key, TagHandlerImpl value) {
this(Tag.tag(key, Serializers.PATH), value);
public NBTCompound nbt() {
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return value.asCompound();
public void updateValue(TagHandlerImpl value) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot update a path entry");
static final class SPMCMap extends Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<Entry<?>> {
final TagHandlerImpl handler;
volatile boolean rehashed;
SPMCMap(TagHandlerImpl handler) {
this.handler = handler;
SPMCMap(TagHandlerImpl handler, Int2ObjectMap<TagHandlerImpl.Entry<?>> m) {
super(m.size(), DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR);
this.handler = handler;
protected void rehash(int newSize) {
this.handler.entries = new SPMCMap(handler, this);
this.rehashed = true;
public SPMCMap clone() {
return (SPMCMap) super.clone();
void invalidate() {
if (!CACHE_ENABLE) return;
TagHandlerImpl tmp = handler;
do {
tmp.cache = null;
} while ((tmp = tmp.parent) != null);
private void assertState() {
assert !rehashed;
assert handler != null;
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