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package net.minestom.server.instance.block;
2021-07-10 18:42:02 +02:00
import com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.Cache;
import com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.Caffeine;
2021-06-23 17:41:46 +02:00
import net.minestom.server.registry.Registry;
import net.minestom.server.tag.Tag;
2021-12-30 12:07:16 +01:00
import net.minestom.server.utils.ArrayUtils;
import net.minestom.server.utils.ObjectArray;
2021-07-30 17:16:52 +02:00
import net.minestom.server.utils.block.BlockUtils;
2021-06-23 17:41:46 +02:00
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.nbt.NBTCompound;
2021-12-13 16:41:30 +01:00
import org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.nbt.mutable.MutableNBTCompound;
2021-07-10 20:26:30 +02:00
import java.time.Duration;
2021-12-22 01:30:10 +01:00
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
2021-07-24 03:31:03 +02:00
import java.util.function.Function;
2021-12-22 01:30:10 +01:00
record BlockImpl(@NotNull Registry.BlockEntry registry,
@NotNull Map<String, String> properties,
@Nullable NBTCompound nbt,
@Nullable BlockHandler handler) implements Block {
2021-07-30 17:16:52 +02:00
// Block state -> block object
private static final ObjectArray<Block> BLOCK_STATE_MAP = new ObjectArray<>();
2021-12-22 01:30:10 +01:00
// Block id -> Map<Properties, Block>
private static final ObjectArray<Map<Map<String, String>, Block>> POSSIBLE_STATES = new ObjectArray<>();
2021-07-30 17:16:52 +02:00
private static final Registry.Container<Block> CONTAINER = new Registry.Container<>(Registry.Resource.BLOCKS,
(container, namespace, object) -> {
2021-12-19 00:26:20 +01:00
final var stateObject = (Map<String, Object>) object.get("states");
2021-12-30 12:07:16 +01:00
// Retrieve the block states
final var stateEntries = stateObject.entrySet();
final int propertiesCount = stateEntries.size();
Map<String, String>[] propertiesKeys = new Map[propertiesCount];
Block[] blocksValues = new Block[propertiesCount];
int propertiesOffset = 0;
for (var stateEntry : stateEntries) {
final String query = stateEntry.getKey();
final var stateOverride = (Map<String, Object>) stateEntry.getValue();
final var propertyMap = BlockUtils.parseProperties(query);
final Block block = new BlockImpl(Registry.block(namespace, object, stateOverride),
propertyMap, null, null);
BLOCK_STATE_MAP.set(block.stateId(), block);
propertiesKeys[propertiesOffset] = propertyMap;
blocksValues[propertiesOffset++] = block;
POSSIBLE_STATES.set(((Number) object.get("id")).intValue(),
ArrayUtils.toMap(propertiesKeys, blocksValues, propertiesOffset));
2021-07-30 17:34:39 +02:00
// Register default state
final int defaultState = ((Number) object.get("defaultStateId")).intValue();
2021-07-30 17:16:52 +02:00
2021-07-30 17:34:39 +02:00
private static final Cache<NBTCompound, NBTCompound> NBT_CACHE = Caffeine.newBuilder()
2021-07-30 17:16:52 +02:00
static {
2021-12-22 01:30:10 +01:00
2021-07-30 17:16:52 +02:00
static Block get(@NotNull String namespace) {
return CONTAINER.get(namespace);
static Block getSafe(@NotNull String namespace) {
return CONTAINER.getSafe(namespace);
static Block getId(int id) {
return CONTAINER.getId(id);
static Block getState(int stateId) {
return BLOCK_STATE_MAP.get(stateId);
static Collection<Block> values() {
return CONTAINER.values();
2021-12-22 01:30:10 +01:00
public BlockImpl {
properties = Map.copyOf(properties);
2021-06-23 17:41:46 +02:00
public @NotNull Block withProperty(@NotNull String property, @NotNull String value) {
var properties = new HashMap<>(this.properties);
2021-12-22 01:30:10 +01:00
final String oldProperty = properties.replace(property, value);
if (oldProperty == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Property " + property + " does not exist");
2021-07-23 16:14:42 +02:00
return compute(properties);
public @NotNull Block withProperties(@NotNull Map<@NotNull String, @NotNull String> properties) {
if (properties.isEmpty()) return this;
if (this.properties.size() == properties.size()) {
2021-07-23 16:14:42 +02:00
return compute(properties); // Map should be complete
2021-07-23 16:14:42 +02:00
var newProperties = new HashMap<>(this.properties);
2021-07-24 03:31:03 +02:00
2021-07-23 16:14:42 +02:00
return compute(newProperties);
2021-06-23 17:41:46 +02:00
2021-06-26 20:23:56 +02:00
public @NotNull <T> Block withTag(@NotNull Tag<T> tag, @Nullable T value) {
2021-12-13 16:41:30 +01:00
var temporaryNbt = new MutableNBTCompound(Objects.requireNonNullElse(nbt, NBTCompound.EMPTY));
2021-07-24 03:31:03 +02:00
tag.write(temporaryNbt, value);
2021-12-13 16:41:30 +01:00
final var finalNbt = temporaryNbt.getSize() > 0 ? NBT_CACHE.get(temporaryNbt.toCompound(), Function.identity()) : null;
2021-12-22 01:30:10 +01:00
return new BlockImpl(registry, properties, finalNbt, handler);
2021-06-23 17:41:46 +02:00
public @NotNull Block withHandler(@Nullable BlockHandler handler) {
2021-12-22 01:30:10 +01:00
return new BlockImpl(registry, properties, nbt, handler);
2021-06-23 17:41:46 +02:00
public @NotNull Collection<@NotNull Block> possibleStates() {
2021-12-19 01:05:30 +01:00
return possibleProperties().values();
2021-06-23 17:41:46 +02:00
public <T> @Nullable T getTag(@NotNull Tag<T> tag) {
2022-01-02 06:08:28 +01:00
return tag.read(Objects.requireNonNullElse(nbt, NBTCompound.EMPTY));
2021-07-23 15:44:53 +02:00
2021-12-19 01:05:30 +01:00
private Map<Map<String, String>, Block> possibleProperties() {
2021-12-22 01:30:10 +01:00
return POSSIBLE_STATES.get(id());
2021-08-11 21:28:13 +02:00
2021-08-01 13:01:56 +02:00
public String toString() {
2021-12-22 01:30:10 +01:00
return String.format("%s{properties=%s, nbt=%s, handler=%s}", name(), properties, nbt, handler);
2021-08-01 13:01:56 +02:00
2021-07-23 16:14:42 +02:00
private Block compute(Map<String, String> properties) {
if (this.properties.equals(properties)) return this;
2021-12-19 01:05:30 +01:00
Block block = possibleProperties().get(properties);
2021-07-23 16:14:42 +02:00
if (block == null)
2021-08-25 18:26:45 +02:00
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid properties: " + properties + " for block " + this);
2021-12-22 01:30:10 +01:00
return nbt == null && handler == null ? block : new BlockImpl(block.registry(), block.properties(), nbt, handler);
2021-06-23 17:41:46 +02:00