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2022-07-13 22:45:38 +02:00
package net.minestom.server.command;
import net.minestom.server.command.builder.arguments.*;
import net.minestom.server.entity.Player;
import net.minestom.server.network.packet.server.play.DeclareCommandsPacket;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Contract;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
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import java.util.*;
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import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
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import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
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final class GraphConverter {
private GraphConverter() {
//no instance
@Contract("_, _ -> new")
public static DeclareCommandsPacket createPacket(Graph graph, @Nullable Player player) {
List<DeclareCommandsPacket.Node> nodes = new ArrayList<>();
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List<BiConsumer<Graph, Integer>> redirects = new ArrayList<>();
Map<Argument<?>, Integer> argToPacketId = new HashMap<>();
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final AtomicInteger idSource = new AtomicInteger(0);
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final int rootId = append(graph.root(), nodes, redirects, idSource, null, player, argToPacketId)[0];
for (var r : redirects) {
r.accept(graph, rootId);
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return new DeclareCommandsPacket(nodes, rootId);
private static int[] append(Graph.Node graphNode, List<DeclareCommandsPacket.Node> to,
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List<BiConsumer<Graph, Integer>> redirects, AtomicInteger id, @Nullable AtomicInteger redirect,
@Nullable Player player, Map<Argument<?>, Integer> argToPacketId) {
final Graph.Execution execution = graphNode.execution();
if (player != null && execution != null) {
if (!execution.test(player)) return new int[0];
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final Argument<?> argument = graphNode.argument();
final List<Graph.Node> children = graphNode.next();
final DeclareCommandsPacket.Node node = new DeclareCommandsPacket.Node();
int[] packetNodeChildren = new int[children.size()];
for (int i = 0, appendIndex = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
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final int[] append = append(children.get(i), to, redirects, id, redirect, player, argToPacketId);
if (append.length > 0) {
argToPacketId.put(children.get(i).argument(), append[0]);
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if (append.length == 1) {
packetNodeChildren[appendIndex++] = append[0];
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} else {
packetNodeChildren = Arrays.copyOf(packetNodeChildren, packetNodeChildren.length + append.length - 1);
System.arraycopy(append, 0, packetNodeChildren, appendIndex, append.length);
appendIndex += append.length;
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node.children = packetNodeChildren;
if (argument instanceof ArgumentLiteral literal) {
if (literal.getId().isEmpty()) {
node.flags = 0; //root
} else {
node.flags = literal(false, false);
node.name = argument.getId();
if (redirect != null) {
node.flags |= 0x8;
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redirects.add((graph, root) -> node.redirectedNode = redirect.get());
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return new int[]{id.getAndIncrement()};
} else {
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if (argument instanceof ArgumentCommand argCmd) {
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node.flags = literal(false, true);
node.name = argument.getId();
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final String shortcut = argCmd.getShortcut();
if (shortcut.isEmpty()) {
redirects.add((graph, root) -> node.redirectedNode = root);
} else {
redirects.add((graph, root) -> {
final List<Argument<?>> args = CommandParser.parser().parse(graph, shortcut).args();
final Argument<?> last = args.get(args.size() - 1);
if (last.allowSpace()) {
node.redirectedNode = argToPacketId.get(args.get(args.size()-2));
} else {
node.redirectedNode = argToPacketId.get(last);
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return new int[]{id.getAndIncrement()};
} else if (argument instanceof ArgumentEnum<?> || (argument instanceof ArgumentWord word && word.hasRestrictions())) {
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List<String> entries = argument instanceof ArgumentEnum<?> ?
((ArgumentEnum<?>) argument).entries() :
Arrays.stream(((ArgumentWord) argument).getRestrictions()).toList();
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final int[] res = new int[entries.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
String entry = entries.get(i);
final DeclareCommandsPacket.Node subNode = new DeclareCommandsPacket.Node();
subNode.children = node.children;
subNode.flags = literal(false, false);
subNode.name = entry;
if (redirect != null) {
subNode.flags |= 0x8;
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redirects.add((graph, root) -> subNode.redirectedNode = redirect.get());
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res[i] = id.getAndIncrement();
return res;
} else if (argument instanceof ArgumentGroup special) {
List<Argument<?>> entries = special.group();
int[] res = null;
int[] last = new int[0];
for (int i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) {
Argument<?> entry = entries.get(i);
if (i == entries.size() - 1) {
// Last will be the parent of next args
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final int[] l = append(new GraphImpl.NodeImpl(entry, null, List.of()), to, redirects,
id, redirect, player, argToPacketId);
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for (int n : l) {
to.get(n).children = node.children;
for (int n : last) {
to.get(n).children = l;
return res == null ? l : res;
} else if (i == 0) {
// First will be the children & parent of following
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res = append(new GraphImpl.NodeImpl(entry, null, List.of()), to, redirects, id,
null, player, argToPacketId);
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last = res;
} else {
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final int[] l = append(new GraphImpl.NodeImpl(entry, null, List.of()), to, redirects,
id, null, player, argToPacketId);
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for (int n : last) {
to.get(n).children = l;
last = l;
throw new RuntimeException("Arg group must have child args.");
} else if (argument instanceof ArgumentLoop special) {
AtomicInteger r = new AtomicInteger();
int[] res = new int[special.arguments().size()];
List<?> arguments = special.arguments();
for (int i = 0, appendIndex = 0; i < arguments.size(); i++) {
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Object arg = arguments.get(i);
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final int[] append = append(new GraphImpl.NodeImpl((Argument<?>) arg, null, List.of()), to,
redirects, id, r, player, argToPacketId);
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if (append.length == 1) {
res[appendIndex++] = append[0];
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} else {
res = Arrays.copyOf(res, res.length + append.length - 1);
System.arraycopy(append, 0, res, appendIndex, append.length);
appendIndex += append.length;
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return res;
} else {
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final boolean hasSuggestion = argument.hasSuggestion();
node.flags = arg(false, hasSuggestion);
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node.name = argument.getId();
node.parser = argument.parser();
node.properties = argument.nodeProperties();
if (redirect != null) {
node.flags |= 0x8;
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redirects.add((graph, root) -> node.redirectedNode = redirect.get());
if (hasSuggestion) {
node.suggestionsType = argument.suggestionType().getIdentifier();
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return new int[]{id.getAndIncrement()};
private static byte literal(boolean executable, boolean hasRedirect) {
return DeclareCommandsPacket.getFlag(DeclareCommandsPacket.NodeType.LITERAL, executable, hasRedirect, false);
private static byte arg(boolean executable, boolean hasSuggestion) {
return DeclareCommandsPacket.getFlag(DeclareCommandsPacket.NodeType.ARGUMENT, executable, false, hasSuggestion);