package net.minestom.server.entity; import net.kyori.adventure.text.Component; import net.minestom.testing.Env; import net.minestom.testing.EnvTest; import net.minestom.server.coordinate.Pos; import; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Consumer; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*; @EnvTest public class EntityMetaIntegrationTest { @Test public void notifyAboutChanges(Env env) { var instance = env.createFlatInstance(); var connection = env.createConnection(); var otherPlayer = connection.connect(instance, new Pos(0, 42, 0)).join(); var player = connection.connect(instance, new Pos(0, 42, 1)).join(); assertTrue(player.getViewers().contains(otherPlayer)); var incomingPackets = connection.trackIncoming(EntityMetaDataPacket.class); player.getEntityMeta().setNotifyAboutChanges(false); player.setInvisible(true); player.setNoGravity(true); player.setSneaking(true); // No packets should be received here: notifyAboutChanges is off incomingPackets.assertEmpty(); incomingPackets = connection.trackIncoming(EntityMetaDataPacket.class); player.getEntityMeta().setNotifyAboutChanges(true); var packets = incomingPackets.collect(); // Two packets should be received: One for the player, one for the viewer assertEquals(2, packets.size()); validMetaDataPackets(packets, player.getEntityId(), entry -> { final Object content = entry.value(); switch (entry.type()) { case Metadata.TYPE_BYTE -> assertEquals((byte) 34, content); case Metadata.TYPE_BOOLEAN -> assertTrue((boolean) content); case Metadata.TYPE_POSE -> assertEquals(Entity.Pose.SNEAKING, content); default ->"Invalid MetaData entry"); } }); // Now test the "normal" behavior: Updates should be sent instantly incomingPackets = connection.trackIncoming(EntityMetaDataPacket.class); player.setInvisible(false); player.setNoGravity(false); player.setSneaking(false); packets = incomingPackets.collect(); validMetaDataPackets(packets, player.getEntityId(), entry -> { final Object content = entry.value(); switch (entry.type()) { case Metadata.TYPE_BYTE -> assertTrue(content.equals((byte) 2) || content.equals((byte) 0)); case Metadata.TYPE_BOOLEAN -> assertFalse((boolean) content); case Metadata.TYPE_POSE -> assertEquals(Entity.Pose.STANDING, content); default ->"Invalid MetaData entry"); } }); // 4 changes, for two viewers assertEquals(4 * 2, packets.size()); } private void validMetaDataPackets(List packets, int entityId, Consumer> contentChecker) { for (var packet : packets) { assertEquals(packet.entityId(), entityId); for (var entry : packet.entries().values()) { contentChecker.accept(entry); } } } @Test public void customName(Env env) { //Base things. var connection = env.createConnection(); var instance = env.createFlatInstance(); Pos startPos = new Pos(0, 42, 1); //Viewer. var player = connection.connect(instance, startPos).join(); //Tracks incoming packets. var incomingPackets = connection.trackIncoming(EntityMetaDataPacket.class); //Creates entity and name. Entity entity = new Entity(EntityType.BEE); entity.setAutoViewable(false); entity.getEntityMeta().setNotifyAboutChanges(false); entity.setCustomName(Component.text("Custom Name")); entity.setCustomNameVisible(true); entity.setInstance(instance, startPos); entity.getEntityMeta().setNotifyAboutChanges(true); entity.addViewer(player); //Listen packets to check if entity name is "Custom Name". //This is first test, and it is not related to "custom name" bug. Therefore, it should work. var packets = incomingPackets.collect(); validMetaDataPackets(packets, entity.getEntityId(), entry -> { if (entry.type() != Metadata.TYPE_OPTCHAT) return; assertEquals(Component.text("Custom Name"), entry.value()); }); //Removes viewer. entity.removeViewer(player); //Tracks incoming packets again. (resets previous) incomingPackets = connection.trackIncoming(EntityMetaDataPacket.class); //Sets entity name again. entity.setCustomName(Component.text("Custom Name 2")); //After setting entity's name, we add viewer again to see if the entity name is "Custom Name 2" entity.addViewer(player); //Checks if entity name is "Custom Name 2" in the metadata entry. assertEquals(Component.text("Custom Name 2"), entity.getCustomName()); //Listen packets to check if entity name is "Custom Name 2". packets = incomingPackets.collect(); validMetaDataPackets(packets, entity.getEntityId(), entry -> { if (entry.type() != Metadata.TYPE_OPTCHAT) return; assertEquals(Component.text("Custom Name 2"), entry.value()); }); } }