package fr.themode.minestom.entity; import fr.themode.minestom.MinecraftServer; import fr.themode.minestom.Viewable; import fr.themode.minestom.collision.BoundingBox; import; import; import fr.themode.minestom.event.Callback; import fr.themode.minestom.event.CancellableEvent; import fr.themode.minestom.event.Event; import fr.themode.minestom.instance.Chunk; import fr.themode.minestom.instance.Instance; import fr.themode.minestom.item.Material; import; import*; import; import fr.themode.minestom.utils.*; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.function.Consumer; public abstract class Entity implements Viewable, DataContainer { private static Map entityById = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private static AtomicInteger lastEntityId = new AtomicInteger(); // Metadata protected static final byte METADATA_BYTE = 0; protected static final byte METADATA_VARINT = 1; protected static final byte METADATA_FLOAT = 2; protected static final byte METADATA_STRING = 3; protected static final byte METADATA_CHAT = 4; protected static final byte METADATA_OPTCHAT = 5; protected static final byte METADATA_SLOT = 6; protected static final byte METADATA_BOOLEAN = 7; protected static final byte METADATA_POSE = 18; protected Instance instance; protected Position position; protected float lastX, lastY, lastZ; protected float lastYaw, lastPitch; private int id; private BoundingBox boundingBox; protected Entity vehicle; // Velocity protected Vector velocity = new Vector(); // Movement in block per second protected float gravityDragPerTick; private int gravityTickCounter; private Set viewers = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>(); private Data data; private Set passengers = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>(); protected UUID uuid; private boolean isActive; // False if entity has only been instanced without being added somewhere private boolean shouldRemove; private long scheduledRemoveTime; private int entityType; private long lastUpdate; private Map, Callback> eventCallbacks = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); protected long velocityTime; // Reset velocity to 0 after countdown // Synchronization private long synchronizationDelay = 1500; // In ms private long lastSynchronizationTime; // Metadata protected boolean onFire; protected boolean crouched; protected boolean UNUSED_METADATA; protected boolean sprinting; protected boolean swimming; protected boolean invisible; protected boolean glowing; protected boolean usingElytra; protected int air = 300; protected String customName = ""; protected boolean customNameVisible; protected boolean silent; protected boolean noGravity; protected Pose pose = Pose.STANDING; public Entity(int entityType, Position spawnPosition) { = generateId(); this.entityType = entityType; this.uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); this.position = spawnPosition.clone(); setBoundingBox(0, 0, 0); entityById.put(id, this); } public Entity(int entityType) { this(entityType, new Position()); } public static Entity getEntity(int id) { return entityById.get(id); } private static int generateId() { return lastEntityId.incrementAndGet(); } public abstract void update(); // Called when a new instance is set public abstract void spawn(); public boolean isOnGround() { return EntityUtils.isOnGround(this); } public void teleport(Position position, Runnable callback) { if (instance == null) throw new IllegalStateException("You need to use Entity#setInstance before teleporting an entity!"); Runnable runnable = () -> { refreshPosition(position.getX(), position.getY(), position.getZ()); refreshView(position.getYaw(), position.getPitch()); EntityTeleportPacket entityTeleportPacket = new EntityTeleportPacket(); entityTeleportPacket.entityId = getEntityId(); entityTeleportPacket.position = position; entityTeleportPacket.onGround = isOnGround(); sendPacketToViewers(entityTeleportPacket); }; if (instance.hasEnabledAutoChunkLoad()) { instance.loadChunk(position, chunk -> {; if (callback != null); }); } else { if (ChunkUtils.isChunkUnloaded(instance, position.getX(), position.getZ())) return;; if (callback != null); } } public void teleport(Position position) { teleport(position, null); } @Override public void addViewer(Player player) { this.viewers.add(player); player.viewableEntities.add(this); PlayerConnection playerConnection = player.getPlayerConnection(); playerConnection.sendPacket(getVelocityPacket()); playerConnection.sendPacket(getPassengersPacket()); } @Override public void removeViewer(Player player) { synchronized (viewers) { if (!viewers.contains(player)) return; this.viewers.remove(player); DestroyEntitiesPacket destroyEntitiesPacket = new DestroyEntitiesPacket(); destroyEntitiesPacket.entityIds = new int[]{getEntityId()}; player.getPlayerConnection().sendPacket(destroyEntitiesPacket); } player.viewableEntities.remove(this); } @Override public Set getViewers() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(viewers); } @Override public Data getData() { return data; } @Override public void setData(Data data) { = data; } public void tick(long time) { if (instance == null) return; if (scheduledRemoveTime != 0) { // Any entity with scheduled remove does not update boolean finished = time >= scheduledRemoveTime; if (finished) { remove(); } return; } if (shouldRemove()) { remove(); return; } else if (shouldUpdate(time)) { this.lastUpdate = time; // Velocity if (velocityTime != 0) { if (this instanceof Player) { sendPacketToViewersAndSelf(getVelocityPacket()); } else { final float tps = MinecraftServer.TICK_PER_SECOND; float newX = position.getX() + velocity.getX() / tps; float newY = position.getY() + velocity.getY() / tps; float newZ = position.getZ() + velocity.getZ() / tps; BlockPosition xBlock = new BlockPosition(newX, position.getY(), position.getZ()); BlockPosition yBlock = new BlockPosition(position.getX(), newY, position.getZ()); BlockPosition zBlock = new BlockPosition(position.getX(), position.getY(), newZ); boolean xAir = getInstance().getBlockId(xBlock) == Material.AIR.getId(); boolean yAir = getInstance().getBlockId(yBlock) == Material.AIR.getId(); boolean zAir = getInstance().getBlockId(zBlock) == Material.AIR.getId(); boolean xIntersect = boundingBox.intersect(xBlock); boolean yIntersect = boundingBox.intersect(yBlock); boolean zIntersect = boundingBox.intersect(zBlock); newX = xAir ? newX : xIntersect ? position.getX() : newX; newY = yAir ? newY : yIntersect ? position.getY() : newY; newZ = zAir ? newZ : zIntersect ? position.getZ() : newZ; refreshPosition(newX, newY, newZ); if (this instanceof ObjectEntity) { // FIXME velocity/gravity //sendPacketToViewers(getVelocityPacket()); teleport(getPosition()); } else if (this instanceof EntityCreature) { teleport(getPosition()); } } if (time >= velocityTime) { sendSynchronization(); // Send synchronization after velocity ended resetVelocity(); } } // Gravity if (!(this instanceof Player) && !noGravity && gravityDragPerTick != 0) { // Players do manage gravity client-side Position position = getPosition(); if (!isOnGround()) { float strength = gravityDragPerTick * gravityTickCounter; int firstBlock = 0; for (int y = (int) position.getY(); y > 0; y--) { short blockId = instance.getBlockId((int) position.getX(), y, (int) position.getZ()); if (blockId != 0) { firstBlock = y; break; } } float newY = position.getY() - strength; newY = Math.max(newY, firstBlock); refreshPosition(position.getX(), newY, position.getZ()); gravityTickCounter++; if (isOnGround()) { // Round Y axis when gravity movement is done refreshPosition(position.getX(), Math.round(position.getY()), position.getZ()); gravityTickCounter = 0; } if (this instanceof EntityCreature) { teleport(getPosition()); } } } // Call the abstract update method update(); // Scheduled synchronization if (time - lastSynchronizationTime >= synchronizationDelay) { lastSynchronizationTime = time; sendSynchronization(); } } if (shouldRemove()) { remove(); } } public void setEventCallback(Class eventClass, Callback callback) { this.eventCallbacks.put(eventClass, callback); } public Callback getEventCallback(Class eventClass) { return this.eventCallbacks.get(eventClass); } public void callEvent(Class eventClass, E event) { Callback callback = getEventCallback(eventClass); if (callback != null) getEventCallback(eventClass).run(event); } public void callCancellableEvent(Class eventClass, E event, Runnable runnable) { callEvent(eventClass, event); if (!event.isCancelled()) {; } } public int getEntityId() { return id; } public int getEntityType() { return entityType; } public UUID getUuid() { return uuid; } public boolean isActive() { return isActive; } public BoundingBox getBoundingBox() { return boundingBox; } public void setBoundingBox(float x, float y, float z) { this.boundingBox = new BoundingBox(this, x, y, z); } public Instance getInstance() { return instance; } public void setInstance(Instance instance) { if (instance == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("instance cannot be null!"); if (this.instance != null) { this.instance.removeEntity(this); } this.isActive = true; this.instance = instance; instance.addEntity(this); spawn(); } public Vector getVelocity() { return velocity; } public void setVelocity(Vector velocity, long velocityTime) { this.velocity = velocity; this.velocityTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + velocityTime; } public void resetVelocity() { this.velocity = new Vector(); this.velocityTime = 0; } public void setGravity(float gravityDragPerTick) { this.gravityDragPerTick = gravityDragPerTick; } public float getDistance(Entity entity) { return getPosition().getDistance(entity.getPosition()); } public Entity getVehicle() { return vehicle; } public void addPassenger(Entity entity) { if (instance == null) throw new IllegalStateException("You need to set an instance using Entity#setInstance"); if (entity.getVehicle() != null) { entity.getVehicle().removePassenger(entity); } this.passengers.add(entity); entity.vehicle = this; sendPacketToViewersAndSelf(getPassengersPacket()); } public void removePassenger(Entity entity) { if (instance == null) throw new IllegalStateException("You need to set an instance using Entity#setInstance"); if (!passengers.contains(entity)) return; this.passengers.remove(entity); entity.vehicle = null; sendPacketToViewersAndSelf(getPassengersPacket()); } public boolean hasPassenger() { return !passengers.isEmpty(); } public Set getPassengers() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(passengers); } protected SetPassengersPacket getPassengersPacket() { SetPassengersPacket passengersPacket = new SetPassengersPacket(); passengersPacket.vehicleEntityId = getEntityId(); int[] passengers = new int[this.passengers.size()]; int counter = 0; for (Entity passenger : this.passengers) { passengers[counter++] = passenger.getEntityId(); } passengersPacket.passengersId = passengers; return passengersPacket; } public void triggerStatus(byte status) { EntityStatusPacket statusPacket = new EntityStatusPacket(); statusPacket.entityId = getEntityId(); statusPacket.status = status; sendPacketToViewersAndSelf(statusPacket); } public void setOnFire(boolean fire) { this.onFire = fire; sendMetadataIndex(0); } public boolean isOnFire() { return onFire; } public void setGlowing(boolean glowing) { this.glowing = glowing; sendMetadataIndex(0); } public boolean isGlowing() { return glowing; } public void setNoGravity(boolean noGravity) { this.noGravity = noGravity; sendMetadataIndex(5); } public boolean hasNoGravity() { return noGravity; } public void refreshPosition(float x, float y, float z) { this.lastX = position.getX(); this.lastY = position.getY(); this.lastZ = position.getZ(); position.setX(x); position.setY(y); position.setZ(z); for (Entity passenger : getPassengers()) { passenger.refreshPosition(x, y, z); } Instance instance = getInstance(); if (instance != null) { Chunk lastChunk = instance.getChunkAt(lastX, lastZ); Chunk newChunk = instance.getChunkAt(x, z); if (lastChunk != null && newChunk != null && lastChunk != newChunk) { synchronized (instance) { instance.removeEntityFromChunk(this, lastChunk); instance.addEntityToChunk(this, newChunk); } updateView(this, lastChunk, newChunk); } } } public void refreshPosition(Position position) { refreshPosition(position.getX(), position.getY(), position.getZ()); } private void updateView(Entity entity, Chunk lastChunk, Chunk newChunk) { if (entity instanceof Player) ((Player) entity).onChunkChange(lastChunk, newChunk); // Refresh loaded chunk // Refresh entity viewable list long[] lastVisibleChunksEntity = ChunkUtils.getChunksInRange(new Position(16 * lastChunk.getChunkX(), 0, 16 * lastChunk.getChunkZ()), MinecraftServer.ENTITY_VIEW_DISTANCE); long[] updatedVisibleChunksEntity = ChunkUtils.getChunksInRange(new Position(16 * newChunk.getChunkX(), 0, 16 * newChunk.getChunkZ()), MinecraftServer.ENTITY_VIEW_DISTANCE); boolean isPlayer = entity instanceof Player; int[] oldChunksEntity = ArrayUtils.getDifferencesBetweenArray(lastVisibleChunksEntity, updatedVisibleChunksEntity); for (int index : oldChunksEntity) { int[] chunkPos = ChunkUtils.getChunkCoord(lastVisibleChunksEntity[index]); Chunk chunk = instance.getChunk(chunkPos[0], chunkPos[1]); if (chunk == null) continue; instance.getChunkEntities(chunk).forEach(ent -> { if (ent instanceof Player) { Player player = (Player) ent; removeViewer(player); if (isPlayer) { player.removeViewer((Player) entity); } } else if (isPlayer) { ent.removeViewer((Player) entity); } }); } int[] newChunksEntity = ArrayUtils.getDifferencesBetweenArray(updatedVisibleChunksEntity, lastVisibleChunksEntity); for (int index : newChunksEntity) { int[] chunkPos = ChunkUtils.getChunkCoord(updatedVisibleChunksEntity[index]); Chunk chunk = instance.getChunk(chunkPos[0], chunkPos[1]); if (chunk == null) continue; instance.getChunkEntities(chunk).forEach(ent -> { if (ent instanceof Player) { Player player = (Player) ent; addViewer(player); if (entity instanceof Player) { player.addViewer((Player) entity); } } else if (isPlayer) { ent.addViewer((Player) entity); } }); } } public void refreshView(float yaw, float pitch) { this.lastYaw = position.getYaw(); this.lastPitch = position.getPitch(); position.setYaw(yaw); position.setPitch(pitch); } public void refreshSneaking(boolean sneaking) { this.crouched = sneaking; this.pose = sneaking ? Pose.SNEAKING : Pose.STANDING; sendMetadataIndex(0); sendMetadataIndex(6); } public void refreshSprinting(boolean sprinting) { this.sprinting = sprinting; sendMetadataIndex(0); } public Position getPosition() { return position; } public boolean sameChunk(Position position) { Position pos = getPosition(); int chunkX1 = ChunkUtils.getChunkCoordinate((int) pos.getX()); int chunkZ1 = ChunkUtils.getChunkCoordinate((int) pos.getZ()); int chunkX2 = ChunkUtils.getChunkCoordinate((int) position.getX()); int chunkZ2 = ChunkUtils.getChunkCoordinate((int) position.getZ()); return chunkX1 == chunkX2 && chunkZ1 == chunkZ2; } public boolean sameChunk(Entity entity) { return sameChunk(entity.getPosition()); } public void remove() { this.shouldRemove = true; entityById.remove(id); if (instance != null) instance.removeEntity(this); } public void scheduleRemove(long delay) { if (delay == 0) { // Cancel the scheduled remove this.scheduledRemoveTime = 0; return; } this.scheduledRemoveTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + delay; } public boolean isRemoveScheduled() { return scheduledRemoveTime != 0; } protected EntityVelocityPacket getVelocityPacket() { final float strength = 8000f / MinecraftServer.TICK_PER_SECOND; EntityVelocityPacket velocityPacket = new EntityVelocityPacket(); velocityPacket.entityId = getEntityId(); velocityPacket.velocityX = (short) (velocity.getX() * strength); velocityPacket.velocityY = (short) (velocity.getY() * strength); velocityPacket.velocityZ = (short) (velocity.getZ() * strength); return velocityPacket; } public EntityMetaDataPacket getMetadataPacket() { EntityMetaDataPacket metaDataPacket = new EntityMetaDataPacket(); metaDataPacket.entityId = getEntityId(); metaDataPacket.consumer = getMetadataConsumer(); return metaDataPacket; } public Consumer getMetadataConsumer() { return packet -> { fillMetadataIndex(packet, 0); fillMetadataIndex(packet, 1); fillMetadataIndex(packet, 5); fillMetadataIndex(packet, 6); }; } protected void sendMetadataIndex(int index) { EntityMetaDataPacket metaDataPacket = new EntityMetaDataPacket(); metaDataPacket.entityId = getEntityId(); metaDataPacket.consumer = packet -> { fillMetadataIndex(packet, index); }; sendPacketToViewersAndSelf(metaDataPacket); } private void fillMetadataIndex(PacketWriter packet, int index) { switch (index) { case 0: fillStateMetadata(packet); break; case 1: fillAirTickMetaData(packet); break; case 2: fillCustomNameMetaData(packet); break; case 5: fillNoGravityMetaData(packet); break; case 6: fillPoseMetaData(packet); break; } } private void fillStateMetadata(PacketWriter packet) { packet.writeByte((byte) 0); packet.writeByte(METADATA_BYTE); byte index0 = 0; if (onFire) index0 += 1; if (crouched) index0 += 2; if (UNUSED_METADATA) index0 += 4; if (sprinting) index0 += 8; if (swimming) index0 += 16; if (invisible) index0 += 32; if (glowing) index0 += 64; if (usingElytra) index0 += 128; packet.writeByte(index0); } private void fillAirTickMetaData(PacketWriter packet) { packet.writeByte((byte) 1); packet.writeByte(METADATA_VARINT); packet.writeVarInt(air); } private void fillCustomNameMetaData(PacketWriter packet) { packet.writeByte((byte) 2); packet.writeByte(METADATA_CHAT); packet.writeSizedString(customName); } private void fillNoGravityMetaData(PacketWriter packet) { packet.writeByte((byte) 5); packet.writeByte(METADATA_BOOLEAN); packet.writeBoolean(noGravity); } private void fillPoseMetaData(PacketWriter packet) { packet.writeByte((byte) 6); packet.writeByte(METADATA_POSE); packet.writeVarInt(pose.ordinal()); } protected void sendSynchronization() { EntityTeleportPacket entityTeleportPacket = new EntityTeleportPacket(); entityTeleportPacket.entityId = getEntityId(); entityTeleportPacket.position = getPosition(); entityTeleportPacket.onGround = isOnGround(); sendPacketToViewers(entityTeleportPacket); if (!passengers.isEmpty()) sendPacketToViewers(getPassengersPacket()); } private boolean shouldUpdate(long time) { return (float) (time - lastUpdate) >= MinecraftServer.TICK_MS * 0.9f; // Margin of error } public enum Pose { STANDING, FALL_FLYING, SLEEPING, SWIMMING, SPIN_ATTACK, SNEAKING, DYING } protected boolean shouldRemove() { return shouldRemove; } }