import java.time.Duration plugins { `java-library` alias(libs.plugins.blossom) `maven-publish` signing alias(libs.plugins.nexuspublish) } // Read env vars (used for publishing generally) version = System.getenv("MINESTOM_VERSION") ?: "dev" val channel = System.getenv("MINESTOM_CHANNEL") ?: "local" // local, snapshot, release val shortDescription = "1.21 Lightweight Minecraft server" allprojects { apply(plugin = "java") group = "net.minestom" version = rootProject.version description = shortDescription repositories { mavenLocal() mavenCentral() } configurations.all { // We only use Jetbrains Annotations exclude("org.checkerframework", "checker-qual") } java { withSourcesJar() withJavadocJar() toolchain.languageVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of(21) } tasks.withType { duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE } tasks.withType { useJUnitPlatform() // Viewable packets make tracking harder. Could be re-enabled later. jvmArgs("-Dminestom.viewable-packet=false") jvmArgs("-Dminestom.inside-test=true") minHeapSize = "512m" maxHeapSize = "1024m" } tasks.withType { options.encoding = "UTF-8" } } sourceSets { main { java.srcDir(file("src/main/java")) java.srcDir(file("src/autogenerated/java")) } } dependencies { // Core dependencies api(libs.slf4j) api(libs.jetbrainsAnnotations) api(libs.bundles.adventure) implementation(libs.minestomData) // Performance/data structures api(libs.fastutil) implementation(libs.bundles.flare) api(libs.gson) implementation(libs.jcTools) // Testing testImplementation(libs.bundles.junit) testImplementation(project(":testing")) } tasks { jar { manifest { attributes("Automatic-Module-Name" to "net.minestom.server") } } withType { (options as? StandardJavadocDocletOptions)?.apply { encoding = "UTF-8" // Custom options addBooleanOption("html5", true) addStringOption("-release", "21") // Links to external javadocs links("") links("${libs.versions.adventure.get()}/") } } blossom { val gitFile = "src/main/java/net/minestom/server/" val gitCommit = System.getenv("GIT_COMMIT") val gitBranch = System.getenv("GIT_BRANCH") val group = System.getenv("GROUP") val artifact = System.getenv("ARTIFACT") replaceToken("\"&COMMIT\"", if (gitCommit == null) "null" else "\"${gitCommit}\"", gitFile) replaceToken("\"&BRANCH\"", if (gitBranch == null) "null" else "\"${gitBranch}\"", gitFile) replaceToken("\"&GROUP\"", if (group == null) "null" else "\"${group}\"", gitFile) replaceToken("\"&ARTIFACT\"", if (artifact == null) "null" else "\"${artifact}\"", gitFile) } nexusPublishing { useStaging.set(true) this.packageGroup.set("net.minestom") transitionCheckOptions { maxRetries.set(360) // 1 hour delayBetween.set(Duration.ofSeconds(10)) } repositories.sonatype { nexusUrl.set(uri("")) snapshotRepositoryUrl.set(uri("")) if (System.getenv("SONATYPE_USERNAME") != null) { username.set(System.getenv("SONATYPE_USERNAME")) password.set(System.getenv("SONATYPE_PASSWORD")) } } } publishing.publications.create("maven") { groupId = "net.minestom" // todo: decide on publishing scheme artifactId = if (channel == "snapshot") "minestom-snapshots" else "minestom-snapshots" version = project.version.toString() from(project.components["java"]) pom { name.set(this@create.artifactId) description.set(shortDescription) url.set("") licenses { license { name.set("Apache 2.0") url.set("") } } developers { developer { id.set("TheMode") } developer { id.set("mworzala") name.set("Matt Worzala") email.set("") } } issueManagement { system.set("GitHub") url.set("") } scm { connection.set("scm:git:git://") developerConnection.set("") url.set("") tag.set("HEAD") } ciManagement { system.set("Github Actions") url.set("") } } } signing { isRequired = System.getenv("CI") != null val privateKey = System.getenv("GPG_PRIVATE_KEY") val keyPassphrase = System.getenv()["GPG_PASSPHRASE"] useInMemoryPgpKeys(privateKey, keyPassphrase) sign(publishing.publications) } }