package net.minestom.server.extras.mojangAuth; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import javax.crypto.Cipher; import javax.crypto.ShortBufferException; public class CipherBase { private final Cipher cipher; private byte[] inTempArray = new byte[0]; private byte[] outTempArray = new byte[0]; protected CipherBase(@NotNull Cipher cipher) { this.cipher = cipher; } private byte[] bufToByte(ByteBuf buffer) { int remainingBytes = buffer.readableBytes(); // Need to resize temp array if (inTempArray.length < remainingBytes) { inTempArray = new byte[remainingBytes]; } buffer.readBytes(inTempArray, 0, remainingBytes); return inTempArray; } protected ByteBuf decrypt(ChannelHandlerContext channelHandlerContext, ByteBuf byteBufIn) throws ShortBufferException { int remainingBytes = byteBufIn.readableBytes(); byte[] bytes = bufToByte(byteBufIn); ByteBuf outputBuffer = channelHandlerContext.alloc().heapBuffer(cipher.getOutputSize(remainingBytes)); outputBuffer.writerIndex(cipher.update(bytes, 0, remainingBytes, outputBuffer.array(), outputBuffer.arrayOffset())); return outputBuffer; } protected void encrypt(ByteBuf byteBufIn, ByteBuf byteBufOut) throws ShortBufferException { int remainingBytes = byteBufIn.readableBytes(); byte[] bytes = bufToByte(byteBufIn); int newSize = cipher.getOutputSize(remainingBytes); // Need to resize temp array if (outTempArray.length < newSize) { outTempArray = new byte[newSize]; } byteBufOut.writeBytes(outTempArray, 0, cipher.update(bytes, 0, remainingBytes, outTempArray)); } }