package net.minestom.server; import net.minestom.server.acquirable.Acquirable; import net.minestom.server.instance.Chunk; import net.minestom.server.instance.Instance; import net.minestom.server.instance.InstanceManager; import net.minestom.server.monitoring.TickMonitor; import; import; import net.minestom.server.thread.SingleThreadProvider; import net.minestom.server.thread.ThreadProvider; import net.minestom.server.utils.async.AsyncUtils; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import java.util.List; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.LongConsumer; /** * Manager responsible for the server ticks. *

* The {@link ThreadProvider} manages the multi-thread aspect of chunk ticks. */ public final class UpdateManager { private volatile boolean stopRequested; // TODO make configurable private ThreadProvider threadProvider = new SingleThreadProvider(); private final Queue tickStartCallbacks = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(); private final Queue tickEndCallbacks = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(); private final List> tickMonitors = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); /** * Should only be created in MinecraftServer. */ protected UpdateManager() { } /** * Starts the server loop in the update thread. */ protected void start() { final ConnectionManager connectionManager = MinecraftServer.getConnectionManager(); new Thread(() -> { while (!stopRequested) { try { long currentTime = System.nanoTime(); final long tickStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Tick start callbacks doTickCallback(tickStartCallbacks, tickStart); // Waiting players update (newly connected clients waiting to get into the server) connectionManager.updateWaitingPlayers(); // Keep Alive Handling connectionManager.handleKeepAlive(tickStart); // Server tick (chunks/entities) serverTick(tickStart); // the time that the tick took in nanoseconds final long tickTime = System.nanoTime() - currentTime; // Tick end callbacks doTickCallback(tickEndCallbacks, tickTime); // Monitoring if (!tickMonitors.isEmpty()) { final double acquisitionTimeMs = Acquirable.getAcquiringTime() / 1e6D; final double tickTimeMs = tickTime / 1e6D; final TickMonitor tickMonitor = new TickMonitor(tickTimeMs, acquisitionTimeMs); this.tickMonitors.forEach(consumer -> consumer.accept(tickMonitor)); Acquirable.resetAcquiringTime(); } // Flush all waiting packets AsyncUtils.runAsync(() -> connectionManager.getOnlinePlayers().parallelStream() .filter(player -> player.getPlayerConnection() instanceof NettyPlayerConnection) .map(player -> (NettyPlayerConnection) player.getPlayerConnection()) .forEach(NettyPlayerConnection::flush)); // Disable thread until next tick LockSupport.parkNanos((long) ((MinecraftServer.TICK_MS * 1e6) - tickTime)); } catch (Exception e) { MinecraftServer.getExceptionManager().handleException(e); } } }, MinecraftServer.THREAD_NAME_TICK_SCHEDULER).start(); } /** * Executes a server tick and returns only once all the futures are completed. * * @param tickStart the time of the tick in milliseconds */ private void serverTick(long tickStart) { // Tick all instances MinecraftServer.getInstanceManager().getInstances().forEach(instance -> { try { instance.tick(tickStart); } catch (Exception e) { MinecraftServer.getExceptionManager().handleException(e); } }); // Tick all chunks (and entities inside) this.threadProvider.updateAndAwait(tickStart); // Clear removed entities & update threads long tickTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - tickStart; this.threadProvider.refreshThreads(tickTime); } /** * Used to execute tick-related callbacks. * * @param callbacks the callbacks to execute * @param value the value to give to the consumers */ private void doTickCallback(Queue callbacks, long value) { if (!callbacks.isEmpty()) { LongConsumer callback; while ((callback = callbacks.poll()) != null) { callback.accept(value); } } } /** * Gets the current {@link ThreadProvider}. * * @return the current thread provider */ public @NotNull ThreadProvider getThreadProvider() { return threadProvider; } /** * Signals the {@link ThreadProvider} that an instance has been created. *

* WARNING: should be automatically done by the {@link InstanceManager}. * * @param instance the instance */ public void signalInstanceCreate(Instance instance) { this.threadProvider.onInstanceCreate(instance); } /** * Signals the {@link ThreadProvider} that an instance has been deleted. *

* WARNING: should be automatically done by the {@link InstanceManager}. * * @param instance the instance */ public void signalInstanceDelete(Instance instance) { this.threadProvider.onInstanceDelete(instance); } /** * Signals the {@link ThreadProvider} that a chunk has been loaded. *

* WARNING: should be automatically done by the {@link Instance} implementation. * * @param chunk the loaded chunk */ public void signalChunkLoad(@NotNull Chunk chunk) { this.threadProvider.onChunkLoad(chunk); } /** * Signals the {@link ThreadProvider} that a chunk has been unloaded. *

* WARNING: should be automatically done by the {@link Instance} implementation. * * @param chunk the unloaded chunk */ public void signalChunkUnload(@NotNull Chunk chunk) { this.threadProvider.onChunkUnload(chunk); } /** * Adds a callback executed at the start of the next server tick. *

* The long in the consumer represents the starting time (in ms) of the tick. * * @param callback the tick start callback */ public void addTickStartCallback(@NotNull LongConsumer callback) { this.tickStartCallbacks.add(callback); } /** * Removes a tick start callback. * * @param callback the callback to remove */ public void removeTickStartCallback(@NotNull LongConsumer callback) { this.tickStartCallbacks.remove(callback); } /** * Adds a callback executed at the end of the next server tick. *

* The long in the consumer represents the duration (in ms) of the tick. * * @param callback the tick end callback */ public void addTickEndCallback(@NotNull LongConsumer callback) { this.tickEndCallbacks.add(callback); } /** * Removes a tick end callback. * * @param callback the callback to remove */ public void removeTickEndCallback(@NotNull LongConsumer callback) { this.tickEndCallbacks.remove(callback); } public void addTickMonitor(@NotNull Consumer consumer) { this.tickMonitors.add(consumer); } public void removeTickMonitor(@NotNull Consumer consumer) { this.tickMonitors.remove(consumer); } /** * Stops the server loop. */ public void stop() { this.stopRequested = true; this.threadProvider.shutdown(); } }