package net.minestom.server.item; import; import; import; import net.minestom.server.item.attribute.ItemAttribute; import net.minestom.server.item.rule.VanillaStackingRule; import net.minestom.server.potion.PotionType; import net.minestom.server.utils.validate.Check; import java.util.*; public class ItemStack implements DataContainer { private static final StackingRule DEFAULT_STACKING_RULE = new VanillaStackingRule(127); public static ItemStack getAirItem() { return new ItemStack((short) 0, (byte) 0); } private static StackingRule defaultStackingRule; private short materialId; private byte amount; private short damage; private ColoredText displayName; private boolean unbreakable; private ArrayList lore; private Map enchantmentMap; private Map storedEnchantmentMap; private List attributes; private Set potionTypes; private int hideFlag; private int customModelData; private StackingRule stackingRule; private Data data; { if (defaultStackingRule == null) defaultStackingRule = DEFAULT_STACKING_RULE; if (this.stackingRule == null) this.stackingRule = defaultStackingRule; } public ItemStack(short materialId, byte amount, short damage) { this.materialId = materialId; this.amount = amount; this.damage = damage; this.lore = new ArrayList<>(); this.enchantmentMap = new HashMap<>(); this.storedEnchantmentMap = new HashMap<>(); this.attributes = new ArrayList<>(); this.potionTypes = new HashSet<>(); } public ItemStack(short materialId, byte amount) { this(materialId, amount, (short) 0); } public ItemStack(Material material, byte amount) { this(material.getId(), amount); } /** * Get the default stacking rule for newly created ItemStack * * @return the default stacking rule */ public static StackingRule getDefaultStackingRule() { return defaultStackingRule; } /** * Change the default stacking rule for created item stack * * @param defaultStackingRule the default item stack * @throws NullPointerException if {@code defaultStackingRule} is null */ public static void setDefaultStackingRule(StackingRule defaultStackingRule) { Check.notNull(defaultStackingRule, "StackingRule cannot be null!"); ItemStack.defaultStackingRule = defaultStackingRule; } /** * Get if the item is air * * @return true if the material is air, false otherwise */ public boolean isAir() { return materialId == Material.AIR.getId(); } /** * Get if two items are similar. * It does not take {@link #getAmount()} and {@link #getStackingRule()} in consideration * * @param itemStack The ItemStack to compare to * @return true if both items are similar */ public synchronized boolean isSimilar(ItemStack itemStack) { synchronized (itemStack) { final ColoredText itemDisplayName = itemStack.getDisplayName(); final boolean displayNameCheck = (displayName == null && itemDisplayName == null) || (displayName != null && itemDisplayName != null && displayName.equals(itemDisplayName)); final Data itemData = itemStack.getData(); final boolean dataCheck = (data == null && itemData == null) || (data != null && itemData != null && data.equals(itemData)); return itemStack.getMaterialId() == materialId && displayNameCheck && itemStack.isUnbreakable() == unbreakable && itemStack.getDamage() == damage && itemStack.enchantmentMap.equals(enchantmentMap) && itemStack.storedEnchantmentMap.equals(storedEnchantmentMap) && itemStack.attributes.equals(attributes) && itemStack.potionTypes.equals(potionTypes) && itemStack.hideFlag == hideFlag && dataCheck; } } public short getDamage() { return damage; } /** * Get the item amount *

* WARNING: for amount computation it would be better to use {@link StackingRule#getAmount(ItemStack)} * to support all stacking implementation * * @return the item amount */ public byte getAmount() { return amount; } /** * Change the item amount *

* WARNING: for amount computation it would be better to use {@link StackingRule#getAmount(ItemStack)} * to support all stacking implementation * * @param amount the new item amount */ public void setAmount(byte amount) { this.amount = amount; } public void setDamage(short damage) { this.damage = damage; } /** * Get the item internal material id * * @return the item material id */ public short getMaterialId() { return materialId; } /** * Get the item material * * @return the item material */ public Material getMaterial() { return Material.fromId(getMaterialId()); } /** * Get the item display name * * @return the item display name, can be null if not present */ public ColoredText getDisplayName() { return displayName; } /** * Set the item display name * * @param displayName the item display name */ public void setDisplayName(ColoredText displayName) { this.displayName = displayName; } /** * Get if the item has a display name * * @return the item display name */ public boolean hasDisplayName() { return displayName != null; } /** * Get the item lore * * @return the item lore, can be null if not present */ public ArrayList getLore() { return lore; } /** * Set the item lore * * @param lore the item lore, can be null to remove */ public void setLore(ArrayList lore) { this.lore = lore; } /** * Get if the item has a lore * * @return true if the item has lore, false otherwise */ public boolean hasLore() { return lore != null && !lore.isEmpty(); } /** * Get the item enchantment map * * @return an unmodifiable map containing the item enchantments */ public Map getEnchantmentMap() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(enchantmentMap); } /** * Set an enchantment level * * @param enchantment the enchantment type * @param level the enchantment level */ public void setEnchantment(Enchantment enchantment, short level) { if (level < 1) { removeEnchantment(enchantment); return; } this.enchantmentMap.put(enchantment, level); } /** * Remove an enchantment * * @param enchantment the enchantment type */ public void removeEnchantment(Enchantment enchantment) { this.enchantmentMap.remove(enchantment); } /** * Get an enchantment level * * @param enchantment the enchantment type * @return the stored enchantment level, 0 if not present */ public int getEnchantmentLevel(Enchantment enchantment) { return this.enchantmentMap.getOrDefault(enchantment, (short) 0); } /** * Get the stored enchantment map * Stored enchantments are used on enchanted book * * @return an unmodifiable map containing the item stored enchantments */ public Map getStoredEnchantmentMap() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(storedEnchantmentMap); } /** * Set a stored enchantment level * * @param enchantment the enchantment type * @param level the enchantment level */ public void setStoredEnchantment(Enchantment enchantment, short level) { if (level < 1) { removeStoredEnchantment(enchantment); return; } this.storedEnchantmentMap.put(enchantment, level); } /** * Remove a stored enchantment * * @param enchantment the enchantment type */ public void removeStoredEnchantment(Enchantment enchantment) { this.storedEnchantmentMap.remove(enchantment); } /** * Get a stored enchantment level * * @param enchantment the enchantment type * @return the stored enchantment level, 0 if not present */ public int getStoredEnchantmentLevel(Enchantment enchantment) { return this.storedEnchantmentMap.getOrDefault(enchantment, (short) 0); } /** * Get the item attributes * * @return an unmodifiable {@link List} containing the item attributes */ public List getAttributes() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(attributes); } /** * Add an attribute to the item * * @param itemAttribute the attribute to add */ public void addAttribute(ItemAttribute itemAttribute) { this.attributes.add(itemAttribute); } /** * Remove an attribute to the item * * @param itemAttribute the attribute to remove */ public void removeAttribute(ItemAttribute itemAttribute) { this.attributes.remove(itemAttribute); } /** * Get the item potion types * * @return an unmodifiable {@link Set} containing the item potion types */ public Set getPotionTypes() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(potionTypes); } /** * Add a potion type to the item * * @param potionType the potion type to add */ public void addPotionType(PotionType potionType) { this.potionTypes.add(potionType); } /** * Remove a potion type to the item * * @param potionType the potion type to remove */ public void removePotionType(PotionType potionType) { this.potionTypes.remove(potionType); } /** * Get the item hide flag * * @return the item hide flag */ public int getHideFlag() { return hideFlag; } /** * Change the item hide flag. This is the integer sent when updating the item hide flag * * @param hideFlag the new item hide flag */ public void setHideFlag(int hideFlag) { this.hideFlag = hideFlag; } /** * Get the item custom model data * * @return the item custom model data */ public int getCustomModelData() { return customModelData; } /** * Change the item custom model data * * @param customModelData the new item custom data model */ public void setCustomModelData(int customModelData) { this.customModelData = customModelData; } /** * Add flags to the item * * @param flags the flags to add */ public void addItemFlags(ItemFlag... flags) { for (ItemFlag f : flags) { this.hideFlag |= getBitModifier(f); } } /** * Remove flags from the item * * @param flags the flags to remove */ public void removeItemFlags(ItemFlag... flags) { for (ItemFlag f : flags) { this.hideFlag &= ~getBitModifier(f); } } /** * Get the item flags * * @return an unmodifiable {@link Set} containing the item flags */ public Set getItemFlags() { Set currentFlags = EnumSet.noneOf(ItemFlag.class); for (ItemFlag f : ItemFlag.values()) { if (hasItemFlag(f)) { currentFlags.add(f); } } return Collections.unmodifiableSet(currentFlags); } /** * Get if the item has an item flag * * @param flag the item flag * @return true if the item has the flag {@code flag}, false otherwise */ public boolean hasItemFlag(ItemFlag flag) { int bitModifier = getBitModifier(flag); return (this.hideFlag & bitModifier) == bitModifier; } /** * Get if the item is unbreakable * * @return true if the item is unbreakable, false otherwise */ public boolean isUnbreakable() { return unbreakable; } /** * Make the item unbreakable * * @param unbreakable true to make the item unbreakable, false otherwise */ public void setUnbreakable(boolean unbreakable) { this.unbreakable = unbreakable; } /** * Get if the item has any nbt tag * * @return true if the item has nbt tag, false otherwise */ public boolean hasNbtTag() { return hasDisplayName() || hasLore() || isUnbreakable() || !enchantmentMap.isEmpty() || !storedEnchantmentMap.isEmpty() || !attributes.isEmpty() || !potionTypes.isEmpty() || hideFlag != 0 || customModelData != 0; } /** * Clone this item stack * * @return a cloned item stack */ public synchronized ItemStack clone() { ItemStack itemStack = new ItemStack(materialId, amount, damage); itemStack.setDisplayName(displayName); itemStack.setUnbreakable(unbreakable); itemStack.setLore(getLore()); itemStack.setStackingRule(getStackingRule()); itemStack.enchantmentMap = new HashMap<>(enchantmentMap); itemStack.storedEnchantmentMap = new HashMap<>(storedEnchantmentMap); itemStack.attributes = new ArrayList<>(attributes); itemStack.potionTypes = new HashSet<>(potionTypes); itemStack.hideFlag = hideFlag; Data data = getData(); if (data != null) itemStack.setData(data.clone()); return itemStack; } @Override public Data getData() { return data; } @Override public void setData(Data data) { = data; } /** * Get the item stacking rule * * @return the item stacking rule */ public StackingRule getStackingRule() { return stackingRule; } /** * Change the stacking rule of the item * * @param stackingRule the new item stacking rule * @throws NullPointerException if {@code stackingRule} is null */ public void setStackingRule(StackingRule stackingRule) { Check.notNull(stackingRule, "StackingRule cannot be null!"); this.stackingRule = stackingRule; } private byte getBitModifier(ItemFlag hideFlag) { return (byte) (1 << hideFlag.ordinal()); } }