package net.minestom.server.item; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2ShortMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2ShortOpenHashMap; import net.minestom.server.MinecraftServer; import; import; import; import net.minestom.server.entity.ItemEntity; import net.minestom.server.entity.Player; import net.minestom.server.inventory.Inventory; import net.minestom.server.inventory.PlayerInventory; import; import net.minestom.server.item.attribute.ItemAttribute; import net.minestom.server.item.metadata.*; import net.minestom.server.item.rule.VanillaStackingRule; import; import net.minestom.server.registry.Registries; import net.minestom.server.utils.BlockPosition; import net.minestom.server.utils.Direction; import net.minestom.server.utils.NBTUtils; import net.minestom.server.utils.clone.PublicCloneable; import net.minestom.server.utils.ownership.OwnershipHandler; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.nbt.NBTCompound; import java.util.*; // TODO should we cache a ByteBuf of this item for faster packet write /** * Represents an item in an inventory ({@link PlayerInventory}, {@link Inventory}) or on the ground ({@link ItemEntity}). *

* An item stack cannot be null, you can however use {@link #getAirItem()} instead. *

* WARNING: all setters will not update the item automatically, it will need to be refreshed manually. * Here a non-exhaustive list of what you can do to update the item: * {@link PlayerInventory#refreshSlot(short)}, {@link Inventory#refreshSlot(short)} or a raw {@link SetSlotPacket}. */ public class ItemStack implements DataContainer, PublicCloneable { public static final OwnershipHandler DATA_OWNERSHIP = new OwnershipHandler<>(); public static final String OWNERSHIP_DATA_KEY = "ownership_identifier"; private static final StackingRule VANILLA_STACKING_RULE = new VanillaStackingRule(64); private final UUID identifier; private Material material; private static StackingRule defaultStackingRule; private ItemMeta itemMeta; private byte amount; private int damage; private JsonMessage displayName; private boolean unbreakable; private List lore; private Object2ShortMap enchantmentMap; private List attributes; private int hideFlag; private int customModelData; private StackingRule stackingRule; private Data data; { if (defaultStackingRule == null) defaultStackingRule = VANILLA_STACKING_RULE; this.stackingRule = defaultStackingRule; } public ItemStack(@NotNull Material material, byte amount, int damage) { this.identifier = DATA_OWNERSHIP.generateIdentifier(); this.material = material; this.amount = amount; this.damage = damage; this.lore = new ArrayList<>(); this.enchantmentMap = new Object2ShortOpenHashMap<>(); this.attributes = new ArrayList<>(); this.itemMeta = findMeta(); } public ItemStack(@NotNull Material material, byte amount) { this(material, amount, (short) 0); } /** * Gets a new {@link ItemStack} with the material sets to {@link Material#AIR}. *

* Used when you require a "null item". * * @return an air item */ @NotNull public static ItemStack getAirItem() { return new ItemStack(Material.AIR, (byte) 0); } /** * Gets the default {@link StackingRule} for newly created {@link ItemStack}. * * @return the default stacking rule */ @NotNull public static StackingRule getDefaultStackingRule() { return defaultStackingRule; } /** * Changes the default stacking rule for created item stack. * * @param defaultStackingRule the default item stack * @throws NullPointerException if {@code defaultStackingRule} is null */ public static void setDefaultStackingRule(@NotNull StackingRule defaultStackingRule) { ItemStack.defaultStackingRule = defaultStackingRule; } /** * Loads an {@link ItemStack} from nbt. * * @param nbt the nbt compound containing the item * @return the parsed item stack */ @NotNull public static ItemStack fromNBT(@NotNull NBTCompound nbt) { if (!nbt.containsKey("id") || !nbt.containsKey("Count")) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid item NBT, must at least contain 'id' and 'Count' tags"); final Material material = Registries.getMaterial(nbt.getString("id")); final byte count = nbt.getAsByte("Count"); ItemStack s = new ItemStack(material, count); NBTCompound tag = nbt.getCompound("tag"); if (tag != null) { NBTUtils.loadDataIntoItem(s, tag); } return s; } /** * Gets if the item material is {@link Material#AIR}. * * @return true if the material is air, false otherwise */ public boolean isAir() { return material == Material.AIR; } /** * Gets if two items are similar. * It does not take {@link #getAmount()} and {@link #getStackingRule()} in consideration. * * @param itemStack The ItemStack to compare to * @return true if both items are similar */ public boolean isSimilar(@NotNull ItemStack itemStack) { synchronized (ItemStack.class) { if (itemStack.getIdentifier().equals(identifier)) { return true; } final JsonMessage itemDisplayName = itemStack.getDisplayName(); final boolean displayNameCheck = (displayName == null && itemDisplayName == null) || (displayName != null && displayName.equals(itemDisplayName)); final Data itemData = itemStack.getData(); final boolean dataCheck = (data == null && itemData == null) || (data != null && data.equals(itemData)); final boolean sameMeta = (itemStack.itemMeta == null && itemMeta == null) || (itemStack.itemMeta != null && itemMeta != null && (itemStack.itemMeta.isSimilar(itemMeta))); return itemStack.getMaterial() == material && displayNameCheck && itemStack.isUnbreakable() == unbreakable && itemStack.getDamage() == damage && itemStack.enchantmentMap.equals(enchantmentMap) && itemStack.attributes.equals(attributes) && itemStack.hideFlag == hideFlag && sameMeta && dataCheck; } } /** * Gets the item damage (durability). * * @return the item damage */ public int getDamage() { return damage; } /** * Sets the item damage (durability). * * @param damage the item damage */ public void setDamage(int damage) { this.damage = damage; } /** * Gets the item amount. *

* WARNING: for amount computation it would be better to use {@link StackingRule#getAmount(ItemStack)} * to support all stacking implementation. * * @return the item amount */ public byte getAmount() { return amount; } /** * Changes the item amount. *

* WARNING: for amount computation it would be better to use {@link StackingRule#getAmount(ItemStack)} * to support all stacking implementation. * * @param amount the new item amount */ public void setAmount(byte amount) { this.amount = amount; } /** * Gets the special meta object for this item. *

* Can be null if not any. * * @return the item meta */ @Nullable public ItemMeta getItemMeta() { return itemMeta; } /** * Changes the item meta linked to this item. *

* WARNING: be sure to have nbt data useful for this item, items should automatically get the appropriate * item meta. * * @param itemMeta the new item meta */ public void setItemMeta(@Nullable ItemMeta itemMeta) { this.itemMeta = itemMeta; } /** * Gets the item display name. * * @return the item display name, can be null if not present */ @Nullable public JsonMessage getDisplayName() { return displayName; } /** * Sets the item display name. * * @param displayName the item display name */ public void setDisplayName(@Nullable JsonMessage displayName) { this.displayName = displayName; } /** * Gets if the item has a display name. * * @return the item display name */ public boolean hasDisplayName() { return displayName != null; } /** * Gets the item lore. * * @return a modifiable list containing the item lore, can be empty if not present */ @NotNull public List getLore() { return lore; } /** * Sets the item lore. * * @param lore the item lore, can be empty to remove */ public void setLore(@NotNull List lore) { this.lore = lore; } /** * Gets if the item has a lore. * * @return true if the item has lore, false otherwise */ public boolean hasLore() { return lore != null && !lore.isEmpty(); } /** * Gets the item enchantment map. * * @return an unmodifiable map containing the item enchantments */ @NotNull public Map getEnchantmentMap() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(enchantmentMap); } /** * Sets an enchantment level. * * @param enchantment the enchantment type * @param level the enchantment level */ public void setEnchantment(@NotNull Enchantment enchantment, short level) { if (level < 1) { removeEnchantment(enchantment); return; } this.enchantmentMap.put(enchantment, level); } /** * Removes an enchantment. * * @param enchantment the enchantment type */ public void removeEnchantment(@NotNull Enchantment enchantment) { this.enchantmentMap.removeShort(enchantment); } /** * Gets an enchantment level. * * @param enchantment the enchantment type * @return the stored enchantment level, 0 if not present */ public int getEnchantmentLevel(@NotNull Enchantment enchantment) { return this.enchantmentMap.getOrDefault(enchantment, (short) 0); } /** * Gets the item attributes. * * @return an unmodifiable {@link List} containing the item attributes */ @NotNull public List getAttributes() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(attributes); } /** * Gets the {@link ItemAttribute} with the specified internal name. * * @param internalName the internal name of the attribute * @return the {@link ItemAttribute} with the internal name, null if not found */ public ItemAttribute getAttribute(@NotNull String internalName) { for (ItemAttribute itemAttribute : attributes) { if (itemAttribute.getInternalName().equals(internalName)) return itemAttribute; } return null; } /** * Adds an attribute to the item. * * @param itemAttribute the attribute to add */ public void addAttribute(@NotNull ItemAttribute itemAttribute) { this.attributes.add(itemAttribute); } /** * Removes an attribute to the item. * * @param itemAttribute the attribute to remove */ public void removeAttribute(@NotNull ItemAttribute itemAttribute) { this.attributes.remove(itemAttribute); } /** * Gets the item hide flag. * * @return the item hide flag */ public int getHideFlag() { return hideFlag; } /** * Changes the item hide flag. This is the integer sent when updating the item hide flag. * * @param hideFlag the new item hide flag */ public void setHideFlag(int hideFlag) { this.hideFlag = hideFlag; } /** * Gets the item custom model data. * * @return the item custom model data */ public int getCustomModelData() { return customModelData; } /** * Changes the item custom model data. * * @param customModelData the new item custom data model */ public void setCustomModelData(int customModelData) { this.customModelData = customModelData; } /** * Adds flags to the item. * * @param flags the flags to add */ public void addItemFlags(@NotNull ItemFlag... flags) { for (ItemFlag f : flags) { this.hideFlag |= getBitModifier(f); } } /** * Removes flags from the item. * * @param flags the flags to remove */ public void removeItemFlags(@NotNull ItemFlag... flags) { for (ItemFlag f : flags) { this.hideFlag &= ~getBitModifier(f); } } /** * Gets the item flags. * * @return an unmodifiable {@link Set} containing the item flags */ @NotNull public Set getItemFlags() { Set currentFlags = EnumSet.noneOf(ItemFlag.class); for (ItemFlag f : ItemFlag.values()) { if (hasItemFlag(f)) { currentFlags.add(f); } } return Collections.unmodifiableSet(currentFlags); } /** * Gets if the item has an item flag. * * @param flag the item flag * @return true if the item has the flag {@code flag}, false otherwise */ public boolean hasItemFlag(@NotNull ItemFlag flag) { final int bitModifier = getBitModifier(flag); return (this.hideFlag & bitModifier) == bitModifier; } /** * Gets if the item is unbreakable. * * @return true if the item is unbreakable, false otherwise */ public boolean isUnbreakable() { return unbreakable; } /** * Makes the item unbreakable. * * @param unbreakable true to make the item unbreakable, false otherwise */ public void setUnbreakable(boolean unbreakable) { this.unbreakable = unbreakable; } /** * Gets the unique identifier of this object. *

* This value is non persistent and will be randomized once this item is separated with a right-click, * when copied and when the server restart. It is used internally by the data ownership system. * * @return this item unique identifier */ @NotNull public UUID getIdentifier() { return identifier; } /** * Gets the item {@link Material}. * * @return the item material */ @NotNull public Material getMaterial() { return material; } /** * Changes the item {@link Material}. * * @param material the new material */ public void setMaterial(@NotNull Material material) { this.material = material; } /** * Gets if the item has any nbt tag. * * @return true if the item has nbt tag, false otherwise */ public boolean hasNbtTag() { return hasDisplayName() || hasLore() || damage != 0 || isUnbreakable() || !enchantmentMap.isEmpty() || !attributes.isEmpty() || hideFlag != 0 || customModelData != 0 || (itemMeta != null && itemMeta.hasNbt()) || (data != null && !data.isEmpty()); } /** * @deprecated use {@link #clone()} */ @Deprecated @NotNull public synchronized ItemStack copy() { return clone(); } /** * Clones this item stack. *

* Be aware that the identifier ({@link #getIdentifier()}) will change. * * @return a cloned item stack with a different identifier */ @NotNull @Override public ItemStack clone() { try { ItemStack itemStack = (ItemStack) super.clone(); itemStack.setDisplayName(displayName); itemStack.setUnbreakable(unbreakable); if (lore != null) { itemStack.setLore(new ArrayList<>(lore)); } if (stackingRule != null) { itemStack.setStackingRule(stackingRule); } itemStack.enchantmentMap = new Object2ShortOpenHashMap<>(enchantmentMap); itemStack.attributes = new ArrayList<>(attributes); itemStack.hideFlag = hideFlag; itemStack.customModelData = customModelData; if (itemMeta != null) itemStack.itemMeta = itemMeta.clone(); final Data data = getData(); if (data != null) itemStack.setData(data.clone()); return itemStack; } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { MinecraftServer.getExceptionManager().handleException(e); return null; } } @Nullable @Override public Data getData() { return data; } /** * Sets the data of this item. * * @param data the new {@link Data} of this container, null to remove it */ @Override public void setData(@Nullable Data data) { DATA_OWNERSHIP.saveOwnObject(getIdentifier(), data); = data; } /** * Gets the item {@link StackingRule}. * * @return the item stacking rule */ @NotNull public StackingRule getStackingRule() { return stackingRule; } /** * Changes the {@link StackingRule} of the item. * * @param stackingRule the new item stacking rule * @throws NullPointerException if {@code stackingRule} is null */ public void setStackingRule(@NotNull StackingRule stackingRule) { this.stackingRule = stackingRule; } /** * Consumes this item by a specific amount. *

* Will return null if the amount's amount isn't enough. * * @param amount the quantity to consume * @return the new item with the updated amount, null if the item cannot be consumed by this much */ @Nullable public ItemStack consume(int amount) { final int currentAmount = stackingRule.getAmount(this); if (currentAmount < amount) return null; return stackingRule.apply(this, currentAmount - amount); } private byte getBitModifier(@NotNull ItemFlag hideFlag) { return (byte) (1 << hideFlag.ordinal()); } /** * Finds the {@link ItemMeta} based on the material type. * * @return the item meta, null if none found */ @Nullable private ItemMeta findMeta() { if (material == Material.POTION || material == Material.LINGERING_POTION || material == Material.SPLASH_POTION || material == Material.TIPPED_ARROW) return new PotionMeta(); if (material == Material.FILLED_MAP) return new MapMeta(); if (material == Material.COMPASS) return new CompassMeta(); if (material == Material.ENCHANTED_BOOK) return new EnchantedBookMeta(); if (material == Material.CROSSBOW) return new CrossbowMeta(); if (material == Material.WRITABLE_BOOK) return new WritableBookMeta(); if (material == Material.WRITTEN_BOOK) return new WrittenBookMeta(); if (material == Material.FIREWORK_STAR) return new FireworkEffectMeta(); if (material == Material.FIREWORK_ROCKET) return new FireworkMeta(); if (material == Material.PLAYER_HEAD) return new PlayerHeadMeta(); if (material == Material.LEATHER_HELMET || material == Material.LEATHER_CHESTPLATE || material == Material.LEATHER_LEGGINGS || material == Material.LEATHER_BOOTS) return new LeatherArmorMeta(); return null; } /** * Creates a {@link NBTCompound} containing the data of this item. *

* WARNING: modifying the returned nbt will not affect the item. * * @return this item nbt */ @NotNull public NBTCompound toNBT() { NBTCompound compound = new NBTCompound() .setByte("Count", amount) .setString("id", material.getName()); if (hasNbtTag()) { NBTCompound additionalTag = new NBTCompound(); NBTUtils.saveDataIntoNBT(this, additionalTag); compound.set("tag", additionalTag); } return compound; } /** * WARNING: not implemented yet. *

* This is be called each time an item is serialized to be send to a player, * can be used to customize the display of the item based on player data. * * @param player the player * @return the custom {@link ItemDisplay} for {@code player}, * null to use the normal item display name & lore */ public ItemDisplay getCustomDisplay(Player player) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented yet"); } // Callback events /** * Called when the player right clicks with this item. * * @param player the player who used the item * @param hand the hand used */ public void onRightClick(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Player.Hand hand) { } /** * Called when the player left clicks with this item. * * @param player the player who used the item * @param hand the hand used */ public void onLeftClick(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Player.Hand hand) { } /** * Called when the player right clicks with this item on a block. * * @param player the player who used the item * @param hand the hand used * @param position the position of the interacted block * @param blockFace the block face * @return true if it prevents normal item use (placing blocks for instance) */ public boolean onUseOnBlock(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Player.Hand hand, @NotNull BlockPosition position, @NotNull Direction blockFace) { return false; } /** * Called when the player click on this item on an inventory. *

* Executed before any events. * * @param player the player who clicked on the item * @param clickType the click type * @param slot the slot clicked * @param playerInventory true if the click is in the player inventory */ public void onInventoryClick(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull ClickType clickType, int slot, boolean playerInventory) { } }