package net.minestom.server.command; import net.minestom.server.command.builder.Command; import net.minestom.server.command.builder.CommandDispatcher; import net.minestom.server.command.builder.CommandSyntax; import net.minestom.server.command.builder.arguments.*; import net.minestom.server.command.builder.arguments.minecraft.*; import net.minestom.server.command.builder.arguments.minecraft.registry.ArgumentEnchantment; import net.minestom.server.command.builder.arguments.minecraft.registry.ArgumentEntityType; import net.minestom.server.command.builder.arguments.minecraft.registry.ArgumentParticle; import net.minestom.server.command.builder.arguments.minecraft.registry.ArgumentPotion; import net.minestom.server.command.builder.arguments.number.ArgumentDouble; import net.minestom.server.command.builder.arguments.number.ArgumentFloat; import net.minestom.server.command.builder.arguments.number.ArgumentInteger; import net.minestom.server.command.builder.arguments.number.ArgumentNumber; import net.minestom.server.command.builder.condition.CommandCondition; import net.minestom.server.entity.Player; import net.minestom.server.event.player.PlayerCommandEvent; import; import net.minestom.server.utils.ArrayUtils; import net.minestom.server.utils.validate.Check; import java.util.*; import java.util.function.Consumer; public class CommandManager { private boolean running; private String commandPrefix = "/"; private ConsoleSender consoleSender = new ConsoleSender(); private CommandDispatcher dispatcher = new CommandDispatcher(); private Map commandProcessorMap = new HashMap<>(); public CommandManager() { running = true; // Setup console thread Thread consoleThread = new Thread(() -> { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; while (running) { if (scanner.hasNext()) { String command = scanner.nextLine(); if (!command.startsWith(commandPrefix)) continue; command = command.replaceFirst(commandPrefix, ""); execute(consoleSender, command); } } }, "ConsoleCommand-Thread"); consoleThread.setDaemon(true); consoleThread.start(); } public void stopConsoleThread() { running = false; } public void register(Command command) { this.dispatcher.register(command); } public void register(CommandProcessor commandProcessor) { this.commandProcessorMap.put(commandProcessor.getCommandName().toLowerCase(), commandProcessor); } public boolean execute(CommandSender sender, String command) { Check.notNull(sender, "Source cannot be null"); Check.notNull(command, "Command string cannot be null"); if (sender instanceof Player) { Player player = (Player) sender; PlayerCommandEvent playerCommandEvent = new PlayerCommandEvent(player, command); player.callEvent(PlayerCommandEvent.class, playerCommandEvent); if (playerCommandEvent.isCancelled()) return false; command = playerCommandEvent.getCommand(); } try { this.dispatcher.execute(sender, command); return true; } catch (NullPointerException e) { String[] splitted = command.split(" "); String commandName = splitted[0]; CommandProcessor commandProcessor = commandProcessorMap.get(commandName.toLowerCase()); if (commandProcessor == null) return false; String[] args = command.substring(command.indexOf(" ") + 1).split(" "); return commandProcessor.process(sender, commandName, args); } } public String getCommandPrefix() { return commandPrefix; } public void setCommandPrefix(String commandPrefix) { this.commandPrefix = commandPrefix; } public ConsoleSender getConsoleSender() { return consoleSender; } public DeclareCommandsPacket createDeclareCommandsPacket(Player player) { return buildPacket(player); } /*private DeclareCommandsPacket buildPacket(Player player) { DeclareCommandsPacket declareCommandsPacket = new DeclareCommandsPacket(); List commands = new ArrayList<>(); for (Command command : dispatcher.getCommands()) { CommandCondition commandCondition = command.getCondition(); if (commandCondition != null) { // Do not show command if return false if (!commandCondition.apply(player)) { continue; } } commands.add(command.getName()); for (String alias : command.getAliases()) { commands.add(alias); } } for (CommandProcessor commandProcessor : commandProcessorMap.values()) { // Do not show command if return false if (!commandProcessor.hasAccess(player)) continue; commands.add(commandProcessor.getCommandName()); String[] aliases = commandProcessor.getAliases(); if (aliases == null || aliases.length == 0) continue; for (String alias : aliases) { commands.add(alias); } } List nodes = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList rootChildren = new ArrayList<>(); DeclareCommandsPacket.Node argNode = new DeclareCommandsPacket.Node(); argNode.flags = 0b10; = "arg"; argNode.parser = "brigadier:string"; = packetWriter -> { packetWriter.writeVarInt(0); }; int argOffset = nodes.size(); nodes.add(argNode); argNode.children = new int[]{argOffset}; for (String commandName : commands) { DeclareCommandsPacket.Node literalNode = new DeclareCommandsPacket.Node(); literalNode.flags = 0b1; = commandName; literalNode.children = new int[]{argOffset}; rootChildren.add(nodes.size()); nodes.add(literalNode); } DeclareCommandsPacket.Node rootNode = new DeclareCommandsPacket.Node(); rootNode.flags = 0; rootNode.children = ArrayUtils.toArray(rootChildren); nodes.add(rootNode); declareCommandsPacket.nodes = nodes.toArray(new DeclareCommandsPacket.Node[0]); declareCommandsPacket.rootIndex = nodes.size() - 1; return declareCommandsPacket; }*/ private DeclareCommandsPacket buildPacket(Player player) { DeclareCommandsPacket declareCommandsPacket = new DeclareCommandsPacket(); List nodes = new ArrayList<>(); // Contains the children of the main node (all commands name) ArrayList rootChildren = new ArrayList<>(); for (Command command : dispatcher.getCommands()) { // Check if player should see this command CommandCondition commandCondition = command.getCondition(); if (commandCondition != null) { // Do not show command if return false if (!commandCondition.apply(player)) { continue; } } // The main root of this command ArrayList cmdChildren = new ArrayList<>(); Collection syntaxes = command.getSyntaxes(); List names = new ArrayList<>(); names.add(command.getName()); for (String alias : command.getAliases()) { names.add(alias); } for (String name : names) { createCommand(nodes, cmdChildren, name, syntaxes, rootChildren); } } final List simpleCommands = new ArrayList<>(); for (CommandProcessor commandProcessor : commandProcessorMap.values()) { // Do not show command if return false if (!commandProcessor.hasAccess(player)) continue; simpleCommands.add(commandProcessor.getCommandName()); String[] aliases = commandProcessor.getAliases(); if (aliases == null || aliases.length == 0) continue; for (String alias : aliases) { simpleCommands.add(alias); } } for (String simpleCommand : simpleCommands) { // TODO server suggestion DeclareCommandsPacket.Node literalNode = new DeclareCommandsPacket.Node(); literalNode.flags = getFlag(NodeType.LITERAL, true, false, false); = simpleCommand; literalNode.children = new int[0]; //literalNode.suggestionsType = "minecraft:ask_server"; rootChildren.add(nodes.size()); nodes.add(literalNode); } DeclareCommandsPacket.Node rootNode = new DeclareCommandsPacket.Node(); rootNode.flags = 0; rootNode.children = ArrayUtils.toArray(rootChildren); nodes.add(rootNode); declareCommandsPacket.nodes = nodes.toArray(new DeclareCommandsPacket.Node[0]); declareCommandsPacket.rootIndex = nodes.size() - 1; return declareCommandsPacket; } private void createCommand(List nodes, ArrayList cmdChildren, String name, Collection syntaxes, ArrayList rootChildren) { DeclareCommandsPacket.Node literalNode = createMainNode(name, syntaxes.isEmpty()); rootChildren.add(nodes.size()); nodes.add(literalNode); for (CommandSyntax syntax : syntaxes) { // Represent the last nodes computed in the last iteration List lastNodes = null; // Represent the children of the last node ArrayList argChildren = null; final Argument[] arguments = syntax.getArguments(); for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { final Argument argument = arguments[i]; final boolean isFirst = i == 0; final boolean isLast = i == arguments.length - 1; List argumentNodes = toNodes(argument, isLast); for (DeclareCommandsPacket.Node node : argumentNodes) { final int childId = nodes.size(); if (isFirst) { // Add to main command child cmdChildren.add(childId); } else { // Add to previous argument children argChildren.add(childId); } if (lastNodes != null) { int[] children = ArrayUtils.toArray(argChildren); lastNodes.forEach(n -> n.children = children); } nodes.add(node); } //System.out.println("debug: " + argument.getId() + " : " + isFirst + " : " + isLast); //System.out.println("debug2: " + i); //System.out.println("size: " + (argChildren != null ? argChildren.size() : "NULL")); if (isLast) { // Last argument doesn't have children int[] children = new int[0]; argumentNodes.forEach(node -> node.children = children); } else { // Create children list which will be filled during next iteration argChildren = new ArrayList<>(); lastNodes = argumentNodes; } } } int[] children = ArrayUtils.toArray(cmdChildren); //System.out.println("test " + children.length + " : " + children[0]); literalNode.children = children; if (children.length > 0) { literalNode.redirectedNode = children[0]; } } private DeclareCommandsPacket.Node createMainNode(String name, boolean executable) { DeclareCommandsPacket.Node literalNode = new DeclareCommandsPacket.Node(); literalNode.flags = getFlag(NodeType.LITERAL, executable, false, false); = name; return literalNode; } private List toNodes(Argument argument, boolean executable) { List nodes = new ArrayList<>(); /*DeclareCommandsPacket.Node testNode = simpleArgumentNode(nodes, argument, executable); testNode.parser = "minecraft:entity"; = packetWriter -> packetWriter.writeByte((byte) 0x0); if (true) { return nodes; }*/ if (argument instanceof ArgumentBoolean) { DeclareCommandsPacket.Node argumentNode = simpleArgumentNode(nodes, argument, executable); argumentNode.parser = "brigadier:bool"; = packetWriter -> packetWriter.writeByte((byte) 0); } else if (argument instanceof ArgumentDouble) { DeclareCommandsPacket.Node argumentNode = simpleArgumentNode(nodes, argument, executable); ArgumentDouble argumentDouble = (ArgumentDouble) argument; argumentNode.parser = "brigadier:double"; = packetWriter -> { packetWriter.writeByte(getNumberProperties(argumentDouble)); if (argumentDouble.hasMin()) packetWriter.writeDouble(argumentDouble.getMin()); if (argumentDouble.hasMax()) packetWriter.writeDouble(argumentDouble.getMax()); }; } else if (argument instanceof ArgumentFloat) { DeclareCommandsPacket.Node argumentNode = simpleArgumentNode(nodes, argument, executable); ArgumentFloat argumentFloat = (ArgumentFloat) argument; argumentNode.parser = "brigadier:float"; = packetWriter -> { packetWriter.writeByte(getNumberProperties(argumentFloat)); if (argumentFloat.hasMin()) packetWriter.writeFloat(argumentFloat.getMin()); if (argumentFloat.hasMax()) packetWriter.writeFloat(argumentFloat.getMax()); }; } else if (argument instanceof ArgumentInteger) { DeclareCommandsPacket.Node argumentNode = simpleArgumentNode(nodes, argument, executable); ArgumentInteger argumentInteger = (ArgumentInteger) argument; argumentNode.parser = "brigadier:integer"; = packetWriter -> { packetWriter.writeByte(getNumberProperties(argumentInteger)); if (argumentInteger.hasMin()) packetWriter.writeInt(argumentInteger.getMin()); if (argumentInteger.hasMax()) packetWriter.writeInt(argumentInteger.getMax()); }; } else if (argument instanceof ArgumentWord) { ArgumentWord argumentWord = (ArgumentWord) argument; // Add the single word properties + parser final Consumer wordConsumer = node -> { node.parser = "brigadier:string"; = packetWriter -> { packetWriter.writeVarInt(0); // Single word }; }; final boolean hasRestriction = argumentWord.hasRestrictions(); if (hasRestriction) { // Create a node for each restrictions as literal for (String restrictionWord : argumentWord.getRestrictions()) { DeclareCommandsPacket.Node argumentNode = new DeclareCommandsPacket.Node(); nodes.add(argumentNode); argumentNode.flags = getFlag(NodeType.LITERAL, executable, false, false); = restrictionWord; wordConsumer.accept(argumentNode); } } else { // Can be any word, add only one argument node DeclareCommandsPacket.Node argumentNode = simpleArgumentNode(nodes, argument, executable); wordConsumer.accept(argumentNode); } } else if (argument instanceof ArgumentString) { DeclareCommandsPacket.Node argumentNode = simpleArgumentNode(nodes, argument, executable); argumentNode.parser = "brigadier:string"; = packetWriter -> { packetWriter.writeVarInt(1); // Quotable phrase }; } else if (argument instanceof ArgumentStringArray) { DeclareCommandsPacket.Node argumentNode = simpleArgumentNode(nodes, argument, executable); argumentNode.parser = "brigadier:string"; = packetWriter -> { packetWriter.writeVarInt(2); // Greedy phrase }; } else if (argument instanceof ArgumentColor) { DeclareCommandsPacket.Node argumentNode = simpleArgumentNode(nodes, argument, executable); argumentNode.parser = "minecraft:color"; } else if (argument instanceof ArgumentTime) { DeclareCommandsPacket.Node argumentNode = simpleArgumentNode(nodes, argument, executable); argumentNode.parser = "minecraft:time"; } else if (argument instanceof ArgumentEnchantment) { DeclareCommandsPacket.Node argumentNode = simpleArgumentNode(nodes, argument, executable); argumentNode.parser = "minecraft:item_enchantment"; } else if (argument instanceof ArgumentParticle) { DeclareCommandsPacket.Node argumentNode = simpleArgumentNode(nodes, argument, executable); argumentNode.parser = "minecraft:particle"; } else if (argument instanceof ArgumentPotion) { DeclareCommandsPacket.Node argumentNode = simpleArgumentNode(nodes, argument, executable); argumentNode.parser = "minecraft:mob_effect"; } else if (argument instanceof ArgumentEntityType) { DeclareCommandsPacket.Node argumentNode = simpleArgumentNode(nodes, argument, executable); argumentNode.parser = "minecraft:entity_summon"; } else if (argument instanceof ArgumentIntRange) { DeclareCommandsPacket.Node argumentNode = simpleArgumentNode(nodes, argument, executable); argumentNode.parser = "minecraft:int_range"; } else if (argument instanceof ArgumentFloatRange) { DeclareCommandsPacket.Node argumentNode = simpleArgumentNode(nodes, argument, executable); argumentNode.parser = "minecraft:float_range"; } else if (argument instanceof ArgumentEntities) { ArgumentEntities argumentEntities = (ArgumentEntities) argument; DeclareCommandsPacket.Node argumentNode = simpleArgumentNode(nodes, argument, executable); argumentNode.parser = "minecraft:entity"; = packetWriter -> { byte mask = 0; if (argumentEntities.isOnlySingleEntity()) { mask += 1; } if (argumentEntities.isOnlyPlayers()) { mask += 2; } packetWriter.writeByte(mask); }; } return nodes; } private byte getNumberProperties(ArgumentNumber argumentNumber) { byte result = 0; if (argumentNumber.hasMin()) result += 1; if (argumentNumber.hasMax()) result += 2; return result; } private DeclareCommandsPacket.Node simpleArgumentNode(List nodes, Argument argument, boolean executable) { DeclareCommandsPacket.Node argumentNode = new DeclareCommandsPacket.Node(); nodes.add(argumentNode); argumentNode.flags = getFlag(NodeType.ARGUMENT, executable, false, false); = argument.getId(); return argumentNode; } private byte getFlag(NodeType type, boolean executable, boolean redirect, boolean suggestionType) { byte result = (byte) type.mask; if (executable) { result |= 0x4; } if (redirect) { result |= 0x8; } if (suggestionType) { result |= 0x10; } return result; } private enum NodeType { ROOT(0), LITERAL(0b1), ARGUMENT(0b10), NONE(0x11); private int mask; NodeType(int mask) { this.mask = mask; } } }