package net.minestom.server; import com.mojang.authlib.AuthenticationService; import com.mojang.authlib.minecraft.MinecraftSessionService; import com.mojang.authlib.yggdrasil.YggdrasilAuthenticationService; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.Setter; import net.minestom.server.advancements.AdvancementManager; import net.minestom.server.benchmark.BenchmarkManager; import net.minestom.server.command.CommandManager; import; import; import; import net.minestom.server.entity.EntityManager; import net.minestom.server.entity.EntityType; import net.minestom.server.entity.Player; import net.minestom.server.extensions.Extension; import net.minestom.server.extensions.ExtensionManager; import net.minestom.server.extras.mojangAuth.MojangCrypt; import net.minestom.server.fluids.Fluid; import net.minestom.server.gamedata.loottables.LootTableManager; import net.minestom.server.gamedata.tags.TagManager; import net.minestom.server.instance.Chunk; import net.minestom.server.instance.InstanceManager; import net.minestom.server.instance.block.Block; import net.minestom.server.instance.block.BlockManager; import net.minestom.server.instance.block.CustomBlock; import net.minestom.server.instance.block.rule.BlockPlacementRule; import net.minestom.server.item.Enchantment; import net.minestom.server.item.Material; import net.minestom.server.listener.manager.PacketListenerManager; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.minestom.server.particle.Particle; import; import net.minestom.server.potion.PotionEffect; import net.minestom.server.potion.PotionType; import net.minestom.server.recipe.RecipeManager; import net.minestom.server.registry.ResourceGatherer; import net.minestom.server.scoreboard.TeamManager; import net.minestom.server.sound.Sound; import net.minestom.server.stat.StatisticType; import; import; import net.minestom.server.timer.SchedulerManager; import net.minestom.server.utils.MathUtils; import net.minestom.server.utils.thread.MinestomThread; import net.minestom.server.utils.validate.Check; import; import; import; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; /** * The main server class used to start the server and retrieve all the managers. *

* The server needs to be initialized with {@link #init()} and started with {@link #start(String, int)}. * You should register all of your dimensions, biomes, commands, events, etc... in-between. */ public final class MinecraftServer { @Getter private final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MinecraftServer.class); public static final String VERSION_NAME = "1.16.4"; public static final int PROTOCOL_VERSION = 754; // Threads public static final String THREAD_NAME_BENCHMARK = "Ms-Benchmark"; public static final String THREAD_NAME_MAIN_UPDATE = "Ms-MainUpdate"; public static final String THREAD_NAME_TICK = "Ms-Tick"; public static final String THREAD_NAME_PACKET_WRITER = "Ms-PacketWriterPool"; public static final int THREAD_COUNT_PACKET_WRITER = 2; public static final String THREAD_NAME_BLOCK_BATCH = "Ms-BlockBatchPool"; public static final int THREAD_COUNT_BLOCK_BATCH = 2; public static final String THREAD_NAME_SCHEDULER = "Ms-SchedulerPool"; public static final int THREAD_COUNT_SCHEDULER = 1; public static final String THREAD_NAME_PARALLEL_CHUNK_SAVING = "Ms-ParallelChunkSaving"; public static final int THREAD_COUNT_PARALLEL_CHUNK_SAVING = 4; // Config // Can be modified at performance cost when increased public static final int TICK_PER_SECOND = 20; private static final int MS_TO_SEC = 1000; public static final int TICK_MS = MS_TO_SEC / TICK_PER_SECOND; @Getter @Setter private static boolean hardcoreLook = false; //Extras @Getter @Setter private static boolean fixLighting = true; //Rate Limiting private static int rateLimit = 0; // TODO public static final int MAX_PACKET_SIZE = 300_000; private static PacketListenerManager packetListenerManager; private static NettyServer nettyServer; // In-Game Manager private static ConnectionManager connectionManager; private static InstanceManager instanceManager; private static BlockManager blockManager; private static EntityManager entityManager; private static CommandManager commandManager; private static RecipeManager recipeManager; private static StorageManager storageManager; private static DataManager dataManager; private static TeamManager teamManager; private static SchedulerManager schedulerManager; private static BenchmarkManager benchmarkManager; private static DimensionTypeManager dimensionTypeManager; private static BiomeManager biomeManager; private static AdvancementManager advancementManager; private static ExtensionManager extensionManager; private static UpdateManager updateManager; private static MinecraftServer minecraftServer; // Data private static boolean initialized; private static boolean started; private static int chunkViewDistance = 10; private static int entityViewDistance = 5; private static int compressionThreshold = 256; private static ResponseDataConsumer responseDataConsumer; private static String brandName = "Minestom"; private static Difficulty difficulty = Difficulty.NORMAL; private static LootTableManager lootTableManager; private static TagManager tagManager; //Mojang Auth @Getter private static final KeyPair keyPair = MojangCrypt.generateKeyPair(); @Getter private static final AuthenticationService authService = new YggdrasilAuthenticationService(Proxy.NO_PROXY, ""); @Getter private static final MinecraftSessionService sessionService = authService.createMinecraftSessionService(); public static MinecraftServer init() { if (minecraftServer != null) // don't init twice return minecraftServer; extensionManager = new ExtensionManager(); extensionManager.loadExtensions(); // warmup/force-init registries // without this line, registry types that are not loaded explicitly will have an internal empty registry in Registries // That can happen with PotionType for instance, if no code tries to access a PotionType field // TODO: automate (probably with code generation) Block.values(); Material.values(); PotionType.values(); PotionEffect.values(); Enchantment.values(); EntityType.values(); Sound.values(); Particle.values(); StatisticType.values(); Fluid.values(); connectionManager = new ConnectionManager(); // Networking final PacketProcessor packetProcessor = new PacketProcessor(); packetListenerManager = new PacketListenerManager(); instanceManager = new InstanceManager(); blockManager = new BlockManager(); entityManager = new EntityManager(); commandManager = new CommandManager(); recipeManager = new RecipeManager(); storageManager = new StorageManager(); dataManager = new DataManager(); teamManager = new TeamManager(); schedulerManager = new SchedulerManager(); benchmarkManager = new BenchmarkManager(); dimensionTypeManager = new DimensionTypeManager(); biomeManager = new BiomeManager(); advancementManager = new AdvancementManager(); updateManager = new UpdateManager(); lootTableManager = new LootTableManager(); tagManager = new TagManager(); nettyServer = new NettyServer(packetProcessor); // Registry try { ResourceGatherer.ensureResourcesArePresent(VERSION_NAME); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error("An error happened during resource gathering. Minestom will attempt to load anyway, but things may not work, and crashes can happen.", e); } initialized = true; minecraftServer = new MinecraftServer(); return minecraftServer; } /** * Gets the current server brand name. * * @return the server brand name */ @NotNull public static String getBrandName() { return brandName; } /** * Changes the server brand name and send the change to all connected players. * * @param brandName the server brand name * @throws NullPointerException if {@code brandName} is null */ @NotNull public static void setBrandName(String brandName) { Check.notNull(brandName, "The brand name cannot be null"); MinecraftServer.brandName = brandName; PluginMessagePacket brandMessage = PluginMessagePacket.getBrandPacket(); PacketWriterUtils.writeAndSend(connectionManager.getOnlinePlayers(), brandMessage); } /** * Gets the max number of packets a client can send over 1 second. * * @return the packet count limit over 1 second */ public static int getRateLimit() { return rateLimit; } /** * Changes the number of packet a client can send over 1 second without being disconnected. * * @param rateLimit the number of packet, 0 to disable */ public static void setRateLimit(int rateLimit) { MinecraftServer.rateLimit = rateLimit; } /** * Gets the server difficulty showed in game option. * * @return the server difficulty */ @NotNull public static Difficulty getDifficulty() { return difficulty; } /** * Changes the server difficulty and send the appropriate packet to all connected clients. * * @param difficulty the new server difficulty */ @NotNull public static void setDifficulty(@NotNull Difficulty difficulty) { Check.notNull(difficulty, "The server difficulty cannot be null."); MinecraftServer.difficulty = difficulty; // The difficulty packet ServerDifficultyPacket serverDifficultyPacket = new ServerDifficultyPacket(); serverDifficultyPacket.difficulty = difficulty; serverDifficultyPacket.locked = true; // Can only be modified on single-player // Send the packet to all online players PacketWriterUtils.writeAndSend(connectionManager.getOnlinePlayers(), serverDifficultyPacket); } /** * Gets the manager handling all incoming packets * * @return the packet listener manager */ public static PacketListenerManager getPacketListenerManager() { checkInitStatus(packetListenerManager); return packetListenerManager; } /** * Gets the netty server. * * @return the netty server */ public static NettyServer getNettyServer() { checkInitStatus(nettyServer); return nettyServer; } /** * Gets the manager handling all registered instances. * * @return the instance manager */ public static InstanceManager getInstanceManager() { checkInitStatus(instanceManager); return instanceManager; } /** * Gets the manager handling {@link CustomBlock} and {@link BlockPlacementRule}. * * @return the block manager */ public static BlockManager getBlockManager() { checkInitStatus(blockManager); return blockManager; } /** * Gets the manager handling waiting players. * * @return the entity manager */ public static EntityManager getEntityManager() { checkInitStatus(entityManager); return entityManager; } /** * Gets the manager handling commands. * * @return the command manager */ public static CommandManager getCommandManager() { checkInitStatus(commandManager); return commandManager; } /** * Gets the manager handling recipes show to the clients. * * @return the recipe manager */ public static RecipeManager getRecipeManager() { checkInitStatus(recipeManager); return recipeManager; } /** * Gets the manager handling storage. * * @return the storage manager */ public static StorageManager getStorageManager() { checkInitStatus(storageManager); return storageManager; } /** * Gets the manager handling {@link DataType} used by {@link SerializableData}. * * @return the data manager */ public static DataManager getDataManager() { checkInitStatus(dataManager); return dataManager; } /** * Gets the manager handling teams. * * @return the team manager */ public static TeamManager getTeamManager() { checkInitStatus(teamManager); return teamManager; } /** * Gets the manager handling scheduled tasks. * * @return the scheduler manager */ public static SchedulerManager getSchedulerManager() { checkInitStatus(schedulerManager); return schedulerManager; } /** * Gets the manager handling server monitoring. * * @return the benchmark manager */ public static BenchmarkManager getBenchmarkManager() { checkInitStatus(benchmarkManager); return benchmarkManager; } /** * Gets the manager handling server connections. * * @return the connection manager */ public static ConnectionManager getConnectionManager() { checkInitStatus(connectionManager); return connectionManager; } /** * Gets if the server is up and running. * * @return true if the server is started */ public static boolean isStarted() { return started; } /** * Gets the chunk view distance of the server. * * @return the chunk view distance */ public static int getChunkViewDistance() { return chunkViewDistance; } /** * Changes the chunk view distance of the server. * * @param chunkViewDistance the new chunk view distance * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code chunkViewDistance} is not between 2 and 32 */ public static void setChunkViewDistance(int chunkViewDistance) { Check.argCondition(!MathUtils.isBetween(chunkViewDistance, 2, 32), "The chunk view distance must be between 2 and 32"); MinecraftServer.chunkViewDistance = chunkViewDistance; if (started) { UpdateViewDistancePacket updateViewDistancePacket = new UpdateViewDistancePacket(); updateViewDistancePacket.viewDistance = chunkViewDistance; final Collection players = connectionManager.getOnlinePlayers(); PacketWriterUtils.writeAndSend(players, updateViewDistancePacket); connectionManager.getOnlinePlayers().forEach(player -> { final Chunk playerChunk = player.getChunk(); if (playerChunk != null) { player.refreshVisibleChunks(playerChunk); } }); } } /** * Gets the entity view distance of the server. * * @return the entity view distance */ public static int getEntityViewDistance() { return entityViewDistance; } /** * Changes the entity view distance of the server. * * @param entityViewDistance the new entity view distance * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code entityViewDistance} is not between 0 and 32 */ public static void setEntityViewDistance(int entityViewDistance) { Check.argCondition(!MathUtils.isBetween(entityViewDistance, 0, 32), "The entity view distance must be between 0 and 32"); MinecraftServer.entityViewDistance = entityViewDistance; if (started) { connectionManager.getOnlinePlayers().forEach(player -> { final Chunk playerChunk = player.getChunk(); if (playerChunk != null) { player.refreshVisibleEntities(playerChunk); } }); } } /** * Gets the compression threshold of the server. * * @return the compression threshold, 0 means that compression is disabled */ public static int getCompressionThreshold() { return compressionThreshold; } /** * Changes the compression threshold of the server. *

* WARNING: this need to be called before {@link #start(String, int, ResponseDataConsumer)}. * * @param compressionThreshold the new compression threshold, 0 to disable compression * @throws IllegalStateException if this is called after the server started */ public static void setCompressionThreshold(int compressionThreshold) { Check.stateCondition(started, "The compression threshold cannot be changed after the server has been started."); MinecraftServer.compressionThreshold = compressionThreshold; } /** * Gets the consumer executed to show server-list data. * * @return the response data consumer */ public static ResponseDataConsumer getResponseDataConsumer() { checkInitStatus(responseDataConsumer); return responseDataConsumer; } /** * Gets the manager handling loot tables. * * @return the loot table manager */ public static LootTableManager getLootTableManager() { checkInitStatus(lootTableManager); return lootTableManager; } /** * Gets the manager handling dimensions. * * @return the dimension manager */ public static DimensionTypeManager getDimensionTypeManager() { checkInitStatus(dimensionTypeManager); return dimensionTypeManager; } /** * Gets the manager handling biomes. * * @return the biome manager */ public static BiomeManager getBiomeManager() { checkInitStatus(biomeManager); return biomeManager; } /** * Gets the manager handling advancements. * * @return the advancement manager */ public static AdvancementManager getAdvancementManager() { checkInitStatus(advancementManager); return advancementManager; } /** * Get the manager handling {@link Extension}. * * @return the extension manager */ public static ExtensionManager getExtensionManager() { checkInitStatus(extensionManager); return extensionManager; } /** * Gets the manager handling tags. * * @return the tag manager */ public static TagManager getTagManager() { checkInitStatus(tagManager); return tagManager; } /** * Gets the manager handling the server ticks. * * @return the update manager */ public static UpdateManager getUpdateManager() { checkInitStatus(updateManager); return updateManager; } /** * Starts the server. *

* It should be called after {@link #init()} and probably your own initialization code. * * @param address the server address * @param port the server port * @param responseDataConsumer the response data consumer, can be null * @throws IllegalStateException if called before {@link #init()} or if the server is already running */ public void start(@NotNull String address, int port, @Nullable ResponseDataConsumer responseDataConsumer) { Check.stateCondition(!initialized, "#start can only be called after #init"); Check.stateCondition(started, "The server is already started");"Starting Minestom server."); MinecraftServer.responseDataConsumer = responseDataConsumer; updateManager.start(); nettyServer.start(address, port); long t1 = -System.nanoTime(); // Init extensions // TODO: Extensions should handle depending on each other and have a load-order. extensionManager.getExtensions().forEach(Extension::preInitialize); extensionManager.getExtensions().forEach(Extension::initialize); extensionManager.getExtensions().forEach(Extension::postInitialize); final double loadTime = MathUtils.round((t1 + System.nanoTime()) / 1_000_000D, 2);"Extensions loaded in " + loadTime + "ms");"Minestom server started successfully."); MinecraftServer.started = true; } /** * Starts the server. * * @param address the server address * @param port the server port * @see #start(String, int, ResponseDataConsumer) */ public void start(@NotNull String address, int port) { start(address, port, null); } /** * Stops this server properly (saves if needed, kicking players, etc.) */ public static void stopCleanly() {"Stopping Minestom server."); updateManager.stop(); nettyServer.stop(); schedulerManager.shutdown(); storageManager.getLoadedLocations().forEach(StorageLocation::close);"Shutting down all thread pools."); benchmarkManager.disable(); commandManager.stopConsoleThread(); MinestomThread.shutdownAll();"Minestom server stopped successfully."); } private static void checkInitStatus(@Nullable Object object) { /*Check.stateCondition(Objects.isNull(object), "You cannot access the manager before MinecraftServer#init, " + "if you are developing an extension be sure to retrieve them at least after Extension#preInitialize");*/ } }