package net.minestom.server.entity; import net.minestom.server.collision.CollisionUtils; import net.minestom.server.entity.pathfinding.EntityPathFinder; import; import*; import; import net.minestom.server.utils.BlockPosition; import net.minestom.server.utils.ChunkUtils; import net.minestom.server.utils.Position; import net.minestom.server.utils.Vector; import java.util.LinkedList; public abstract class EntityCreature extends LivingEntity { private EntityPathFinder pathFinder = new EntityPathFinder(this); private LinkedList blockPositions; private Position targetPosition; public EntityCreature(EntityType entityType, Position spawnPosition) { super(entityType.getId(), spawnPosition); } @Override public void update() { super.update(); // Path finding if (blockPositions != null) { if (targetPosition != null) { float distance = getPosition().getDistance(targetPosition); //System.out.println("test: "+distance); if (distance < 0.7f) { setNextPathPosition(); //System.out.println("END TARGET"); } else { moveTowards(targetPosition, getAttributeValue(Attribute.MOVEMENT_SPEED)); //System.out.println("MOVE TOWARD " + targetPosition); } } } } public void move(float x, float y, float z, boolean updateView) { Position position = getPosition(); float newX = position.getX() + x; float newY = position.getY() + y; float newZ = position.getZ() + z; Position newPosition = new Position(newX, newY, newZ); // Calculate collisions boxes newPosition = CollisionUtils.entity(getInstance(), getBoundingBox(), position, newPosition); // Refresh target position newX = newPosition.getX(); newY = newPosition.getY(); newZ = newPosition.getZ(); // Creatures cannot move in unload chunk if (ChunkUtils.isChunkUnloaded(getInstance(), newX, newZ)) return; float lastYaw = position.getYaw(); float radians = (float) Math.atan2(newZ - position.getZ(), newX - position.getX()); float yaw = (float) (radians * (180.0 / Math.PI)) - 90; float pitch = position.getPitch(); // TODO short deltaX = (short) ((newX * 32 - position.getX() * 32) * 128); short deltaY = (short) ((newY * 32 - position.getY() * 32) * 128); short deltaZ = (short) ((newZ * 32 - position.getZ() * 32) * 128); if (updateView) { EntityPositionAndRotationPacket entityPositionAndRotationPacket = new EntityPositionAndRotationPacket(); entityPositionAndRotationPacket.entityId = getEntityId(); entityPositionAndRotationPacket.deltaX = deltaX; entityPositionAndRotationPacket.deltaY = deltaY; entityPositionAndRotationPacket.deltaZ = deltaZ; entityPositionAndRotationPacket.yaw = yaw; entityPositionAndRotationPacket.pitch = pitch; entityPositionAndRotationPacket.onGround = isOnGround(); sendPacketToViewers(entityPositionAndRotationPacket); } else { EntityPositionPacket entityPositionPacket = new EntityPositionPacket(); entityPositionPacket.entityId = getEntityId(); entityPositionPacket.deltaX = deltaX; entityPositionPacket.deltaY = deltaY; entityPositionPacket.deltaZ = deltaZ; entityPositionPacket.onGround = isOnGround(); sendPacketToViewers(entityPositionPacket); } if (lastYaw != yaw) { EntityHeadLookPacket entityHeadLookPacket = new EntityHeadLookPacket(); entityHeadLookPacket.entityId = getEntityId(); entityHeadLookPacket.yaw = yaw; sendPacketToViewers(entityHeadLookPacket); refreshView(yaw, pitch); } refreshPosition(newX, newY, newZ); } @Override public void kill() { super.kill(); // Needed for proper death animation (wait for it to finish before destroying the entity) scheduleRemove(1000); } @Override public void addViewer(Player player) { super.addViewer(player); PlayerConnection playerConnection = player.getPlayerConnection(); EntityPacket entityPacket = new EntityPacket(); entityPacket.entityId = getEntityId(); SpawnLivingEntityPacket spawnLivingEntityPacket = new SpawnLivingEntityPacket(); spawnLivingEntityPacket.entityId = getEntityId(); spawnLivingEntityPacket.entityUuid = getUuid(); spawnLivingEntityPacket.entityType = getEntityType(); spawnLivingEntityPacket.position = getPosition(); spawnLivingEntityPacket.headPitch = 0; playerConnection.sendPacket(entityPacket); playerConnection.sendPacket(spawnLivingEntityPacket); playerConnection.sendPacket(getMetadataPacket()); } public void jump(float height) { // FIXME magic value Vector velocity = new Vector(0, height * 7, 0); setVelocity(velocity, 200); } public void moveTo(Position position) { pathFinder.getPath(position, blockPositions -> { if (blockPositions.isEmpty()) { // Didn't find path System.out.println("PATH NOT FOUND"); return; } this.blockPositions = blockPositions; setNextPathPosition(); }); } public void moveTowards(Position direction, float speed) { float radians = (float) Math.atan2(direction.getZ() - position.getZ(), direction.getX() - position.getX()); float speedX = (float) (Math.cos(radians) * speed); float speedZ = (float) (Math.sin(radians) * speed); move(speedX, 0, speedZ, true); } private void setNextPathPosition() { BlockPosition blockPosition = blockPositions.pollFirst(); if (blockPosition == null) { this.blockPositions = null; this.targetPosition = null; return; } this.targetPosition = blockPosition.toPosition();//.add(0.5f, 0, 0.5f); // FIXME: jump support if (blockPosition.getY() > getPosition().getY()) jump(1); } }