plugins { java } // Always exclude checker-qual. This is the single most annoying thing that always reappears. configurations.all { // We only use Jetbrains Annotations exclude("org.checkerframework", "checker-qual") } java { toolchain { languageVersion.set(JavaLanguageVersion.of(17)) } } tasks { withType { // We are fully aware, that we should be suppressing these instead of ignoring them here, but man keep my terminal clean. options.compilerArgs.addAll(listOf("-Xlint:none", "-Xlint:-deprecation", "-Xlint:-unchecked")) } withType { useJUnitPlatform() // Viewable packets make tracking harder. Could be re-enabled later. jvmArgs("-Dminestom.viewable-packet=false") jvmArgs("-Dminestom.inside-test=true") } }