package net.minestom.server.entity; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; /** * Represents the game mode of a player. *

* Can be set with {@link Player#setGameMode(GameMode)}. */ public enum GameMode { SURVIVAL((byte) 0, true), CREATIVE((byte) 1, false), ADVENTURE((byte) 2, true), SPECTATOR((byte) 3, false); private final byte id; private final boolean canTakeDamage; GameMode(byte id, boolean canTakeDamage) { = id; this.canTakeDamage = canTakeDamage; } public byte id() { return id; } public boolean canTakeDamage() { return canTakeDamage; } public static @NotNull GameMode fromId(int id) { return switch (id) { case 0 -> SURVIVAL; case 1 -> CREATIVE; case 2 -> ADVENTURE; case 3 -> SPECTATOR; default -> throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown game mode id: " + id); }; } }