package net.minestom.server.entity; import net.kyori.adventure.audience.MessageType; import net.kyori.adventure.bossbar.BossBar; import net.kyori.adventure.identity.Identified; import net.kyori.adventure.identity.Identity; import net.kyori.adventure.inventory.Book; import net.kyori.adventure.pointer.Pointers; import net.kyori.adventure.sound.Sound; import net.kyori.adventure.sound.SoundStop; import net.kyori.adventure.text.Component; import net.kyori.adventure.text.event.HoverEvent; import net.kyori.adventure.text.event.HoverEvent.ShowEntity; import net.kyori.adventure.text.event.HoverEventSource; import net.kyori.adventure.text.format.NamedTextColor; import net.kyori.adventure.title.TitlePart; import net.minestom.server.MinecraftServer; import net.minestom.server.advancements.AdvancementTab; import net.minestom.server.adventure.AdventurePacketConvertor; import net.minestom.server.adventure.Localizable; import net.minestom.server.adventure.audience.Audiences; import net.minestom.server.attribute.Attribute; import net.minestom.server.command.CommandSender; import net.minestom.server.coordinate.Point; import net.minestom.server.coordinate.Pos; import net.minestom.server.coordinate.Vec; import net.minestom.server.effects.Effects; import net.minestom.server.entity.damage.DamageType; import net.minestom.server.entity.fakeplayer.FakePlayer; import net.minestom.server.entity.metadata.PlayerMeta; import net.minestom.server.entity.vehicle.PlayerVehicleInformation; import net.minestom.server.event.EventDispatcher; import net.minestom.server.event.inventory.InventoryOpenEvent; import net.minestom.server.event.item.ItemDropEvent; import net.minestom.server.event.item.ItemUpdateStateEvent; import net.minestom.server.event.item.PickupExperienceEvent; import net.minestom.server.event.player.*; import net.minestom.server.instance.Chunk; import net.minestom.server.instance.EntityTracker; import net.minestom.server.instance.Instance; import net.minestom.server.inventory.Inventory; import net.minestom.server.inventory.PlayerInventory; import net.minestom.server.item.ItemStack; import net.minestom.server.item.Material; import net.minestom.server.item.metadata.WrittenBookMeta; import net.minestom.server.listener.manager.PacketListenerManager; import net.minestom.server.message.ChatMessageType; import net.minestom.server.message.ChatPosition; import net.minestom.server.message.Messenger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import net.minestom.server.recipe.Recipe; import net.minestom.server.recipe.RecipeManager; import net.minestom.server.resourcepack.ResourcePack; import net.minestom.server.scoreboard.BelowNameTag; import net.minestom.server.scoreboard.Team; import net.minestom.server.snapshot.EntitySnapshot; import net.minestom.server.snapshot.PlayerSnapshot; import net.minestom.server.snapshot.SnapshotImpl; import net.minestom.server.snapshot.SnapshotUpdater; import net.minestom.server.statistic.PlayerStatistic; import net.minestom.server.timer.Scheduler; import net.minestom.server.utils.MathUtils; import net.minestom.server.utils.PacketUtils; import net.minestom.server.utils.async.AsyncUtils; import net.minestom.server.utils.chunk.ChunkUpdateLimitChecker; import net.minestom.server.utils.chunk.ChunkUtils; import net.minestom.server.utils.function.IntegerBiConsumer; import net.minestom.server.utils.identity.NamedAndIdentified; import net.minestom.server.utils.instance.InstanceUtils; import net.minestom.server.utils.inventory.PlayerInventoryUtils; import net.minestom.server.utils.time.Cooldown; import net.minestom.server.utils.time.TimeUnit; import net.minestom.server.utils.validate.Check; import; import org.jctools.queues.MessagePassingQueue; import org.jctools.queues.MpscUnboundedXaddArrayQueue; import org.jetbrains.annotations.ApiStatus; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.nbt.NBT; import org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.nbt.NBTCompound; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.time.Duration; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.UnaryOperator; /** * Those are the major actors of the server, * they are not necessary backed by a {@link PlayerSocketConnection} as shown by {@link FakePlayer}. *

* You can easily create your own implementation of this and use it with {@link ConnectionManager#setPlayerProvider(PlayerProvider)}. */ public class Player extends LivingEntity implements CommandSender, Localizable, HoverEventSource, Identified, NamedAndIdentified { private static final Component REMOVE_MESSAGE = Component.text("You have been removed from the server without reason.", NamedTextColor.RED); private static final int PACKET_PER_TICK = Integer.getInteger("minestom.packet-per-tick", 20); private static final int PACKET_QUEUE_SIZE = Integer.getInteger("minestom.packet-queue-size", 1000); private long lastKeepAlive; private boolean answerKeepAlive; private String username; private Component usernameComponent; protected final PlayerConnection playerConnection; private int latency; private Component displayName; private PlayerSkin skin; private DimensionType dimensionType; private GameMode gameMode; /** * Keeps track of what chunks are sent to the client, this defines the center of the loaded area * in the range of {@link MinecraftServer#getChunkViewDistance()} */ private Vec chunksLoadedByClient = Vec.ZERO; final IntegerBiConsumer chunkAdder = (chunkX, chunkZ) -> { // Load new chunks this.instance.loadOptionalChunk(chunkX, chunkZ).thenAccept(chunk -> { try { if (chunk != null) { chunk.sendChunk(this); PlayerChunkLoadEvent(this, chunkX, chunkZ)); } } catch (Exception e) { MinecraftServer.getExceptionManager().handleException(e); } }); }; final IntegerBiConsumer chunkRemover = (chunkX, chunkZ) -> { // Unload old chunks sendPacket(new UnloadChunkPacket(chunkX, chunkZ)); PlayerChunkUnloadEvent(this, chunkX, chunkZ)); }; private final AtomicInteger teleportId = new AtomicInteger(); private int receivedTeleportId; private final MessagePassingQueue packets = new MpscUnboundedXaddArrayQueue<>(32); private final boolean levelFlat; private final PlayerSettings settings; private float exp; private int level; protected PlayerInventory inventory; private Inventory openInventory; // Used internally to allow the closing of inventory within the inventory listener private boolean didCloseInventory; private byte heldSlot; private Pos respawnPoint; private int food; private float foodSaturation; private long startEatingTime; private long defaultEatingTime = 1000L; private long eatingTime; private Hand eatingHand; // Game state ( private boolean enableRespawnScreen; private final ChunkUpdateLimitChecker chunkUpdateLimitChecker = new ChunkUpdateLimitChecker(6); // Experience orb pickup protected Cooldown experiencePickupCooldown = new Cooldown(Duration.of(10, TimeUnit.SERVER_TICK)); private BelowNameTag belowNameTag; private int permissionLevel; private boolean reducedDebugScreenInformation; // Abilities private boolean flying; private boolean allowFlying; private boolean instantBreak; private float flyingSpeed = 0.05f; private float fieldViewModifier = 0.1f; // Statistics private final Map statisticValueMap = new Hashtable<>(); // Vehicle private final PlayerVehicleInformation vehicleInformation = new PlayerVehicleInformation(); // Adventure private Identity identity; private final Pointers pointers; public Player(@NotNull UUID uuid, @NotNull String username, @NotNull PlayerConnection playerConnection) { super(EntityType.PLAYER, uuid); this.username = username; this.usernameComponent = Component.text(username); this.playerConnection = playerConnection; setRespawnPoint(Pos.ZERO); this.settings = new PlayerSettings(); this.inventory = new PlayerInventory(this); setCanPickupItem(true); // By default // Allow the server to send the next keep alive packet refreshAnswerKeepAlive(true); this.gameMode = GameMode.SURVIVAL; this.dimensionType = DimensionType.OVERWORLD; // Default dimension this.levelFlat = true; getAttribute(Attribute.MOVEMENT_SPEED).setBaseValue(0.1f); // FakePlayer init its connection there playerConnectionInit(); this.identity = Identity.identity(uuid); this.pointers = Pointers.builder() .withDynamic(Identity.UUID, this::getUuid) .withDynamic(Identity.NAME, this::getUsername) .withDynamic(Identity.DISPLAY_NAME, this::getDisplayName) .build(); } /** * Used when the player is created. * Init the player and spawn him. *

* WARNING: executed in the main update thread * UNSAFE: Only meant to be used when a socket player connects through the server. * * @param spawnInstance the player spawn instance (defined in {@link PlayerLoginEvent}) */ public CompletableFuture UNSAFE_init(@NotNull Instance spawnInstance) { this.dimensionType = spawnInstance.getDimensionType(); NBTCompound nbt = NBT.Compound(Map.of( "minecraft:chat_type", Messenger.chatRegistry(), "minecraft:dimension_type", MinecraftServer.getDimensionTypeManager().toNBT(), "minecraft:worldgen/biome", MinecraftServer.getBiomeManager().toNBT())); final JoinGamePacket joinGamePacket = new JoinGamePacket(getEntityId(), false, gameMode, null, List.of(dimensionType.getName().asString()), nbt, dimensionType.toString(), dimensionType.getName().asString(), 0, 0, MinecraftServer.getChunkViewDistance(), MinecraftServer.getChunkViewDistance(), false, true, false, levelFlat); sendPacket(joinGamePacket); // Server brand name sendPacket(PluginMessagePacket.getBrandPacket()); // Difficulty sendPacket(new ServerDifficultyPacket(MinecraftServer.getDifficulty(), true)); sendPacket(new SpawnPositionPacket(respawnPoint, 0)); // Add player to list with spawning skin PlayerSkin profileSkin = null; if (playerConnection instanceof PlayerSocketConnection socketConnection) { final GameProfile gameProfile = socketConnection.gameProfile(); if (gameProfile != null) { for (GameProfile.Property property : { if ("textures")) { profileSkin = new PlayerSkin(property.value(), property.signature()); break; } } } } PlayerSkinInitEvent skinInitEvent = new PlayerSkinInitEvent(this, profileSkin);; = skinInitEvent.getSkin(); // FIXME: when using Geyser, this line remove the skin of the client PacketUtils.broadcastPacket(getAddPlayerToList()); for (var player : MinecraftServer.getConnectionManager().getOnlinePlayers()) { if (player != this) sendPacket(player.getAddPlayerToList()); } //Teams for (Team team : MinecraftServer.getTeamManager().getTeams()) { sendPacket(team.createTeamsCreationPacket()); } // Commands refreshCommands(); // Recipes start { RecipeManager recipeManager = MinecraftServer.getRecipeManager(); sendPacket(recipeManager.getDeclareRecipesPacket()); List recipesIdentifier = new ArrayList<>(); for (Recipe recipe : recipeManager.getRecipes()) { if (!recipe.shouldShow(this)) continue; recipesIdentifier.add(recipe.getRecipeId()); } if (!recipesIdentifier.isEmpty()) { UnlockRecipesPacket unlockRecipesPacket = new UnlockRecipesPacket(0, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, recipesIdentifier, recipesIdentifier); sendPacket(unlockRecipesPacket); } } // Recipes end // Tags sendPacket(TagsPacket.DEFAULT_TAGS); // Some client updates sendPacket(getPropertiesPacket()); // Send default properties triggerStatus((byte) (24 + permissionLevel)); // Set permission level refreshHealth(); // Heal and send health packet refreshAbilities(); // Send abilities packet return setInstance(spawnInstance); } /** * Used to initialize the player connection */ protected void playerConnectionInit() { PlayerConnection connection = playerConnection; if (connection != null) connection.setPlayer(this); } @Override public void update(long time) { // Process received packets interpretPacketQueue(); super.update(time); // Super update (item pickup/fire management) // Experience orb pickup if (experiencePickupCooldown.isReady(time)) { experiencePickupCooldown.refreshLastUpdate(time); final Point loweredPosition = position.sub(0, .5, 0); this.instance.getEntityTracker().nearbyEntities(position, expandedBoundingBox.width(), EntityTracker.Target.EXPERIENCE_ORBS, experienceOrb -> { if (expandedBoundingBox.intersectEntity(loweredPosition, experienceOrb)) { PickupExperienceEvent pickupExperienceEvent = new PickupExperienceEvent(this, experienceOrb); EventDispatcher.callCancellable(pickupExperienceEvent, () -> { short experienceCount = pickupExperienceEvent.getExperienceCount(); // TODO give to player experienceOrb.remove(); }); } }); } // Eating animation if (isEating()) { if (time - startEatingTime >= eatingTime) { triggerStatus((byte) 9); // Mark item use as finished ItemUpdateStateEvent itemUpdateStateEvent = callItemUpdateStateEvent(eatingHand); Check.notNull(itemUpdateStateEvent, "#callItemUpdateStateEvent returned null."); // Refresh hand final boolean isOffHand = itemUpdateStateEvent.getHand() == Player.Hand.OFF; refreshActiveHand(false, isOffHand, false); final ItemStack foodItem = itemUpdateStateEvent.getItemStack(); final boolean isFood = foodItem.material().isFood(); if (isFood) { PlayerEatEvent playerEatEvent = new PlayerEatEvent(this, foodItem, eatingHand);; } refreshEating(null); } } // Tick event PlayerTickEvent(this)); } @Override public void kill() { if (!isDead()) { Component deathText; Component chatMessage; // get death screen text to the killed player { if (lastDamageSource != null) { deathText = lastDamageSource.buildDeathScreenText(this); } else { // may happen if killed by the server without applying damage deathText = Component.text("Killed by poor programming."); } } // get death message to chat { if (lastDamageSource != null) { chatMessage = lastDamageSource.buildDeathMessage(this); } else { // may happen if killed by the server without applying damage chatMessage = Component.text(getUsername() + " was killed by poor programming."); } } // Call player death event PlayerDeathEvent playerDeathEvent = new PlayerDeathEvent(this, deathText, chatMessage);; deathText = playerDeathEvent.getDeathText(); chatMessage = playerDeathEvent.getChatMessage(); // #buildDeathScreenText can return null, check here if (deathText != null) { sendPacket(new DeathCombatEventPacket(getEntityId(), -1, deathText)); } // #buildDeathMessage can return null, check here if (chatMessage != null) { Audiences.players().sendMessage(chatMessage); } } super.kill(); } /** * Respawns the player by sending a {@link RespawnPacket} to the player and teleporting him * to {@link #getRespawnPoint()}. It also resets fire and health. */ public void respawn() { if (!isDead()) return; setFireForDuration(0); setOnFire(false); refreshHealth(); sendPacket(new RespawnPacket(getDimensionType().toString(), getDimensionType().getName().asString(), 0, gameMode, gameMode, false, levelFlat, true)); PlayerRespawnEvent respawnEvent = new PlayerRespawnEvent(this);; triggerStatus((byte) (24 + permissionLevel)); // Set permission level refreshIsDead(false); updatePose(); Pos respawnPosition = respawnEvent.getRespawnPosition(); // The client unloads chunks when respawning, so resend all chunks next to spawn ChunkUtils.forChunksInRange(respawnPosition, Math.min(MinecraftServer.getChunkViewDistance(), settings.getViewDistance()), (chunkX, chunkZ) -> this.instance.loadOptionalChunk(chunkX, chunkZ).thenAccept(chunk -> { try { if (chunk != null) { chunk.sendChunk(this); } } catch (Exception e) { MinecraftServer.getExceptionManager().handleException(e); } })); chunksLoadedByClient = new Vec(respawnPosition.chunkX(), respawnPosition.chunkZ()); // Client also needs all entities resent to them, since those are unloaded as well this.instance.getEntityTracker().nearbyEntitiesByChunkRange(respawnPosition, Math.min(MinecraftServer.getChunkViewDistance(), settings.getViewDistance()), EntityTracker.Target.ENTITIES, entity -> { // Skip refreshing self with a new viewer if (!entity.getUuid().equals(uuid)) { entity.updateNewViewer(this); } }); teleport(respawnPosition).thenRun(this::refreshAfterTeleport); } /** * Sends necessary packets to synchronize player data after a {@link RespawnPacket} */ private void refreshClientStateAfterRespawn() { sendPacket(new UpdateHealthPacket(this.getHealth(), food, foodSaturation)); sendPacket(new SetExperiencePacket(exp, level, 0)); triggerStatus((byte) (24 + permissionLevel)); // Set permission level refreshAbilities(); } /** * Refreshes the command list for this player. This checks the * {@link net.minestom.server.command.builder.condition.CommandCondition}s * again, and any changes will be visible to the player. */ public void refreshCommands() { sendPacket(MinecraftServer.getCommandManager().createDeclareCommandsPacket(this)); } @Override public boolean isOnGround() { return onGround; } @Override public void remove() { if (isRemoved()) return; PlayerDisconnectEvent(this)); super.remove(); this.packets.clear(); final Inventory currentInventory = getOpenInventory(); if (currentInventory != null) currentInventory.removeViewer(this); MinecraftServer.getBossBarManager().removeAllBossBars(this); // Advancement tabs cache { Set advancementTabs = AdvancementTab.getTabs(this); if (advancementTabs != null) { for (AdvancementTab advancementTab : advancementTabs) { advancementTab.removeViewer(this); } } } final Pos position = this.position; final int chunkX = position.chunkX(); final int chunkZ = position.chunkZ(); // Clear all viewable chunks ChunkUtils.forChunksInRange(chunkX, chunkZ, MinecraftServer.getChunkViewDistance(), chunkRemover); // Remove from the tab-list PacketUtils.broadcastPacket(getRemovePlayerToList()); // Prevent the player from being stuck in loading screen, or just unable to interact with the server // This should be considered as a bug, since the player will ultimately time out anyway. if (playerConnection.isOnline()) kick(REMOVE_MESSAGE); } @Override public void updateOldViewer(@NotNull Player player) { super.updateOldViewer(player); // Team if (this.getTeam() != null && this.getTeam().getMembers().size() == 1) {// If team only contains "this" player player.sendPacket(this.getTeam().createTeamDestructionPacket()); } } @Override public void sendPacketToViewersAndSelf(@NotNull SendablePacket packet) { sendPacket(packet); super.sendPacketToViewersAndSelf(packet); } /** * Changes the player instance and load surrounding chunks if needed. *

* Be aware that because chunk operations are expensive, * it is possible for this method to be non-blocking when retrieving chunks is required. * * @param instance the new player instance * @param spawnPosition the new position of the player * @return a future called once the player instance changed */ @Override public CompletableFuture setInstance(@NotNull Instance instance, @NotNull Pos spawnPosition) { final Instance currentInstance = this.instance; Check.argCondition(currentInstance == instance, "Instance should be different than the current one"); if (InstanceUtils.areLinked(currentInstance, instance) && spawnPosition.sameChunk(this.position)) { // The player already has the good version of all the chunks. // We just need to refresh his entity viewing list and add him to the instance spawnPlayer(instance, spawnPosition, false, false, false); return AsyncUtils.VOID_FUTURE; } // Must update the player chunks chunkUpdateLimitChecker.clearHistory(); final boolean dimensionChange = !Objects.equals(dimensionType, instance.getDimensionType()); final Consumer runnable = (i) -> spawnPlayer(i, spawnPosition, currentInstance == null, dimensionChange, true); // Ensure that surrounding chunks are loaded List> futures = new ArrayList<>(); ChunkUtils.forChunksInRange(spawnPosition, MinecraftServer.getChunkViewDistance(), (chunkX, chunkZ) -> { final CompletableFuture future = instance.loadOptionalChunk(chunkX, chunkZ); if (!future.isDone()) futures.add(future); }); if (futures.isEmpty()) { // All chunks are already loaded runnable.accept(instance); return AsyncUtils.VOID_FUTURE; } // One or more chunks need to be loaded final Thread runThread = Thread.currentThread(); CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); Scheduler scheduler = MinecraftServer.getSchedulerManager(); CompletableFuture future = new CompletableFuture<>() { @Override public Void join() { // Prevent deadlock if (runThread == Thread.currentThread()) { try { latch.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } scheduler.process(); assert isDone(); } return super.join(); } }; CompletableFuture.allOf(futures.toArray(CompletableFuture[]::new)) .thenRun(() -> { scheduler.scheduleNextProcess(() -> { runnable.accept(instance); future.complete(null); }); latch.countDown(); }); return future; } /** * Changes the player instance without changing its position (defaulted to {@link #getRespawnPoint()} * if the player is not in any instance). * * @param instance the new player instance * @return a {@link CompletableFuture} called once the entity's instance has been set, * this is due to chunks needing to load for players * @see #setInstance(Instance, Pos) */ @Override public CompletableFuture setInstance(@NotNull Instance instance) { return setInstance(instance, this.instance != null ? getPosition() : getRespawnPoint()); } /** * Used to spawn the player once the client has all the required chunks. *

* Does add the player to {@code instance}, remove all viewable entities and call {@link PlayerSpawnEvent}. *

* UNSAFE: only called with {@link #setInstance(Instance, Pos)}. * * @param spawnPosition the position to teleport the player * @param firstSpawn true if this is the player first spawn * @param updateChunks true if chunks should be refreshed, false if the new instance shares the same * chunks */ private void spawnPlayer(@NotNull Instance instance, @NotNull Pos spawnPosition, boolean firstSpawn, boolean dimensionChange, boolean updateChunks) { if (!firstSpawn) { // Player instance changed, clear current viewable collections if (updateChunks) ChunkUtils.forChunksInRange(spawnPosition, MinecraftServer.getChunkViewDistance(), chunkRemover); } if (dimensionChange) sendDimension(instance.getDimensionType()); super.setInstance(instance, spawnPosition); if (updateChunks) { final int chunkX = spawnPosition.chunkX(); final int chunkZ = spawnPosition.chunkZ(); chunksLoadedByClient = new Vec(chunkX, chunkZ); chunkUpdateLimitChecker.addToHistory(getChunk()); sendPacket(new UpdateViewPositionPacket(chunkX, chunkZ)); ChunkUtils.forChunksInRange(spawnPosition, MinecraftServer.getChunkViewDistance(), chunkAdder); } synchronizePosition(true); // So the player doesn't get stuck if (dimensionChange || firstSpawn) { this.inventory.update(); } PlayerSpawnEvent(this, instance, firstSpawn)); } /** * Sends a plugin message to the player. * * @param channel the message channel * @param data the message data */ public void sendPluginMessage(@NotNull String channel, byte @NotNull [] data) { sendPacket(new PluginMessagePacket(channel, data)); } /** * Sends a plugin message to the player. *

* Message encoded to UTF-8. * * @param channel the message channel * @param message the message */ public void sendPluginMessage(@NotNull String channel, @NotNull String message) { sendPluginMessage(channel, message.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); } @Override public void sendMessage(@NotNull Identity source, @NotNull Component message, @NotNull MessageType type) { Messenger.sendMessage(this, message, ChatPosition.fromMessageType(type), source.uuid()); } @Override public void playSound(@NotNull Sound sound) { this.playSound(sound, this.position.x(), this.position.y(), this.position.z()); } public void playSound(@NotNull Sound sound, @NotNull Point point) { sendPacket(AdventurePacketConvertor.createSoundPacket(sound, point.x(), point.y(), point.z())); } @Override public void playSound(@NotNull Sound sound, double x, double y, double z) { sendPacket(AdventurePacketConvertor.createSoundPacket(sound, x, y, z)); } @Override public void playSound(@NotNull Sound sound, Sound.@NotNull Emitter emitter) { final ServerPacket packet; if (emitter == Sound.Emitter.self()) { packet = AdventurePacketConvertor.createSoundPacket(sound, this); } else { packet = AdventurePacketConvertor.createSoundPacket(sound, emitter); } sendPacket(packet); } @Override public void stopSound(@NotNull SoundStop stop) { sendPacket(AdventurePacketConvertor.createSoundStopPacket(stop)); } /** * Plays a given effect at the given position for this player. * * @param effect the effect to play * @param x x position of the effect * @param y y position of the effect * @param z z position of the effect * @param data data for the effect * @param disableRelativeVolume disable volume scaling based on distance */ public void playEffect(@NotNull Effects effect, int x, int y, int z, int data, boolean disableRelativeVolume) { sendPacket(new EffectPacket(effect.getId(), new Vec(x, y, z), data, disableRelativeVolume)); } @Override public void sendPlayerListHeaderAndFooter(@NotNull Component header, @NotNull Component footer) { sendPacket(new PlayerListHeaderAndFooterPacket(header, footer)); } @Override public void sendTitlePart(@NotNull TitlePart part, @NotNull T value) { sendPacket(AdventurePacketConvertor.createTitlePartPacket(part, value)); } @Override public void sendActionBar(@NotNull Component message) { sendPacket(new ActionBarPacket(message)); } @Override public void resetTitle() { sendPacket(new ClearTitlesPacket(true)); } @Override public void clearTitle() { sendPacket(new ClearTitlesPacket(false)); } @Override public void showBossBar(@NotNull BossBar bar) { MinecraftServer.getBossBarManager().addBossBar(this, bar); } @Override public void hideBossBar(@NotNull BossBar bar) { MinecraftServer.getBossBarManager().removeBossBar(this, bar); } @Override public void openBook(@NotNull Book book) { final ItemStack writtenBook = ItemStack.builder(Material.WRITTEN_BOOK) .meta(WrittenBookMeta.class, builder -> builder.resolved(false) .generation(WrittenBookMeta.WrittenBookGeneration.ORIGINAL) .author( .title(book.title()) .pages(book.pages())) .build(); // Set book in offhand sendPacket(new SetSlotPacket((byte) 0, 0, (short) PlayerInventoryUtils.OFFHAND_SLOT, writtenBook)); // Open the book sendPacket(new OpenBookPacket(Hand.OFF)); // Restore the item in offhand sendPacket(new SetSlotPacket((byte) 0, 0, (short) PlayerInventoryUtils.OFFHAND_SLOT, getItemInOffHand())); } @Override public boolean isImmune(@NotNull DamageType type) { if (!getGameMode().canTakeDamage()) { return type != DamageType.VOID; } return super.isImmune(type); } @Override public void setHealth(float health) { super.setHealth(health); sendPacket(new UpdateHealthPacket(health, food, foodSaturation)); } @Override public @NotNull PlayerMeta getEntityMeta() { return (PlayerMeta) super.getEntityMeta(); } /** * Gets the player additional hearts. * * @return the player additional hearts */ public float getAdditionalHearts() { return getEntityMeta().getAdditionalHearts(); } /** * Changes the amount of additional hearts shown. * * @param additionalHearts the count of additional hearts */ public void setAdditionalHearts(float additionalHearts) { getEntityMeta().setAdditionalHearts(additionalHearts); } /** * Gets the player food. * * @return the player food */ public int getFood() { return food; } /** * Sets and refresh client food bar. * * @param food the new food value * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code food} is not between 0 and 20 */ public void setFood(int food) { Check.argCondition(!MathUtils.isBetween(food, 0, 20), "Food has to be between 0 and 20"); = food; sendPacket(new UpdateHealthPacket(getHealth(), food, foodSaturation)); } public float getFoodSaturation() { return foodSaturation; } /** * Sets and refresh client food saturation. * * @param foodSaturation the food saturation * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code foodSaturation} is not between 0 and 20 */ public void setFoodSaturation(float foodSaturation) { Check.argCondition(!MathUtils.isBetween(foodSaturation, 0, 20), "Food saturation has to be between 0 and 20"); this.foodSaturation = foodSaturation; sendPacket(new UpdateHealthPacket(getHealth(), food, foodSaturation)); } /** * Gets if the player is eating. * * @return true if the player is eating, false otherwise */ public boolean isEating() { return eatingHand != null; } /** * Gets the hand which the player is eating from. * * @return the eating hand, null if none */ public @Nullable Hand getEatingHand() { return eatingHand; } /** * Gets the player default eating time. * * @return the player default eating time */ public long getDefaultEatingTime() { return defaultEatingTime; } /** * Used to change the default eating time animation. * * @param defaultEatingTime the default eating time in milliseconds */ public void setDefaultEatingTime(long defaultEatingTime) { this.defaultEatingTime = defaultEatingTime; } @Override public double getEyeHeight() { return switch (getPose()) { case SLEEPING -> 0.2; case FALL_FLYING, SWIMMING, SPIN_ATTACK -> 0.4; case SNEAKING -> 1.27; default -> 1.62; }; } /** * Gets the player display name in the tab-list. * * @return the player display name, null means that {@link #getUsername()} is displayed */ public @Nullable Component getDisplayName() { return displayName; } /** * Changes the player display name in the tab-list. *

* Sets to null to show the player username. * * @param displayName the display name, null to display the username */ public void setDisplayName(@Nullable Component displayName) { this.displayName = displayName; PacketUtils.broadcastPacket(new PlayerInfoPacket(PlayerInfoPacket.Action.UPDATE_DISPLAY_NAME, new PlayerInfoPacket.UpdateDisplayName(getUuid(), displayName))); } /** * Gets the player skin. * * @return the player skin object, * null means that the player has his {@link #getUuid()} default skin */ public @Nullable PlayerSkin getSkin() { return skin; } /** * Changes the player skin. *

* This does remove the player for all viewers to spawn it again with the correct new skin. * * @param skin the player skin, null to reset it to his {@link #getUuid()} default skin * @see PlayerSkinInitEvent if you want to apply the skin at connection */ public synchronized void setSkin(@Nullable PlayerSkin skin) { = skin; if (instance == null) return; DestroyEntitiesPacket destroyEntitiesPacket = new DestroyEntitiesPacket(getEntityId()); final PlayerInfoPacket removePlayerPacket = getRemovePlayerToList(); final PlayerInfoPacket addPlayerPacket = getAddPlayerToList(); RespawnPacket respawnPacket = new RespawnPacket(getDimensionType().toString(), getDimensionType().getName().asString(), 0, gameMode, gameMode, false, levelFlat, true); sendPacket(removePlayerPacket); sendPacket(destroyEntitiesPacket); sendPacket(addPlayerPacket); sendPacket(respawnPacket); refreshClientStateAfterRespawn(); { // Remove player PacketUtils.broadcastPacket(removePlayerPacket); sendPacketToViewers(destroyEntitiesPacket); // Show player again PacketUtils.broadcastPacket(addPlayerPacket); getViewers().forEach(player -> showPlayer(player.getPlayerConnection())); } getInventory().update(); teleport(getPosition()); } /** * Gets if the player has the respawn screen enabled or disabled. * * @return true if the player has the respawn screen, false if he didn't */ public boolean isEnableRespawnScreen() { return enableRespawnScreen; } /** * Enables or disable the respawn screen. * * @param enableRespawnScreen true to enable the respawn screen, false to disable it */ public void setEnableRespawnScreen(boolean enableRespawnScreen) { this.enableRespawnScreen = enableRespawnScreen; sendPacket(new ChangeGameStatePacket(ChangeGameStatePacket.Reason.ENABLE_RESPAWN_SCREEN, enableRespawnScreen ? 0 : 1)); } /** * Gets the player's name as a component. This will either return the display name * (if set) or a component holding the username. * * @return the name */ @Override public @NotNull Component getName() { return Objects.requireNonNullElse(displayName, usernameComponent); } /** * Gets the player's username. * * @return the player's username */ public @NotNull String getUsername() { return username; } /** * Changes the internal player name, used for the {@link AsyncPlayerPreLoginEvent} * mostly unsafe outside of it. * * @param username the new player name */ public void setUsernameField(@NotNull String username) { this.username = username; this.usernameComponent = Component.text(username); } /** * Calls an {@link ItemDropEvent} with a specified item. *

* Returns false if {@code item} is air. * * @param item the item to drop * @return true if player can drop the item (event not cancelled), false otherwise */ public boolean dropItem(@NotNull ItemStack item) { if (item.isAir()) return false; ItemDropEvent itemDropEvent = new ItemDropEvent(this, item);; return !itemDropEvent.isCancelled(); } /** * Sets the player resource pack. * * @param resourcePack the resource pack */ public void setResourcePack(@NotNull ResourcePack resourcePack) { sendPacket(new ResourcePackSendPacket(resourcePack)); } /** * Rotates the player to face {@code targetPosition}. * * @param facePoint the point from where the player should aim * @param targetPosition the target position to face */ public void facePosition(@NotNull FacePoint facePoint, @NotNull Point targetPosition) { facePosition(facePoint, targetPosition, null, null); } /** * Rotates the player to face {@code entity}. * * @param facePoint the point from where the player should aim * @param entity the entity to face * @param targetPoint the point to aim at {@code entity} position */ public void facePosition(@NotNull FacePoint facePoint, Entity entity, FacePoint targetPoint) { facePosition(facePoint, entity.getPosition(), entity, targetPoint); } private void facePosition(@NotNull FacePoint facePoint, @NotNull Point targetPosition, @Nullable Entity entity, @Nullable FacePoint targetPoint) { final int entityId = entity != null ? entity.getEntityId() : 0; sendPacket(new FacePlayerPacket( facePoint == FacePoint.EYE ? FacePlayerPacket.FacePosition.EYES : FacePlayerPacket.FacePosition.FEET, targetPosition, entityId, targetPoint == FacePoint.EYE ? FacePlayerPacket.FacePosition.EYES : FacePlayerPacket.FacePosition.FEET)); } /** * Sets the camera at {@code entity} eyes. * * @param entity the entity to spectate */ public void spectate(@NotNull Entity entity) { sendPacket(new CameraPacket(entity)); } /** * Resets the camera at the player. */ public void stopSpectating() { spectate(this); } /** * Used to retrieve the default spawn point. *

* Can be altered by the {@link PlayerRespawnEvent#setRespawnPosition(Pos)}. * * @return a copy of the default respawn point */ public @NotNull Pos getRespawnPoint() { return respawnPoint; } /** * Changes the default spawn point. * * @param respawnPoint the player respawn point */ public void setRespawnPoint(@NotNull Pos respawnPoint) { this.respawnPoint = respawnPoint; } /** * Called after the player teleportation to refresh his position * and send data to his new viewers. */ protected void refreshAfterTeleport() { sendPacketsToViewers(getEntityType().registry().spawnType().getSpawnPacket(this)); // Update for viewers sendPacketToViewersAndSelf(getVelocityPacket()); sendPacketToViewersAndSelf(getMetadataPacket()); sendPacketToViewersAndSelf(getPropertiesPacket()); sendPacketToViewersAndSelf(getEquipmentsPacket()); getInventory().update(); } /** * Sets the player food and health values to their maximum. */ protected void refreshHealth() { = 20; this.foodSaturation = 5; // refresh health and send health packet heal(); } /** * Gets the percentage displayed in the experience bar. * * @return the exp percentage 0-1 */ public float getExp() { return exp; } /** * Used to change the percentage experience bar. * This cannot change the displayed level, see {@link #setLevel(int)}. * * @param exp a percentage between 0 and 1 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code exp} is not between 0 and 1 */ public void setExp(float exp) { Check.argCondition(!MathUtils.isBetween(exp, 0, 1), "Exp should be between 0 and 1"); this.exp = exp; sendPacket(new SetExperiencePacket(exp, level, 0)); } /** * Gets the level of the player displayed in the experience bar. * * @return the player level */ public int getLevel() { return level; } /** * Used to change the level of the player * This cannot change the displayed percentage bar see {@link #setExp(float)} * * @param level the new level of the player */ public void setLevel(int level) { this.level = level; sendPacket(new SetExperiencePacket(exp, level, 0)); } /** * Gets the player connection. *

* Used to send packets and get stuff related to the connection. * * @return the player connection */ public @NotNull PlayerConnection getPlayerConnection() { return playerConnection; } /** * Shortcut for {@link PlayerConnection#sendPacket(SendablePacket)}. * * @param packet the packet to send */ @ApiStatus.Experimental public void sendPacket(@NotNull SendablePacket packet) { this.playerConnection.sendPacket(packet); } @ApiStatus.Experimental public void sendPackets(@NotNull SendablePacket... packets) { this.playerConnection.sendPackets(packets); } @ApiStatus.Experimental public void sendPackets(@NotNull Collection packets) { this.playerConnection.sendPackets(packets); } /** * Gets if the player is online or not. * * @return true if the player is online, false otherwise */ public boolean isOnline() { return playerConnection.isOnline(); } /** * Gets the player settings. * * @return the player settings */ public @NotNull PlayerSettings getSettings() { return settings; } /** * Gets the player dimension. * * @return the player current dimension */ public DimensionType getDimensionType() { return dimensionType; } public @NotNull PlayerInventory getInventory() { return inventory; } /** * Used to get the player latency, * computed by seeing how long it takes the client to answer the {@link KeepAlivePacket} packet. * * @return the player latency */ public int getLatency() { return latency; } /** * Gets the player {@link GameMode}. * * @return the player current gamemode */ public GameMode getGameMode() { return gameMode; } /** * Changes the player {@link GameMode} * * @param gameMode the new player GameMode */ public void setGameMode(@NotNull GameMode gameMode) { this.gameMode = gameMode; // Condition to prevent sending the packets before spawning the player if (isActive()) { sendPacket(new ChangeGameStatePacket(ChangeGameStatePacket.Reason.CHANGE_GAMEMODE,; PacketUtils.broadcastPacket(new PlayerInfoPacket(PlayerInfoPacket.Action.UPDATE_GAMEMODE, new PlayerInfoPacket.UpdateGameMode(getUuid(), gameMode))); } // The client updates their abilities based on the GameMode as follows switch (gameMode) { case CREATIVE -> { this.allowFlying = true; this.instantBreak = true; this.invulnerable = true; } case SPECTATOR -> { this.allowFlying = true; this.instantBreak = false; this.invulnerable = true; this.flying = true; } default -> { this.allowFlying = false; this.instantBreak = false; this.invulnerable = false; this.flying = false; } } // Make sure that the player is in the PLAY state and synchronize their flight speed. if (isActive()) { refreshAbilities(); } } /** * Gets if this player is in creative. Used for code readability. * * @return true if the player is in creative mode */ public boolean isCreative() { return gameMode == GameMode.CREATIVE; } /** * Changes the dimension of the player. * Mostly unsafe since it requires sending chunks after. * * @param dimensionType the new player dimension */ protected void sendDimension(@NotNull DimensionType dimensionType) { Check.argCondition(dimensionType.equals(getDimensionType()), "The dimension needs to be different than the current one!"); this.dimensionType = dimensionType; sendPacket(new RespawnPacket(dimensionType.toString(), getDimensionType().getName().asString(), 0, gameMode, gameMode, false, levelFlat, true)); refreshClientStateAfterRespawn(); } /** * Kicks the player with a reason. * * @param component the reason */ public void kick(@NotNull Component component) { final ConnectionState connectionState = playerConnection.getConnectionState(); // Packet type depends on the current player connection state final ServerPacket disconnectPacket; if (connectionState == ConnectionState.LOGIN) { disconnectPacket = new LoginDisconnectPacket(component); } else { disconnectPacket = new DisconnectPacket(component); } sendPacket(disconnectPacket); playerConnection.disconnect(); } /** * Kicks the player with a reason. * * @param message the kick reason */ public void kick(@NotNull String message) { this.kick(Component.text(message)); } /** * Changes the current held slot for the player. * * @param slot the slot that the player has to held * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code slot} is not between 0 and 8 */ public void setHeldItemSlot(byte slot) { Check.argCondition(!MathUtils.isBetween(slot, 0, 8), "Slot has to be between 0 and 8"); refreshHeldSlot(slot); sendPacket(new HeldItemChangePacket(slot)); } /** * Gets the player held slot (0-8). * * @return the current held slot for the player */ public byte getHeldSlot() { return heldSlot; } public void setTeam(Team team) { super.setTeam(team); if (team != null) { PacketUtils.broadcastPacket(team.createTeamsCreationPacket()); } } /** * Changes the tag below the name. * * @param belowNameTag The new below name tag */ public void setBelowNameTag(BelowNameTag belowNameTag) { if (this.belowNameTag == belowNameTag) return; if (this.belowNameTag != null) { this.belowNameTag.removeViewer(this); } this.belowNameTag = belowNameTag; } /** * Gets the player open inventory. * * @return the currently open inventory, null if there is not (player inventory is not detected) */ public @Nullable Inventory getOpenInventory() { return openInventory; } /** * Opens the specified Inventory, close the previous inventory if existing. * * @param inventory the inventory to open * @return true if the inventory has been opened/sent to the player, false otherwise (cancelled by event) */ public boolean openInventory(@NotNull Inventory inventory) { InventoryOpenEvent inventoryOpenEvent = new InventoryOpenEvent(inventory, this); EventDispatcher.callCancellable(inventoryOpenEvent, () -> { Inventory openInventory = getOpenInventory(); if (openInventory != null) { openInventory.removeViewer(this); } Inventory newInventory = inventoryOpenEvent.getInventory(); if (newInventory == null) { // just close the inventory return; } sendPacket(new OpenWindowPacket(newInventory.getWindowId(), newInventory.getInventoryType().getWindowType(), newInventory.getTitle())); newInventory.addViewer(this); this.openInventory = newInventory; }); return !inventoryOpenEvent.isCancelled(); } /** * Closes the current inventory if there is any. * It closes the player inventory (when opened) if {@link #getOpenInventory()} returns null. */ public void closeInventory() { Inventory openInventory = getOpenInventory(); // Drop cursor item when closing inventory ItemStack cursorItem; if (openInventory == null) { cursorItem = getInventory().getCursorItem(); getInventory().setCursorItem(ItemStack.AIR); } else { cursorItem = openInventory.getCursorItem(this); openInventory.setCursorItem(this, ItemStack.AIR); } if (!cursorItem.isAir()) { // Add item to inventory if he hasn't been able to drop it if (!dropItem(cursorItem)) { getInventory().addItemStack(cursorItem); } } if (openInventory == getOpenInventory()) { CloseWindowPacket closeWindowPacket; if (openInventory == null) { closeWindowPacket = new CloseWindowPacket((byte) 0); } else { closeWindowPacket = new CloseWindowPacket(openInventory.getWindowId()); openInventory.removeViewer(this); // Clear cache this.openInventory = null; } sendPacket(closeWindowPacket); inventory.update(); this.didCloseInventory = true; } } /** * Used internally to prevent an inventory click to be processed * when the inventory listeners closed the inventory. *

* Should only be used within an inventory listener (event or condition). * * @return true if the inventory has been closed, false otherwise */ public boolean didCloseInventory() { return didCloseInventory; } /** * Used internally to reset the didCloseInventory field. *

* Shouldn't be used externally without proper understanding of its consequence. * * @param didCloseInventory the new didCloseInventory field */ public void UNSAFE_changeDidCloseInventory(boolean didCloseInventory) { this.didCloseInventory = didCloseInventory; } public int getNextTeleportId() { return teleportId.incrementAndGet(); } public int getLastSentTeleportId() { return teleportId.get(); } public int getLastReceivedTeleportId() { return receivedTeleportId; } public void refreshReceivedTeleportId(int receivedTeleportId) { this.receivedTeleportId = receivedTeleportId; } /** * @see Entity#synchronizePosition(boolean) */ @Override @ApiStatus.Internal protected void synchronizePosition(boolean includeSelf) { if (includeSelf) { sendPacket(new PlayerPositionAndLookPacket(position, (byte) 0x00, getNextTeleportId(), false)); } super.synchronizePosition(includeSelf); } /** * Gets the player permission level. * * @return the player permission level */ public int getPermissionLevel() { return permissionLevel; } /** * Changes the player permission level. * * @param permissionLevel the new player permission level * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code permissionLevel} is not between 0 and 4 */ public void setPermissionLevel(int permissionLevel) { Check.argCondition(!MathUtils.isBetween(permissionLevel, 0, 4), "permissionLevel has to be between 0 and 4"); this.permissionLevel = permissionLevel; // Condition to prevent sending the packets before spawning the player if (isActive()) { // Magic values: // TODO remove magic values final byte permissionLevelStatus = (byte) (24 + permissionLevel); triggerStatus(permissionLevelStatus); } } /** * Sets or remove the reduced debug screen. * * @param reduced should the player has the reduced debug screen */ public void setReducedDebugScreenInformation(boolean reduced) { this.reducedDebugScreenInformation = reduced; // Magic values: // TODO remove magic values final byte debugScreenStatus = (byte) (reduced ? 22 : 23); triggerStatus(debugScreenStatus); } /** * Gets if the player has the reduced debug screen. * * @return true if the player has the reduced debug screen, false otherwise */ public boolean hasReducedDebugScreenInformation() { return reducedDebugScreenInformation; } /** * The invulnerable field appear in the {@link PlayerAbilitiesPacket} packet. * * @return true if the player is invulnerable, false otherwise */ public boolean isInvulnerable() { return super.isInvulnerable(); } /** * This do update the {@code invulnerable} field in the packet {@link PlayerAbilitiesPacket} * and prevent the player from receiving damage. * * @param invulnerable should the player be invulnerable */ public void setInvulnerable(boolean invulnerable) { super.setInvulnerable(invulnerable); refreshAbilities(); } @Override public void setSneaking(boolean sneaking) { if (isFlying()) { //If we are flying, don't set the players pose to sneaking as this can clip them through blocks this.entityMeta.setSneaking(sneaking); } else { super.setSneaking(sneaking); } } /** * Gets if the player is currently flying. * * @return true if the player if flying, false otherwise */ public boolean isFlying() { return flying; } /** * Sets the player flying. * * @param flying should the player fly */ public void setFlying(boolean flying) { refreshFlying(flying); refreshAbilities(); } /** * Updates the internal flying field. *

* Mostly unsafe since there is nothing to backup the value, used internally for creative players. * * @param flying the new flying field * @see #setFlying(boolean) instead */ public void refreshFlying(boolean flying) { //When the player starts or stops flying, their pose needs to change if (this.flying != flying) { Pose pose = getPose(); if (this.isSneaking() && pose == Pose.STANDING) { setPose(Pose.SNEAKING); } else if (pose == Pose.SNEAKING) { setPose(Pose.STANDING); } } this.flying = flying; } /** * Gets if the player is allowed to fly. * * @return true if the player if allowed to fly, false otherwise */ public boolean isAllowFlying() { return allowFlying; } /** * Allows or forbid the player to fly. * * @param allowFlying should the player be allowed to fly */ public void setAllowFlying(boolean allowFlying) { this.allowFlying = allowFlying; refreshAbilities(); } public boolean isInstantBreak() { return instantBreak; } /** * Changes the player ability "Creative Mode". * * @param instantBreak true to allow instant break * @see player abilities */ public void setInstantBreak(boolean instantBreak) { this.instantBreak = instantBreak; refreshAbilities(); } /** * Gets the player flying speed. * * @return the flying speed of the player */ public float getFlyingSpeed() { return flyingSpeed; } /** * Updates the internal field and send a {@link PlayerAbilitiesPacket} with the new flying speed. * * @param flyingSpeed the new flying speed of the player */ public void setFlyingSpeed(float flyingSpeed) { this.flyingSpeed = flyingSpeed; refreshAbilities(); } public float getFieldViewModifier() { return fieldViewModifier; } public void setFieldViewModifier(float fieldViewModifier) { this.fieldViewModifier = fieldViewModifier; refreshAbilities(); } /** * This is the map used to send the statistic packet. * It is possible to add/remove/change statistic value directly into it. * * @return the modifiable statistic map */ public @NotNull Map getStatisticValueMap() { return statisticValueMap; } /** * Gets the player vehicle information. * * @return the player vehicle information */ public @NotNull PlayerVehicleInformation getVehicleInformation() { return vehicleInformation; } /** * Sends to the player a {@link PlayerAbilitiesPacket} with all the updated fields. */ protected void refreshAbilities() { byte flags = 0; if (invulnerable) flags |= PlayerAbilitiesPacket.FLAG_INVULNERABLE; if (flying) flags |= PlayerAbilitiesPacket.FLAG_FLYING; if (allowFlying) flags |= PlayerAbilitiesPacket.FLAG_ALLOW_FLYING; if (instantBreak) flags |= PlayerAbilitiesPacket.FLAG_INSTANT_BREAK; sendPacket(new PlayerAbilitiesPacket(flags, flyingSpeed, fieldViewModifier)); } /** * All packets in the queue are executed in the {@link #update(long)} method * It is used internally to add all received packet from the client. * Could be used to "simulate" a received packet, but to use at your own risk. * * @param packet the packet to add in the queue */ public void addPacketToQueue(@NotNull ClientPacket packet) { this.packets.offer(packet); } @ApiStatus.Internal @ApiStatus.Experimental public void interpretPacketQueue() { if (this.packets.size() >= PACKET_QUEUE_SIZE) { kick(Component.text("Too Many Packets", NamedTextColor.RED)); return; } final PacketListenerManager manager = MinecraftServer.getPacketListenerManager(); // This method is NOT thread-safe this.packets.drain(packet -> manager.processClientPacket(packet, this), PACKET_PER_TICK); } /** * Changes the storage player latency and update its tab value. * * @param latency the new player latency */ public void refreshLatency(int latency) { this.latency = latency; PacketUtils.broadcastPacket(new PlayerInfoPacket(PlayerInfoPacket.Action.UPDATE_LATENCY, new PlayerInfoPacket.UpdateLatency(getUuid(), latency))); } public void refreshOnGround(boolean onGround) { this.onGround = onGround; if (this.onGround && this.isFlyingWithElytra()) { this.setFlyingWithElytra(false); PlayerStopFlyingWithElytraEvent(this)); } } /** * Used to change internally the last sent last keep alive id. *

* Warning: could lead to have the player kicked because of a wrong keep alive packet. * * @param lastKeepAlive the new lastKeepAlive id */ public void refreshKeepAlive(long lastKeepAlive) { this.lastKeepAlive = lastKeepAlive; this.answerKeepAlive = false; } public boolean didAnswerKeepAlive() { return answerKeepAlive; } public void refreshAnswerKeepAlive(boolean answerKeepAlive) { this.answerKeepAlive = answerKeepAlive; } /** * Changes the held item for the player viewers * Also cancel eating if {@link #isEating()} was true. *

* Warning: the player will not be noticed by this chance, only his viewers, * see instead: {@link #setHeldItemSlot(byte)}. * * @param slot the new held slot */ public void refreshHeldSlot(byte slot) { this.heldSlot = slot; syncEquipment(EquipmentSlot.MAIN_HAND); refreshEating(null); } public void refreshEating(@Nullable Hand eatingHand, long eatingTime) { this.eatingHand = eatingHand; if (eatingHand != null) { this.startEatingTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.eatingTime = eatingTime; } else { this.startEatingTime = 0; } } public void refreshEating(@Nullable Hand eatingHand) { refreshEating(eatingHand, defaultEatingTime); } /** * Used to call {@link ItemUpdateStateEvent} with the proper item * It does check which hand to get the item to update. * * @param allowFood true if food should be updated, false otherwise * @return the called {@link ItemUpdateStateEvent}, * null if there is no item to update the state * @deprecated Use {@link #callItemUpdateStateEvent(Hand)} instead */ @Deprecated public @Nullable ItemUpdateStateEvent callItemUpdateStateEvent(boolean allowFood, @Nullable Hand hand) { if (hand == null) return null; final ItemStack updatedItem = getItemInHand(hand); final boolean isFood = updatedItem.material().isFood(); if (isFood && !allowFood) return null; ItemUpdateStateEvent itemUpdateStateEvent = new ItemUpdateStateEvent(this, hand, updatedItem);; return itemUpdateStateEvent; } /** * Used to call {@link ItemUpdateStateEvent} with the proper item * It does check which hand to get the item to update. Allows food. * * @return the called {@link ItemUpdateStateEvent}, * null if there is no item to update the state */ public @Nullable ItemUpdateStateEvent callItemUpdateStateEvent(@Nullable Hand hand) { return callItemUpdateStateEvent(true, hand); } public void refreshVehicleSteer(float sideways, float forward, boolean jump, boolean unmount) { this.vehicleInformation.refresh(sideways, forward, jump, unmount); } /** * Gets the last sent keep alive id. * * @return the last keep alive id sent to the player */ public long getLastKeepAlive() { return lastKeepAlive; } @Override public @NotNull HoverEvent asHoverEvent(@NotNull UnaryOperator op) { return HoverEvent.showEntity(ShowEntity.of(EntityType.PLAYER, this.uuid, this.displayName)); } /** * Gets the packet to add the player from the tab-list. * * @return a {@link PlayerInfoPacket} to add the player */ protected @NotNull PlayerInfoPacket getAddPlayerToList() { final PlayerSkin skin =; List prop = skin != null ? List.of(new PlayerInfoPacket.AddPlayer.Property("textures", skin.textures(), skin.signature())) : List.of(); return new PlayerInfoPacket(PlayerInfoPacket.Action.ADD_PLAYER, new PlayerInfoPacket.AddPlayer(getUuid(), getUsername(), prop, getGameMode(), getLatency(), displayName, null)); } /** * Gets the packet to remove the player from the tab-list. * * @return a {@link PlayerInfoPacket} to remove the player */ protected @NotNull PlayerInfoPacket getRemovePlayerToList() { return new PlayerInfoPacket(PlayerInfoPacket.Action.REMOVE_PLAYER, new PlayerInfoPacket.RemovePlayer(getUuid())); } /** * Sends all the related packet to have the player sent to another with related data * (create player, spawn position, velocity, metadata, equipments, passengers, team). *

* WARNING: this alone does not sync the player, please use {@link #addViewer(Player)}. * * @param connection the connection to show the player to */ protected void showPlayer(@NotNull PlayerConnection connection) { connection.sendPacket(getEntityType().registry().spawnType().getSpawnPacket(this)); connection.sendPacket(getVelocityPacket()); connection.sendPacket(getMetadataPacket()); connection.sendPacket(getEquipmentsPacket()); if (hasPassenger()) { connection.sendPacket(getPassengersPacket()); } // Team if (this.getTeam() != null) { connection.sendPacket(this.getTeam().createTeamsCreationPacket()); } connection.sendPacket(new EntityHeadLookPacket(getEntityId(), position.yaw())); } @Override public @NotNull ItemStack getItemInMainHand() { return inventory.getItemInMainHand(); } @Override public void setItemInMainHand(@NotNull ItemStack itemStack) { inventory.setItemInMainHand(itemStack); } @Override public @NotNull ItemStack getItemInOffHand() { return inventory.getItemInOffHand(); } @Override public void setItemInOffHand(@NotNull ItemStack itemStack) { inventory.setItemInOffHand(itemStack); } @Override public @NotNull ItemStack getHelmet() { return inventory.getHelmet(); } @Override public void setHelmet(@NotNull ItemStack itemStack) { inventory.setHelmet(itemStack); } @Override public @NotNull ItemStack getChestplate() { return inventory.getChestplate(); } @Override public void setChestplate(@NotNull ItemStack itemStack) { inventory.setChestplate(itemStack); } @Override public @NotNull ItemStack getLeggings() { return inventory.getLeggings(); } @Override public void setLeggings(@NotNull ItemStack itemStack) { inventory.setLeggings(itemStack); } @Override public @NotNull ItemStack getBoots() { return inventory.getBoots(); } @Override public void setBoots(@NotNull ItemStack itemStack) { inventory.setBoots(itemStack); } @Override public Locale getLocale() { final String locale = settings.locale; if (locale == null) return null; return Locale.forLanguageTag(locale.replace("_", "-")); } @Override public @NotNull PlayerSnapshot updateSnapshot(@NotNull SnapshotUpdater updater) { final EntitySnapshot snapshot = super.updateSnapshot(updater); return new SnapshotImpl.Player(snapshot, username, gameMode); } /** * Sets the player's locale. This will only set the locale of the player as it * is stored in the server. This will also be reset if the settings are refreshed. * * @param locale the new locale */ @Override public void setLocale(@Nullable Locale locale) { settings.locale = locale == null ? null : locale.toLanguageTag(); } @Override public @NotNull Identity identity() { return this.identity; } @Override public @NotNull Pointers pointers() { return this.pointers; } @Override public void setUuid(@NotNull UUID uuid) { super.setUuid(uuid); // update identity this.identity = Identity.identity(uuid); } @Override public boolean isPlayer() { return true; } @Override public Player asPlayer() { return this; } protected void sendChunkUpdates(Chunk newChunk) { if (chunkUpdateLimitChecker.addToHistory(newChunk)) { final int newX = newChunk.getChunkX(); final int newZ = newChunk.getChunkZ(); final Vec old = chunksLoadedByClient; sendPacket(new UpdateViewPositionPacket(newX, newZ)); ChunkUtils.forDifferingChunksInRange(newX, newZ, (int) old.x(), (int) old.z(), MinecraftServer.getChunkViewDistance(), chunkAdder, chunkRemover); this.chunksLoadedByClient = new Vec(newX, newZ); } } @Override public @NotNull CompletableFuture teleport(@NotNull Pos position, long @Nullable [] chunks) { chunkUpdateLimitChecker.clearHistory(); return super.teleport(position, chunks); } /** * Represents the main or off hand of the player. */ public enum Hand { MAIN, OFF } public enum FacePoint { FEET, EYE } // Settings enum /** * Represents where is located the main hand of the player (can be changed in Minecraft option). */ public enum MainHand { LEFT, RIGHT } public class PlayerSettings { private String locale; private byte viewDistance; private ChatMessageType chatMessageType; private boolean chatColors; private byte displayedSkinParts; private MainHand mainHand; private boolean enableTextFiltering; private boolean allowServerListings; public PlayerSettings() { viewDistance = 2; } /** * The player game language. * * @return the player locale */ public String getLocale() { return locale; } /** * Gets the player view distance. * * @return the player view distance */ public byte getViewDistance() { return viewDistance; } /** * Gets the messages this player wants to receive. * * @return the messages */ public @Nullable ChatMessageType getChatMessageType() { return chatMessageType; } /** * Gets if the player has chat colors enabled. * * @return true if chat colors are enabled, false otherwise */ public boolean hasChatColors() { return chatColors; } public byte getDisplayedSkinParts() { return displayedSkinParts; } /** * Gets the player main hand. * * @return the player main hand */ public MainHand getMainHand() { return mainHand; } public boolean enableTextFiltering() { return enableTextFiltering; } public boolean allowServerListings() { return allowServerListings; } /** * Changes the player settings internally. *

* WARNING: the player will not be noticed by this change, probably unsafe. * * @param locale the player locale * @param viewDistance the player view distance * @param chatMessageType the chat messages the player wishes to receive * @param chatColors if chat colors should be displayed * @param displayedSkinParts the player displayed skin parts * @param mainHand the player main hand */ public void refresh(String locale, byte viewDistance, ChatMessageType chatMessageType, boolean chatColors, byte displayedSkinParts, MainHand mainHand, boolean enableTextFiltering, boolean allowServerListings) { this.locale = locale; // Clamp viewDistance to valid bounds this.viewDistance = (byte) MathUtils.clamp(viewDistance, 2, 32); this.chatMessageType = chatMessageType; this.chatColors = chatColors; this.displayedSkinParts = displayedSkinParts; this.mainHand = mainHand; this.enableTextFiltering = enableTextFiltering; this.allowServerListings = allowServerListings; // TODO: Use the metadata object here metadata.setIndex((byte) 17, Metadata.Byte(displayedSkinParts)); } } }