package net.minestom.server.collision; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.doubles.DoubleArrayList; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.doubles.DoubleList; import net.minestom.server.coordinate.Point; import net.minestom.server.coordinate.Vec; import net.minestom.server.instance.block.Block; import net.minestom.server.instance.block.BlockFace; import net.minestom.server.registry.Registry; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public final class ShapeImpl implements Shape { private static final Pattern PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\d.\\d+", Pattern.MULTILINE); private final BoundingBox[] collisionBoundingBoxes; private final Point relativeStart, relativeEnd; private final byte fullFaces; private final BoundingBox[] occlusionBoundingBoxes; private final byte blockOcclusion; private final byte airOcclusion; private final Registry.BlockEntry blockEntry; private Block block; private ShapeImpl(BoundingBox[] boundingBoxes, BoundingBox[] occlusionBoundingBoxes, Registry.BlockEntry blockEntry) { this.collisionBoundingBoxes = boundingBoxes; this.occlusionBoundingBoxes = occlusionBoundingBoxes; this.blockEntry = blockEntry; // Find bounds of collision if (collisionBoundingBoxes.length > 0) { double minX = 1, minY = 1, minZ = 1; double maxX = 0, maxY = 0, maxZ = 0; for (BoundingBox blockSection : collisionBoundingBoxes) { // Min if (blockSection.minX() < minX) minX = blockSection.minX(); if (blockSection.minY() < minY) minY = blockSection.minY(); if (blockSection.minZ() < minZ) minZ = blockSection.minZ(); // Max if (blockSection.maxX() > maxX) maxX = blockSection.maxX(); if (blockSection.maxY() > maxY) maxY = blockSection.maxY(); if (blockSection.maxZ() > maxZ) maxZ = blockSection.maxZ(); } this.relativeStart = new Vec(minX, minY, minZ); this.relativeEnd = new Vec(maxX, maxY, maxZ); } else { this.relativeStart = Vec.ZERO; this.relativeEnd = Vec.ZERO; } byte fullCollisionFaces = 0; for (BlockFace f : BlockFace.values()) { final byte res = isFaceCovered(computeOcclusionSet(f, collisionBoundingBoxes)); fullCollisionFaces |= ((res == 2) ? 0b1 : 0b0) << (byte) f.ordinal(); } this.fullFaces = fullCollisionFaces; byte airFaces = 0; byte fullFaces = 0; for (BlockFace f : BlockFace.values()) { final byte res = isFaceCovered(computeOcclusionSet(f, occlusionBoundingBoxes)); airFaces |= ((res == 0) ? 0b1 : 0b0) << (byte) f.ordinal(); fullFaces |= ((res == 2) ? 0b1 : 0b0) << (byte) f.ordinal(); } this.airOcclusion = airFaces; this.blockOcclusion = fullFaces; } private static BoundingBox[] parseRegistryBoundingBoxString(String str) { final Matcher matcher = PATTERN.matcher(str); DoubleList vals = new DoubleArrayList(); while (matcher.find()) { double newVal = Double.parseDouble(; vals.add(newVal); } final int count = vals.size() / 6; BoundingBox[] boundingBoxes = new BoundingBox[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { final double minX = vals.getDouble(0 + 6 * i); final double minY = vals.getDouble(1 + 6 * i); final double minZ = vals.getDouble(2 + 6 * i); final double boundXSize = vals.getDouble(3 + 6 * i) - minX; final double boundYSize = vals.getDouble(4 + 6 * i) - minY; final double boundZSize = vals.getDouble(5 + 6 * i) - minZ; final BoundingBox bb = new BoundingBox(boundXSize, boundYSize, boundZSize, new Vec(minX, minY, minZ)); assert bb.minX() == minX; assert bb.minY() == minY; assert bb.minZ() == minZ; boundingBoxes[i] = bb; } return boundingBoxes; } /** * Computes the occlusion for a given face. * * @param covering The rectangle set to check for covering. * @return 0 if face is not covered, 1 if face is covered partially, 2 if face is fully covered. */ private static byte isFaceCovered(List covering) { if (covering.isEmpty()) return 0; Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1); List toCover = new ArrayList<>(); toCover.add(r); for (Rectangle rect : covering) { List nextCovering = new ArrayList<>(); for (Rectangle toCoverRect : toCover) { List remaining = getRemaining(rect, toCoverRect); nextCovering.addAll(remaining); } toCover = nextCovering; if (toCover.isEmpty()) return 2; } return 1; } static ShapeImpl parseBlockFromRegistry(String collision, String occlusion, Registry.BlockEntry blockEntry) { BoundingBox[] collisionBoundingBoxes = parseRegistryBoundingBoxString(collision); BoundingBox[] occlusionBoundingBoxes = blockEntry.occludes() ? parseRegistryBoundingBoxString(occlusion) : new BoundingBox[0]; return new ShapeImpl(collisionBoundingBoxes, occlusionBoundingBoxes, blockEntry); } @Override public @NotNull Point relativeStart() { return relativeStart; } @Override public @NotNull Point relativeEnd() { return relativeEnd; } @Override public boolean isOccluded(@NotNull Shape shape, @NotNull BlockFace face) { final ShapeImpl shapeImpl = ((ShapeImpl) shape); final boolean hasBlockOcclusion = (((blockOcclusion >> face.ordinal()) & 1) == 1); final boolean hasBlockOcclusionOther = ((shapeImpl.blockOcclusion >> face.getOppositeFace().ordinal()) & 1) == 1; if (blockEntry.lightEmission() > 0) return hasBlockOcclusionOther; // If either face is full, return true if (hasBlockOcclusion || hasBlockOcclusionOther) return true; final boolean hasAirOcclusion = (((airOcclusion >> face.ordinal()) & 1) == 1); final boolean hasAirOcclusionOther = ((shapeImpl.airOcclusion >> face.getOppositeFace().ordinal()) & 1) == 1; // If a single face is air, return false if (hasAirOcclusion || hasAirOcclusionOther) return false; // Comparing two partial faces. Computation needed List allRectangles = computeOcclusionSet(face.getOppositeFace(), shapeImpl.occlusionBoundingBoxes); allRectangles.addAll(computeOcclusionSet(face, occlusionBoundingBoxes)); return isFaceCovered(allRectangles) == 2; } @Override public boolean isFaceFull(@NotNull BlockFace face) { return (((fullFaces >> face.ordinal()) & 1) == 1); } @Override public boolean intersectBox(@NotNull Point position, @NotNull BoundingBox boundingBox) { for (BoundingBox blockSection : collisionBoundingBoxes) { if (boundingBox.intersectBox(position, blockSection)) return true; } return false; } @Override public boolean intersectBoxSwept(@NotNull Point rayStart, @NotNull Point rayDirection, @NotNull Point shapePos, @NotNull BoundingBox moving, @NotNull SweepResult finalResult) { boolean hitBlock = false; for (BoundingBox blockSection : collisionBoundingBoxes) { // Update final result if the temp result collision is sooner than the current final result if (RayUtils.BoundingBoxIntersectionCheck(moving, rayStart, rayDirection, blockSection, shapePos, finalResult)) { finalResult.collidedPositionX = rayStart.x() + rayDirection.x() * finalResult.res; finalResult.collidedPositionY = rayStart.y() + rayDirection.y() * finalResult.res; finalResult.collidedPositionZ = rayStart.z() + rayDirection.z() * finalResult.res; finalResult.collidedShape = this; hitBlock = true; } } return hitBlock; } public Block block() { Block block = this.block; if (block == null) this.block = block = Block.fromStateId((short) blockEntry.stateId()); return block; } private static @NotNull List computeOcclusionSet(BlockFace face, BoundingBox[] boundingBoxes) { List rSet = new ArrayList<>(); for (BoundingBox boundingBox : boundingBoxes) { switch (face) { case NORTH -> // negative Z { if (boundingBox.minZ() == 0) rSet.add(new Rectangle(boundingBox.minX(), boundingBox.minY(), boundingBox.maxX(), boundingBox.maxY())); } case SOUTH -> // positive Z { if (boundingBox.maxZ() == 1) rSet.add(new Rectangle(boundingBox.minX(), boundingBox.minY(), boundingBox.maxX(), boundingBox.maxY())); } case WEST -> // negative X { if (boundingBox.minX() == 0) rSet.add(new Rectangle(boundingBox.minY(), boundingBox.minZ(), boundingBox.maxY(), boundingBox.maxZ())); } case EAST -> // positive X { if (boundingBox.maxX() == 1) rSet.add(new Rectangle(boundingBox.minY(), boundingBox.minZ(), boundingBox.maxY(), boundingBox.maxZ())); } case BOTTOM -> // negative Y { if (boundingBox.minY() == 0) rSet.add(new Rectangle(boundingBox.minX(), boundingBox.minZ(), boundingBox.maxX(), boundingBox.maxZ())); } case TOP -> // positive Y { if (boundingBox.maxY() == 1) rSet.add(new Rectangle(boundingBox.minX(), boundingBox.minZ(), boundingBox.maxX(), boundingBox.maxZ())); } } } return rSet; } private static List getRemaining(Rectangle covering, Rectangle toCover) { List remaining = new ArrayList<>(); covering = clipRectangle(covering, toCover); // Up if (covering.y1() > toCover.y1()) { remaining.add(new Rectangle(toCover.x1(), toCover.y1(), toCover.x2(), covering.y1())); } // Down if (covering.y2() < toCover.y2()) { remaining.add(new Rectangle(toCover.x1(), covering.y2(), toCover.x2(), toCover.y2())); } // Left if (covering.x1() > toCover.x1()) { remaining.add(new Rectangle(toCover.x1(), covering.y1(), covering.x1(), covering.y2())); } //Right if (covering.x2() < toCover.x2()) { remaining.add(new Rectangle(covering.x2(), covering.y1(), toCover.x2(), covering.y2())); } return remaining; } private static Rectangle clipRectangle(Rectangle covering, Rectangle toCover) { final double x1 = Math.max(covering.x1(), toCover.x1()); final double y1 = Math.max(covering.y1(), toCover.y1()); final double x2 = Math.min(covering.x2(), toCover.x2()); final double y2 = Math.min(covering.y2(), toCover.y2()); return new Rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2); } private record Rectangle(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) { } }