AdvancementTabEvent |
Called when a Player opens the advancement screens or switch the tab
and when he closes the screen.
PlayerAddItemStackEvent |
PlayerBlockBreakEvent |
PlayerBlockInteractEvent |
Called when a player interacts with a block (right-click).
PlayerBlockPlaceEvent |
Called when a player tries placing a block.
PlayerChangeHeldSlotEvent |
Called when a player change his held slot (by pressing 1-9 keys).
PlayerChatEvent |
Called every time a Player write and send something in the chat.
PlayerChunkLoadEvent |
Called when a player receive a new chunk data.
PlayerChunkUnloadEvent |
Called after a chunk being unload to a certain player.
PlayerCommandEvent |
Called every time a player send a message starting by '/'.
PlayerDisconnectEvent |
Called when a player disconnect.
PlayerEatEvent |
Called when a player is finished eating.
PlayerEntityInteractEvent |
Called when a Player interacts (right-click) with an Entity .
PlayerHandAnimationEvent |
Called when the player swings his hand.
PlayerItemAnimationEvent |
Used when a Player finish the animation of an item.
PlayerLoginEvent |
Called at player login, used to define his spawn instance.
PlayerMoveEvent |
Called when a player is modifying his position.
PlayerPluginMessageEvent |
PlayerPreEatEvent |
Called before the PlayerEatEvent and can be used to change the eating time
or to cancel its processing, cancelling the event means that the player will
continue the animation indefinitely.
PlayerPreLoginEvent |
Called before the player initialization, it can be used to kick the player before any connection
or to change his final username/uuid.
PlayerResourcePackStatusEvent |
Called when a player warns the server of a resource pack status.
PlayerRespawnEvent |
PlayerSetItemStackEvent |
PlayerSettingsChangeEvent |
Called after the player signals the server that his settings has been modified.
PlayerSkinInitEvent |
Called at the player connection to initialize his skin.
PlayerSpawnEvent |
Called when a new instance is set for a player.
PlayerStartDiggingEvent |
Called when a Player start digging a block,
can be used to forbid the Player from mining it.
PlayerStartFlyingEvent |
Called when a player start flying.
PlayerStopFlyingEvent |
Called when a player stop flying.
PlayerSwapItemEvent |
Called when a player is trying to swap his main and off hand item.
PlayerTickEvent |
Called at each player tick.
PlayerUseItemEvent |
Event when an item is used without clicking on a block.
PlayerUseItemOnBlockEvent |
Used when a player is clicking on a block with an item (but is not a block in item form).
UpdateTagListEvent |