package net.minestom.server.entity; import club.thectm.minecraft.text.TextBuilder; import club.thectm.minecraft.text.TextObject; import; import net.minestom.server.MinecraftServer; import net.minestom.server.bossbar.BossBar; import; import net.minestom.server.collision.BoundingBox; import net.minestom.server.entity.damage.DamageType; import; import net.minestom.server.entity.vehicle.PlayerVehicleInformation; import net.minestom.server.event.*; import net.minestom.server.instance.Chunk; import net.minestom.server.instance.Instance; import net.minestom.server.instance.block.CustomBlock; import net.minestom.server.inventory.Inventory; import net.minestom.server.inventory.PlayerInventory; import net.minestom.server.item.ItemStack; import; import; import*; import; import net.minestom.server.scoreboard.BelowNameScoreboard; import net.minestom.server.scoreboard.Team; import net.minestom.server.sound.Sound; import net.minestom.server.sound.SoundCategory; import net.minestom.server.stat.PlayerStatistic; import net.minestom.server.utils.ArrayUtils; import net.minestom.server.utils.BlockPosition; import net.minestom.server.utils.ChunkUtils; import net.minestom.server.utils.Position; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.function.Consumer; public class Player extends LivingEntity { private long lastKeepAlive; private String username; private PlayerConnection playerConnection; private ConcurrentLinkedQueue packets = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(); private int latency; private Dimension dimension; private GameMode gameMode; private LevelType levelType; protected boolean onGround; protected Set viewableEntities = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>(); protected Set viewableChunks = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>(); private PlayerSettings settings; private float exp; private int level; private PlayerInventory inventory; private short heldSlot; private Inventory openInventory; private int food; private float foodSaturation; private CustomBlock targetCustomBlock; private BlockPosition targetBlockPosition; private long targetBlockTime; private byte targetLastStage; private Set bossBars = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>(); private Team team; private BelowNameScoreboard belowNameScoreboard; /** * Last damage source to hit this player, used to display the death message. */ private DamageType lastDamageSource; // Abilities private boolean invulnerable; private boolean flying; private boolean allowFlying; private boolean instantBreak; private float flyingSpeed = 0.05f; private float fieldViewModifier = 0.1f; // Statistics private Map statisticValueMap = new Hashtable<>(); // Vehicle private PlayerVehicleInformation vehicleInformation = new PlayerVehicleInformation(); public Player(UUID uuid, String username, PlayerConnection playerConnection) { super(EntityType.PLAYER.getId()); this.uuid = uuid; this.username = username; this.playerConnection = playerConnection; setBoundingBox(0.69f, 1.8f, 0.69f); // Some client update getPlayerConnection().sendPacket(getPropertiesPacket()); // Send default properties refreshHealth(); refreshAbilities(); this.settings = new PlayerSettings(); this.inventory = new PlayerInventory(this); setCanPickupItem(true); // By default } @Override public void damage(DamageType type, float value) { if (!isImmune(type)) { lastDamageSource = type; } super.damage(type, value); } @Override public void update() { // Flush all pending packets playerConnection.flush(); // Process received packets ClientPlayPacket packet; while ((packet = packets.poll()) != null) { packet.process(this); } super.update(); // Super update (item pickup) // Target block stage if (targetCustomBlock != null) { int timeBreak = targetCustomBlock.getBreakDelay(this); int animationCount = 10; long since = System.currentTimeMillis() - targetBlockTime; byte stage = (byte) (since / (timeBreak / animationCount)); if (stage != targetLastStage) { sendBlockBreakAnimation(targetBlockPosition, stage); } this.targetLastStage = stage; if (stage > 9) { instance.breakBlock(this, targetBlockPosition); resetTargetBlock(); } } // Experience orb pickup Chunk chunk = instance.getChunkAt(getPosition()); // TODO check surrounding chunks Set entities = instance.getChunkEntities(chunk); BoundingBox livingBoundingBox = getBoundingBox().expand(1, 0.5f, 1); for (Entity entity : entities) { if (entity instanceof ExperienceOrb) { ExperienceOrb experienceOrb = (ExperienceOrb) entity; BoundingBox itemBoundingBox = experienceOrb.getBoundingBox(); if (livingBoundingBox.intersect(itemBoundingBox)) { synchronized (experienceOrb) { if (experienceOrb.shouldRemove() || experienceOrb.isRemoveScheduled()) continue; PickupExperienceEvent pickupExperienceEvent = new PickupExperienceEvent(experienceOrb.getExperienceCount()); callCancellableEvent(PickupExperienceEvent.class, pickupExperienceEvent, () -> { short experienceCount = pickupExperienceEvent.getExperienceCount(); // TODO give to player entity.remove(); }); } } } } // Tick event callEvent(PlayerTickEvent.class, new PlayerTickEvent()); // Multiplayer sync if (!getViewers().isEmpty()) { Position position = getPosition(); boolean positionChanged = position.getX() != lastX || position.getZ() != lastZ || position.getY() != lastY; boolean viewChanged = position.getYaw() != lastYaw || position.getPitch() != lastPitch; ServerPacket updatePacket = null; ServerPacket optionalUpdatePacket = null; if (positionChanged && viewChanged) { EntityPositionAndRotationPacket entityPositionAndRotationPacket = new EntityPositionAndRotationPacket(); entityPositionAndRotationPacket.entityId = getEntityId(); entityPositionAndRotationPacket.deltaX = (short) ((position.getX() * 32 - lastX * 32) * 128); entityPositionAndRotationPacket.deltaY = (short) ((position.getY() * 32 - lastY * 32) * 128); entityPositionAndRotationPacket.deltaZ = (short) ((position.getZ() * 32 - lastZ * 32) * 128); entityPositionAndRotationPacket.yaw = position.getYaw(); entityPositionAndRotationPacket.pitch = position.getPitch(); entityPositionAndRotationPacket.onGround = onGround; lastX = position.getX(); lastY = position.getY(); lastZ = position.getZ(); lastYaw = position.getYaw(); lastPitch = position.getPitch(); updatePacket = entityPositionAndRotationPacket; } else if (positionChanged) { EntityPositionPacket entityPositionPacket = new EntityPositionPacket(); entityPositionPacket.entityId = getEntityId(); entityPositionPacket.deltaX = (short) ((position.getX() * 32 - lastX * 32) * 128); entityPositionPacket.deltaY = (short) ((position.getY() * 32 - lastY * 32) * 128); entityPositionPacket.deltaZ = (short) ((position.getZ() * 32 - lastZ * 32) * 128); entityPositionPacket.onGround = onGround; lastX = position.getX(); lastY = position.getY(); lastZ = position.getZ(); updatePacket = entityPositionPacket; } else if (viewChanged) { EntityRotationPacket entityRotationPacket = new EntityRotationPacket(); entityRotationPacket.entityId = getEntityId(); entityRotationPacket.yaw = position.getYaw(); entityRotationPacket.pitch = position.getPitch(); entityRotationPacket.onGround = onGround; lastYaw = position.getYaw(); lastPitch = position.getPitch(); updatePacket = entityRotationPacket; } if (viewChanged) { EntityHeadLookPacket entityHeadLookPacket = new EntityHeadLookPacket(); entityHeadLookPacket.entityId = getEntityId(); entityHeadLookPacket.yaw = position.getYaw(); optionalUpdatePacket = entityHeadLookPacket; } if (updatePacket != null) { if (optionalUpdatePacket != null) { sendPacketsToViewers(updatePacket, optionalUpdatePacket); } else { sendPacketToViewers(updatePacket); } } } } @Override public void kill() { if (!isDead()) { // send death message to player TextObject deathMessage; if (lastDamageSource != null) { deathMessage = lastDamageSource.buildDeathMessage(); } else { // may happen if killed by the server without applying damage deathMessage = TextBuilder.of("Killed by poor programming.").build(); } CombatEventPacket deathPacket = CombatEventPacket.death(this, Optional.empty(), deathMessage); playerConnection.sendPacket(deathPacket); // send death message to chat TextObject chatMessage; if (lastDamageSource != null) { chatMessage = lastDamageSource.buildChatMessage(this); } else { // may happen if killed by the server without applying damage chatMessage = TextBuilder.of(getUsername() + " was killed by poor programming.").build(); } MinecraftServer.getConnectionManager().getOnlinePlayers().forEach(player -> { player.sendMessage(chatMessage); }); } super.kill(); } @Override public void spawn() { } @Override public boolean isOnGround() { return onGround; } @Override public void remove() { clearBossBars(); if (getOpenInventory() != null) getOpenInventory().removeViewer(this); this.viewableEntities.forEach(entity -> entity.removeViewer(this)); this.viewableChunks.forEach(chunk -> chunk.removeViewer(this)); resetTargetBlock(); callEvent(PlayerDisconnectEvent.class, new PlayerDisconnectEvent()); super.remove(); } @Override public void addViewer(Player player) { if (player == this) return; super.addViewer(player); PlayerConnection viewerConnection = player.getPlayerConnection(); String property = "eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE1NjU0ODMwODQwOTYsInByb2ZpbGVJZCI6ImFiNzBlY2I0MjM0NjRjMTRhNTJkN2EwOTE1MDdjMjRlIiwicHJvZmlsZU5hbWUiOiJUaGVNb2RlOTExIiwidGV4dHVyZXMiOnsiU0tJTiI6eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwOi8vdGV4dHVyZXMubWluZWNyYWZ0Lm5ldC90ZXh0dXJlL2RkOTE2NzJiNTE0MmJhN2Y3MjA2ZTRjN2IwOTBkNzhlM2Y1ZDc2NDdiNWFmZDIyNjFhZDk4OGM0MWI2ZjcwYTEifX19"; SpawnPlayerPacket spawnPlayerPacket = new SpawnPlayerPacket(); spawnPlayerPacket.entityId = getEntityId(); spawnPlayerPacket.playerUuid = getUuid(); spawnPlayerPacket.position = getPosition(); PlayerInfoPacket pInfoPacket = new PlayerInfoPacket(PlayerInfoPacket.Action.ADD_PLAYER); PlayerInfoPacket.AddPlayer addP = new PlayerInfoPacket.AddPlayer(getUuid(), getUsername(), getGameMode(), 10); PlayerInfoPacket.AddPlayer.Property p = new PlayerInfoPacket.AddPlayer.Property("textures", property);//new PlayerInfoPacket.AddPlayer.Property("textures", properties.get(onlinePlayer.getUsername()));; pInfoPacket.playerInfos.add(addP); viewerConnection.sendPacket(pInfoPacket); viewerConnection.sendPacket(spawnPlayerPacket); viewerConnection.sendPacket(getMetadataPacket()); for (EntityEquipmentPacket.Slot slot : EntityEquipmentPacket.Slot.values()) { viewerConnection.sendPacket(getEquipmentPacket(slot)); } // Team if (team != null) viewerConnection.sendPacket(team.getTeamsCreationPacket()); } @Override public void removeViewer(Player player) { if (player == this) return; super.removeViewer(player); PlayerConnection viewerConnection = player.getPlayerConnection(); PlayerInfoPacket playerInfoPacket = new PlayerInfoPacket(PlayerInfoPacket.Action.REMOVE_PLAYER); playerInfoPacket.playerInfos.add(new PlayerInfoPacket.RemovePlayer(getUuid())); viewerConnection.sendPacket(playerInfoPacket); // Team if (team != null && team.getPlayers().size() == 1) // If team only contains "this" player viewerConnection.sendPacket(team.createTeamDestructionPacket()); } @Override public void setInstance(Instance instance) { if (instance == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("instance cannot be null!"); if (this.instance == instance) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Instance should be different than the current one"); for (Chunk viewableChunk : viewableChunks) { viewableChunk.removeViewer(this); } viewableChunks.clear(); if (this.instance != null) { Dimension instanceDimension = instance.getDimension(); if (dimension != instanceDimension) sendDimension(instanceDimension); } long[] visibleChunks = ChunkUtils.getChunksInRange(position, getChunkRange()); int length = visibleChunks.length; AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(0); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { int[] chunkPos = ChunkUtils.getChunkCoord(visibleChunks[i]); int chunkX = chunkPos[0]; int chunkZ = chunkPos[1]; Consumer callback = (chunk) -> { if (chunk != null) { viewableChunks.add(chunk); chunk.addViewer(this); } boolean isLast = counter.get() == length - 1; if (isLast) { // This is the last chunk to be loaded , spawn player super.setInstance(instance); PlayerSpawnEvent spawnEvent = new PlayerSpawnEvent(instance); callEvent(PlayerSpawnEvent.class, spawnEvent); updateViewPosition(chunk); } else { // Increment the counter of current loaded chunks counter.incrementAndGet(); } }; // WARNING: if auto load is disabled and no chunks are loaded beforehand, player will be stuck. instance.loadOptionalChunk(chunkX, chunkZ, callback); } } public void sendBlockBreakAnimation(BlockPosition blockPosition, byte destroyStage) { BlockBreakAnimationPacket breakAnimationPacket = new BlockBreakAnimationPacket(); breakAnimationPacket.entityId = getEntityId() + 1; breakAnimationPacket.blockPosition = blockPosition; breakAnimationPacket.destroyStage = destroyStage; sendPacketToViewersAndSelf(breakAnimationPacket); } // Use legacy color formatting public void sendMessage(String message) { sendMessage(Chat.legacyText(message)); } public void sendMessage(String message, char colorChar) { sendMessage(Chat.legacyText(message, colorChar)); } public void sendMessage(JsonObject jsonObject) { ChatMessagePacket chatMessagePacket = new ChatMessagePacket(jsonObject.toString(), ChatMessagePacket.Position.CHAT); playerConnection.sendPacket(chatMessagePacket); } public void sendMessage(TextObject textObject) { sendMessage(textObject.toJson()); } public void playSound(Sound sound, SoundCategory soundCategory, int x, int y, int z, float volume, float pitch) { SoundEffectPacket soundEffectPacket = new SoundEffectPacket(); soundEffectPacket.soundId = sound.getId(); soundEffectPacket.soundCategory = soundCategory; soundEffectPacket.x = x; soundEffectPacket.y = y; soundEffectPacket.z = z; soundEffectPacket.volume = volume; soundEffectPacket.pitch = pitch; playerConnection.sendPacket(soundEffectPacket); } public void stopSound() { StopSoundPacket stopSoundPacket = new StopSoundPacket(); stopSoundPacket.flags = 0x00; playerConnection.sendPacket(stopSoundPacket); } public void sendHeaderFooter(String header, String footer, char colorChar) { PlayerListHeaderAndFooterPacket playerListHeaderAndFooterPacket = new PlayerListHeaderAndFooterPacket(); playerListHeaderAndFooterPacket.emptyHeader = header == null; playerListHeaderAndFooterPacket.emptyFooter = footer == null; playerListHeaderAndFooterPacket.header = Chat.legacyText(header, colorChar).toJson().toString(); playerListHeaderAndFooterPacket.footer = Chat.legacyText(footer, colorChar).toJson().toString(); playerConnection.sendPacket(playerListHeaderAndFooterPacket); } public void sendActionBarMessage(String message, char colorChar) { TitlePacket titlePacket = new TitlePacket(); titlePacket.action = TitlePacket.Action.SET_ACTION_BAR; titlePacket.actionBarText = Chat.legacyText(message, colorChar).toJson().toString(); playerConnection.sendPacket(titlePacket); } public void sendActionBarMessage(String message) { sendActionBarMessage(message, Chat.COLOR_CHAR); } @Override public boolean isImmune(DamageType type) { if (getGameMode().canTakeDamage()) { return type != DamageType.VOID; } return super.isImmune(type); } @Override public void setAttribute(Attribute attribute, float value) { super.setAttribute(attribute, value); if (playerConnection != null) playerConnection.sendPacket(getPropertiesPacket()); } @Override public void setHealth(float health) { super.setHealth(health); sendUpdateHealthPacket(); } public int getFood() { return food; } public void setFood(int food) { = food; sendUpdateHealthPacket(); } public float getFoodSaturation() { return foodSaturation; } public void setFoodSaturation(float foodSaturation) { this.foodSaturation = foodSaturation; sendUpdateHealthPacket(); } public boolean dropItem(ItemStack item) { ItemDropEvent itemDropEvent = new ItemDropEvent(item); callEvent(ItemDropEvent.class, itemDropEvent); return !itemDropEvent.isCancelled(); } public Position getRespawnPoint() { // TODO: Custom return new Position(0f, 70f, 0f); } public void respawn() { if (!isDead()) return; refreshHealth(); RespawnPacket respawnPacket = new RespawnPacket(); respawnPacket.dimension = getDimension(); respawnPacket.gameMode = getGameMode(); respawnPacket.levelType = getLevelType(); getPlayerConnection().sendPacket(respawnPacket); PlayerRespawnEvent respawnEvent = new PlayerRespawnEvent(getRespawnPoint()); callEvent(PlayerRespawnEvent.class, respawnEvent); refreshIsDead(false); // Runnable called when teleportation is successfull (after loading and sending necessary chunk) teleport(respawnEvent.getRespawnPosition(), () -> { getInventory().update(); SpawnPlayerPacket spawnPlayerPacket = new SpawnPlayerPacket(); spawnPlayerPacket.entityId = getEntityId(); spawnPlayerPacket.playerUuid = getUuid(); spawnPlayerPacket.position = getPosition(); sendPacketToViewers(spawnPlayerPacket); playerConnection.sendPacket(getPropertiesPacket()); sendUpdateHealthPacket(); syncEquipments(); }); } protected void refreshHealth() { heal(); = 20; this.foodSaturation = 5; } protected void sendUpdateHealthPacket() { UpdateHealthPacket updateHealthPacket = new UpdateHealthPacket(); = getHealth(); = food; updateHealthPacket.foodSaturation = foodSaturation; playerConnection.sendPacket(updateHealthPacket); } public void setExp(float exp) { if (exp < 0 || exp > 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Exp should be between 0 and 1"); this.exp = exp; sendExperienceUpdatePacket(); } public void setLevel(int level) { this.level = level; sendExperienceUpdatePacket(); } protected void sendExperienceUpdatePacket() { SetExperiencePacket setExperiencePacket = new SetExperiencePacket(); setExperiencePacket.percentage = exp; setExperiencePacket.level = level; playerConnection.sendPacket(setExperiencePacket); } protected void onChunkChange(Chunk lastChunk, Chunk newChunk) { float dx = newChunk.getChunkX() - lastChunk.getChunkX(); float dz = newChunk.getChunkZ() - lastChunk.getChunkZ(); double distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dz * dz); boolean isFar = distance >= MinecraftServer.CHUNK_VIEW_DISTANCE / 2; long[] lastVisibleChunks = ChunkUtils.getChunksInRange(new Position(16 * lastChunk.getChunkX(), 0, 16 * lastChunk.getChunkZ()), MinecraftServer.CHUNK_VIEW_DISTANCE); long[] updatedVisibleChunks = ChunkUtils.getChunksInRange(new Position(16 * newChunk.getChunkX(), 0, 16 * newChunk.getChunkZ()), MinecraftServer.CHUNK_VIEW_DISTANCE); int[] oldChunks = ArrayUtils.getDifferencesBetweenArray(lastVisibleChunks, updatedVisibleChunks); int[] newChunks = ArrayUtils.getDifferencesBetweenArray(updatedVisibleChunks, lastVisibleChunks); // Unload old chunks for (int index : oldChunks) { int[] chunkPos = ChunkUtils.getChunkCoord(lastVisibleChunks[index]); UnloadChunkPacket unloadChunkPacket = new UnloadChunkPacket(); unloadChunkPacket.chunkX = chunkPos[0]; unloadChunkPacket.chunkZ = chunkPos[1]; playerConnection.sendPacket(unloadChunkPacket); Chunk chunk = instance.getChunk(chunkPos[0], chunkPos[1]); if (chunk != null) chunk.removeViewer(this); } updateViewPosition(newChunk); // Load new chunks for (int i = 0; i < newChunks.length; i++) { boolean isLast = i == newChunks.length - 1; int index = newChunks[i]; int[] chunkPos = ChunkUtils.getChunkCoord(updatedVisibleChunks[index]); instance.loadOptionalChunk(chunkPos[0], chunkPos[1], chunk -> { if (chunk == null) { return; // Cannot load chunk (auto load is not enabled) } this.viewableChunks.add(chunk); chunk.addViewer(this); instance.sendChunk(this, chunk); if (isFar && isLast) { updatePlayerPosition(); } }); } } @Override public void teleport(Position position, Runnable callback) { super.teleport(position, () -> { updatePlayerPosition(); if (callback != null); }); } @Override public void teleport(Position position) { teleport(position, null); } public String getUsername() { return username; } public PlayerConnection getPlayerConnection() { return playerConnection; } public boolean isOnline() { return playerConnection.isOnline(); } public PlayerSettings getSettings() { return settings; } public PlayerInventory getInventory() { return inventory; } public int getLatency() { return latency; } public Dimension getDimension() { return dimension; } public GameMode getGameMode() { return gameMode; } /** * Returns true iff this player is in creative. Used for code readability * * @return */ public boolean isCreative() { return gameMode == GameMode.CREATIVE; } // Require sending chunk data after public void sendDimension(Dimension dimension) { if (dimension == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Dimension cannot be null!"); if (dimension.equals(getDimension())) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The dimension need to be different than the current one!"); RespawnPacket respawnPacket = new RespawnPacket(); respawnPacket.dimension = dimension; respawnPacket.gameMode = gameMode; respawnPacket.levelType = levelType; playerConnection.sendPacket(respawnPacket); } public void kick(String message) { DisconnectPacket disconnectPacket = new DisconnectPacket(); disconnectPacket.message = message; playerConnection.sendPacket(disconnectPacket); playerConnection.getChannel().close(); } public LevelType getLevelType() { return levelType; } public void setGameMode(GameMode gameMode) { ChangeGameStatePacket changeGameStatePacket = new ChangeGameStatePacket(); changeGameStatePacket.reason = ChangeGameStatePacket.Reason.CHANGE_GAMEMODE; changeGameStatePacket.value = gameMode.getId(); playerConnection.sendPacket(changeGameStatePacket); refreshGameMode(gameMode); } public void setHeldItemSlot(short slot) { if (slot < 0 || slot > 8) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Slot has to be between 0 and 8"); HeldItemChangePacket heldItemChangePacket = new HeldItemChangePacket(); heldItemChangePacket.slot = slot; playerConnection.sendPacket(heldItemChangePacket); refreshHeldSlot(slot); } public void setTeam(Team team) { if ( == team) return; if ( != null) {; } = team; if (team != null) { team.addPlayer(this); sendPacketToViewers(team.getTeamsCreationPacket()); // FIXME: only if viewer hasn't already register this team } } public void setBelowNameScoreboard(BelowNameScoreboard belowNameScoreboard) { if (this.belowNameScoreboard == belowNameScoreboard) return; if (this.belowNameScoreboard != null) { this.belowNameScoreboard.removeViewer(this); } this.belowNameScoreboard = belowNameScoreboard; if (belowNameScoreboard != null) { belowNameScoreboard.addViewer(this); belowNameScoreboard.displayScoreboard(this); getViewers().forEach(player -> belowNameScoreboard.addViewer(player)); } } public short getHeldSlot() { return heldSlot; } public Inventory getOpenInventory() { return openInventory; } public CustomBlock getCustomBlockTarget() { return targetCustomBlock; } public Set getBossBars() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(bossBars); } public void openInventory(Inventory inventory) { if (inventory == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Inventory cannot be null, use Player#closeInventory() to close current"); if (getOpenInventory() != null) { getOpenInventory().removeViewer(this); } OpenWindowPacket openWindowPacket = new OpenWindowPacket(); openWindowPacket.windowId = inventory.getWindowId(); openWindowPacket.windowType = inventory.getInventoryType().getWindowType(); openWindowPacket.title = inventory.getTitle(); playerConnection.sendPacket(openWindowPacket); inventory.addViewer(this); refreshOpenInventory(inventory); } public void closeInventory() { Inventory openInventory = getOpenInventory(); CloseWindowPacket closeWindowPacket = new CloseWindowPacket(); if (openInventory == null) { closeWindowPacket.windowId = 0; } else { closeWindowPacket.windowId = openInventory.getWindowId(); openInventory.removeViewer(this); refreshOpenInventory(null); } playerConnection.sendPacket(closeWindowPacket); inventory.update(); } public Set getViewableChunks() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(viewableChunks); } public void clearBossBars() { this.bossBars.forEach(bossBar -> bossBar.removeViewer(this)); } public void syncEquipment(EntityEquipmentPacket.Slot slot) { sendPacketToViewers(getEquipmentPacket(slot)); } public void syncEquipments() { for (EntityEquipmentPacket.Slot slot : EntityEquipmentPacket.Slot.values()) { syncEquipment(slot); } } protected EntityEquipmentPacket getEquipmentPacket(EntityEquipmentPacket.Slot slot) { EntityEquipmentPacket equipmentPacket = new EntityEquipmentPacket(); equipmentPacket.entityId = getEntityId(); equipmentPacket.slot = slot; equipmentPacket.itemStack = inventory.getEquipment(slot); return equipmentPacket; } public void updateViewPosition(Chunk chunk) { UpdateViewPositionPacket updateViewPositionPacket = new UpdateViewPositionPacket(chunk); playerConnection.sendPacket(updateViewPositionPacket); } protected void updatePlayerPosition() { PlayerPositionAndLookPacket positionAndLookPacket = new PlayerPositionAndLookPacket(); positionAndLookPacket.position = position; positionAndLookPacket.flags = 0x00; positionAndLookPacket.teleportId = 67; playerConnection.sendPacket(positionAndLookPacket); } public boolean isInvulnerable() { return invulnerable; } public void setInvulnerable(boolean invulnerable) { this.invulnerable = invulnerable; refreshAbilities(); } public boolean isFlying() { return flying; } public void setFlying(boolean flying) { this.flying = flying; refreshAbilities(); } public boolean isAllowFlying() { return allowFlying; } public void setAllowFlying(boolean allowFlying) { this.allowFlying = allowFlying; refreshAbilities(); } public boolean isInstantBreak() { return instantBreak; } public void setInstantBreak(boolean instantBreak) { this.instantBreak = instantBreak; refreshAbilities(); } public float getFlyingSpeed() { return flyingSpeed; } public void setFlyingSpeed(float flyingSpeed) { this.flyingSpeed = flyingSpeed; refreshAbilities(); } public float getFieldViewModifier() { return fieldViewModifier; } public void setFieldViewModifier(float fieldViewModifier) { this.fieldViewModifier = fieldViewModifier; refreshAbilities(); } public Map getStatisticValueMap() { return statisticValueMap; } public PlayerVehicleInformation getVehicleInformation() { return vehicleInformation; } protected void refreshAbilities() { PlayerAbilitiesPacket playerAbilitiesPacket = new PlayerAbilitiesPacket(); playerAbilitiesPacket.invulnerable = invulnerable; playerAbilitiesPacket.flying = flying; playerAbilitiesPacket.allowFlying = allowFlying; playerAbilitiesPacket.instantBreak = instantBreak; playerAbilitiesPacket.flyingSpeed = flyingSpeed; playerAbilitiesPacket.fieldViewModifier = fieldViewModifier; playerConnection.sendPacket(playerAbilitiesPacket); } public void addPacketToQueue(ClientPlayPacket packet) { this.packets.add(packet); } public void refreshLatency(int latency) { this.latency = latency; PlayerInfoPacket playerInfoPacket = new PlayerInfoPacket(PlayerInfoPacket.Action.UPDATE_LATENCY); playerInfoPacket.playerInfos.add(new PlayerInfoPacket.UpdateLatency(getUuid(), latency)); sendPacketToViewersAndSelf(playerInfoPacket); } public void refreshDimension(Dimension dimension) { this.dimension = dimension; } public void refreshGameMode(GameMode gameMode) { this.gameMode = gameMode; } public void refreshLevelType(LevelType levelType) { this.levelType = levelType; } public void refreshOnGround(boolean onGround) { this.onGround = onGround; } public void refreshKeepAlive(long lastKeepAlive) { this.lastKeepAlive = lastKeepAlive; } public void refreshHeldSlot(short slot) { this.heldSlot = slot; syncEquipment(EntityEquipmentPacket.Slot.MAIN_HAND); } public void refreshOpenInventory(Inventory openInventory) { this.openInventory = openInventory; } public void refreshTargetBlock(CustomBlock targetCustomBlock, BlockPosition targetBlockPosition) { this.targetCustomBlock = targetCustomBlock; this.targetBlockPosition = targetBlockPosition; this.targetBlockTime = targetBlockPosition == null ? 0 : System.currentTimeMillis(); } public void resetTargetBlock() { if (targetBlockPosition != null) sendBlockBreakAnimation(targetBlockPosition, (byte) -1); // Clear the break animation this.targetCustomBlock = null; this.targetBlockPosition = null; this.targetBlockTime = 0; } public void refreshAddBossbar(BossBar bossBar) { this.bossBars.add(bossBar); } public void refreshRemoveBossbar(BossBar bossBar) { this.bossBars.remove(bossBar); } public void refreshVehicleSteer(float sideways, float forward, boolean jump, boolean unmount) { this.vehicleInformation.refresh(sideways, forward, jump, unmount); } public int getChunkRange() { int serverRange = MinecraftServer.CHUNK_VIEW_DISTANCE; int playerRange = getSettings().viewDistance; if (playerRange == 0) { return serverRange; // Didn't receive settings packet yet (is the case on login) } else { return Math.min(playerRange, serverRange); } } public long getLastKeepAlive() { return lastKeepAlive; } public enum Hand { MAIN, OFF } // Settings enum public enum MainHand { LEFT, RIGHT } public enum ChatMode { ENABLED, COMMANDS_ONLY, HIDDEN } public class PlayerSettings { private String locale; private byte viewDistance; private ChatMode chatMode; private boolean chatColors; private byte displayedSkinParts; private MainHand mainHand; public String getLocale() { return locale; } public byte getViewDistance() { return viewDistance; } public ChatMode getChatMode() { return chatMode; } public boolean hasChatColors() { return chatColors; } public byte getDisplayedSkinParts() { return displayedSkinParts; } public MainHand getMainHand() { return mainHand; } public void refresh(String locale, byte viewDistance, ChatMode chatMode, boolean chatColors, byte displayedSkinParts, MainHand mainHand) { this.locale = locale; this.viewDistance = viewDistance; this.chatMode = chatMode; this.chatColors = chatColors; this.displayedSkinParts = displayedSkinParts; this.mainHand = mainHand; } } }