package net.minestom.server.command; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntArrayList; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntList; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2BooleanMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2BooleanOpenHashMap; import net.minestom.server.MinecraftServer; import net.minestom.server.command.builder.*; import net.minestom.server.command.builder.arguments.Argument; import net.minestom.server.command.builder.arguments.minecraft.SuggestionType; import net.minestom.server.command.builder.condition.CommandCondition; import net.minestom.server.entity.Player; import net.minestom.server.event.player.PlayerCommandEvent; import; import net.minestom.server.utils.ArrayUtils; import net.minestom.server.utils.callback.CommandCallback; import net.minestom.server.utils.validate.Check; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import; /** * Manager used to register {@link Command} and {@link CommandProcessor}. *

* It is also possible to simulate a command using {@link #execute(CommandSender, String)}. */ public final class CommandManager { public static final String COMMAND_PREFIX = "/"; private volatile boolean running = true; private final ServerSender serverSender = new ServerSender(); private final ConsoleSender consoleSender = new ConsoleSender(); private final CommandDispatcher dispatcher = new CommandDispatcher(); private final Map commandProcessorMap = new HashMap<>(); private CommandCallback unknownCommandCallback; public CommandManager() { } /** * Stops the console responsible for the console commands processing. *

* WARNING: it cannot be re-run later. */ public void stopConsoleThread() { running = false; } /** * Registers a {@link Command}. * * @param command the command to register * @throws IllegalStateException if a command with the same name already exists */ public synchronized void register(@NotNull Command command) { Check.stateCondition(commandExists(command.getName()), "A command with the name " + command.getName() + " is already registered!"); if (command.getAliases() != null) { for (String alias : command.getAliases()) { Check.stateCondition(commandExists(alias), "A command with the name " + alias + " is already registered!"); } } this.dispatcher.register(command); } /** * Removes a command from the currently registered commands. * Does nothing if the command was not registered before * * @param command the command to remove */ public void unregister(@NotNull Command command) { this.dispatcher.unregister(command); } /** * Gets the {@link Command} registered by {@link #register(Command)}. * * @param commandName the command name * @return the command associated with the name, null if not any */ @Nullable public Command getCommand(@NotNull String commandName) { return dispatcher.findCommand(commandName); } /** * Registers a {@link CommandProcessor}. * * @param commandProcessor the command to register * @throws IllegalStateException if a command with the same name already exists */ public synchronized void register(@NotNull CommandProcessor commandProcessor) { final String commandName = commandProcessor.getCommandName().toLowerCase(); Check.stateCondition(commandExists(commandName), "A command with the name " + commandName + " is already registered!"); this.commandProcessorMap.put(commandName, commandProcessor); // Register aliases final String[] aliases = commandProcessor.getAliases(); if (aliases != null && aliases.length > 0) { for (String alias : aliases) { Check.stateCondition(commandExists(alias), "A command with the name " + alias + " is already registered!"); this.commandProcessorMap.put(alias.toLowerCase(), commandProcessor); } } } /** * Gets the {@link CommandProcessor} registered by {@link #register(CommandProcessor)}. * * @param commandName the command name * @return the command associated with the name, null if not any */ @Nullable public CommandProcessor getCommandProcessor(@NotNull String commandName) { return commandProcessorMap.get(commandName.toLowerCase()); } /** * Gets if a command with the name {@code commandName} already exists or name. * * @param commandName the command name to check * @return true if the command does exist */ public boolean commandExists(@NotNull String commandName) { commandName = commandName.toLowerCase(); return dispatcher.findCommand(commandName) != null || commandProcessorMap.get(commandName) != null; } /** * Executes a command for a {@link ConsoleSender}. * * @param sender the sender of the command * @param command the raw command string (without the command prefix) * @return the execution result */ @NotNull public CommandResult execute(@NotNull CommandSender sender, @NotNull String command) { // Command event if (sender instanceof Player) { Player player = (Player) sender; PlayerCommandEvent playerCommandEvent = new PlayerCommandEvent(player, command); player.callEvent(PlayerCommandEvent.class, playerCommandEvent); if (playerCommandEvent.isCancelled()) return CommandResult.of(CommandResult.Type.CANCELLED, command); command = playerCommandEvent.getCommand(); } // Process the command { // Check for rich-command final CommandResult result = this.dispatcher.execute(sender, command); if (result.getType() != CommandResult.Type.UNKNOWN) { return result; } else { // Check for legacy-command final String[] splitCommand = command.split(StringUtils.SPACE); final String commandName = splitCommand[0]; final CommandProcessor commandProcessor = commandProcessorMap.get(commandName.toLowerCase()); if (commandProcessor == null) { if (unknownCommandCallback != null) { this.unknownCommandCallback.apply(sender, command); } return CommandResult.of(CommandResult.Type.UNKNOWN, command); } // Execute the legacy-command final String[] args = command.substring(command.indexOf(StringUtils.SPACE) + 1).split(StringUtils.SPACE); commandProcessor.process(sender, commandName, args); return CommandResult.of(CommandResult.Type.SUCCESS, command); } } } /** * Executes the command using a {@link ServerSender} to do not * print the command messages, and rely instead on the command return data. * * @see #execute(CommandSender, String) */ @NotNull public CommandResult executeServerCommand(@NotNull String command) { return execute(serverSender, command); } @NotNull public CommandDispatcher getDispatcher() { return dispatcher; } /** * Gets the callback executed once an unknown command is run. * * @return the unknown command callback, null if not any */ @Nullable public CommandCallback getUnknownCommandCallback() { return unknownCommandCallback; } /** * Sets the callback executed once an unknown command is run. * * @param unknownCommandCallback the new unknown command callback, * setting it to null mean that nothing will be executed */ public void setUnknownCommandCallback(@Nullable CommandCallback unknownCommandCallback) { this.unknownCommandCallback = unknownCommandCallback; } /** * Gets the {@link ConsoleSender} (which is used as a {@link CommandSender}). * * @return the {@link ConsoleSender} */ @NotNull public ConsoleSender getConsoleSender() { return consoleSender; } /** * Starts the thread responsible for executing commands from the console. */ public void startConsoleThread() { Thread consoleThread = new Thread(() -> { BufferedReader bi = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; while (running) { try { if (bi.ready()) { final String command = bi.readLine(); execute(consoleSender, command); } } catch (IOException e) { MinecraftServer.getExceptionManager().handleException(e); continue; } // Prevent permanent looping try { Thread.sleep(200); } catch (InterruptedException e) { MinecraftServer.getExceptionManager().handleException(e); } } try { bi.close(); } catch (IOException e) { MinecraftServer.getExceptionManager().handleException(e); } }, "ConsoleCommand-Thread"); consoleThread.setDaemon(true); consoleThread.start(); } /** * Gets the {@link DeclareCommandsPacket} for a specific player. *

* Can be used to update a player auto-completion list. * * @param player the player to get the commands packet * @return the {@link DeclareCommandsPacket} for {@code player} */ @NotNull public DeclareCommandsPacket createDeclareCommandsPacket(@NotNull Player player) { return buildPacket(player); } /** * Builds the {@link DeclareCommandsPacket} for a {@link Player}. * * @param player the player to build the packet for * @return the commands packet for the specific player */ @NotNull private DeclareCommandsPacket buildPacket(@NotNull Player player) { DeclareCommandsPacket declareCommandsPacket = new DeclareCommandsPacket(); List nodes = new ArrayList<>(); // Contains the children of the main node (all commands name) IntList rootChildren = new IntArrayList(); // Root node DeclareCommandsPacket.Node rootNode = new DeclareCommandsPacket.Node(); rootNode.flags = 0; nodes.add(rootNode); // Brigadier-like commands for (Command command : dispatcher.getCommands()) { serializeCommand(player, command, nodes, rootChildren); } // Pair final Object2BooleanMap commandsPair = new Object2BooleanOpenHashMap<>(); for (CommandProcessor commandProcessor : commandProcessorMap.values()) { final boolean enableTracking = commandProcessor.enableWritingTracking(); // Do not show command if return false if (!commandProcessor.hasAccess(player)) continue; commandsPair.put(commandProcessor.getCommandName(), enableTracking); final String[] aliases = commandProcessor.getAliases(); if (aliases == null || aliases.length == 0) continue; for (String alias : aliases) { commandsPair.put(alias, enableTracking); } } for (Object2BooleanMap.Entry entry : commandsPair.object2BooleanEntrySet()) { final String name = entry.getKey(); final boolean tracking = entry.getBooleanValue(); // Server suggestion (ask_server) { DeclareCommandsPacket.Node tabNode = new DeclareCommandsPacket.Node(); tabNode.flags = DeclareCommandsPacket.getFlag(DeclareCommandsPacket.NodeType.ARGUMENT, true, false, tracking); = tracking ? "tab_completion" : "args"; tabNode.parser = "brigadier:string"; = packetWriter -> packetWriter.writeVarInt(2); // Greedy phrase tabNode.children = new int[0]; if (tracking) { tabNode.suggestionsType = "minecraft:ask_server"; } nodes.add(tabNode); } DeclareCommandsPacket.Node literalNode = new DeclareCommandsPacket.Node(); literalNode.flags = DeclareCommandsPacket.getFlag(DeclareCommandsPacket.NodeType.LITERAL, true, false, false); = name; literalNode.children = new int[]{nodes.size() - 1}; addCommandNameNode(literalNode, rootChildren, nodes); } // Add root node children rootNode.children = ArrayUtils.toArray(rootChildren); declareCommandsPacket.nodes = nodes.toArray(new DeclareCommandsPacket.Node[0]); declareCommandsPacket.rootIndex = 0; return declareCommandsPacket; } private int serializeCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, List nodes, IntList rootChildren) { // Check if player should see this command final CommandCondition commandCondition = command.getCondition(); if (commandCondition != null) { // Do not show command if return false if (!commandCondition.canUse(sender, null)) { return -1; } } // The main root of this command IntList cmdChildren = new IntArrayList(); final Collection syntaxes = command.getSyntaxes(); // Create command for main name final DeclareCommandsPacket.Node mainNode = createCommand(sender, nodes, cmdChildren, command.getName(), syntaxes, rootChildren); final int mainNodeIndex = nodes.indexOf(mainNode); // Serialize all the subcommands for (Command subcommand : command.getSubcommands()) { final int subNodeIndex = serializeCommand(sender, subcommand, nodes, cmdChildren); if (subNodeIndex != -1) { mainNode.children = ArrayUtils.concatenateIntArrays(mainNode.children, new int[]{subNodeIndex}); } } // Use redirection to hook aliases with the command final String[] aliases = command.getAliases(); if (aliases != null) { for (String alias : aliases) { DeclareCommandsPacket.Node aliasNode = new DeclareCommandsPacket.Node(); aliasNode.flags = DeclareCommandsPacket.getFlag(DeclareCommandsPacket.NodeType.LITERAL, false, true, false); = alias; aliasNode.redirectedNode = mainNodeIndex; addCommandNameNode(aliasNode, rootChildren, nodes); } } return mainNodeIndex; } /** * Adds the command's syntaxes to the nodes list. * * @param sender the potential sender of the command * @param nodes the nodes of the packet * @param cmdChildren the main root of this command * @param name the name of the command (or the alias) * @param syntaxes the syntaxes of the command * @param rootChildren the children of the main node (all commands name) * @return The index of the main node for alias redirection */ private DeclareCommandsPacket.Node createCommand(@NotNull CommandSender sender, @NotNull List nodes, @NotNull IntList cmdChildren, @NotNull String name, @NotNull Collection syntaxes, @NotNull IntList rootChildren) { DeclareCommandsPacket.Node literalNode = createMainNode(name, syntaxes.isEmpty()); final int literalNodeId = addCommandNameNode(literalNode, rootChildren, nodes); // Contains the arguments of the already-parsed syntaxes List[]> syntaxesArguments = new ArrayList<>(); // Contains the nodes of an argument Map, List> storedArgumentsNodes = new HashMap<>(); // Sort syntaxes by argument count. Brigadier requires it. syntaxes = -> -o.getArguments().length)).collect(Collectors.toList()); for (CommandSyntax syntax : syntaxes) { final CommandCondition commandCondition = syntax.getCommandCondition(); if (commandCondition != null && !commandCondition.canUse(sender, null)) { // Sender does not have the right to use this syntax, ignore it continue; } // Represent the last nodes computed in the last iteration DeclareCommandsPacket.Node[] lastNodes = new DeclareCommandsPacket.Node[]{literalNode}; // Represent the children of the last node IntList argChildren = cmdChildren; NodeMaker nodeMaker = new NodeMaker(lastNodes, literalNodeId); int lastArgumentNodeIndex = nodeMaker.getNodesCount(); final Argument[] arguments = syntax.getArguments(); for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { final Argument argument = arguments[i]; final boolean isLast = i == arguments.length - 1; // Search previously parsed syntaxes to find identical part in order to create a node between those { // Find shared part boolean foundSharedPart = false; for (Argument[] parsedArguments : syntaxesArguments) { final int index = i + 1; if (ArrayUtils.sameStart(arguments, parsedArguments, index)) { final Argument sharedArgument = parsedArguments[i]; final List storedNodes = storedArgumentsNodes.get(sharedArgument); argChildren = new IntArrayList(); lastNodes = storedNodes.get(index); foundSharedPart = true; } } if (foundSharedPart) { continue; } } // Process the nodes for the argument { argument.processNodes(nodeMaker, isLast); // Each node array represent a layer final List nodesLayer = nodeMaker.getNodes(); storedArgumentsNodes.put(argument, nodesLayer); for (int nodeIndex = lastArgumentNodeIndex; nodeIndex < nodesLayer.size(); nodeIndex++) { final NodeMaker.ConfiguredNodes configuredNodes = nodeMaker.getConfiguredNodes().get(nodeIndex); final NodeMaker.Options options = configuredNodes.getOptions(); final DeclareCommandsPacket.Node[] argumentNodes = nodesLayer.get(nodeIndex); for (DeclareCommandsPacket.Node argumentNode : argumentNodes) { final int childId = nodes.size(); nodeMaker.getNodeIdsMap().put(argumentNode, childId); argChildren.add(childId); // Enable ASK_SERVER suggestion if required { if (argument.hasSuggestion()) { argumentNode.flags |= 0x10; // Suggestion flag argumentNode.suggestionsType = SuggestionType.ASK_SERVER.getIdentifier(); } } // Append to the last node { final int[] children = ArrayUtils.toArray(argChildren); for (DeclareCommandsPacket.Node lastNode : lastNodes) { lastNode.children = lastNode.children == null ? children : ArrayUtils.concatenateIntArrays(lastNode.children, children); } } nodes.add(argumentNode); } if (options.shouldUpdateLastNode()) { // 'previousNodes' used if the nodes options require to overwrite the parent final DeclareCommandsPacket.Node[] previousNodes = options.getPreviousNodes(); lastNodes = previousNodes != null ? previousNodes : argumentNodes; argChildren = new IntArrayList(); } } // Used to do not re-compute the previous arguments lastArgumentNodeIndex = nodesLayer.size(); } } syntaxesArguments.add(arguments); } literalNode.children = ArrayUtils.toArray(cmdChildren); return literalNode; } @NotNull private DeclareCommandsPacket.Node createMainNode(@NotNull String name, boolean executable) { DeclareCommandsPacket.Node literalNode = new DeclareCommandsPacket.Node(); literalNode.flags = DeclareCommandsPacket.getFlag(DeclareCommandsPacket.NodeType.LITERAL, executable, false, false); = name; return literalNode; } private int addCommandNameNode(@NotNull DeclareCommandsPacket.Node commandNode, @NotNull IntList rootChildren, @NotNull List nodes) { final int node = nodes.size(); rootChildren.add(node); nodes.add(commandNode); return node; } }