package net.minestom.server.command; import net.minestom.server.command.builder.Command; import net.minestom.server.command.builder.CommandDispatcher; import net.minestom.server.command.builder.CommandResult; import net.minestom.server.command.builder.ParsedCommand; import net.minestom.server.entity.Player; import net.minestom.server.event.EventDispatcher; import net.minestom.server.event.player.PlayerCommandEvent; import; import net.minestom.server.utils.callback.CommandCallback; import net.minestom.server.utils.validate.Check; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.util.*; /** * Manager used to register {@link Command commands}. *

* It is also possible to simulate a command using {@link #execute(CommandSender, String)}. */ public final class CommandManager { public static final String COMMAND_PREFIX = "/"; private final ServerSender serverSender = new ServerSender(); private final ConsoleSender consoleSender = new ConsoleSender(); private final CommandParser parser = CommandParser.parser(); private final CommandDispatcher dispatcher = new CommandDispatcher(this); private final Map commandMap = new HashMap<>(); private final Set commands = new HashSet<>(); private CommandCallback unknownCommandCallback; public CommandManager() { } /** * Registers a {@link Command}. * * @param command the command to register * @throws IllegalStateException if a command with the same name already exists */ public synchronized void register(@NotNull Command command) { Check.stateCondition(commandExists(command.getName()), "A command with the name " + command.getName() + " is already registered!"); if (command.getAliases() != null) { for (String alias : command.getAliases()) { Check.stateCondition(commandExists(alias), "A command with the name " + alias + " is already registered!"); } } commands.add(command); for (String name : command.getNames()) { commandMap.put(name, command); } } /** * Removes a command from the currently registered commands. * Does nothing if the command was not registered before * * @param command the command to remove */ public void unregister(@NotNull Command command) { commands.remove(command); for (String name : command.getNames()) { commandMap.remove(name); } } /** * Gets the {@link Command} registered by {@link #register(Command)}. * * @param commandName the command name * @return the command associated with the name, null if not any */ public @Nullable Command getCommand(@NotNull String commandName) { return commandMap.get(commandName.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)); } /** * Gets if a command with the name {@code commandName} already exists or not. * * @param commandName the command name to check * @return true if the command does exist */ public boolean commandExists(@NotNull String commandName) { return getCommand(commandName) != null; } /** * Executes a command for a {@link CommandSender}. * * @param sender the sender of the command * @param command the raw command string (without the command prefix) * @return the execution result */ public @NotNull CommandResult execute(@NotNull CommandSender sender, @NotNull String command) { command = command.trim(); // Command event if (sender instanceof Player player) { PlayerCommandEvent playerCommandEvent = new PlayerCommandEvent(player, command);; if (playerCommandEvent.isCancelled()) return CommandResult.of(CommandResult.Type.CANCELLED, command); command = playerCommandEvent.getCommand(); } // Process the command final CommandParser.Result parsedCommand = parseCommand(command); final ExecutableCommand executable = parsedCommand.executable(); final ExecutableCommand.Result executeResult = executable.execute(sender); final CommandResult result = resultConverter(executable, executeResult, command); if (result.getType() == CommandResult.Type.UNKNOWN) { if (unknownCommandCallback != null) { this.unknownCommandCallback.apply(sender, command); } } return result; } /** * Executes the command using a {@link ServerSender}. This can be used * to run a silent command (nothing is printed to console). * * @see #execute(CommandSender, String) */ public @NotNull CommandResult executeServerCommand(@NotNull String command) { return execute(serverSender, command); } public @NotNull CommandDispatcher getDispatcher() { return dispatcher; } /** * Gets the callback executed once an unknown command is run. * * @return the unknown command callback, null if not any */ public @Nullable CommandCallback getUnknownCommandCallback() { return unknownCommandCallback; } /** * Sets the callback executed once an unknown command is run. * * @param unknownCommandCallback the new unknown command callback, * setting it to null mean that nothing will be executed */ public void setUnknownCommandCallback(@Nullable CommandCallback unknownCommandCallback) { this.unknownCommandCallback = unknownCommandCallback; } /** * Gets the {@link ConsoleSender} (which is used as a {@link CommandSender}). * * @return the {@link ConsoleSender} */ public @NotNull ConsoleSender getConsoleSender() { return consoleSender; } /** * Gets the {@link DeclareCommandsPacket} for a specific player. *

* Can be used to update a player auto-completion list. * * @param player the player to get the commands packet * @return the {@link DeclareCommandsPacket} for {@code player} */ public @NotNull DeclareCommandsPacket createDeclareCommandsPacket(@NotNull Player player) { return GraphConverter.createPacket(getGraph(), player); } public @NotNull Set<@NotNull Command> getCommands() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(commands); } /** * Parses the command based on the registered commands * * @param input commands string without prefix * @return the parsing result */ public CommandParser.Result parseCommand(String input) { return parser.parse(getGraph(), input); } private Graph getGraph() { //todo cache return Graph.merge(commands); } private static CommandResult resultConverter(ExecutableCommand executable, ExecutableCommand.Result newResult, String input) { return CommandResult.of(switch (newResult.type()) { case SUCCESS -> CommandResult.Type.SUCCESS; case CANCELLED, PRECONDITION_FAILED, EXECUTOR_EXCEPTION -> CommandResult.Type.CANCELLED; case INVALID_SYNTAX -> CommandResult.Type.INVALID_SYNTAX; case UNKNOWN -> CommandResult.Type.UNKNOWN; }, input, ParsedCommand.fromExecutable(executable), newResult.commandData()); } }