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package net.minestom.server.collision;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2DoubleFunction;
import net.minestom.server.coordinate.Pos;
import net.minestom.server.coordinate.Vec;
import net.minestom.server.entity.Entity;
import net.minestom.server.instance.Chunk;
import net.minestom.server.instance.Instance;
import net.minestom.server.instance.WorldBorder;
import net.minestom.server.instance.block.Block;
import net.minestom.server.instance.block.BlockGetter;
import net.minestom.server.utils.MathUtils;
import net.minestom.server.utils.chunk.ChunkUtils;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.ApiStatus;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import java.util.List;
public final class CollisionUtils {
private final static double EPSILON = 0.001;
private static final CoordinateUpdater X_UPDATER = new CoordinateUpdater(key -> ((Vec) key).x(), key -> ((Vec) key).blockX(), (vec, value) -> vec.add(value, 0, 0));
private static final CoordinateUpdater Y_UPDATER = new CoordinateUpdater(key -> ((Vec) key).y(), key -> ((Vec) key).blockY(), (vec, value) -> vec.add(0, value, 0));
private static final CoordinateUpdater Z_UPDATER = new CoordinateUpdater(key -> ((Vec) key).z(), key -> ((Vec) key).blockZ(), (vec, value) -> vec.add(0, 0, value));
* Moves an entity with physics applied (ie checking against blocks)
* @param entity the entity to move
* @return the result of physics simulation
public static PhysicsResult handlePhysics(@NotNull Entity entity, @NotNull Vec deltaPosition) {
final Instance instance = entity.getInstance();
final Chunk originChunk = entity.getChunk();
final Pos currentPosition = entity.getPosition();
final BoundingBox boundingBox = entity.getBoundingBox();
double xDelta = deltaPosition.x(), yDelta = deltaPosition.y(), zDelta = deltaPosition.z();
if (xDelta != 0) {
xDelta = stepAxis(instance, originChunk, X_UPDATER, xDelta,
xDelta > 0 ? boundingBox.getRightFace() : boundingBox.getLeftFace());
if (yDelta != 0) {
yDelta = stepAxis(instance, originChunk, Y_UPDATER, yDelta,
yDelta > 0 ? boundingBox.getTopFace() : boundingBox.getBottomFace());
if (zDelta != 0) {
zDelta = stepAxis(instance, originChunk, Z_UPDATER, zDelta,
zDelta > 0 ? boundingBox.getBackFace() : boundingBox.getFrontFace());
final Pos newPosition;
final Vec newVelocity;
if (xDelta == 0 && yDelta == 0 && zDelta == 0) {
newPosition = currentPosition;
newVelocity = Vec.ZERO;
} else {
newVelocity = new Vec(xDelta, yDelta, zDelta);
newPosition = currentPosition.add(newVelocity);
return new PhysicsResult(newPosition, newVelocity, yDelta == 0);
private static double stepAxis(Instance instance, Chunk originChunk,
CoordinateUpdater updater, double step,
List<Vec> faces) {
final double sign = Math.signum(step);
double delta = 0;
// Handle step being higher than 1
final double reducer = 1 * sign;
while (Math.abs(step) > 1) {
final double stepResult = stepAxis(instance, originChunk, updater, reducer, faces);
delta += stepResult;
if (stepResult == 0) return delta;
step -= reducer;
double displacement = 1;
for (Vec face : faces) {
final Vec newCorner = updater.adder().update(face, step);
final Chunk chunk = ChunkUtils.retrieve(instance, originChunk, newCorner);
if (chunk == null) continue;
final Block block = chunk.getBlock(newCorner, BlockGetter.Condition.TYPE);
// TODO support custom collision
if (block == null || !block.isSolid()) continue;
final double newCoordinate = updater.blockFunction().getDouble(newCorner) + (sign > 0 ? 0 : 1);
displacement = MathUtils.square(updater.fieldFunction().getDouble(face) - newCoordinate);
delta += step * displacement;
if (Math.abs(delta) < EPSILON) return 0;
return delta;
* Applies world border collision.
* @param instance the instance where the world border is
* @param currentPosition the current position
* @param newPosition the future target position
* @return the position with the world border collision applied (can be {@code newPosition} if not changed)
public static @NotNull Pos applyWorldBorder(@NotNull Instance instance,
@NotNull Pos currentPosition, @NotNull Pos newPosition) {
final WorldBorder worldBorder = instance.getWorldBorder();
final WorldBorder.CollisionAxis collisionAxis = worldBorder.getCollisionAxis(newPosition);
return switch (collisionAxis) {
case NONE ->
// Apply velocity + gravity
case BOTH ->
// Apply Y velocity/gravity
new Pos(currentPosition.x(), newPosition.y(), currentPosition.z());
case X ->
// Apply Y/Z velocity/gravity
new Pos(currentPosition.x(), newPosition.y(), newPosition.z());
case Z ->
// Apply X/Y velocity/gravity
new Pos(newPosition.x(), newPosition.y(), currentPosition.z());
public record PhysicsResult(Pos newPosition, Vec newVelocity, boolean isOnGround) {
record CoordinateUpdater(Object2DoubleFunction<Vec> fieldFunction,
Object2DoubleFunction<Vec> blockFunction,
Adder adder) {
private interface Adder {
Vec update(Vec vec, double value);