
113 lines
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package net.minestom.server.instance.light;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.shorts.ShortArrayFIFOQueue;
import net.minestom.server.instance.block.Block;
import net.minestom.server.instance.block.BlockFace;
import net.minestom.server.instance.palette.Palette;
import net.minestom.server.utils.Direction;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import java.util.Objects;
import static net.minestom.server.instance.light.BlockLight.buildInternalQueue;
public final class LightCompute {
static final Direction[] DIRECTIONS = Direction.values();
static final int LIGHT_LENGTH = 16 * 16 * 16 / 2;
static final int SECTION_SIZE = 16;
public static final byte[] emptyContent = new byte[LIGHT_LENGTH];
static @NotNull Result compute(Palette blockPalette) {
return LightCompute.compute(blockPalette, buildInternalQueue(blockPalette));
* Computes light in one section
* <p>
* Takes queue of lights positions and spreads light from this positions in 3d using Breadth-first search
* @param blockPalette blocks placed in section
* @param lightPre shorts queue in format: [4bit light level][4bit y][4bit z][4bit x]
* @return lighting wrapped in Result
static @NotNull Result compute(Palette blockPalette, ShortArrayFIFOQueue lightPre) {
if (lightPre.isEmpty()) {
return new Result(emptyContent);
final byte[] lightArray = new byte[LIGHT_LENGTH];
final ShortArrayFIFOQueue lightSources = new ShortArrayFIFOQueue();
while (!lightPre.isEmpty()) {
final int index = lightPre.dequeueShort();
final int newLightLevel = (index >> 12) & 15;
final int newIndex = index & 0xFFF;
final int oldLightLevel = getLight(lightArray, newIndex);
if (oldLightLevel < newLightLevel) {
placeLight(lightArray, newIndex, newLightLevel);
lightSources.enqueue((short) index);
while (!lightSources.isEmpty()) {
final int index = lightSources.dequeueShort();
final int x = index & 15;
final int z = (index >> 4) & 15;
final int y = (index >> 8) & 15;
final int lightLevel = (index >> 12) & 15;
final byte newLightLevel = (byte) (lightLevel - 1);
for (Direction direction : DIRECTIONS) {
final int xO = x + direction.normalX();
final int yO = y + direction.normalY();
final int zO = z + direction.normalZ();
// Handler border
if (xO < 0 || xO >= SECTION_SIZE || yO < 0 || yO >= SECTION_SIZE || zO < 0 || zO >= SECTION_SIZE) {
// Section
final int newIndex = xO | (zO << 4) | (yO << 8);
if (getLight(lightArray, newIndex) < newLightLevel) {
final Block currentBlock = Objects.requireNonNullElse(Block.fromStateId((short)blockPalette.get(x, y, z)), Block.AIR);
final Block propagatedBlock = Objects.requireNonNullElse(Block.fromStateId((short)blockPalette.get(xO, yO, zO)), Block.AIR);
final boolean airAir = currentBlock.isAir() && propagatedBlock.isAir();
if (!airAir && currentBlock.registry().collisionShape().isOccluded(propagatedBlock.registry().collisionShape(), BlockFace.fromDirection(direction))) continue;
placeLight(lightArray, newIndex, newLightLevel);
lightSources.enqueue((short) (newIndex | (newLightLevel << 12)));
return new Result(lightArray);
record Result(byte[] light) {
Result {
assert light.length == LIGHT_LENGTH : "Only 16x16x16 sections are supported: " + light.length;
public byte getLight(int x, int y, int z) {
return (byte) LightCompute.getLight(light, x | (z << 4) | (y << 8));
private static void placeLight(byte[] light, int index, int value) {
final int shift = (index & 1) << 2;
final int i = index >>> 1;
light[i] = (byte) ((light[i] & (0xF0 >>> shift)) | (value << shift));
static int getLight(byte[] light, int index) {
if (index >>> 1 >= light.length) return 0;
final int value = light[index >>> 1];
return ((value >>> ((index & 1) << 2)) & 0xF);