
352 lines
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package net.minestom.server.map;
import net.minestom.server.utils.thread.MinestomThread;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.Function;
public enum MapColors {
NONE(0, 0, 0),
GRASS(127, 178, 56),
SAND(247, 233, 163),
WOOL(199, 199, 199),
FIRE(255, 0, 0),
ICE(160, 160, 255),
METAL(167, 167, 167),
PLANT(0, 124, 0),
SNOW(255, 255, 255),
CLAY(164, 168, 184),
DIRT(151, 109, 77),
STONE(112, 112, 112),
WATER(64, 64, 255),
WOOD(143, 119, 72),
QUARTZ(255, 252, 245),
COLOR_ORANGE(216, 127, 51),
COLOR_MAGENTA(178, 76, 216),
COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE(102, 153, 216),
COLOR_YELLOW(229, 229, 51),
COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN(127, 204, 25),
COLOR_PINK(242, 127, 165),
COLOR_GRAY(76, 76, 76),
COLOR_LIGHT_GRAY(153, 153, 153),
COLOR_CYAN(76, 127, 153),
COLOR_PURPLE(127, 63, 178),
COLOR_BLUE(51, 76, 178),
COLOR_BROWN(102, 76, 51),
COLOR_GREEN(102, 127, 51),
COLOR_RED(153, 51, 51),
COLOR_BLACK(25, 25, 25),
GOLD(250, 238, 77),
DIAMOND(92, 219, 213),
LAPIS(74, 128, 255),
EMERALD(0, 217, 58),
PODZOL(129, 86, 49),
NETHER(112, 2, 0),
TERRACOTTA_WHITE(209, 177, 161),
TERRACOTTA_YELLOW(186, 133, 36),
TERRACOTTA_PINK(160, 77, 78),
TERRACOTTA_GRAY(57, 41, 35),
TERRACOTTA_CYAN(87, 92, 92),
TERRACOTTA_BLUE(76, 62, 92),
TERRACOTTA_RED(142, 60, 46),
CRIMSON_NYLIUM(189, 48, 49),
CRIMSON_STEM(148, 63, 97),
CRIMSON_HYPHAE(92, 25, 29),
WARPED_NYLIUM(22, 126, 134),
WARPED_STEM(58, 142, 140),
WARPED_HYPHAE(86, 44, 62),
WARPED_WART_BLOCK(20, 180, 133);
private final int red;
private final int green;
private final int blue;
private static final ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, PreciseMapColor> rgbMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
// only used if mappingStrategy == ColorMappingStrategy.PRECISE
private static PreciseMapColor[] rgbArray = null;
private static final ColorMappingStrategy mappingStrategy;
private static final String MAPPING_ARGUMENT = "minestom.map.rgbmapping";
// only used if MAPPING_ARGUMENT is "approximate"
private static final String REDUCTION_ARGUMENT = "minestom.map.rgbreduction";
private static final int colorReduction;
static {
ColorMappingStrategy strategy;
String strategyStr = System.getProperty(MAPPING_ARGUMENT);
if (strategyStr == null) {
strategy = ColorMappingStrategy.LAZY;
} else {
try {
strategy = ColorMappingStrategy.valueOf(strategyStr.toUpperCase());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
System.err.println("Unknown color mapping strategy: " + strategyStr);
System.err.println("Defaulting to LAZY.");
strategy = ColorMappingStrategy.LAZY;
mappingStrategy = strategy;
int reduction = 10;
String reductionStr = System.getProperty(REDUCTION_ARGUMENT);
if (reductionStr != null) {
try {
reduction = Integer.parseInt(reductionStr);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
System.err.println("Invalid integer in reduction argument: " + reductionStr);
if (reduction < 0 || reduction >= 255) {
System.err.println("Reduction was found to be invalid: " + reduction + ". Must in 0-255, defaulting to 10.");
reduction = 10;
colorReduction = reduction;
MapColors(int red, int green, int blue) {
this.red = red;
this.green = green;
this.blue = blue;
// From the wiki: https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Map_item_format
// Map Color ID Multiply R,G,B By = Multiplier
//Base Color ID*4 + 0 180 0.71
//Base Color ID*4 + 1 220 0.86
//Base Color ID*4 + 2 255 (same color) 1
//Base Color ID*4 + 3 135 0.53
* Returns the color index with RGB multiplied by 0.53, to use on a map
public byte multiply53() {
return (byte) ((ordinal() << 2) + 3);
* Returns the color index with RGB multiplied by 0.86, to use on a map
public byte multiply86() {
return (byte) ((ordinal() << 2) + 1);
* Returns the color index with RGB multiplied by 0.71, to use on a map
public byte multiply71() {
return (byte) (ordinal() << 2);
* Returns the color index to use on a map
public byte baseColor() {
return (byte) ((ordinal() << 2) + 2);
public int red() {
return red;
public int green() {
return green;
public int blue() {
return blue;
private static void fillRGBMap() {
for (MapColors base : values()) {
if (base == NONE)
for (Multiplier m : Multiplier.values()) {
PreciseMapColor preciseMapColor = new PreciseMapColor(base, m);
int rgb = preciseMapColor.toRGB();
if (mappingStrategy == ColorMappingStrategy.APPROXIMATE) {
rgb = reduceColor(rgb);
rgbMap.put(rgb, preciseMapColor);
private static void fillRGBArray() {
rgbArray = new PreciseMapColor[0xFFFFFF + 1];
MinestomThread threads = new MinestomThread(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(), "RGBMapping", true);
for (int rgb = 0; rgb <= 0xFFFFFF; rgb++) {
int finalRgb = rgb;
threads.execute(() -> rgbArray[finalRgb] = mapColor(finalRgb));
try {
threads.awaitTermination(100, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
} catch (Throwable t) {
public static PreciseMapColor closestColor(int argb) {
int noAlpha = argb & 0xFFFFFF;
if (mappingStrategy == ColorMappingStrategy.PRECISE) {
if (rgbArray == null) {
synchronized (MapColors.class) {
if (rgbArray == null) {
return rgbArray[noAlpha];
if (rgbMap.isEmpty()) {
synchronized (rgbMap) {
if (rgbMap.isEmpty()) {
if (mappingStrategy == ColorMappingStrategy.APPROXIMATE) {
noAlpha = reduceColor(noAlpha);
return rgbMap.computeIfAbsent(noAlpha, MapColors::mapColor);
private static int reduceColor(int rgb) {
int red = (rgb >> 16) & 0xFF;
int green = (rgb >> 8) & 0xFF;
int blue = rgb & 0xFF;
red = red / colorReduction;
green = green / colorReduction;
blue = blue / colorReduction;
return (red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue;
private static PreciseMapColor mapColor(int rgb) {
PreciseMapColor closest = null;
int closestDistance = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (MapColors base : values()) {
if (base == NONE)
for (Multiplier m : Multiplier.values()) {
final int rgbKey = PreciseMapColor.toRGB(base, m);
final int redKey = (rgbKey >> 16) & 0xFF;
final int greenKey = (rgbKey >> 8) & 0xFF;
final int blueKey = rgbKey & 0xFF;
final int red = (rgb >> 16) & 0xFF;
final int green = (rgb >> 8) & 0xFF;
final int blue = rgb & 0xFF;
final int dr = redKey - red;
final int dg = greenKey - green;
final int db = blueKey - blue;
final int dist = (dr * dr + dg * dg + db * db);
if (dist < closestDistance) {
closest = new PreciseMapColor(base, m);
closestDistance = dist;
return closest;
public static class PreciseMapColor {
private final MapColors baseColor;
private final Multiplier multiplier;
PreciseMapColor(MapColors base, Multiplier multiplier) {
this.baseColor = base;
this.multiplier = multiplier;
public MapColors getBaseColor() {
return baseColor;
public Multiplier getMultiplier() {
return multiplier;
public byte getIndex() {
return multiplier.apply(baseColor);
public int toRGB() {
return toRGB(baseColor, multiplier);
public static int toRGB(MapColors baseColor, Multiplier multiplier) {
double r = baseColor.red();
double g = baseColor.green();
double b = baseColor.blue();
r *= multiplier.multiplier();
g *= multiplier.multiplier();
b *= multiplier.multiplier();
final int red = (int) r;
final int green = (int) g;
final int blue = (int) b;
return (red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue;
public enum Multiplier {
x1_00(MapColors::baseColor, 1.00),
x0_53(MapColors::multiply53, 0.53),
x0_71(MapColors::multiply71, 0.71),
x0_86(MapColors::multiply86, 0.86);
private final Function<MapColors, Byte> indexGetter;
private final double multiplier;
Multiplier(Function<MapColors, Byte> indexGetter, double multiplier) {
this.indexGetter = indexGetter;
this.multiplier = multiplier;
public double multiplier() {
return multiplier;
public byte apply(MapColors baseColor) {
return indexGetter.apply(baseColor);
* How does Minestom compute RGB to MapColor transitions?
public enum ColorMappingStrategy {
* If already computed, send the result. Otherwise, compute the closest color in a RGB Map, and add it to the map
* All colors are already in the map after the first call. Heavy hit on the memory:
* (2^24) * 4 bytes at the min (~64MB)
* RGB components are divided by 10 before issuing a lookup (as with the PRECISE strategy), but saves on memory usage