2021-09-19 08:36:27 -04:00

141 lines
4.9 KiB

package net.minestom.server.utils.location;
import net.minestom.server.command.CommandSender;
import net.minestom.server.coordinate.Pos;
import net.minestom.server.coordinate.Vec;
import net.minestom.server.entity.Entity;
import net.minestom.server.entity.Player;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.ApiStatus;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.Objects;
* Represents a location which can have fields relative to an {@link Entity} position.
public final class RelativeVec {
private final Vec vec;
private final CoordinateType coordinateType;
private final boolean relativeX, relativeY, relativeZ;
public RelativeVec(@NotNull Vec vec, @NotNull CoordinateType coordinateType, boolean relativeX, boolean relativeY, boolean relativeZ) {
this.vec = vec;
this.coordinateType = coordinateType;
this.relativeX = relativeX;
this.relativeY = relativeY;
this.relativeZ = relativeZ;
public @NotNull CoordinateType coordinateType() {
return this.coordinateType;
* Gets the location based on the relative fields and {@code position}.
* @param origin the origin position, null if none
* @return the location
public @NotNull Vec from(@Nullable Pos origin) {
origin = Objects.requireNonNullElse(origin, Pos.ZERO);
return coordinateType.convert(vec, origin, relativeX, relativeY, relativeZ);
public Vec fromView(@Nullable Pos point) {
if (!relativeX && !relativeY && !relativeZ) {
return vec;
final var absolute = Objects.requireNonNullElse(point, Pos.ZERO);
final double x = vec.x() + (relativeX ? absolute.yaw() : 0);
final double z = vec.z() + (relativeZ ? absolute.pitch() : 0);
return new Vec(x, 0, z);
* Gets the location based on the relative fields and {@code entity}.
* @param entity the entity to get the relative position from
* @return the location
public @NotNull Vec from(@Nullable Entity entity) {
if (entity != null) {
return from(entity.getPosition());
} else {
return from(Pos.ZERO);
public @NotNull Vec fromSender(@Nullable CommandSender sender) {
final var entityPosition = sender instanceof Player ? ((Player) sender).getPosition() : Pos.ZERO;
return from(entityPosition);
public @NotNull Vec fromView(@Nullable Entity entity) {
final var entityPosition = entity != null ? entity.getPosition() : Pos.ZERO;
return fromView(entityPosition);
* Gets if the 'x' field is relative.
* @return true if the 'x' field is relative
public boolean isRelativeX() {
return relativeX;
* Gets if the 'y' field is relative.
* @return true if the 'y' field is relative
public boolean isRelativeY() {
return relativeY;
* Gets if the 'z' field is relative.
* @return true if the 'z' field is relative
public boolean isRelativeZ() {
return relativeZ;
public enum CoordinateType {
RELATIVE((relative, origin, relativeX, relativeY, relativeZ) -> {
final var absolute = Objects.requireNonNullElse(origin, Vec.ZERO);
final double x = relative.x() + (relativeX ? absolute.x() : 0);
final double y = relative.y() + (relativeY ? absolute.y() : 0);
final double z = relative.z() + (relativeZ ? absolute.z() : 0);
return new Vec(x, y, z);
LOCAL((local, origin, relativeX, relativeY, relativeZ) -> {
final Vec vec1 = new Vec(Math.cos(Math.toRadians(origin.yaw() + 90.0f)), 0, Math.sin(Math.toRadians(origin.yaw() + 90.0f)));
final Vec a = vec1.mul(Math.cos(Math.toRadians(-origin.pitch()))).withY(Math.sin(Math.toRadians(-origin.pitch())));
final Vec b = vec1.mul(Math.cos(Math.toRadians(-origin.pitch() + 90.0f))).withY(Math.sin(Math.toRadians(-origin.pitch() + 90.0f)));
final Vec c = a.cross(b).neg();
final Vec relativePos = a.mul(local.z()).add(b.mul(local.y())).add(c.mul(local.x()));
return origin.add(relativePos).asVec();
ABSOLUTE(((vec, origin, relativeX1, relativeY1, relativeZ1) -> vec));
private final CoordinateConverter converter;
CoordinateType(CoordinateConverter converter) {
this.converter = converter;
private @NotNull Vec convert(Vec vec, Pos origin, boolean relativeX, boolean relativeY, boolean relativeZ) {
return converter.convert(vec, origin, relativeX, relativeY, relativeZ);
private interface CoordinateConverter {
@NotNull Vec convert(Vec vec, Pos origin, boolean relativeX, boolean relativeY, boolean relativeZ);